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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11979755 No.11979755 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Sci, I am trying to learn programming so I can program this physics thing. I remember a while back people were posting links to sites with java code that runs in browser and you can change the code and see how it effects the simple simulations... Things like that... Basically, I'm lost and any direction would help. Thanks!

>> No.11979768

>java code that runs in browser
It's called jsp or Java servlet pages.

>> No.11979808

If it needs to be in-browser, just learn javascript. Python is also easy for beginners.

Also just look up tutorials on youtube. Have fun listening to Indians!

>> No.11979839

what am I looking at

>> No.11979882


u = e / s

>> No.11979907

is that you gary? finally trying to move away from excel spreadsheets?

>> No.11979950
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>> No.11981216


Sci, please help. I didn't get my question answered. Back when Optimum Theory was on sci people were posting links to websites with all different browser based experiments / simulations. There was like a whole website full of fluid dynamic browser experiments, all sorts of stuff like that... and you could change the code and mess with the browser experiment. Anyone have a list of websites like that? I cannot remember the name. But I think that would be the best way to learn programming... I want to learn programming, sci. Please help.

>> No.11981243

part of programming is learning how to download and install all the runtimes and shit. It's not hard, just go to the website and follow the install instructions for whatever language you want.

>> No.11981906

Dude cmon
Write an academic paper on it, get it peer reviewed and fuck right off

>> No.11981922

Yes I provided that to you why should I now huh?

While you were claiming to invent a smart speaker, I studied the math.
When you were making youtube videos about philosophy as if it were your own orginal perspective, I mastered the code.
When you tried to scam people into buying your fake online university, I cultivated control over dynamic systems.

And now that the world is on fire and nobody is interested in your excel spreadsheets, you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.11982253
File: 927 KB, 1856x1752, FoggyReminiscence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does seem to ring a bell. I do seem to have vague memory of Jerry linking a site running some sort of blur kernel. Some hazy recollections of you tweeting that it was made by a "student". Some faint cognizance of you deleting that tweet and minutes later tweeting the same thing altered to link your own copy paste of it.
Unfortunately the name of the site escapes me.

>> No.11983377

I fucking love you

Fuck gary

>> No.11983405
