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11976537 No.11976537 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically, is there another way?

>> No.11976553

creative activity, like drawing or composing

>> No.11976560

Live a fulfilling routine that doesn't rely on whims or chemicals. If you are really in the gutter mentally then start with doing your laundry or something.

>> No.11976565

smoke weed jerk off and play vidya

Trust me, I am an expert.

>> No.11976578

Going for a jog every now and them might help. Physical activity is vital to sustained happiness. Sitting in your room all day like a lazy slob is going to make you depressed.

>> No.11976581

this is true, plus sports can be fun.

if you want the weed/jerkoff/vidya combo to hit extra hard working out does help.

>> No.11977715

>make your bed
>get your house in order
>dare to stand against the chaos inherent in Being
>become a successful lobster

>> No.11977729

Water fasting

>> No.11978196

Just cuddle with a girl or have sex bro

>> No.11978204

Buy your collegue a baklava

>> No.11978210

Complete one (0.999...) household task

>> No.11978213

What if you cuddled the girl, got the girl, and married the girl, but are now tired of having sex with her.

>> No.11978223

Household is always a 0.999 task, because it is never completed

>> No.11978224

Variety is the spice of life

>> No.11978258

Daily posting of your support for mass immigration and anti racism on social media seems to be the most popular method nowadays

>> No.11978268

i knew by line 2 i was reading Jordan

>> No.11978838

It's unironically good advice for people that haven't manage to internalize it while growing up.

>> No.11978851

DMT is microdoses is a terrific mood enhancer, and the substance happens to be one of very, very few drugs which do not build tolerance up.

>> No.11978865

Annoying the fuck out of others for all eternety, just like they've done it to you in the past.

>> No.11978903
File: 706 KB, 1424x949, USSAmericaCVN100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that why I feel high or a rush sometimes when creating?

how crazy is it that thinking up some new ideas or creating something with some medium can cause such feelings, like we're wired to create, how cool is that

>> No.11978927
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Actually the high isn't when creating but when I first get the idea, sometimes its better to even just constantly keep generating ideas because when I settle on one and have to work it out, etc, the motivation to keep going isn't there compared to the initial high of having the idea

also sometimes I get something I can only describe as a braingasm when I think about creativity in the abstract, like how much possible works of art of a specific genre/medium there are left yet to be created, or when I find some inspiration somewhere that instantly generates tons of ideas and is just filled to the brim with potential that I can't even generate any specific ideas but just feel the "potential" of it and it causes that braingasm feeling

pic related does it a lot, just think of all the possible stories/scenarios/situations you can imagine with this setting alone, its endless

Has there been anything written or studied about this creative high?

>> No.11979198

put a fat dip in, toke a bowl, get on da chan

>> No.11979378



>> No.11980842


>> No.11980864

Elaborate. You have my attention

>> No.11980867

>scientifically, is there another way?
drugs, obviously.

>> No.11981196


Our society has become so sick that it did not even occur to you to list the most natural way: human connection.

>> No.11981230

>Our society has become so sick that it did not even occur to you to list the most natural way: human connection.

As in having a conversation with someone and being validated. Having someone telling you that you're right, okay, sharing a laugh... jesus no wonder Optimum Theory seemed like a cult to people, but this is science. Human connection is a requirement for natural happiness.

>> No.11981304

Anything that induces a flow state.

>> No.11983487

Anyone have a practical suggestion for me?

My problem is that i literally cannot remember anything, memory of a goldfish, burned out something in my brain from abusing my phone or something. If i go do my laundry i forget to take it out, etc. It gets worse in that i wont rememeber to set an alarm or anything either to keep myself on track. Ive bought planners and forgot they existed

Maybe giant signs everywhere?

>> No.11983489

physical activity you absolute weak faggot

>> No.11985396

>Has there been anything written or studied about this creative high?

>> No.11985481

Masturbation feels better if you're active. People who truly value hedonism over everything and don't do anything productive are actually brainlets that deserve euthanasia, because they're probably also obese.

>> No.11987347

>Sitting in your room all day like a lazy slob is going to make you depressed.

I never do this and I'm not depressed.

>> No.11988964


>> No.11989261
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>> No.11989532

Die in agony primitive bonobo slavegarbage.