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11971634 No.11971634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*economy gets raped*
>*unemployment goes through the roof*
>*hundreds of thousands of people at risk of starvation*

>> No.11971638

Brasilian or American poster.

>> No.11971643
File: 81 KB, 462x544, 1595804925483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the US economy is pushing around bullshit for no reason, the faster we go through hell, the faster we reach heaven.

>> No.11971648

Fuck off Dump fags, you and your ilk just want Americans to die so richfags can buy up all the land to sell it to the Chinese.

>> No.11971653

I'm the only Brazilian at /sci/ and I'm not OP.

>> No.11971654

the real problem with covid isn't the deaths, it's that a huge number of people are going to end up with brain damage. This is the end of IQ as we know it.

>> No.11971655

OP doesn't need to care about that, he is a wojak spammer after all

>> No.11971666

I want the kind of hell where rich people die or leave and chinks get shot just for coming here, moran.

>> No.11971667

It's funny. When the news of the outbreak in China first happened, all the right wingers and /pol/tards started talking about stocking up on masks and supplies. Then Democrats woke the fuck up to the danger. They stopped telling people it was racist to stay at home and started telling people to stay home. They started telling people they needed to wear masks for public safety. Then all the right wingers also pulled a 180 and started to refuse to wear them.
Fucking idiotic.

>> No.11971668


ah yes because we should continue paying boomers $500k/yr to approve car loans so their children can continue dying for Israel. /pol/ is just mad that a pandemic is happening when Trump is in power and Trump has proven unwilling to raise taxes to pay unemployment benefits. Trump won't even impose a general tariff on Chinese imports because he is a cuck, a loser, and literally letting Intel sell itself to TSMC.

But the real question is, what does this have to do with /sci/ence?

>> No.11971692

Q predicted this.

>> No.11971703

if yo hate masks, why do you react to a quote with ppl wearing masks

>> No.11971704

Then you should not vote for Trump, also it's spelled moron, not "moran".

>> No.11971708

Shouldn't /pol/ love the economic crisis? After all that's their chance to promote national socialism. Hitler gained power only thanks to the great depression.

>> No.11971710

This bullshit is taken longer than in other countries especially because some states opened too early

>> No.11971714

No because Trump is only a socialist for the rich. Hitler would hate Trump and would call Trump out for being cronie faux-capitalist he is.

Hitler hated central banks while Trump loves central banks, Hitler would hate Trump.

>> No.11971715

Get the virus under control first and then you can open up the economy. It's not rocket science. Pretending it's not a problem doesn't make it go away.

>> No.11971716

>your brain on corona

>> No.11971718

Really most states never really shut down to begin with, the US never even got out of the first wave when the second wave hit and now it's out of control for the forseeable future.

>> No.11971719

I would argue the bigger "end" of IQ would be from industrial chemical byproducts seeping into every nook of civilization.

>> No.11971933
File: 517 KB, 640x713, 1595911325075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans being retqrded as always
not surprising

>> No.11972041
File: 691 KB, 972x972, 148EF8D7-4648-4593-8564-6056DB28E033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m very supportive of the lockdowns, social distancing polices & guidelines etc, but not because it slows the speed of covid-19. I’m more-so excited at how this affects the mental state of normalfags, especially over a long term period. already we’re seeing mass spikes in depression, anxiety, fear etc. this is only a few months in, I’m looking forward to seeing how american society is faring by early 2021. luckily, with how ferocious the virus is spreading in america, I’ll be able to observe long term.

>> No.11972106

I'm so glad americans are going to die en masse, politics will return to their natural order which is Europe in charge.

>> No.11972131

You misspelled China

>> No.11972145

The problem is that neither political party is willing to allow Hell to happen in full. They will print money, bail large corporations out, and paint any negative as the fault of someone else. This can is getting kicked further.

>> No.11972252

>>*economy gets raped*
>>*unemployment goes through the roof*
>>*hundreds of thousands of people at risk of starvation*
So? Cuck.

>> No.11972257

us vs. them mentality.

it's herd behaviour encouraged by the leaders of both sides to maintain a clear cut narrative.

>> No.11972283

We won't know the true cost of this mass hysteria for at least a decade. The economic damage from the response has barely begun and will be long lasting.

>> No.11972286

Even if deaths in the US rose to a million, it's a country of 330 million people. Not sure how the death of less than 0.3% of the population can be considered death en masse.

>> No.11972287

The "subhuman" population of Germany was much smaller than it is in the US, both in absolute and percentage terms. Pulling a Hitler would be much more difficult this time around.

>> No.11972300

The Right has been encouraging masks and lockdown since December. Neither happened, and we're past that. Yes, the spikes in cases we're seeing are the results of protesting over a man who died over a meth overdose.

The entire US Economy is fake. There will be no damage that actually means anything.
>but muh small businesses
Most of which are a small change in tax law away from being eradicated anyways. No, this is not a good thing, but pretending that's not the case is dumb.

>> No.11972326

>>*economy gets raped*
Biggest meme that retarded boomers keep bringing up
The stock market is doing great, no major business not even airlines or cruises suffered very much, and most other businesses like Walmart, groceries, and Amazon, are doing incredibly well.
The economy doesn’t give a FUCK about a few mom and pop restaurants and McDonalds that have to close down. They don’t represent the economy and anyone thinking this is the death of the middle class business owner or whatever the fuck is delusional, it’s been dead, this was the nail in the coffin.
The fact that the economy at large is doing so well despite so many unemployed should be what’s worrying.

>> No.11972388

Image MD5: 2ouyW9NOLdPLA7d1LF1HlA==
Added to my filter

in all fields

>> No.11972608

Based post.

Normies, reee.

>> No.11972618

this is why we need UBI

>> No.11972652

I appreciate the gross green fumes coming out of the vented N-95.

>> No.11972657


>> No.11972699
File: 307 KB, 1644x1290, Well sir. I have some good news and some bad news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny. When the news of the outbreak in China first happened, all the right wingers and /pol/tards started talking about stocking up on masks and supplies.
No. They were celebrating the "immanent collapse" of China as a potential rival superpower while patting themselves on the back for their genetic and moral superiority.

>> No.11972730

>ii..i'm downvoting you!

>> No.11972740

China obviously lied about their numbers, no honest person would claim otherwise. Their real numbers are at least ten thousand higher than they claim

>> No.11973088

Thank you for pointing this out. So sick of this us vs them mentality that >>11972257 points out.

>> No.11973128


>> No.11973170

Kind of doesn't matter to the USGay's response tho. Le Drumpf literally had as good a go-ahead to shut down the fucking border as he ever got and didn't pull the trigger. What was the point in electing him?

>> No.11973344

but the countries that didn't do lockdown or did it in a shit way have their economies far more raped than the ones that did. What the fuck are you smoking, you retard?

>> No.11973346

>China obviously lied about their numbers, no honest person would claim otherwise.
The whole logic of China lied, people died is based on the fact that China denied/downplayed/made muddled and contradictory statements about the seriousness of the situation in December and January which cost the rest of the world precious time to make preparations for the pandemic. However, once the lock-downs began for Wuhan on Jan. 23, spreading across China in the next 2 weeks and the WHO declared a global public health emergency on Jan. 30, the gravity of the situation should have become apparent to Europe and the US. Even if China had come clean in December, would anyone have even heeded that warning, or would they have just considered covid-19 to be just one of those bad things that happen to shithole countries.

>> No.11973377

this is a quite a bit more rapid.

>> No.11973661

Virtually no American is "on the verge of starvation"

>> No.11973738

[math]\bf \color{#ff0000}I \color{#ff1f00}o \color{#ff3e00}a \color{#ff5d00}g \color{#ff7c00}k \color{#ff9c00}n \color{#ffbb00}a \; \color{#ffda00}b \color{#fff900}r \color{#e4ff00}y

>> No.11973749

Remember when trump Tried to ban travel from China in February and congress called him racist and didn’t let him? Because I remember and I vote