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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1197145 No.1197145 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I wonder whether or not I believe in mathematics so much because I love it or because I'm afraid of and suck at everything else.

Anybody feel the same way?

>> No.1197167

I suck at mathematics. Everyone thinks I should be good at it since I can work with logic fairly well, have decent spatial reasoning and like science. I love the concept of math, but just can't do well at it.

It's the same sort of thing with me an writing vs reading: I'm a great reader, but I can't write for shit.

>> No.1197165

You don't believe in mathematics. It is.

>> No.1197187

I used to feel the same way about humanities/social sciences until I took only science course for one quarter (and got an A in every single one.) Just try and broaden your horizons. Odds are it will help your math in the long run.

>> No.1197178

>i'm good at listening to teachers, but i can't take tests
>i'm smart but make bad grades
>i make up excuses
>i'm stupid

>> No.1197237

Actually I'm excellent at taking tests and listening to the teacher (don't even need to take notes). I don't do well on the whole homework part though.

Yes, my grades are atrocious though.

I try to take responsibility but no one wants to hear someone consistently taking responsibility for their fuckups without them changing.

Now that's just uncalled for.

>> No.1197257

i did well on tests in high school without ever doing hw or studying

have fun finding a job for being a retard and being a lazy ass while paying a shit load of money for college
>i'm smart but i don't try
>i'm lazy
>i'm not going anywhere in life
>i'm just another idiot

>> No.1197279

Truth doesn't hurt. It's simply an awkward discomfort.

>> No.1197281


>> No.1197289

What do you mean? What I'm wondering is whether or not I'm in a golden prison of equations here.

>> No.1197304

Are you good at chess?

>> No.1197309

are you in college wasting your money at the moment?

>> No.1197318

Hard to say. When I was younger I was decent. But I don't play anymore, and when I do play every now and then I notice I get too impatient and make rash moves without fully thinking out each move.

>> No.1197321


Me! Except... I don't wonder. I know both.

I love mathematics (or perhaps, I've come to love it) and I suck at everything else.

>> No.1197329

Wasted the money. Got no credits, trying to find a job with just a high school diploma sucks. Trying to go back to school, but I need that job first and would need to plan my course around it.

>> No.1197337

i plan on NOT doing that in college, all drop outs are the same, too smart for everyone else so they'll go work at walmart to show the man who's boss... what a joke right?

>> No.1197339

Do you have many interests besides math? I don't want to be a human calculator. Fuck.

>> No.1197340

Sounds like you understand and accept your problems... why don't you do something to solve said problems starting right now... not tomorrow, not next week... RIGHT FUCKING NOW start finding a job/college to go to and don't stop until you have one.

>> No.1197350


Actually yeah, science.

Otherwise.... Formula One. (which is basically science in sport form, or rather, mechanical engineering)

and computers/ the vidya

>> No.1197367

So all you care about is stuff that involves...math and not talking to people? Seriously?

What have I become? What have you become?

>> No.1197376


I have friends. They just tend to also be math/science oriented. We talk about math/science oriented things together.

>> No.1197392

So it's just some sort of weird little babbling between calculators? I think my Furby could do that.

>> No.1197382

Trying. It's just harder then one would think when you live in an area with a surplus of labor in the middle of a recession.

I'm also not...sure that I can do it. I've never had much drive or ambition. It's not that I mind work (I gladly help out friends, family and random strangers with stuff), it's just like I have some sort of friction that always grinds me back to being motionless.

Nope, never thought I was too smart for anything. If anything I began to really doubt if I was intelligent or smart. Everyone has always remarked to me about that, but everyone also tells the retard they're special right?

>> No.1197411


No... it's more like discussion of current topics or things were learning in science/upper math courses.

>> No.1197423

the only reason i'm hating on you is because i'm the same way -the inability to do math, and i'm yelling at the person inside of me who wants to be lazy, not you. but try to knock some sense into yourself and realize that if you want something then you have to work for it... if you don't want anything, and you're really that apathetic, then you need to find yourself and what your true passion is.
>i'm really cool i have life figured out at the age of 19
^i'm no better than you, just you should consider a change in life style... like i did, a good place to start is exercising tbh.

>> No.1197434

i'm the guy who wrote >>1197423
and i'm the same way, except i'm the math/science oriented guy, and i know someone exactly like you.

>> No.1197445

How can you not believe in mathematics is my question.

>> No.1197446

I do the same thing with exercise as with academics. I start it and start strong, and then just stop.

I think I need to be in a life or death situation to get a large enough jolt to get over this hill.

>> No.1197460

aka a huge goddamn nerd?

Because I'm pretty sure that guy just has Asperger's.

>> No.1197481

or realize that you're just another person who can make what he want's with his life... nothing special in any way shape or form. get ready for that shitty ass job if you don't do something soon bud.

i'm a huge god damn nerd, yes, but this other guy that i'm talking to... how does he have Asperger's? what indicates this? or are you talking about me?

>> No.1197495

The one that sucks at everything but math and only talks about math and math and math.

>> No.1197504


Haha, do you live in Florida????


I don't have assburgers you faggot.

>> No.1197530

math gets me money and money gets me women
>math gets me women

is it better to sit around on /b/ and talk about girls with dicks all day? fuck you /b/rother.

no but you sound like my friend to the extent where i wanted to lie about my age and wait a while for you to reveal more info about yourself before i said anything OVERLY critical.

this is what i've always wanted to say to this friend of mine: "get over yourself"
you should consider doing that.

>> No.1197541


get over myself? i was never that high on myself. What kind of person do you think I am?

>> No.1197560

you're obviously different than my friend because you're at a different stage of life than he is... you've come to terms with your laziness and what it entails. so maybe i can't offer you advice because i don't know anyone who has reached that state. maybe: "wake up to reality"... people prefer a hard working idiot to a smart lazy person in the fields that you'll be looking at (ie. customer service).

>have you ever worked a day in your life?

>> No.1197565

you're obviously different than my friend *or* you're at a different stage of life than he is

but my friend is totally full of himself and it's quite annoying.

>> No.1197570


Ok, you're getting really fucking confused here.

I was never the person who said they were lazy (although i was lazy)

My posts are


>> No.1197579


confront him on it.

>> No.1197584
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mathfag here. i feel you OP. this fall i will start the final year of my undergrad program. honestly, i have learned very little. i forget everything from a class as soon as i finish the final exam.

i have a 3.8 GPA. and that's the thing: i'm pretty good at learning. it's just, it's so boring. i really have no interest despite being relatively smart. then again what do? slave away at minimum wage? fuck that!

>> No.1197596

haha that makes a little more sense, i thought the lazy guy enjoyed having math related conversations with his science oriented friends but sucked at the math classes... sorry 'bout that.