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11970728 No.11970728 [Reply] [Original]

We spend years in school, stressed ourselves the fuck out, slave away in a STEM career just to make a measly 6 figure salary. Meanwhile fucking social media "influencers" do jack for society and mankind, but make more than we ever will in our lifetimes. It's not fair.

>> No.11970756

I don't do it for the money. If you are, you are in the wrong career.
Consider going into business.

>> No.11970784

Except most influencers don't make that much and you are only focusing on top influencers. Those very said normal influencers probably focus on top scientists and think just like you.

>> No.11970799

Then just become an influencer if you think that's how it works.

>> No.11970833


>top scientists

Except the top scientists aka Nobel winners make jackshit especially compared to top influencers. Unless you're talking about Elon Musk in which case he isn't even a scientist.

>> No.11970850
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>Nobel winners make jackshit

>> No.11970887

In the same way that onlyfans thots wouldn't survive without simps, so too do influencers without braindead normies. We just need to educate the population to not spend their money on stupid shit. And not focus on the influencers themselves. Because if we do then normies will just find another thing to waste money on.

>> No.11970893
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>gives no examples

>> No.11970938

Fair point but the average scientist makes more than the average influencer. And most people here are just that instead of Nobel winners.

>> No.11970951

>We just need to educate the population
Cope. Trying to pacify instincts en mass is futile. Even OP and most here probably also waste money on stupid shit like vidya, movies or music. No amount of education or conditioning will get rid of it.

>> No.11971047

Its all a matter of perspective.
Right now most of the influencers are desperately trying not to kill themselves now that they don't qualify for welfare (because no job), can't work and are not allowed to do normie shit.
Meanwhile my entire university has reorganised itself around delivering classes to me during this pandemic, I no longer have a commute to worry about and my centrelink payments have doubled

>> No.11971097

You missed the part where I really enjoy what I'm doing and everything that comes with it.

>> No.11971155

>It's not fair

>> No.11971245

What the heck is an infuencer? I'll bet they can't even thought experiment outside of the social media glitter gifs.

>> No.11971250

That’s what you get for being ugly :^)

>> No.11971259

>person (usually a woman) has lots of followers
>companies pay said person to advertise their products
Simple as.

>> No.11971273

You have no right to enjoy your job. That's generally why someone needs to pay you to do it.

>> No.11971288 [DELETED] 

I have found that most people who spend an inordinate amount of time calling others ugly tend to themselves be at best slightly above average facially if not plain faced.

>> No.11971294

You're not depressed because you make 6 figures, you're depressed because your obsessed with the relative success of other people. When you stop focusing on them, and focus only on yourself and the people in your life, then you will be happy.
Fuck off back to plebbit, retard.

>> No.11971451

Imagine how depressing their lives are. They're not pushing themselves to the limit like we are, friend. The money matters, but that ain't the whole story.

>> No.11971546

James Harris Simons
Did his undergrad at MIT in math
Got a PhD at berkeley
Worked for the government as a code cracker
Started quantitative finance using his math knowledge
Is worth $23,000,000,000 in 2020

>> No.11971641 [DELETED] 

>Only 6 figs
More money than that is bad for you
>One of the most progressive and honorable jobs in society. Everybody agrees about this. Nobody takes those that shit on your occupation seriously. People do it out of ignorance and envy.
More status than that is bad for you
>Required to use your brain all day
Less brain activity is bad for you

>> No.11971738 [DELETED] 
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>6 figure salary
Where the fuck do you get 6 figures for being in STEM?
That means making 8-9k a month, who the fuck pays that much?

Academics here (Cyprus) get paid 3-4k AT BEST. Pharmaceuticals is our biggest export and they pay 1-3k at most.

I live in southern EU and

>> No.11971743
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>6 figure salary
Where the fuck do you get 6 figures for being in STEM?
That means making 8-9k a month, who the fuck pays that much?

Academics here (Cyprus) get paid 3-4k AT BEST. Pharmaceuticals is our biggest export and they pay 1-3k at most.

Same case in all of southern EU.

>> No.11971746


>> No.11971747

You are underestimating how malleable and easy to manipulate the human mind is.

>> No.11971754


Venerability in old age is worth so much in life, this is what you get as a learned accomplished man.

Ever wonder why so many celebs and rich business people do drugs but you seldom here about scientist and engineers doing this?

It's because celeb types lack venerability as they get older. It's an extremely important thing to earn/have bestowed upon you and greatly colors your perception of whether your life was well lived.

>> No.11971763

Minimum wage (fast food employees) in NYC and SF is close $42,000 a year.

America is super expensive. Health Insurance (just the insurance) is 200-400 a month. A doctor visit is 30-50 dollars. An xray is around $200.

Getting a tooth filled cost almost $800 in america.

>> No.11971766

>vidya, movies or music
>stupid shit
Nerds really are subhuman.

>> No.11971776


>> No.11971798

I pay 500€ a month for health insurance in Germany. Another 500€ for pension stuff.
I went to the doctor to get a full check up and it cost 900€.
Prices are the same, Europeans just don't get in contact with them normally.

Anyway, if you really want to make money you need to sell cheap shit that appeals to the masses.

>> No.11971808

Fast food workers in NYC are not making $20+ an hour you nigger.

>> No.11971809


Of course it's not fair. Do you realize there's people out there that are ugly, and not intelligent enough to make it where you have?

>> No.11971829

>I took the safe path, took zero risk or initiative, only ever did what I was told to do, and the reward for it is mediocre boo hoo it's not fair
Shut up cattle wagecuck, if you wanted a better outcome you should have followed your own path. Most people are born to be slaves, never in a thousand years would they find anything economically valuable to do if left to their own devices, so they need schools to force-feed them knowledge then have bosses and managers forever tell them what to do. Without a master they become idle and bored, without orders assigned to them they have nothing to do with their lives, without being told what to learn they will learn nothing of value. They are born to be slaves and resent or envy people who are the masters of their own careers without understanding that they could never be like them.

>> No.11971840

>doing what he does for recognition, money and fame
ngmi bruh

>> No.11971844

What a stupid thread.
I really don't understand people who whine about influencers.
Yes some girl has a million followers because she is pretty, so what.
That's her life, not yours.

>> No.11971913

Well unlike the top influencers, the top scientists actually contribute to society

>> No.11971915 [DELETED] 

Read The Republic.

>> No.11971925

>Read The Republic.
Could you give us a TLDR? Does it answer whether whining helps or not?

>> No.11971935 [DELETED] 

>could I summarize The Republic for you
When the opinion of the masses is valued over those who are virtuous and have some degree of merit to their leadership roles, this is the final stage of civilization before tyranny, democracy, demagogues and influencers, people with silver tongues who are superficially appealing will arise to drive the people towards their own personal agendas. They will take sides against others and falsely accuse the rich, the just, the moral and their personal enemies, they will incite the worst vices in the crowd to their advantage and will eventually fragment society against itself and steal resources. This eventually leads to a man of great charisma and incredible greed to overtake the collective of demagogues and provide the people with a kind of false stability, that of the Tyrant. This is as TLDR as I can for you. You honestly should just read it the lessons learned are interesting regardless if you agree with Socrates' thesis.

>> No.11971938
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Most people in the country don't make 6 figures.
If you don't like what you do develop a life.
If you want more money learn to invest on the side.
You're a whinny bitch.

>> No.11972258
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>6 figure salary

>> No.11972275

that guy is my idol, how fucking smart can one man be

>> No.11972399

>Where the fuck do you get 6 figures for being in STEM?
Jewgle, FB, Amazon, etc
I know a guy who made $180K as starting in amazon, Seattle.

>> No.11974101

This will change in a few years

>> No.11974172

Thank you!

>> No.11976293

In Norway your deductible caps out at $200/year, meaning if you spend $200 on doctors visits etc. then you don't pay jack shit for the entire rest of the year. I guess the reason we can afford it is because most people don't go that often to the doctor anyways since our food, drinking water and air isn't completely poisoned, and people here actually have the minimum amount of self-respect required to be in shape.

>> No.11976300

>We spend years in school, stressed ourselves the fuck out, slave away in a STEM career just to make a measly 6 figure salary.

Yeah. That's the trade, pretty much. And it's not available to everyone. So far this whole office gig for 6 figs is pretty nice. I can buy pretty much anything I want.

> Meanwhile fucking social media "influencers" do jack for society and mankind, but make more than we ever will in our lifetimes. It's not fair.
Same with football players, most famous "musicians", and lottery winners. Very very very few of them make it big. and even the big ones typically don't last long. Meanwhile even shitty engineers find work.

No. It's not fair. but no one ever claimed it was fair.

>> No.11976323

school sucks ass here in germany, litterally 8 hours a day for nothing. NOTHING. I was 140 IQ before the corona stuff (pretty confident i am an 80 iq subhuman now pls help), and i know people who are 150+. all this talent is literally dumbened down by school. I can't imagine how much a class of 30 high iq people could have done if they would have been properly teached.
also, if anyone has tips for increasing iq, pls send help, it drives me crazy realizing what i could have done when i would have exercised my brain

>> No.11976478

Not even worthy to be called bait

>> No.11976604
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>school sucks ass here in germany
I have friends who study there.
You are all literal slaves.
All of the summer is considered term time in that hellhole of a place. In winter, you get a Christmas break starting 24 of December until 2 of january (the bare minimum).
Then, you go back to uni/wageslaving.
If krauts could, they would work even on Christmas and New years eve.
Germany was a mistake

>> No.11976607


>> No.11976623

it is also fairly common (at least in berlin) to have "Willkommensklassen", basically day care for refugees, and teach literal retards in normal classes just to get more chink credits/euros

>> No.11976635

May the southern euros suck their treasuries dry.

>> No.11976639

>All of the summer is considered term time in that hellhole of a place.
Where exactly? In NRW kids get 6-7 weeks of summer holidays. Working time overall is also quite low compared to internationally, with 30 vacation days a year being common.

>> No.11976651

i am walking about universities. I have friends who study in Aachen and Zaarland and summer is term time.

>> No.11976673

>tfw le too smart to exist xDDD

>> No.11976681

wtf you gotta pay for insurance in Germany? how high are your income taxes?

>> No.11978564

I never got what was so stressful about graduate school. I came from the military though and was infantry where they treat you like shit.
Graduate school was greener pastures. I could get off at 5/6PM and not start my day until 8 - 10AM. The "pay" is crap I guess. I believe my fellow STEM students just put too much emphasis on "there place in the world", rather than just accepting things as they are. Chances are you're not going to be Einstein or win a Nobel price so why stress out on your research not being "groundbreaking"

>> No.11978596

Good looking people have always been detestable parasites but yea it’s worse now than ever before due to the internet. Unfortunately unless average and ugly people resist their brainwashing and start resenting parasites instead of worshiping them, it won’t change. You can do your part by indirectly harming attractive people and not given them attention, ad revenue, respect, networking etc. attractive people have millions of enablers which is why they get to live on easy mode while pretending they’re struggling for gibs.

>> No.11979219

grad school was so fucking comfy and i miss it a lot. the people who hated it were all spoiled sheltered pussies who never had a real job

>> No.11979242

Yeah any of the big names in tech will pay 6 figure salaries for beginners. One guy I knew in high school that went to my same college got a job with Intel earning $165k. EEs and CEs on the low end would still be earning around 70k-80k anyways if you go to a no name company, which puts the average mid 20's person in the top 5% of your age bracket anyways.

>> No.11979245

those companies pay a lot but i would never work for them for many reasons. also you gotta take into account cost of living in those areas. the salaries aren't as great as they sound

>> No.11979250

Yeah, I was talking to my friend that got the job and he had to move from our hometown in Texas all the way out to San Fran. He tells me he's getting fucked out the ass by paying $2000 for a studio apartment in the city, and that gas is stupid expensive. Yeah it's good pay but living in Cali negates the pay.

>> No.11979258

i also hear that SV is the worst place in the country to be a single guy because the place is flush with other single guys who all make good money (too much competition)

>> No.11979266

Yeah at least here in Texas, a six fig salary would make any chick go for you. Over in San Fran every tech bro is over there making the same as you lmao.