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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11963109 No.11963109 [Reply] [Original]

it really do be like that
why do all NWO globohomo regimes want to make scientists/doctors a priest caste ?

>> No.11963114
File: 115 KB, 954x960, L14DB6zRemJysZNeHPs9kIcvRAZiMPqpP_x_Ul_7SDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the science Jew, listen to Trump instead.

>> No.11963117


With the avg IQ being that of 100 at best for the most well developed countries, what is the purpose of having a bunch of brainlets idiots such as myself spending our limited resource (Time) into doing research that'd take years, perhaps even our entire lives to begin to grasp with any sense of mastery?
It is pointless.

>> No.11963156

priests are still wrong

>> No.11966983

I think they mean doing the scientific method yourself, you should trust experts that do studies. It's hard for a layman to verify the quality of any particular study but if you find multiple done by qualfiied people you can at least "trust" that over some snarky article written by a journalist telling you you're stupid for belieivng that races are real.

>> No.11967008

>want to make scientists/doctors a priest caste ?
they already did that quite successfully with psychologists
there was a wall of text around this exact topic posted right here a few days ago

>> No.11967026
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>priests are still wrong

>> No.11967162
File: 546 KB, 1031x1880, circumcision blood money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they can keep the money from harvesting baby foreskins flowing

>> No.11967163


>> No.11967172
File: 493 KB, 765x718, inexplicable defectiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therapists are secular priests who assert that they have some "truth", and if your values deviate, then you are "wrong". Hence, The Rapist. They impose their values onto you through their mindfucking.

>> No.11967174

because most “scientists” don’t create wealth, they beg for grants. easiest class of people to control

>> No.11967186

I can't find it because it was a screenshotted essay and I can't look up the keywords from the archive
but in short tl;dr it was basically exactly the point that OP is trying to make but with psychologists and how they're the new priests of modern society

>> No.11967219

It's basically religion except the priests are "100% right" because it's science, goy.
It's depressing that the you-know-whos are using faulty science as a political tool. All this will do is weaken the view of actual science.
I hate modern science so much and it saddens me that there's so much garbage. There's nothing like trying to recreate a paper only to find that the authors cherrypicked data.
I think that's the point where you really graduate from boy to man. When you realize that truth is difficult to discern, even when it comes from people who are supposedly held to a higher standard than others.
I'm not really "right wing", but I'm not "left wing" either. The biggest mistake the "right wing" made was to abandon science and academia and adopt the "just become a tradie" meme.
Science is the hard won bedrock of society. Everything around us exists because of it, and for people who supposedly value society's accomplishments to abandon it is pathetic. Fight for your fucking civilization.

>> No.11967221

this is the actual answer, people with money control the research that gets done. They ofc make sure the scientists are aware of the preferred results. Widespread scientific consensus is more reputable than globohomo ngo #643.

>> No.11967235

Because someone saying "I did my own research" usually means "I googled the exact statement that aligns with my preconceived bias and scrolled through the results until I found the lone one citing a study done 30 years ago that agreed with what I already believed"

>> No.11967301

>hence, The Rapist
Le illuminati shadow society leaves entire loaves as bread crumbs.
Can conspiracy theorists not be retards?

I forget the term, but there is a phenomena dating back for much longer than what you would describe as the delineating date for "modern" science where if some popular paper stated some physical constant to be, say 3, other papers that get different results are tightly distributed around 3. Later it turned out to be 4 and values drifted toward that.
That said, you definitely are one of "right wing" or "left wing", retard, maybe you just fall out of the fences placed by your ruling part(y/ies).