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11962531 No.11962531 [Reply] [Original]

>Alzheimers and dementia still has no cure

>> No.11962545

and probably won't ever have one, trying to cure alzheimers/dementia is like trying to unburn paper. best we can hope for is either simulated brains, 3D printing brains, or preventative medicine.

>> No.11962556

my ex was doing a lot of alzheimer's research. we're not as far away as you think, but likely not in our time.

>> No.11962565

Fun fact: 1 in 3 people over 85 have Alzheimer’s, and and the vast majority of of those over 85 some form of dementia. So if we manage to cure cancer and regenerate organs you get the gift of being able to be lucid as you lose your mind :)

>> No.11962637

They will NEVER be "cured". The only way to actually stop these age related pathologies is by targeting aging itself.

>> No.11962696

Legit asking -- they can separate brain hemispheres, but can they graft on hemispheres. The solution to dementia could be a quick graft at the local biochopshop

>> No.11962699

So you're telling me there's no hope for Joe Biden's husband?

>> No.11962729


>> No.11962793

Youre legit retarded bud. We can't even repair spinal cords, what makes you think we can attach half of someone else's brain onto half of another and it would work?

>> No.11962815


>You'll grown up to feel yourself losing your mind, forgetting everything you studied so hard to learn and understand

Holy shit

>> No.11962931

Delet this

>> No.11963078

Unironically caffeine and nicotine

>> No.11963088


>> No.11963110
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this psycho pleb's discipline is unironically inspiring

>> No.11963113


What the fuck happened to this guy?

>> No.11963126
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prioritize sleep.
amyloid beta plaques are the main reason behind Alzheimer and amyloid beta is cleaned from the brain only during sleep.

>> No.11963144

No way

>> No.11963147

He, like every man in his 20’s, was visited age reaper - he’s 25 right now

>> No.11963154
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roider internet youtube celeb who made money with videos where he just takes his shirt off. Lifed a "fuck 3 new girls a day" lifestyle. Self-absorbed. Has some family troubles (his sister killed himself). Meh LA acting career. Has a nervous breakdown on camera. Does Ayahuasca once. Wakes up thinking he's Jesus. Decides to do a Jesus fast for 40 days. He came off the Jesus trip after about 10 days, but he's probably still mentally in turmoil.


>> No.11963164

doc"sorry you have Alzheimer"
patient: "Oh god"
doc: "why are you laughing now?
patient: "why not?"
doc: "you have Alzheimer"
patient: "oh god"

I mean be honest Op how many people who get diagnosed with this disease can remember the diagnosis longer as 5 min?

This picture is so untrue!

Its also a rare illness so its highly likely you get the diagnosis if you already don't know what year we have.

This picture is a lie. Not just because the dude is 20. Also because its a creeping slow illness who gets most times detected very late.

>> No.11963167
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>> No.11963171

>how many people who get diagnosed with this disease can remember the diagnosis longer as 5 min?
Many people are diagnosed early enough that they are aware of their deteriorating mental state until it gets to its late states

>> No.11963182

Who won in the end?

>> No.11963190
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tough call

>> No.11963194
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>> No.11963203
File: 347 KB, 2896x2896, connor JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still no cure for aging
>he is 25 on the right

>> No.11963601

"Coomer with burnt out dopamine receptors and no attention span is confused by the idea of a complicated problem requiring time to solve" thread time!

>> No.11963617

Solving dementia = solving aging
prove me wrong

>> No.11963620

>simulated brains, 3D printing brains,
Get the fuck outta here faggot

>> No.11963627

>So if we manage to cure cancer
That's just cellular dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction is also a hallmark of Alzheimer's. Cure one and you cure both.

>> No.11963684

Still looks better than me

>> No.11963692

This is what you get for cruising on Trenbolone for years at a time.

>> No.11963694

I connor murphy then new zyzz?

>> No.11963695

y the hot boy is cryign :'( ;_;

>> No.11963707
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And that.. that woman's reaction and her owner's reaction.. is why people invented clothing. Loin cloths in particular. Even in societies where women go around topless because it's just too hot to cover everything, they still conceal their genitals with something.

>> No.11964032
File: 344 KB, 1000x2009, dementia_infog_1000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There may be no cure, but you can reduce the risk of getting it.

>> No.11964648

>mfw hit all check marks except smoking and already at early life
Worried laughter

>> No.11965164

He unironically looks better on the right

>> No.11965928

Dementia cure:

I am 40
Leave notes all around the house, secret boxes only I know with nice contents
All boxes have notes that say notes say, if you dont remember you placed this note here, you have dementia, hence do what you planned to do now
In the box is LSD stickers and a high dose of morphine
Trip out, overdose and power off

>> No.11966184

Just eat salmon lmao

>> No.11966221
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Do you have a family history of dementia? That sounds a little excessive. Fits of paranoia can very feasibly produce dementia-like symptoms. You might end up an heroing at 55 when you're not even unhealthy in reality in some panic attack.

>> No.11966251

Identify the lifestyles of those that get dementia/alzheimers and you'll find that it's definitely avoidable.

>> No.11966352

The "cure" is eugenics for those that carry it gentically and keeping physically and mentally active for those that develop it through being a couch potato well into retirement.

>> No.11966394

a man has 1/11 chance to have it, you're way more likely to die from cancer

>> No.11966582

it is likely that amyloid plaque causes neuron death.
there are amyloid cleaners available but by the time they use it neurones are already dead

dementia =/= Alzheimer

>> No.11966626

Inspiring in what way? He's a lunatic.

>> No.11968253

No dementia in family, because all grandparents died before reaching 50 due to war or famine
Never been paranoic

Why dont doctors prescribe overdoses of morphine to dementia patients? Why do we let shells of former people walk around and suffer?

>> No.11968258

So die before 85?

>> No.11968784

Same for parkinson's, there is no cure once you get to the point where you have symptoms your brain is already destroyed. The Best bet is prevention. Live the way that you don't get these neurodegenerative diseases.

Sleep well
Eat healthy™ and don't be fat
Take care of your body, everything between the teeth and the toes
Don't be chronically stressed
Avoid toxicity like heavy metals, chemicals used for killing weeds/insects/rodents, mold etc
Doing stuff that is considered alternative medicine like meditation and fasting

Of course it's unclear what is the best sleep schedule, right amount of exercise, right diet etc etc but if nothing else it's pretty easy to avoid the most obvious mistakes like being completely sedentary, eating nothing but candy and so on. People who smoke have less parkinson's but I still wouldn't do it even if you have parkinson's in your family.
Also thinking of maximizing your heart rate, maximizing brain health, minimizing cancer risk. There is going to be a lot of overlap between such lifestyles but they are not necessary the same.

>> No.11968809

That or/and humanin.

>> No.11968815 [DELETED] 

Copper deficiency. It makes the APP protein collapse, and it prevents people from expressing ferroportin, which kills cells.

>> No.11968817

Copper deficiency. It makes the APP protein collapse, and it prevents cells from expressing ferroportin, which kills the cells.

>> No.11968971

we're millennia away if you're not a faggot. women researchers holy shit help us all

>> No.11968977


Nah, there are therapeutics being developed but targeting the etiological cause of neurodegen diseases is no where in sight. Familial causes are also a massive minority of total cases.

>> No.11968985
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Braincell transplants could be the future and rejuvinate/differentiate new braincells. Test are being down here in Berne but those cells are hard to get. Logistics almost impossible. Tests are being down with pig braincells but best would be bio 3D printers. Mostly beind done for parkinsons.

>> No.11968995


Won't this be like trying to fix a bursting dam with tape?

>> No.11969065 [DELETED] 

No. The problem is ths cure is pennies. Which is nobody wants the cause to be known, and instead want 'a molecule' that could be patented and sold for money.

>> No.11969066

No. The problem is the cure is pennies. Which means nobody wants the cause to be known, and instead want 'a molecule' that could be patented and sold for money.

>> No.11969120


Not really

>> No.11969140

I was just gonna post this. Now that I have a better understanding of this, I can see how dumb this type of thread is. It's like asking why there's no overnight cure for heart disease. Most of the factors that contribute to an increased likelihood of dementia are well studied and known now and generally relate to lifestyle. Treating your brain like shit for decades is gonna result in a shitty brain when you're decades older. It's even well researched that you can take direct actions today to reduce your risk of developing dementia in the future.

>> No.11969170


>Just don't be stressed bro
>Just don't live near any major city

>> No.11969464

Yes, really.

>> No.11969484

I hate so much this "multifactorial" excuse. It means you have no fuck8ng idea because you found accidental correlation with ten unrelated things and lack the ability to find the actual cause.

>> No.11969503
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>> No.11969573

>he doesn't know that we can replace every part of a ship and it will still be the same ship
The problem is figuring out the design.

>> No.11969582

Cell replacement of most of the body's cells is literally a solution to this.
You're just a boat of cells and like a boat you can replace every part of it with new parts without building a new boat.

>> No.11969588

Is playing chess and learning languages for real a prevention or just a meme? I speak 4 languages now and picked up chess in December

>> No.11969592

it's not an excuse, it's multiple factors that have been each shown individually to contribute to dementia. it's not that hard to understand. gasoline will help get a fire going, and kindling will help get a fire going. if you combine the two it's gonna be even easier to start a fire that if you only used one.

>> No.11969934


Chess is great for brain gains, but if you truly want to be proactive in staving off age-related pathologies, you should start learning musical instruments.

Music is the only activity that incorporates your entire brain.

Bobby Fischer said that he had more respect for musicians than chess players and Capablanca's dream was to learn the violin.

>> No.11969973

>schizophrenia spectrum still has no cure
feels bad man

>> No.11970000

The problem is that the relationship usually isn't real - you will find statistical relation with anything that will make you more or less exposed to the cause, things that cause the cause, things the cause causes, things that are caused by the same thing as the cause, a negative correlation with things that protect you from the cause, things that make you less exposed to things that protect from the cause, and so on and so forth.

>> No.11971584

>dying of old age
wtf r smart people for?

>> No.11971597

>"women" researchers
all he said was "ex"

>> No.11971660

What century are you living in?

>> No.11972479

right? we had smart people for 10,000 years trying to stop this. WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO SHOW FOR IT?