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1195931 No.1195931 [Reply] [Original]

Sometime in next few hundred years, as captain of a United Nations of Earth starship, you, Anon, come to discover an intelligent alien species on a distant world.

Unfortunately, in terms of development they are about equivalent to 1600s Europe.

What do you do, Anon? Establish first contact, or leave them alone to reach space on their own?

>> No.1195938

Exterminate and Colonize.

Feels good to be white.

>> No.1195947

depends on how attractive they look.

>> No.1195960

establish first contact. and give em some nice gifts in the way of technology. when they become a powerful space faring race in their own right hopefully they remember their old pals h.sapiens from way back and we'll be jolly good allies in some war against some jackass machine race or whatever.

>> No.1195965

This. Being white fuck yeah.

>> No.1195966

PROTIP: We'll be that jackass machine race

>> No.1195968

I can think of two appealing options:
a) Educate them.
b) Use technology to fuck with them.

>> No.1195969

1600's leaders were douchebags, if you gave them technology they would attack
so i would make contact but not give any technology

>> No.1195973

"oh hey humans ships. our written records indicate one of their ships visited 200 years ago and really gave our civiization a boost. they were nice to us and we will therefore seek alliance with them."

>> No.1195977

lol isn't that the truth. i can picture my shiny spaceship body now. the molecular computer that is my brain running trillions of calculations per second as i whip 20 tons of atomic death at my primitive enemies. fuck yeah.

but no, i'd be a nice spaceship

>> No.1195978

Make weird shapes in their crops

>> No.1195979

Observe them

sometimes troll them lol

>> No.1195983

then they use your techno gifts to kill each other? you're demoted, private

>> No.1195985

I lol'd

>> No.1196006

i'm not giving them lasers and the nuclear bomb. just transportation and televisions and shit. let em watch human tv shows till they start to like it, human music till they start to crave it, absorb them into our culture... oh shit i'm starting to sound like the USA

>> No.1196023

Except the USA no longer assimilates people, we just take them in, put them on welfare and affirmative action, and then tell them to hate white people for all their problems.

>> No.1196035

Depends: are they still religious? Racially/ethnically/nationally divided? If so, leave them be, maybe contact particularly intelligent individuals, pretend to be a god/angel, give them our "sekrit nolledge", and sit back and watch.

If they're completely rationalist, atheist/agnostic (or at least completely secular on a societal/cultural level, even if individuals may be privately religious), and have unified planetary government (even if their species' planetary gov't is confined to a small region, due to technological limitations), begin contact, elevate them to our technological level. Harmony harmony oh love.

>> No.1196080

what if they share a unified peaceful religion that puts the pursuit of knowledge on a pedestal?

fucker bringing religion vs atheism into an innocent thread

>> No.1196124


I'd be cool with that. If they were like, intergalactic Buddhists or whatever. Sorry, didn't mean to bring that in.

>> No.1196137

Leave them alone, wait until they discover FTL space travel. Then contact them.

>> No.1196147
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I say take a few for study then drop them back off and watch them advance. You can't throw a species into the Galaxy without them being able to mentally comprehend the Universe itself. Its like giving an Ant the though process of a Human being. It would drown itself in a puddle.

>> No.1196149

throw a metal disk their way every 3 months, only show it for about 4 seconds at a time

>> No.1196204

do they have anus? if so we will need to poke around inside them... for science.

holy fuck i just realized that human beings really would put circles in crops and anal probe just to fuck with another race. so if some species is doing that to us right now then we have a lot in common with them, they're just as fucked as we are and they would probably totally dig some of japans porn.

>> No.1196213

If they're hot, convince them I am their god and make them worship me by sucking my dick. Alternately, make peace with them and explain that a common greeting for my species is sucking my dick.

>> No.1196222

My giant space-dick would conquer everything!!!!

>> No.1196231

In my city we put them on the streets to become prostitutes.

>> No.1196232

I lol'ed too.

>> No.1196238
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orbitally bombard each of their leader's capitols/castles and demand the unconditional surrender of every nation-state and kingdom.

Assimilate their peoples into our Empire by civilizing them, providing them with basic services at the expense of taxation and conscription rights.