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11957411 No.11957411 [Reply] [Original]

>anon, what are YOU doing to cure the diseases of old age?
>you ARE working on anti-aging research... a-aren’t you anon?

>> No.11957418

Thymus involution and calcifications caused by the excessive calcium intake.
Iron overload / manganese deficiency results in diabetes. MnSOD starts harming cells instead of protecting them when iron gets in the place of manganese.
Copper deficiency. Results in dementia.
Many enzymes seem to be evolved for cobalt, rather than zinc, but they contain zinc under supposedly normal conditions. Cobalt is used for doping in both human athletes and racing horses, suggesting it might be essential outside B12.

>> No.11957640

I'd rather have a cure for depression, spending eternity in this life would be hell.

>> No.11957834

Calcification is caused by an inability of the cell to reject calcium, which happens due to cell stress. In fact, the parathyroid hormone that is necessary during hypocalcemia of low calcium intake causes stress, so low calcium intake also causes calcification

>> No.11957838

I have stopped eating.

>> No.11957858

do something instead of surfing the web retard

>> No.11957884

just stop being sad you fucking retard

>> No.11958276

I'm sure you will figure out, how to get better and healthier. Good luck

>> No.11958297

You shouldn’t do that for too long anon

This isn’t a therapy thread, take it to /r9k/.
Solving the side effects of curing aging (aka eternal depression) is a related but separate topic to curing aging itself

>> No.11958299

What benefit to society would the elimination of aging even bring? It would just allow for the nextgen Boomers to control the young population and make it harder for society and humanity to progress.

>> No.11958306

slowly i am but not fast enough

>> No.11958428

>you ARE working on anti-aging research... a-aren’t you anon?
Living longer than 60 years is for pussies

>> No.11958689

Don't donate to SENS research foundation, all it does it fund Aubrey De Grey's alcoholism. He's said multiple times on camera that he drinks at least 6 beers a day.

>> No.11958705

why would i ? just let other people do it and buy the chinese brand

>> No.11958947

People should die, immortality will be bad for everyone

>> No.11959216

It takes two Mg ions to export a Ca ion. So it's too much Ca or too little Mg.

>> No.11959245

I plan to. Right now I'm struggling at community college. I'm 20 years old.

But I'll eventually make it to a university and either major in Biochemistry or Regenerative Medicine.
All in all, so long as I have access to a lab and learning materials, I think I'll be happy in life (even if I end up flipping burgers for a living).
Hopefully it won't come to that though.

I love biology and chemistry, and I'd like to live as long as possible.

>> No.11959246
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>> No.11959552

Co2 (produced during metabolism) rejects calcium from the cell

>> No.11961383

What do you mean?

>> No.11961933

kill yourself

>> No.11961964

Absolutely nothing.
Kleptoparasites already live too long.

>> No.11962459

why? when I die it's game over so why does should it matter? there is nothing here to have reason to live forever? make this place better and sell your snake oil to that utopic sucker

>> No.11963066

Yes, but it's not going well.

>> No.11963180

suck a juicy fat cock

>> No.11963710

I have a similar issue but I figure if true antiaging technologies are created, then it just makes it all the more likely that I'll find happiness in that greater amount of time given to me. It's pretty much a net-win.

>> No.11963718
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>> No.11963724

You can't escape entropy, deterioration and death are inevitable. At some point prolonging the inevitable is worse than embracing it. There's a point at which using finite resources on the old comes at the expense of the young. There's a reason death is biologically encoded. Renewal and all it entails is good for the species.

>> No.11964025


▲ ▲

>> No.11964182

stop fearing death retard

>> No.11965145

Stop worshipping death, nigger.

>> No.11965505

acceptance isnt worship

>> No.11965581

That's a defeatist attitude, believing we can't break the natural death barrier is the same as believing we can't make planes as humans were born as land animals and weren't made to fly.

Not wanting to die in less than 80 years due to muh natural death ≠ wanting immortality

>> No.11966085

Yes it is.

>> No.11966135

Don't know who the eceleb in the OP is but I'm studying genomics and molecular biology and I will do my PhD in a couple years here and hopefully be focusing on aging.

What are you doing besides shitposting, OP? I'm on your side but spamming too much will just scare people away.

>> No.11966193

I'm working on the legalization of euthanasy, pretty sure it's a way more efficient use of effort than trying to make people immortal.

>> No.11966551
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>You can't escape entropy, deterioration and death are inevitable
Then why doesn't everyone just kill themselves right now if extinction is the end result anyway? Or into old age when quality of life is reduced? Everyone says "death is natural just accept it" but even decrepit elderly will use every tool of modern science to cling onto every single second. Why is is not selfish to push average life expectancy from 30 to 80, but it IS selfish to push beyond that?

If you want to just say it's not possible to do then fine, it's hard to argue against with where medicine is currently at. But every "Philosophy of Death" argument is nonsensical so long as you delay your own death with every breath you draw.

>> No.11966581

I was old. I wanted more time. Bodies constructs, minds are programs. Uploaded my program into the Shroud, to cheat death. Succeeded. Failed. Trapped in my prototype.

>> No.11966627



>> No.11966714

Six beers a day is like 5-10 bucks a day at most, let the man drink.

>> No.11966803

This but unironically. Every personality like Aubrey or Liz Parish behind this life extension grift is a millionaire that is conning desperate people out of their money and more people need to start punishing them for it.

>> No.11966863


>> No.11968299

I din't care if he drinks beer, but his approach seems to lead to nowhere. It's basically as if you wanted to maintain a car without knowing anything about how it works and why cars break down.

>> No.11968325

How do you get that from him? He was independently wealthy from his parents and had millions of dollars before he donated most of it to SENS. And the best way to make money is to have actual products that work and generate income, that's why SENS spins out start-ups, the idea is that they will become profitable and then in turn fund SENS themselves.
Your argument lacks logic.

>> No.11968330

>The rich would never try to grift anyone!!
What are you, 12?

>> No.11968337

Nice strawman Anon, really shows a good level of cognitive ability. It's a pretty fucking shitty grift where you lose 90% of your inheritance in return for an unpaid position in an organisation and some shares in companies that you purport will go nowhere.

>> No.11968343

It's not a strawman, you retarded faggot, it's literally how the rich hoard more wealth. Our entire society is built on the rich stealing from the poor, you fucking simp.

>> No.11968349

Anon you can just admit that you have 0 justification for what you're saying other than an inherent dislike. I'm not saying you have to like him.

>> No.11968391

How about Liz Parrish's little stunt? Or the fact that SENS has done a total 180 on its mission statement of "ignoring the diseases of old age, and treating aging itself" to chase down the scary Alzheimer's bucks? Or the fact that every other billionaire is starting up one of these companies that never go anywhere, but milk millions before they quietly disappear like a fart dissipating from a room.

>> No.11968392

If there is no life there is no disease

That is my plan

>> No.11968395

Liz Parrish has nothing to do with SENS and is a businesswoman.
You may as well include David Sinclair et al. if you're just going to lump everyone in the anti-ageing space together.

>> No.11968397

>struggling at community college


>> No.11968398
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This is from 1992. What has the "life extension" scam done in 30 years?

>> No.11968420

>And the best way to make money is to have actual products that work and generate income,
We need somebody who wants to cure aging, not just make some money.

>> No.11968421

>teenage zoomers

>> No.11968430

You blame deGray incorrectly, he specifixally rejects approaches like that.

>> No.11968438

death is the only good thing to come from the pandoras box of life

>> No.11968466

I dont give a fuck about anti-aging, I was meant to die. Let the bald fuck and the memester take anti aging drugs, enjoy your 800 years of going to the office everyday to deal with the same old bullshit before you inevitably go insane or blow your brains out of boredom.

Me I will be experiencing various existences across entire universes and all it takes for me to be able to do this is to die.

>> No.11968495

The sooner the better, brainlet-kun

>> No.11968543

Have a sense of proportion. Things are going to change drastically in 200 years if things go well. Your projecting your wageslavery filled 80 year lifespan on the future. Perhaps you'll be the one to benefit the most off of these anti-aging therapies.

>> No.11968553

I always get told I need to "grow up"
I think I might be onto something...

>> No.11968560

How Can You Be Depressed Like Nigga Just Smile LMAO

>> No.11968589

No I don't. And no he doesn't. He himself said what I already stated. Go to their website right now and they're whining about Alzheimer's.

>> No.11968654

I don't see anything like it on their pages, only something about collagen crosslinging, something about the expression of mitochondrial DNA and COVID. (which kills the elderly because it loves iron and old people tend to have much higher iron stores)

>> No.11968705
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Yes, I'm sure it's the iron, not the fact that they're old as shit and have one foot in the grave.

>> No.11968749

It is the iron because even young people with high iron levels die of it.

>> No.11968756

>Then why doesn't everyone just kill themselves right now if extinction is the end result anyway?
Read the rest of my post.

>Or into old age when quality of life is reduced?
Because it's illegal in most countries.

>Why is is not selfish to push average life expectancy from 30 to 80, but it IS selfish to push beyond that?
Read the rest of my post.

>> No.11968757

I'm very sure you've solved why infectious illness disproportionately kills the elderly. No wonder you believe in this snake oil catshit. Just fucking look how dumb you are. They could tell you it was because old people tend to have cats more often and you'd cream yourself spamming the """news""" all over 4chan (reddit).

>> No.11968769 [DELETED] 

>I'm very sure you've solved why infectious illness disproportionately kills the elderly.
It's a major way it kills described in published papers, not something I came up with. It seems to specifically seek iron, people with high iron levels have high risk of dying, one of the proposed readons why some countries are left unaffected is the widespread iron deficiency, which protects from covid.

>> No.11968772

>I'm very sure you've solved why infectious illness disproportionately kills the elderly.
It's a major line of research described in published papers, not something I came up with. It seems to specifically seek iron, people with high iron levels have a high risk of dying, one of the proposed reasons why some countries are left unaffected is the widespread iron deficiency, which protects from covid.

>> No.11968773

>There's a point at which using finite resources on the old comes at the expense of the young. Renewal and all it entails is good for the species.
What's the point of even having young and reproducing? The end result is extinction anyway, whether we reproduce or not.

Either life is inherently worth fighting for, or it's not. There's no more a rule that 80 years is a rough limit on human life than there was a rule that half of all infants must die in childbirth for the other half to succeed. All you're defending is the natural order that you're used to, without considering that it's just as foreign to most of our ancestors as life extension is to you. It's not the default, nor the ideal.

>> No.11968774

Yeah, I'm sure. Just cure it with magnets!

>> No.11968787

What teason do you have to mock it? The extreme iron levels in those that would later die were noticed months ago. The mortality curve matches the ages when people often start suffering from disordered iron metanolism. And it is nothing unique for an infectious disease to thrive on iron.

>> No.11968805

it's already cure by PE-22-28

>> No.11968813

The nost common causes are dietary. Wrong Ca/Mg ratio (lower is better); copper deficiency, manganese deficiency. It mostly comes from the citric acid cycle slowing because of the deficiency, which makes cells downregulate energy consumption, not anything "psychological".