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11955203 No.11955203 [Reply] [Original]

We are only dumb monkeys who have all technology because we found magical rocks in the ground. All modern technology is made possible by these magic rocks.

No intelligence, no creativity, no science no nothing is responsible for modern technology. Its all the magic rocks and all of the other shit can not bring back modern technology once the magic rocks go away.

What is the name of these magic rocks? Fossil fuels. Cole is quite literally a magic rock people figured out.

Uranium? Another thing you dig out of the ground and use. The more you use the less of it remains.

Fossil fuels hundreds years of solar energy and you burn it in 1 day.

Muh fusion? Another thing to burn out.

And the echo of eternity remains.

>> No.11955244

Yes, so what?
Some of humans identify as whatever their position in society is: "I am an engineer", "I am a teacher", "I'm gay"...
I simply identify as an animal. There's nothing more to me.

>> No.11955248

>Yes, so what?
I'm reminding everyone where this modern tech is from.
If there where no Fossil fuels on earth (did not form) we would not be landing on the moon in 1969 or having the internet today. So you know.

>> No.11955255

I'm aware of this every day

>> No.11955258

Good. I'm only here to tell the truth.

>I'm aware of this every day
Do you think the super energy reserves we are using will run out and humanity will go back to a medieval technology level at best?

>> No.11955262

there are real limitations to depending on something we can't produce ourselves, it'll always be unsustainable as long as we're dependent on some outside source of energy and materials

>> No.11955275

>on some outside source of energy
Yet perpetual motion is impossible.
The fossil fuels will run out the faster we use them.
We can go back to depending on the energy of the big candle in the sky (until it burns itself out) however modern technology and population numbers are impossible then.

>> No.11955279

Hard to predict, so I don't really care. It's like trying to predict the weather a year from now. It's probably possible, but I'm too dumb and so is all of humanity as for now. Happy life will be possible even if it does end and I think that it's the highest virtue (as opposed to progress). So I at least hope that all life will not die.

>> No.11955280


>> No.11956135

Before magic rocks appeared, some dude built a solar power system in egypt in the 1905 or so.

Ergo just make a lot of slave laborers to make charcoal and you are good to go.

>> No.11956140

Nice materialistic nihilism bro, I'm sure it will get you far in life

>> No.11956144

>Ergo just make a lot of slave laborers to make charcoal and you are good to go.
Will not support a technological society that we have today. Not enough energy.

Less energy dense then coal.

>> No.11956150

charcoal burns hotter than coal and is made from trees

>> No.11956152

Its the truth!
I have often have seen cringe lords obsessing how the scientific revolution happened because some word bla bla.

If in the late 1700 and 1800 people did not figure out that you can use coal to extract more coal nothing of this would be here. We would all live in Napoleonic era technology forever.

Monkeys found magic rocks in the ground.

>> No.11956154

>charcoal burns hotter than coal and is made from trees
I can counter how you are wrong.
However tell me why no ancients made railroads powered by charcoal?

You can literally not answer this. You are living in a fantasy land.

>made from trees
Yes and do you think forests are infinite wood generators who renew themselves every second or some shit? See the problem?

>> No.11956165
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>No intelligence, no creativity, no science no nothing is responsible for modern technology
yeah faggot, if you take those rocks from the ground, then it is transformed by magic into a car or you PC who let you write nihilism bullshit on the internet. Those magical rocks which we found in the ground, were useless if we could not find a way to use them.

>> No.11956168
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Why not start with iron then? It's also a magical rock in the ground. Or copper? Or the original magic rock (literally just a rock).
>grug stupid, grug no see that once all rocks are used we no can make more axes
>then we back at square one
Meanwhile we don't give a shit about rocks anymore because we have moved on to a new magic rock that makes the old rock obsolete, and thus abundant. Even if all the fossil fuel in the world ran out, we would still have iron, we would never go back to rocks.
Same shit applies to the magic rocks we use now.

>> No.11956173

>If humans never found certain tools they could have never made better tools

Groundbreaking stuff, If apes never discovered sharpening bits of wood into pointy sticks we would still be living in a prairie eating bugs off eachother.

>> No.11956176
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Oh look how angry you get

>into a car

No its quite easy, and inevitable actually a car is basically a disk that spins(engine) attached to other moving pipes. Simple really.

Once you understand how to build a steam engine you have no problem grasping how trivial it is to build any 1950s technology.

However you have no idea how to build a steam engine.

>were useless if we could not find a way to use them.
Some minimal basic thinking skills is required. however not more then this. If the animal can build a wind mill the animal can create industrial technology once given magic rocks.

>> No.11956190

Before you try make some deep poignant insight homie, i suggest you learn about your subject matter

>> No.11956198
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>Or the original magic rock (literally just a rock).
I laughed at this one so true.
monkey git you with hard thing, monkey say monkey smart.

Your thinking is completely matter obsessed not energy based.

You must understand that all the metals all the iron are useless (not really however go for a ride).
indeed all they are is like a garden hose made from plastic while energy is the (this is literally true) water moving in the hose.

Make different shapes in the plastic to make the water stream do different things. You even can make a water stream move a sprinkler.

No moving water, no energy no movement and the plastic housing is useless.

Its the stream of water, the movement of it, the energy that makes it all possible.
Think about it motors are basically spinning things.
Attach spinning thing to wheel and you have your motor bike and car.

Drills? Spinning thing attached to sharp thing.

The material shape that shapes energy is useless without energy, these are not perpetual machines, cut the energy and your machine literally stops working.

Oh you can have the iron to make it and all it will simply not work.
The working part is where energy is needed, energy is quite literally shaped by motors to behave in some way (most of the time spin).

The problem is that nothing provides the energy so great as fossil fuels(includes atomic energy). It was literally impossible to create the industrial revolution in ancient times not because the people did not know about steam engines (they known about them) however because people did not figure out that you can use coal to basically mine itself and started searching for these fossil fuels.

Its the energy that is important. These rocks are called magic rocks because they are so energy dense.

Your thinking is painfully material obsessed and ignores energy to the point of postulating perpetual motion.

>> No.11956201

You're right. I'm immensely glad to be alive in Peak Fossil, in a time of peace and relative stability that lasted for 30 years and is receding now. Zoomers may yet see man made horrors beyond imagination while I lived a peaceful and comfortable life.

>> No.11956202

I don't think you get the point.
Energy is not a tool.

Steam engines where functional 2000 years ago. Why do you think they did not use them on a industrial scale?

>> No.11956210

The massive Roman Slavery system deincentivized the development labor saving technologies and lead to stagnation?

>> No.11956211

>Before magic rocks appeared, some dude built a solar power system in egypt in the 1905 or so.
magic rocks have already been widely used for power in 1700 and from then on their use massively increased you brainlet.

>> No.11956213

Things that harness resources for energy are certainly tools, and we never would have developed those tools if we did not first learn to sharpen sticks

>> No.11956215

This is a modern cope.
Don't you think they use slaves to mine the fuel like they did in the 1800 ? No? No need for a fan or anything?

Its simply a cope to blind you to the truth, once the fossil fuel extraction (including atomic) drop its a hell ride back to the stone age with mass wars, cannibalism and starvation.

This is a fact. Once energy extraction dips its a really bad time. See what happens during a black out.

>> No.11956217

We are talking the roman empire here so you can drop the sharp stick angel. They mastered iron working back then so no excuses.

>> No.11956227

As long as we can grow and burn trees to heat water and make a turbine turn, humans will never return to the stone age. There could definitely be a huge crisis when we run out of easy to extract fuels causing the population to shrink drastically but we could still make electricity on a smaller scale.

>> No.11956229

to even get to the point of understanding the properties of these "magic rocks" we would have had to develope a working state of human intelligence
>The more you use the less of it remains

>> No.11956232

>No intelligence, no creativity, no science no nothing is responsible for modern technology.

>> No.11956237

>to even get to the point of understanding the properties of these "magic rocks" we would have had to develope a working state of human intelligence
You need intelligence.
I'm removing these things to hammer the central point since most people operate like electricity magically happens in the wall socket or that electrical power plants are perpetual motion machines.

>> No.11956239

You try to make a 1950 society on a planet that has no fossil fuels. How you get to 1950s tech without fossil fuels.is exercise in incredulity.

>> No.11956242

Magnets are the first magic rocks. They are the first thing you would want to find if we had to start over from scratch.

>> No.11956259

most people are blinded by the certain parties but a return to form is both quick and accesible.
i bet it would surprise a good few the turn around that can be done enmasse.
instinct is hard-coded into dna, and if not poisoned, psyched, bogged, born into reliance as you say, prospering off the land in our current year again from a post-apocalyptic state would be incredibly fast moving.. i would argue that we would become more intelligent as a species, tho an extinction level event is not neccessary, just a return to form.

>> No.11957395


>> No.11957535
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>We are only dumb monkeys who have all technology because we found magical rocks in the ground
>All modern technology is made possible by these magic rocks.
>What is the name of these magic rocks? Fossil fuels.
Oh, I thought you were going to say "magnets"

>> No.11957824
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>Whoa dude have you ever stopped to think that, like, coal and oil are like magic rocks and shit???
I get that you must think yourself clever for making this post, but trust me, it is not a clever post. You are not smart.

Most high schoolers know that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. It's the most famous equation in the world.

All forms of matter store energy in them.
If we weren't burning fossil fuels we would be harnessing fuel from somewhere else.

There is no magic involved. Anything that creates energy in the known universe spends some type of resource to do it. There is no perpetual motion machine. Even the Sun cannot escape this tyranny, it must fuse hydrogen to shine, it's burning fuel just as we are doing.

Humans are quite clever and resourceful, the fact that we burn fuel doesn't negate our achievements.