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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11953668 No.11953668 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11953678

No, although IQ only determines your reasoning ability and it changes with age and education.

>> No.11953683

>AI is just synthetic IQ

>> No.11953712

As much as anything dealing with sociology/psychology is

>> No.11953754

Only /pol/tards claim it's a pseudoscience

>> No.11953785


What? Poltards are all over race and IQ

>> No.11953948

all of psychology is pseudoscience especially psychology that tries to branch out to actual science.

>> No.11953963

Iq test are not complete

>> No.11954071

yes, for the most part

>> No.11954079
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It's a perfectly testable, demonstrable and reproducible phenomenon, so in that sense it's scientific.

It is also fairly subjective and you're always going to get pilpul of what G is though so it's hardly concrete. Regardless, it's clearly a trait with strongly heritable elements and also a decent enough indicator of life outcomes that groups like the military use their equivalent to filter tards. People get assmad about IQ because they either want to demonstrate their own racial superiority or conversely want to pretend that everybody is equal and there's no such thing as groups that are smarter than others despite there being a clear genetic component to intelligence.

>> No.11954088

It's basically the only thing in psychology that's actually scientific. Literally every argument against IQ (it only measures your ability to take a test, it's racially biased, it doesn't correlate to real life results, etc) has been conclusively refuted. Check out the book "Intelligence: All That Matters" if you want to read more about it in detail.

>> No.11954127

IQ is a valid psychometric that can be used to predict certain outcomes quite consistently.

>> No.11954281
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No, see pic related. The problem is many white supremacists and weirdos use this studies to justify their retarded views.

>> No.11954322

As it falls under psychology that isn't also under neuroscience, yes

>> No.11954325

I know at least one absolute retard who has a MENSA-official IQ. I guess it's important to distinguish the many ways one can be stupid as fuck, only one of which is being a dimwit.

>> No.11954350

No, it's not. It is measurable that if a person does well on one kind if intelligence test, they do well on them all. This is called the g factor

>> No.11954483


The Neuroscience of Intelligence: Dr. Richard Haier & Jordan B Peterson

>> No.11954719

Don't know if you are trying to delegitimize the author just because he had a interview with Peterson, but Peterson has a lot of interviews with all kind of physiologies and researches.

>> No.11954731

It's not pseudoscience, but it's an entirely pointless metric that only measures pattern recognition and information processing speed
In the real world, in any job(unless you're some autismo wizard coding alone in your room), how you interact with people is far more important, and charismatic, determined, confident 100iq brainlets will get ahead of 120-130iq 4chanposters every time.

>> No.11954745

You can study for IQ tests. Make of that what you will.

>> No.11954994

You are retarded, make of that what you will

>> No.11955004

I score highly on IQ tests. I still think they're shit.

>> No.11955339

pretty much lol
i mean cmon man
maybe it works tho.. i seem like an idiot to you
but maybe im super fuckin smart
its wild boi and all you can do is fucking observe this shit
we are between 0 and 1 and i love every second and everyone