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11951949 No.11951949 [Reply] [Original]

Intersex is just jew science, right? It's nothing more than a mutation. It's like, having Vitiligo doesn't make you biracial if you're an African with 100% black African ancestry. Every scientific paper and article I've seen that try to make the case that sex isn't binary always use societal stigmatization or gender dysphoria as their main arguments. They don't have any other arguments other than "It hurts people's feelings".

>> No.11951965

It meant something went wrong in the womb. It's not the same as "I think I am a woman."

>> No.11951974

my thoughts are as follows. intersex people are such a tiny subset of actual people that they are just an “exception” to the general rule that actually does apply to 99% or even more— 99%+ of people. society shouldn’t have to cater to them.

>> No.11951987

Chopping off your dick and calling yourself a woman is equivalent to putting on blackface and calling yourself an African American.

>> No.11951996

Pic related is a congenital anomaly. As other anons have pointed out, an anomaly that applies to a marginal minority is and will always be abnormal. Tell those jew scientists to consider the scenario if 'intersex' people are able to reproduce. Then ask them what they would think would happen to the human race if 'intersex' was a majority.

>> No.11952004

do we call people with brain deformities inter-brains? inter-humans? No, we just call them retarded because that's their main characteristic, they are extremely retarded. Should we treat people with sexual deformities differently? No reason at all. There is only male, female, and freaks, because people with sexual deformities are incredibly freaky.

>> No.11952326

even in animals that can change their sex, sex is still binary.

>> No.11952331
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>> No.11952332

pretty much, a birth defect isn't a new biological sex.

>> No.11952342
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sex is about sperm and eggs. males produce sperm and females produces/carry eggs. if neither apply it's only endogenously asexual by definition.

>> No.11952772

Birth defects are not new genders

>> No.11952779
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but but but.....e

>> No.11955582


>> No.11956550

>Klinefelter syndrome

>> No.11956847

>b-but muh /pol/
Just common sense.

>> No.11956917

Sex is not a fucking spectrum LMFAO

>> No.11957173

It could have affects on your hormones and development, and I think intersex people are still assigned a sex at birth, even if it's arbitrarily so.

The real jewscience is having the doctor do intersex assignment surgery on your kid at birth without their consent

I'm pretty sure most trannies aren't even intersex

>> No.11959043
