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11949812 No.11949812 [Reply] [Original]

Are women as capable of critical thought as men?

They seem to do well at bureaucratic tasks, such as finishing a university education, but how well can they come up with and test new ideas? There's very few prominent female scientists.

>> No.11949890

IQ tests originally showed a distinctive and persisting gap between male and female performance.
Over the decades, these tests were adjusted such that both women and men would score very similar averages. One obviously can argue that this is due to better education in females. However it is shown that even modern women show this distinctive gap when they are administered the old IQ test. However, I don't have the source for that.
>They seem to do well at bureaucratic tasks, such as finishing a university education
These tasks are monotonous with clearly defined routines. Women don't do worse than men when it comes to following orders.
>but how well can they come up with and test new ideas?
Women are less aggressive than men, thus are considerably less likely to deviate from a given norm. Discovering new things however implies transcending a norm, something that women generally avoid.
Women are also more neurotic (on average). Neuroticism is linked with the desire to fit in and to conform to norms and standards regardless of how arbitrary they are. Again something that is aversive to intellectual inquiries.
As implied above, women probably do considerably worse at IQ tests than men. Women score 4 points below men on tests administered today. Women also show a lower variance when it comes to IQ distribution, causing more women to be average whereas men predominate among those with low and high IQ. Even admitting that women do somewhat worse than men and have a narrow distribution doesn't ultimately explain the waste underrepresentation of females in science and philosophy. I assume that even those females that are cognitively able to achieve something failed to do so because of personal disinclination, child-bearing, rigid thinking patterns and lack of aggressive inquisition.

>> No.11949907

>such as finishing a university education
teachers dont assign grades impartially anyway
and women receive the majority of scholarships, despite already being the majority of college students
every now and then you get an autistic girl that becomes a good female scientist, like Noether or Curie
but those exceptions prove the rule

>> No.11949923

Science, philosophy, literature, arts, politics - choose any intellectual or cultural field and list the 10 most important people in its history. How many women are in the list? Could you even name 10 famous women in that field without starting a Google search?

>> No.11951027

Were the old IQ tests were very spacially focused?
Maybe it really is just society. Historically before university and academia became the bloated mess of shit idpol it is now, it was probably much more uncommon or even taboo for women to pursue those fields.
Even then women probably have insane impostor syndrome in the field since it might be hard for them to ever feel like they belong, but this is just overgeneralization

>> No.11952226

where would someone find more on this?

>> No.11952228

Overall no. Otherwise they'd have made a mark on history

>> No.11952233

Women exist to have babies and men exist to occasionally be brilliant and hopefully breed.
Lefty marxist politics be damned

>> No.11952361

>tfw ML research engineer for 5 years, the only woman I can name is fei fei li

>> No.11952392 [DELETED] 

It seems possible the female reproductive system eats up the resources that are then not available for the brain, and the difference would be less if nutrition was good.

>> No.11952396

It seems possible the female reproductive system eats up the resources that are then not available for the brain, and the difference would be less if nutrition was good.
The differences are insignificant in autists, and birth control can fix the problem as well.

>> No.11952513

Women have displayed similar academic and professional capability as men for decades now that they have finally been given the chance, so incels and other scum started to make up unmeasurable shit like "women can't come up with new ideas".

>> No.11952528

there are far, far fewer female geniuses, their IQ clusters more towards the average.

>> No.11952557
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1595946527136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks calling people incels will get him laid

>> No.11952585

by that logic that means that there are also far far more male retards and you certainly prove that.

>> No.11952611

You seem oddly catty, did I strike a nerve? There are more low IQ males as the data shows.

>> No.11952673

>Girls outperform boys in school from kindergarten to university
>Apparently incapable of critical thought
Critical thinking btfo, what a useless skill

>> No.11952684

WOMEN are never good in anything. Worthless. They even act mighty like some kind of higher beings. When the old age hits them they realize how worthless they are. All of them do.

>> No.11952693

That doesn't count for anything, they're still fighting for equality aren't they? Still unable to discern the differences between men and women and the uselessness of it all.

>> No.11952705

I've met I'd say one decent female engineer in 15 years in tech, and she was Iraqi, for what that's worth. Highly intelligent, fantastic memory. Even then she was at best equal to the main two guys in the team who were frighteningly clever and motivated. Best I could do was keep up at times. The other women I've met in tech just seemed to have latched onto it as something easy to make a career in (as part of the whole communistic push to insert as many non essential people as possible into every area of endeavour where there's decent money flowing about) and would have been utterly lost at any technical task demanding any type of gritty persistence and out of the box or original thinking. Even the smart ones almost without exception just don't 'get' it - they lack a kind of cold rage that I've seen in the very best male engineers. One of those two guys was a former architect with loads of elite mates that he was desperate to keep up with - the other the descendant of generations of imams, and one of most careful, refined and sensitive people I've ever met.

>> No.11952717

sometimes, but it's usually the ones with autism

>> No.11952754


>> No.11952808

Anon, I think that's known as the exception that proves the rule

>> No.11952858
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Women are treated better socially and have the benefit of having primarily fellow female teachers that are most likely leftist, these leftist female teachers often punish young men more severely and grade them strictly. So school and society really is geared for female success by a large margin at the expense of males physical work, which historically is a sign of a failing society because men can't be reduced to physical looks and money they accomplished far too much without any womens say so beyond child rearing.

This also creates a polygamous aristocratic society that only benefits the richest and best looking of male society , which in turn creates incels and incels lash out unwavering, which actually has helped fueled these current leftist protest theres a whole rainbow army of communist incels differing it to White males and large when its just the same 1% oppressing everybody, the original occupy movement was far more in line with this but got hijacked by antifa and blm. This also a mirror of islamic countries and has shown to be the mechanism that actually creates radicals by not allowing males access to females, this why "72 virgins" is so repeated among suicidal muslims.
Christian societies solved this incel dilemma with monogamy and charity.

No most aren't but there is some outliers and its often because they also had positive intelligent male influences early on. Soph aka Lt.Corbais for example is very articulate and does posse critical thinking however her older brother is the one that influenced her to consider her strong opinions and also just parroted his apparently.

>> No.11952882

>No most aren't but there is some outliers and its often because they also had positive intelligent male influences early on. Soph aka Lt.Corbais for example is very articulate and does posse critical thinking however her older brother is the one that influenced her to consider her strong opinions and also just parroted his apparently.
This is exactly what I believe. Original thinking seems to be a highly masculine trait and women can learn it to a degree but almost always via a strong male influence.

>> No.11952887

>the other the descendant of generations of imams, and one of most careful, refined and sensitive people I've ever met.
Say what you will about religions, but priest castes are incredible people.

>> No.11952897

*foster incredible people

>> No.11952928

I've seen it argued this is why the elites are pushing for islamising whites out of existence, that and the jews seem to prefer living under islamic societies or something.

>> No.11952963

Yeah I never realised this until meeting this guy. He told me that at university he was bored studying just one degree because it was too easy, and so he decided to study another entire degree at the same time, graduating with two whole degrees in the time everyone else manages one. Quite a character. He had a really funny story about being grilled at the Israeli border for hours because he had some antique korans in his luggage that he bought whilst travelling and forgotten about and they thought he was a jihadist or something! He wasn't even a Muslim himself but just interested in his heritage.

>> No.11953011

Not that strange, considering females go through puberty earlier than males.

>> No.11953029
File: 335 KB, 2448x1624, Maryam-Mirzakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will put every single one of you on /sci/ to shame in a battle of wits

>> No.11953036

because they've been oppressed and never let out the kichen you schmuck. Have you even fully internalised the historical context of this world

>> No.11953042

Why is it so important for you autistits to prove that a group different than yours is less smart? Like how does this affect your life? Can't you just value someone for their results?

>> No.11953043

there actually is an positive effect on female maturity based on the number of related males she interacts with, father, brothers, uncles, cousins, etc, etc the fewer related men the worse their behaviour, it's one of the many reasons single mothers make such terrible parents.

>> No.11953055

>not oppressed by society
and don't act like properly raising healthy children is not literally the single most important contribution to society?

>> No.11953059

Because diversity hires are undermining the infrastructure of civilisation, and we see the consequences around us growing.

>> No.11953060
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They are intimidated by strong women.

>> No.11953061

*diversity hires and identity politics

>> No.11953076

Who only exist as fictional characters, right?

>> No.11953078

its okay to be racist on 4chan dawg. why do you mask it with the pretense of being concerned about diversity hires and all? we all know you're simply repulsed by black skin, just say it as it is

>> No.11953086

Girls only outperform boys because feminists literally changed the education system (including the way children are taught to read) to favor girls, and it's now been proven that female teachers give girls higher grades.

>> No.11953089

Based Iranian mathfu.

>> No.11953090

incels will cope by claiming anybody who thinks this is a white knight or woman though

>> No.11953108
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Again, pic related will humiliate you so badly in all areas of intellect that no amount of validation thru online IQ test will restore your bruised ego

>> No.11953118 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 512x457, midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga being a simp won't get you laid
say what you want about the incels, but at least they're transparent enough to know they're not getting pussy anytime soon

>> No.11953119

The number of armchair scientists and engineers in this thread.

Come back when you pass the PE Exam.

>> No.11953123
File: 73 KB, 512x457, -cel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga being a simp won't get you laid
say what you want about the incels, but at least they're transparent enough to know they're not getting pussy anytime soon

>> No.11953124

Let me guess, not feminine enough, short hair, masculine features and all. Your supposed hero rejects her femininity because she understands how and why women are treated back in her Islamic home.

>> No.11953126

>short hair
Literally wtf do women do this?

>> No.11953127

At what point has anyone declared there aren't outlier females?

>> No.11953128

Just pay off a hooker if you want to get laid, I never understood how not getting laid is a issu in the first place. He's not simping, that right there is a normal functioning human

>> No.11953134

That's an exception that proves the rule.

>> No.11953138 [DELETED] 

Even her dressing and make gaze is slightly masculine. You'd think a woman would smile more?

>> No.11953141

At this point, smoothbrain

>> No.11953145

Show off their ears, eyes and feminine skull shape?

>> No.11953151

Incels want a proper love life, like 1950's marriage and shit, but unlike Mr. Cuck over here (>>11953090), he knows he isn't gonna get it. He also has standards, which unlike the ones many thots place on men, can be completed or even surpassed.

>> No.11953152

Must have missed it, funny rebuttal.

>> No.11953153

Even her dressing and male gaze is slightly masculine. You'd think a woman would smile more?

>> No.11953158

t. permaincel
last I checked 60% of those who go to uni are women vs 40% male
where does the other 60% of males go? mcdonalds?

>> No.11953175

I meant 10%
I had not had breakfirst first

>> No.11953186
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Actual jobs? You know, the shit that women immediately go silent over when they realize gender equality means they actually have to work. The shit that actually could cause death while working? Not every useful career requires a meme degree.

>> No.11953191

they're in the triple Ds dirty, dangerous or dull

>> No.11953193

And still the 40% get paid more and contribute more to society. While bitter females seethe at the 'glaring injustice' of poor wages

>> No.11953205
File: 52 KB, 500x500, kekzilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one. A good chunk of those 60% whamen also ends up hoeing about to pay for bills, because while the (((department of education))) gives them an edge, reality doesn't.

>> No.11953208

The 3 D's that gives women the privilege of pushing pencils and complaining about the AC being too cold.

>> No.11953289

Wouldn't the scientific thing here to ask be, how many modern day societies are there that aren't shit holes that keep women barefoot and in the kitchen? The closest one that I can think of that actually succeeds with enforcing segregation by sex is the Saudis and they have oil money & slaves to keep the world sucking their dick.

Everywhere else may not be PC as the US is about gender roles. But it also starts to sort of become a bar where of sorts. For example India lots of women problems to point gang rapes on the street aren't uncommon. Germany, alright, fully incorporates and society benefits overall. Japan incorporates men and women while pushing the shit out of them. Gender roles are still respected and even encouraged by the government. Society benefits.

And to round things back to your original question. It wouldn't really matter. Critical thought & new ideas don't occur in a vacuum. Rather it is built by inspiration or previous work which sometimes does come from a female/diversity hire.

>> No.11953539

*4 Ds, Dirty, Dangerous, Difficult, or Dull

>> No.11954838

You misogynist retards are so fucking pathetic. I bet many of you are non-white in which case white women as a group are way more accomplished than you, have higher IQ than you...etc, are they therefore superior to you by your own standards?

>> No.11954881

they get better grades because they study more, but get worse scores on tests, retard

>> No.11954907

The picrel is biased - divide the numbers of neurons by body mass.
Following this logic, OP is not smarter than a sperm whale.

>> No.11954919

if it involves biochemistry or shoes, women have an advantage over men

>> No.11955215

>body size had no influence on neuron number
lanklets btfo

>> No.11955260

Low maintanence, keeping long hair clean and pretty and cleaning fallen hairs off the floor takes effort. If a woman is uncharacteristically lacking in vanity then she wont bother. Although of course some just do it in a childish attempt to be a walking feminist statement.

>> No.11955284

>he doesn't know about the height-iq correlation
Will manlets ever learn?