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11947178 No.11947178 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to convince someone that climate change is a real existential threat to humanity?

>> No.11947187


>> No.11947189


>> No.11947191

This doesn't have anything to do with coronavirus

>> No.11947196

being a existential threat means its not a real threat your just having a identity cirssis over the fact your life is a lie pretty much

>> No.11947210

1. remove brain
2. tell them that

>> No.11947223

By finding proof that it is. No one managed so far.

>> No.11947236

I don't mean existential as in "existentialism" I mean existential as in "could lead to the deaths of most people."

>> No.11947561

the most practical shit I've heard is how extra co2 can fuck with the ph in large bodies of water.

>> No.11947567

then use the correct words next time you create this kind of shitty thread

>> No.11947595

>Earth is heating up
>Look at the sources of your infographics - they often tell a different story
>The fact that CO2 not heating up the planet would change our understanding of covalent bonding

>> No.11947602

you can't make anyone change their mind.

>> No.11947617

who cares just burn through their cars engine block with thermite

>> No.11947638

Climate change is a straw-man gay-op buy care fanatics the they can further gas our towns and cry, "but look climate science got it wrong"

>> No.11947658
File: 88 KB, 992x744, AFED376B-FF53-4EE9-A7B9-B1BD5EDF47C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal, as in the absolute definition of the word, cope.

>> No.11947977


>> No.11948019

Lead by example. Go solar, EV, stop having kids, recycle, use smaller home, consume less, etc.

Otherwise you're just being a faggot.

>> No.11948036

>stop having kids
Have a nice empty life.

>> No.11948043

Why is it empty? Are you just a monkey that can't control your primal instinct?

>> No.11948167

if you want to lead by example, and dont have anyone to raise, then why dont you neck yourself

>> No.11948181

You can't convince anyone if you can't communicate to others.

>> No.11948206

you cant convince anyone anyway

>> No.11948223

Can't convince retards, so not worth a try.

>> No.11948282

Jewish propaganda. Individuals do not have to change but the way we produce products does. Continue coping.

>> No.11948320

OK don't glow so hard, shlomo. All the pressure has to be on corporations. Corporations are the biggest perpetrators. My annual holiday isn't warming up the planet as much as each consultant's 6 business flights a quater.
Go nuclear > go solar
Biofuel compatible vehicle > electric
Raise your 2-3 kids right > be genetic dead end
Reduce and reuse + recycle
More energy efficient home > smaller home
Consoom less is agreeable

>> No.11948332

Straya burns all the time mate. Eucalyptus oil is like fucking gasoline.

>> No.11948378

Is that why I can't convince you the earth is flat?

>> No.11948388

Nazi larping is only funny in /pol/. Outside, and you're either retarded, or a dark triad personality (a "shill", as /pol/ likes to cal lit).
So, which is it?

>> No.11948391
File: 656 KB, 979x901, Img-1573560947510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That right there is why people refuse to believe in climate change. Because the (((solutions))) are utter bullshit. I'm sorry Mr. Goldberg, but we know when you're trying to get us to unwittingly allow you to live in a chateau while we rot in technical mudhuts like cattle. Fuck you. I will NOT become a vegan faggot, I WILL have a reasonably sized home, eat meat, and even though I'm a half breed, I'll have kids as well. While I'm at it, I could as well throw kudzu seeds into ghettos as well, nature needs to retake what belongs to it.

>> No.11948429

You know those arguments go both ways, right?
1. No it isn't / CO2 isn't the reason / humans aren't the reason / there is no earth. Take your pick.
2. Seen too many at that end as well. Worst one was wikipedia, where editors were desperate to show historic data shows CO2 affected temp millions of years ago, and not the other way around.
3. Why? It is a known fact water is responsible for 90+% (off memory, I believe it's 98%+) of greenhouse effect on earth. Any source claiming otherwise is lying, or states they left water and a few other molecules out in small print.
Old generation knows this, that is individuals that came in with physics backgrounds.
New generation are clueless mostly, and treat the field akin to psychology, or political science, which is why most results that come out are garbage.

>> No.11948430

Who's being funny? Climate change isn't funny, chief.

>> No.11948503
File: 114 KB, 937x585, PentagonSecretGlobalWarmingReport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously you need to tell them that a secret report from the Pentagon thinks global warming will cause major European cities to sink beneath the waves, the gulf stream to shut down & plunge the UK into a Siberian climate, and stoke massive famines & droughts all over the world. After all, the Pentagon wouldn't lie about such things, would they?

>> No.11948559

Kill yourself you unholy abomination made by racemixing. Your children will turn out with a max case of outbreeding depression, best to just save the world the burden of dealing with them.

>> No.11949149


>> No.11949153
File: 52 KB, 1182x754, 1595964455080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know shit will hit the fan real hard, I just cant be bothered to cuck myself to do something about it.

>> No.11949158


>> No.11949165
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, 1587101520632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on sci for first time
>it's just people denying climate change

really makes you think

>> No.11949186

If it's a serious "real existential threat" then every bit of effort to save humanity matters. There's no reason one can't both change their personal lives while also advocating for changes in production processes.

>> No.11949234
File: 153 KB, 1120x630, OURPLANET_FROZENWORLDS_42_screengrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show them Our Planet on Netflix. Especially that scene with the Walrussians.
Even if climate change had nothing to do with humans we should do as much as we can to preserve and protect our environment.

>> No.11949238

>climate change
>existential threat
lol no

>> No.11949391

You can't do better than the mass media campaigns and shaming for the last 3 decades. Only time will vindicate you (or them). You might also identify what their actual views on it is rather than strawmanning them. Perhaps they consider it at an issue but the implications of what I said above to be more a problem.

>> No.11949393

go back >>>/tv/ newfag

>> No.11949399

He's right though. Stop being autistic and take Jewish to mean capitalist, it 'just so happens' that the heads of this system are largely Jewish or partly Jewish families. Everything that isn't demanding a change in the economic and cultural structure of the world is mere marketing (creating markets) and crushing opposition. It literally doesn't make a difference. For instance, they get the population to do free labour in preparing items for recycling, then dump the recyclables into normal rubbish anyway because it's not profitable enough for them despite the free labour.

>> No.11949498

It’s not

>> No.11949506

>No it isn't / CO2 isn't the reason / humans aren't the reason / there is no earth.

>Worst one was wikipedia, where editors were desperate to show historic data shows CO2 affected temp millions of years ago, and not the other way around.
It's both.

>It is a known fact water is responsible for 90+% (off memory, I believe it's 98%+) of greenhouse effect on earth.
Water is not a radiative forcing since it is controlled by temperature.

>Any source claiming otherwise is lying, or states they left water and a few other molecules out in small print.
Or they understand the difference between a cause and an effect.

Dunning-Kruger in action.

>> No.11949513

It's a hypothetical, not a prediction.

>> No.11949516
File: 69 KB, 1000x562, 0B47DD67-C457-4ECB-BE0E-4C73D2F6816C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 5 more years goy

>> No.11949520

Wait I thought Jews were Marxists corrupting our youth. I'm so confused.

>> No.11949524


>> No.11949787

How about you start proving that human existence matters enough to be perpetuated OP? We all die sooner or later either way.
Don't get me wrong. I would rather extend than diminish it, but I can't be bothered if it means living like cattle.

>> No.11949800

What significance does this image of a koala hold?

>> No.11949827

It's just the retarded /pol/niggers flooding the board as usual.

>> No.11949830

Do people really care about this shit? Dont get me wrong its fun to speculate on the effects of global warming and what could be done, but I really cant see a reason to be emotionally invested in the outcome. Every day there are threads on multiple boards of anons complaining about how shit their life is, and I think that I am a better place than most of them but still not not doing nearly well enough to give a single fuck about what happens to planet/society/environment. What do you actually stand to lose, might as well enjoy the ride

>> No.11949886

>go on sci for the first time
>people are disagreeing with me
how dare you guys

>> No.11950348


Anybody who doesn’t believe in climate change will never be convinced.

>> No.11951202

>Water is not a radiative forcing since it is controlled by temperature.
>Dunning-Kruger in action.
Did you honestly post that?
Do you understand what you posted?
Why did you think it was a good idea?

>> No.11951206

screenshot from gore's oscar-nominated video that even the hardcore believers are distancing themselves from.

>> No.11951412

>Water is not a radiative forcing since it is controlled by temperature.
you still have to account for the effects of water vapor. People say methane is 20x more potent than co2, this is extremely misleading. It may absorb 20x more radiation than co2, but the wavelengths of radiation it absorbs completely overlaps with water vapor. Water vapor as already absorbed that radiation, leaving very little for methane to absorb, so its effect is not 20x greater than co2.

>> No.11951647
File: 38 KB, 800x448, FC5B61C8-89FB-4C84-9DA6-87891C47DFC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that matters with this is wealth.
And I say wealth deliberately, not money. You could also say “economy power”
The fact is “wealthy” countries will be able to migrate/deal with (if any) changes from global warming. And poor countries will not
^and this is the reason no one really cares, life goes on.

>> No.11951733

>so its effect is not 20x greater than co2.
Correct. It's more than 80x

>> No.11951734
File: 1.01 MB, 5120x2880, itX2ENq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor countries get the last laugh as they will migrate to the rich countries who will invite them in because the people in rich countries stopped having children and now need more labor and consumers to keep their ponzi civilization scheme going.

>> No.11951786

Not an argument, try again.

>> No.11951795

>you still have to account for the effects of water vapor.
Who hasn't accounted for it?

>Water vapor as already absorbed that radiation, leaving very little for methane to absorb, so its effect is not 20x greater than co2.
That doesn't follow. What is your method of calculating potency and how does it differ from the standard method? How does the standard method fail?

>> No.11951799

What exactly is wrong with it?

>> No.11951824 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 763x552, TIMESAND___rfeergfqqfr33ff333ffpnt06pr4522462324l85wz378393fg0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you "Fuck you, Bitch," to the Lord?

>> No.11951947

Show them this study it will BTFO anyone

>> No.11951952

Provide evidence

>> No.11951960

I row through this shit often fuck lilypads

>> No.11951994

>What is the best way to convince someone that climate change is a real existential threat to humanity?
Statistics. Even if there's a 10% chance a climate disaster is going to happen to avoid the "risk of ruin" makes sense to try to prevent it in it's most severe, worst case form.

>> No.11952029

Tell em according to the UN climate panel they will lose between 0.2 and 2% of their projected income by 2070. Hit em with them facts.

>> No.11952036

This dude, corporations are made of people like us, to serve our demands and hopefully turn a profit.. All going on holiday annually and pointing the finger at someone else, its the corporations, its the government, its the 1%!!
grow up

>> No.11952061
File: 53 KB, 916x569, TIMESAND___rfeergfqrrr2526333ffpnt0624623462346pr4522462324l85wz378393fg0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone doesn't like the cut of my jib.

>> No.11952423

I lose that to inflation every year

>> No.11952538
File: 87 KB, 819x461, The Uncooperative Arctic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one.

>> No.11952546

I may be ugly, maybe I won't spread my tainted spawn, but I will make sure my existence brings you existential pain, shlomo.

>> No.11952584

Why would you bother? there's literally noithing an average person can do to prevent it.

>> No.11953578

Maybe it can be argued that, that isn't in a long enough time scale being only 16 years

>> No.11953624

It's not though.
who cares.

>> No.11953655


Tell them that CO2 is immigrating into their country at record rates and that in a few generations it will displace all of the oxygen molecules, leaving the country an unrecognizable third-world wasteland.