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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11946926 No.11946926 [Reply] [Original]

Are people with PhD's really stuck working minimum wage for the rest of their existence or is that just a meme?

>> No.11946928

The usually kill themselves so you don't see it that often.

>> No.11946986

It's a meme. Education up to including PhD correlate with money, happiness, marriage success etc.

>> No.11947641

Meme probably. From my experience, PhD programs tend to give you a lot of other skills as well, so even if you do not get a job in academia right away, you can likely use the stuff you learned to find a reasonable job until you do.

>> No.11947648

Half meme. I can guarantee a PhD from a prestigious university in something like neuroscience or pharmacology will yield vastly different outcomes to one in Latin from your state/county college.

>> No.11947650

Yeah gonna need a source for that. I'm convinced going for a PhD is a huge waste of time and energy.

>> No.11947716

many companies are starting to ask for phds for r+d positions

>> No.11947752

just browse linkedin

>> No.11947767

>PhD preferred but not required if you're a shareholder's nephew or give the hiring manager a blowjob

>> No.11947780
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>> No.11947786

That's a very fitting name for a university

>> No.11947811

I got a job making 6x what I made in food service as an electrical tech with only an incomplete AS and bad GPA. This job will pay my way through my bachelors degree and then I'll be in real money. It's nice because I'm debt free. Glad I didn't continue on the physics path, god that would've been a disaster. Maybe someone else can make it work for them but abandoning that ship was the right move for me.

>> No.11947848

Based. Physics and math are for uptight fags.

>> No.11947932

hahaha, I wish I could get a minimum wage job

>> No.11947938

It's pronounced redding though so, it's one of those weird English things like Bicester

>> No.11947948
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>graph do gooder so therefore meme xD

>> No.11948671
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half do find good jobs the other half doesnt so they fall through the cracks of life.

>> No.11950325

Probably a meme

>> No.11950374

is it pronounced "Bi sister"?

>> No.11950398

Unsurprising desu

>> No.11950424

Up until recently having a degree greatly improved your chances of getting a good job, also it looked good, so getting a degree became sort of a moral imperative rather than a mean to an end.

This resulted in a couple of things:

1- because of the laws of supply and demand the world got flooded with professionals. Combine that with much less demand for them and quick obsolescence of a lot of knowledge.

2-because people gave too much prestige to the idea of college itself, the college's as an institution took advantage of this and realized their product (degrees) had the same value wether it resulted in jobs or not so most do the bare minimum to avoid lawsuits after all who can claim the education level is good or not? You guessed it, other professionals.
So basically having a degree that is probably shit in which you learned very little in a world with an abundance of professionals and little demand for them Mena's nothing.

If you don't have a skill or accomplishment that sounds good without clarifying you have a degree(I designed a part for a rocket,I wrote software that got used at Google,I helped diagnose a hard medical case, I won an architectural competition, I can design suspension bridges, etc) then you're just a worthless person who paid a lot to read a few books.

>> No.11950812
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should of just gone to med school imo

>> No.11950843

>bragging on 4chan
here's your reddit gold sir. Upvote!

>> No.11950923

>If you don't have a skill or accomplishment that sounds good without clarifying you have a degree(I designed a part for a rocket,I wrote software that got used at Google,I helped diagnose a hard medical case, I won an architectural competition, I can design suspension bridges, etc) then you're just a worthless person who paid a lot to read a few books.
>bragging on 4chan
>here's your reddit gold sir. Upvote!
I think those were meant as examples.

>> No.11950972 [DELETED] 

nhs is a shitshow for the UK

>> No.11952385

About 25 % of my colleagues have a PhD. And we do not pay minimum wage.

t. Patent attorney, partner with PhD in Physics

>> No.11952443

Depends on your PhD and your passport.
Here in south europe where education is free and the economy is trash you can find many people with degrees working jobs they're way overqualified for. Usually they either immigrate while they're fresh out of uni or stay home and are stuck working shit jobs.

However people who get PhDs come from families with lots of money (good luck funding 7+ years of studies otherwise) so that means that either through nepotism or a small loan of a few hundred grand they find good jobs.

>> No.11952446

survivorship bias

I mean literally, PhDs killing themselves left and right

>> No.11952680

>I mean literally, PhDs killing themselves left and right
Citation needed.

>> No.11953534

am i a brainlet for liking this movie?

>> No.11953787

That's Shane Carruth right? Is this from Primer? Don't remember this scene at all...

>> No.11954847

I did a BS in Physics. Just graduated 20 months ago and am a couple weeks into my job. I make $70k. The upper limit of earning for the current position I'm (what I could probably top out at if I stayed forever and didn't pursue higher degree or credentials) is ~$120k.

I do hate my job, though. It's boring so far. Boring and also confusing as fuck. Frankly, I'm unqualified. I don't know why they hired me. I don't know nearly enough comp sci/coding to do this work, but they said they didn't care as long as I was willing to learn it. They really wanted math skillz. All my coworkers (junior employees 0.5-3 years) are also B.S. Physics grads.

Honestly, I hate physics and math. I just studied it because I was good at it and I knew I could get a job. That being said, I'm a single fuck who has lived alone forever. I don't need $70k. If I could take a $20k pay cut to work a job that was way comfier and more lowkey and only 10 min from my house I'd do that in an instant. $50k per year would already be more than I could even spend. Right now I'm thinking of taking all the excess and trying to invest so I can just quit working in 5-10 years. Working sucks. I miss being a neet. Covid has been a godsend and I want to go back.

>> No.11954850

*graduated 2 months ago. JFC I'm retarded lol.

>> No.11954859

yeah man, i remember getting a complimentary wife druing the end of grad school

>> No.11956958

we make good money but have to spend it on paying the loan that the kike increases every year

>> No.11956968

Its Piled higher (&) Deeper
So , yeah, they should be shoveling shit for a livin

>> No.11956970

t. disgruntled academic

>> No.11957001

I kinda can't wait to work minimum wage after I get my philosophy masters lmfao

>> No.11957033

what do you do

>> No.11957144

> Debt

>> No.11957156

> Wasted most of his youth getting a PHD
> Works as a code monkey

>> No.11958170
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>I did a BS in Physics. Just graduated 20 months ago and am a couple weeks into my job.
Congrats! And getting a job these days is not all that easy.
>I do hate my job, though. It's boring so far. Boring and also confusing as fuck. Frankly, I'm unqualified. I don't know why they hired me. I don't know nearly enough comp sci/coding to do this work, but they said they didn't care as long as I was willing to learn it. They really wanted math skillz. All my coworkers (junior employees 0.5-3 years) are also B.S. Physics grads.
Leaders often say they want to employ for personality and ability and then add skills, whereas many in middle management only will hire ready skilled people they can slot into the organisation. You are in a better position than many. And the first years you will be confused while you learn the industry, that is normal. I did it too and it was not always pleasant but you will quickly pick up the skills, you can do it.
>Honestly, I hate physics and math. I just studied it because I was good at it and I knew I could get a job.
How can you be good at something you hate? And if you don't like the job you can always pick up a meaningful hobby, I've done that too.
>That being said, I'm a single fuck who has lived alone forever. I don't need $70k. If I could take a $20k pay cut to work a job that was way comfier and more lowkey and only 10 min from my house I'd do that in an instant. $50k per year would already be more than I could even spend.
I did a PhD and then a few years as a post doc, lived in near poverty, deep in student debt. I lost my job when the company imploded and I was surprised how little I needed to live. And I too have always been single, no girl wanted someone in my financial situation. Now I have gotten used to it and live quietly and comfortably (in another job).

Stay comfy, anon.

>> No.11958653

I think I have the intelligence for med school but I don't want to be around sick fuckers all day or have to look at gross shit.

>> No.11959769

You could do a medical degree and then continue into research. That is demanding, and I'd say in serious need of someone with a moral compass.

>> No.11959996

PhDs are the pathway to becoming leaders in your field. Unfortunately, most end up as minimum wage cucks in the end.

>> No.11960010

I tried to do that.
I had to take an online test and passed it, then I had a group phone interview with 3 EEs at the company.
They fucking grilled me and asked me a bunch of complicated questions as if I was applying to be an EE, then acted disgusted when I bombed the interview. I didn't get the job needless to say.

>> No.11960597

>Unfortunately, most end up as minimum wage cucks in the end.
Tragically, this is true. Perhaps we could tarts a /sci/ career general here? From my own experiences I have some suggestions:
- after a PhD do at least one post doc
- make sure that post doc is NOT at the university where you graduated; that will stunt your career and the PI will forever consider you his "student"
- I went to Japan, can recommend; make sure you get on a language course as soon as you can
- a post doc position is slavery but make sure you have a smidgeon of life outside research