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11940865 No.11940865 [Reply] [Original]

Let's continue our discussion on aliens

last thread

>> No.11940879
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>People seeing leaked Alien pics everywhere
Area 51 is a sloppy shop

>> No.11940891
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>> No.11940967

I urge you to watch these videos before gullibly swallowing the UFOtard koolaid.


>> No.11940970

or just read the last thread where UFOtards proved time and time again they don't even understand the very basics of their beliefs

>> No.11940981

Stop shilling your gay videos, Mick.

>> No.11940982

I >>11940817 should just kms.

>> No.11940983

You got BTFO in the last thread and proved none of you have even read a page or two on this subject, and that you're simply parroting Mick West and Thunderfoot, you dumb undergrad. I wish undergrads would be banned from posting.

>> No.11940986
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>> No.11940987

I have a PhD in topology. a Sudanese preschool diploma has more value than whatever "qualifications" you have in UFOs, UAPs, and aliens

>> No.11940989
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>> No.11940991

>I have a PhD in topology
WTF? Why are you on /sci/? Also ivy?

>> No.11940994
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Best book on this topic. Interviews generals, CIA officers, and features recently released FOIA documents on the subject, proving, without a doubt, that UFO's are not only real, but hat they're likely not ours.
The gay skeptics ITT won't read it, though, since they are basically religious fanatics.

>> No.11940997
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>basically religious fanatics
Nice assumption there lad.

>> No.11940998

>I have a PhD in topology
I'll have some fries with my cheeseburger and a large diet coke. Make it quick, chump, or I'll complain to your manager.

>> No.11941002

Go read the book, then, and prove me wrong.

>> No.11941005

I never said anything about the book. I just commented on your assumption.

>> No.11941007

Also at least tell me the author's name.

>> No.11941014

Leslie Kean. Some of the sections are written directly by the people involved. Belgian Air Force general writes an entire section.

>> No.11941022

>diet coke
Of course the UFOtard is actually a UFOlardass

>> No.11941023

>An Air Force major is ordered to approach a brilliant UFO in his Phantom jet over Tehran. He repeatedly attempts to engage and fire on unusual objects heading right toward his aircraft, but his missile control is locked and disabled. Witnessed from the ground, this dogfight becomes the subject of a secret report by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.
>In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a closer look. Many hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty police officers, file reports, and a spectacular photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed.
>Here at home, a retired chief of the FAA’s Accidents and Investigations Division reveals the agency’s response to a thirty-minute encounter between an aircraft and a gigantic UFO over Alaska, which occurred during his watch and is documented on radar.
>Now all three of these distinguished men have written breathtaking, firsthand accounts about these extraordinary incidents. They are joined by Air Force generals and a host of high-level sources—including Fife Symington III, former governor of Arizona, and Nick Pope, former head of the British Defence Ministry’s UFO Investigative Unit—who have agreed to write their own detailed, personal stories about UFO encounters and investigations for the first time.

>> No.11941026

>They are coming forward now because of Leslie Kean, an investigative reporter who has spent the last ten years studying the still unexplained UFO phenomenon. Kean reviewed hundreds of government documents, aviation reports, radar data, and case studies with corroborating physical evidence. She carefully examined scientifically analyzed photographs and interviewed dozens of high-level officials and aviation witnesses from around the world. With the support of former White House chief of staff John Podesta, Kean draws on her research to separate fact from fiction and to lift the veil on decades of U.S. government misinformation. Throughout, she presents irrefutable evidence that unknown flying objects—metallic, luminous, and seemingly able to maneuver in ways that defy the laws of physics—actually exist.
>No one yet knows what these objects are, even though they affect aviation safety and possibly national security. The phenomenon has been officially acknowledged by numerous foreign governments. For these reasons and many others, Kean concludes that the UFO problem must be more widely recognized and ultimately solved through an unbiased scientific investigation. The material presented throughout this landmark book is sobering, unflinching, and undeniably awe-inspiring, and moves us toward a goal of properly addressing this worldwide mystery.

>> No.11941027


>> No.11941030

If you eat below your macros, you can basically eat anything you want without getting fat. Science, bro.

>> No.11941032

>>In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a closer look. Many hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty police officers, file reports, and a spectacular photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed.

>In April 1990, a hoax photo of a triangular object upon which three lights are visible at each corner was taken by an anonymous photographer. Since then, a man named Patrick M. publicly said that it was a hoax picture by him.

>> No.11941034


>> No.11941038

They comment on the nytimes article, which she wrote.

>> No.11941044

>>In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a closer look. Many hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty police officers, file reports, and a spectacular photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed.

>The pilots also got intermittent contact with objects, but they appeared and disappeared and moved up and down too fast, including going underground. The pilots never saw anything at all. SOBEPS reported that they obtained radar lock on targets nine times; but the Belgian military only reported three such locks, and upon analyzing the data, all three radar locks were on each other. The other contacts were all found to be the result of a well-known atmospheric interference called Bragg scattering.

>> No.11941045

It's a good thing that the evidence for the Belgian UFO wave includes corroborating radar evidence, from independent radar equipment, and not just a hoaxed photograph.

>> No.11941048


>> No.11941052

>UFOs, which are corroborated by independent radar reading and multiple witnesses over a period of weeks, can easily outpace f-16s.
Wow, interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.11941084

No offense but did you get a phd in topology bc it's easy as shit to come up with a "novel" thesis?

>> No.11941112

>no offense but
Thats one of the weakest statements anyone can use. I'm not arguing with a fag or woman

>> No.11941117

Hey bro being polite will take you far.

>> No.11941119

>corroborating radar evidence
This is a hint that those objects in Belgium, and the Tic Tacs the Navy encountered, are not US stealth airframes. Not saying other black triangles aren't our birds, but these definitely aren't.

>> No.11941130

Sciene papers on potential UFO propulsion.
>On Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum
>Curvature Invariants for Lorentzian Traversable Wormholes

>> No.11941132

The interesting part about the Belgin case is that NATO radars stationed near Belgium encountered the same radar readings for these craft, something which the Belgians did not learn immediately since they were independently operated.

>> No.11941135

Stop posting your delusions, schizo.

>> No.11941156

>UFO's are not only real
What is a fake UFO? Is it a fly? Because the author of that book can't tell the difference.


>> No.11941169


>> No.11941172


>> No.11941336

DOD put this statement out this week. There will be a UFO task force that will be regularly releasing unclassified information about UFOs.

“As we have said previously, the Department of Defense and all of the military departments take any incursions by unauthorized aircraft into our training ranges or designated airspace very seriously, and examine each report. This includes examinations of incursions that are initially reported as “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is observing. Thorough examinations of any incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace often involves assessments from across the department, and, as appropriate, consultation with other U.S. government departments and agencies. The safety of our personnel and the security of our operations is of paramount concern. To protect our people and maintain operations security, which includes not providing information that may be useful to our adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examination of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP. Regarding the task force mentioned in the article, I can say that the department is creating a task force to gain knowledge and insight into the nature and origins of UAPs, as well as their operations, capabilities, performance, and/or signatures. The mission of the task force will be to detect, analyze, catalog, consolidate, and exploit non-traditional aerospace vehicles/UAPs posing an operational threat to U.S. national security and avoid strategic surprise.”

>> No.11941585


>> No.11941597

If you want offense I can be offensive.

>> No.11941750

But the literal military says so.

>> No.11941768

Where are the technosignatures, /x/cucks?
Gravitational fields, distortions, evidence of communication, why aren't we detecting anything unusual? There are giant antennas, radiotelescopes, observation satellites and undeground laboratories scouring for these evidences of intelligent life 24/7, looking out across the Galaxy.... you are telling me ayyys can enter Earth without leaving a single trace for our scientists to detect?

Nope, I'm going with >>11940967 's explanation.

>> No.11941790

They’re supposed to be advanced, hence undetectable by current tech.

>> No.11941803

Our understanding is more advanced than you think. We can't replicate those advanced, farout scifi technologies but we certainly can detect them.


>> No.11941808

UHHHHHHH based???

>> No.11941811


>> No.11941812

I don’t disagree, but what most ufotards purport is that, they’re able to fly silently as well as, have no visible heat signatures.

>> No.11941819

Also at the end they just say
>you cannot prove that you can detect aliens or something along the lines of that.

>> No.11941821

If an infrared camera can spot them then they do have heat signatures.

>> No.11941833

At the end they resort to a shitty argument
>you can not disprove that you could be just a figment of my imagination
as one anon told me in the last thread.

>> No.11941873

There really is only one correct take on all this UFO/Alien stuff.

>Do aliens exist?
Considering the scale of the universe, it is highly probable that there are ayys somewhere out there, however as of right now there is no conclusive evidence of such a fact.

>Have aliens been to Earth?
There is no conclusive evidence as of yet, and considering the scale of the universe and lack of conclusive evidence, it is highly unlikely. I will concede that there are many "interesting" UFO sightings, but as we all know, UFO != Aliens

>But the Pentagon said off-world vehicles!
We need to wait and see what the Pentagon actually releases, and it shouldn't be touted as fact without proper independent scientific analysis.

I want evidence of ayys just as much as anyone anons, but we can't be blinded to reality by our own dreams

>> No.11941893

Great, another Blue Book to keep the punters squabbling for a few more decades.

>> No.11941934

Except it all comes out for real this time.

>> No.11941938

Finally another rationalist.

>> No.11942114

Is LIGO even sensitive enough to detect gravitational waves you think aliens would generate?

>> No.11942153

>Schizo nonsense
Hard pass.

>> No.11942156

>.t fanatical skeptic martyr

>> No.11942158

I hope aliens are real so I can rape them.

>> No.11942217

Holy kek. You're even more retarded. You're taking my reply out of context and applying everything everywhere.

>> No.11942599
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>> No.11942601

100% unironically good idea

>> No.11942606

Is there a reason why this doesn't work?

>> No.11942610

I'll just guide you. Assume, you have a rod which is the diameter of our galaxy. How fast do you think can I send information to the other side?

>> No.11942612
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>> No.11942625

Ahhh the good old trollface

>> No.11942634


>> No.11942638

I didn't know they use OnlyFans in Area 51

>> No.11943213


>> No.11943237

What's the maximum limit by which I can send information?

>> No.11943571

It would require a perfectly rigid pole, which can't physically exist. If you actually could push the pole (which you wouldn't because it would be absurdly heavy) a compression wave would move down its length at the speed of sound, and the other end wouldn't move until the wave reached it.

Basically the reality of this is that such an object couldn't exist and have these kind of forces exerted on it without it being torn apart.

>> No.11943626

I have some thoughts on why, if you actuaIIy had an aIien piece of technoIogy, that you wouId want to keep it secret and not want to teII the scientific community about it.

For anyone here with a strong mathematicaI background, it wouId be anaIogous to trying to soIve a probIem Iike the riemann hypothesis. Mathematicians know that spending aII your time trying to soIve unattainabIe probIems is career suicide. It is impossibIe to soIve the riemann hypothesis today because the tooIs that you need to soIve it IiteraIIy have not been invented yet. The onIy way to progress is to sheIve the probIem for a few decades, wait untiI theory and machinery advances, then revisit the probIem and see if you can make any new headway.

Just think about mochizuki's IUT. When mathematicians started reading this shit it was as if they were reading mathematics from the future. Nobody couId make heads or taiIs of it and Ieading mathematicians ended up just sheIving it and returning to their own research because they weren't making any progress. of course IUT isn't from the future so imagine what it wouId be Iike if it actuaIIy was. If you took grothendiecks work back to 1840 and gave it to gauss and co. They wouId not be abIe to make any sense of it or be abIe to appIy it in any way. It wouId be debilitating, aImost paraIyzing if they didn't dismiss is as crazy and return to their work.

ReIeasing an aIien spacecraft onto the scientific community couId actuaIIy do more harm than good. No scientist wouId be abIe to tear themseIf away from it and end up wasting time. The best way wouId be to have science progress naturaIIy untiI you couId put the technoIogy into an actuaI workabIe context.

>> No.11944056

Oooh, that's new info to me. Thanks.

>> No.11944062

Interesting idea but very much depends on specifics.

>> No.11944138

>Just think about mochizuki's IUT. When mathematicians started reading this shit it was as if they were reading mathematics from the future.
You seem assign IUT a science fiction status, when all it was a rather impenetrable and poor;y written math paper.
I don't agree with how you frame it, although I do acknowledge your statement
>of course IUT isn't from the future so imagine what it wouId be Iike if it actuaIIy was
IUT does not follow conventional methods of writing math papers. The problem mainly arises from how badly it was written. The paper in itself contains no futuristic, esoteric knowledge. In fact a report by most number theorists do say the same, "3.12 which was the crux for proving the abc conjecture, doesn't tick".

In your post, you're trying to conflate 2 different problems
1)An event with not enough data
2) A badly written math paper.

The problem with the first is that, alien craft does require futuristic tech. But the problem with such tech is that, too many assumptions need to be set in place. Sure, we probably don't have the knowledge of traveling inter galactic distances in short amounts of time, but the conventional problem of negative energy and it's various implications arises.

>ReIeasing an aIien spacecraft onto the scientific community couId actuaIIy do more harm than good
It's not about doing harm or good per se. It's rather about assuming Extraterrestrials have figured about ways to manipulate gravity and negative energy and other kinds of wildly speculative theories that causes the scientific community to become lethargic and dismissive.

>> No.11944179


>> No.11944189

the comments on IUT are taken from a taIk i attended of Kieth Conrad

>> No.11944207

aIso whether or not it is poorIy written doesn't mean much as there are pIenty of groundbreaking and infIuentiaI papers that are poorIy written. Great mathematicians don't aIways make great writers.

>> No.11944273

You guys have retarded climate change threads all the time and you have the gall to call this /x/

>> No.11944448

if you moved the poIe the otherside wouId not move at the same time, the movement of the atoms in the rod is restricted by the speed of Iight, so it wouId rippIe down the rod.

>> No.11944464

the UFOtards in these threads have no desire to talk about the scientific possibility of aliens or UFOs/UAPs. They have their belief that aliens are real, and when asked for evidence, shut down and start screeching. Until UFOtards start wanting to discuss this from a scientific perspective and accept criticism for their beliefs/conclusions, these are /x/ tier conspiracy theory threads

>> No.11945083

>They have their belief that aliens are real
You would have to be pretty retarded to entertain the idea that out of the hundreds of billions of galaxies and hundreds of sextillions of planets in the universe, that life only exists in one galaxy and on a single planet. In fact, I would call it creationist-level idiocy to think that. In saying that, it is still immensely improbable that any of these non-Earth life forms have ever strayed anywhere close to our star system, so anyone claiming aliens are here on Earth without evidence are just as stupid as those who outright think aliens do not exist at all.

>> No.11945155


>> No.11945275

I don't dispute your statement. I'm not an expert. I cannot have a definitive saying in this. But the main issue with IUT was long and complex, not because it used futuristic mathematics.

>> No.11945832

You realize the Earth and moon are in motion?

>> No.11947203

>Tools haven’t been developed
Yeah; it’s not really about the theory, but getting into a new frame. In other words solving a theorem is so interesting primarily because of the new „tools“ that make proving it possible. Modern academia is there to perpetuate the status quo in other words the sub system and the systems around it. The people are mediocre and you get quoted for the small often meaningless steps in some „active“ area and it’s all about the being high impact. The goal of academia isn’t to bring about radical change; it‘s even doubtful the people are capable, because they are selected for administration of knowledge and for the state to control them and thereby the knowledge. On top of that, also more and more academic credentials are there to signal to big companies you are a safe bet for them. And they want mediocre people, who are narrowly focused too and can be good wheels in the machine. It’s no accident the one millennium problem was solved by somebody, who essentially completely broke with academia. The trivial stuff in reach often is not, what leads to anything of importance, but you make career doing it and having others, who understand it in your circle, that will quote your finding. Overall the last years are mostly market by stagnation. It’s even more clear in theoretical physics, basically every prediction made since the 1980th failed. They didn’t go back to scratch, but adjusted a little to the data and ended up being surprised, when it couldn’t provide any insight into anything else again. The people in the field are still telling themselves it would be too risky to go for a big change, because that means you won’t be productive and if you talk about something that’s currently not in the mind of almost everybody in the field, they won’t get founding.

>> No.11947371

People dont seem to realize how big space is. The probability of life in this universe is pretty high based on sheer number of planets/systems. However imo there really is a Great Filter. Are our fragile fleshy bodies really meant to leave our planet? We have to climb into suits just to survive outside earth?

>> No.11947391

>basically every prediction made since the 1980th failed.

>> No.11947434

>he doesn't even read the book, he just literally posts "books name + debunked" into google. LMFAO, VERY SCIENTIFIC BROOOOOO.

>> No.11947440

>The mission of the task force will be to detect, analyze, catalog, consolidate, and exploit non-traditional aerospace vehicles/UAPs posing an operational threat to U.S. national security and avoid strategic surprise.”
Why would the Pentagon make this one of their missions if, as /sci/ claims, UFO's don't even exist?

>> No.11947483


>> No.11947507

I've seen a massive silently hovering black triangle (chubby arrow-head) shaped decloak and recloak shortly after. Either it's Ayys or there's black projects with Ayy technology. Seeing is believing. I was around 150-200ft away. Clear as day with at least one other witness.

>> No.11947563

Watch this

>> No.11947630

Hard to explain. You have to dig into it a little. If you are a layman with little knowledge you can just go to the Wikipedia site on dark matter and look at the many proposals. Just super symmetry alone had become an industry. Not one has really been able to predict the results. The Higgs discovery was really the last big thing. And that was proposed in the late 1960th. Few physicists will spell it out, but just look at articles about tuning or „fine“ tuning and one can see there is a lot of stuff that doesn’t fit at all. Let’s forget about that the theory of relativity and quantum physics violently contradict each other. After closing the hidden variable loop hole there can’t be any doubt about that. Few are addressing that at all. Basically we find more and more contradictory stuff and open more and more problems and are able to solve fewer and fewer of them.

>> No.11948221

What are some serious scientists who study UFOs and talk publicly about their findings?

>> No.11948761


>> No.11948819

>he doesn't even respond to the fact that Leslie Kean's book is full of bullshit, just demands that it be read. LMFAO VERY MUCH NOT A COP OUT BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.11949164

john mack, stanton friedman, hynek, jaques vaIIee

>> No.11949167

Peter Sturrock

>> No.11949274


>> No.11951141

New Times article.


>But our latest article provided a more daunting set of challenges, since we dealt with the possible existence of retrieved materials from U.F.O.s. Going from data on a distant object in the sky to the possession of a retrieved one on the ground makes a leap that many find hard to accept and that clearly demands extraordinary evidence.

>Numerous associates of the Pentagon program, with high security clearances and decades of involvement with official U.F.O. investigations, told us they were convinced such crashes have occurred, based on their access to classified information. But the retrieved materials themselves, and any data about them, are completely off-limits to anyone without clearances and a need to know.

>> No.11951158

I wouldn't get to excited yet if Puthoff and Davis are their main sources.

>> No.11951162

Do you think they're untrustworthy?

>> No.11951415

Davis spreads a lot of bogus information


>> No.11951506

Just wrong the scientist, who discovered Pluto did witness UFOs and there are lot more, who won’t publicly talk about it.

>> No.11951604

All of them are old men, most of which are dead.

>> No.11951836

And none of them are scientists.

>> No.11951851


>> No.11951955

Astronomer then. Whatever.

>> No.11952071

yes they fucking are retard

>> No.11952976

perfect example of physicists explaining with rules rather than science, the rod can't instantly transfer information because the shockwave spreads at the speed of sound, not because it has to obey the law that information can't travel faster than light

>> No.11952997

weather balloon

>> No.11953194


>> No.11953221

>why aren't we detecting anything unusual?

Because UFOs are not spaceships, they're literally paranormal. Read Jacques Vallee's 'Passport to Magonia' if you want to go down that rabbit hole.

>> No.11953818


>> No.11953882

You're the one that wants to be spoofed, go look the shit up yourself and decide. Extraterrestrial life from another planet is one of the least far fetched explanations for the crafts and events that have been observed. Ignorance is bliss for you. Stay happy.

>> No.11953895

They definitely aren't planes, retard. They are unidentified because they perform maneuvers that we are physically incapable of replicating.
90 degree turns, no exhaust, stopping in place, being completely silent, travelling miles in seconds. You have no idea what you don't know.

>> No.11953906

All the non believers are disagreeing with science. The government has started releasing their own sightings. Willfully ignorant. Superiority complex maybe.

>> No.11953918

You wont even read the material we provide. There is plenty. I dont know what is controlling the craft, but they could definitely be unpiloted drones. You are the one unwilling to discuss. You just say everything is an airplane, a truly retarded explanation.

>> No.11953924

That wasnt what was asked.

>> No.11953962

>It's magic
Always the same response when you begin to dig into UFOtard arguments.

Every. Single. Time.