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11939976 No.11939976 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most unlikely but still possible event?

Hard mode: you can't say "OP getting laid"

>> No.11940008
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>you can't say "OP getting laid"
>implying that's a possible event

>> No.11940021

OP not being a faggot

>> No.11940028
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Suppose you find any such event and it has the chance p. Then ask "what's the likelihood of that happening and an independent coin toss yielding heads". Then realize that is p/2. Come back when you found a p so small p/2 > p > 0.

>> No.11940039

OP not being an incel

>> No.11940071

the probability of any continuous random variable taking an exact value is 0, but obviously possible since the random variable is guaranteed to equal something.

more generally any event that belongs to the sigma algebra but has measure zero in a probability space is the most unlikely but possible event, since you can't get more unlikely than 0.

>> No.11940092

Reality. The space of what is not real is infinite and unknowable making the space of what is real the most unlikely event.

>> No.11940101

>What's the most unlikely but still possible event?
That anything is pratically possible

>> No.11940164

Irrational numbers don't exist

>> No.11940945 [DELETED] 

anthropic principle?

>> No.11940949 [DELETED] 

I mean "humanity"?

>> No.11940973

What do you mean by "exist"? Infinite, non-repeating sequences of digits are certainly a sensible construction.

>> No.11940988
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"real" numbers don't exist

>> No.11941139

I don't really know what I mean. Uncountable infinities give me the heebie-jeebies. I think only universes which can be described with rational numbers exist, in the sense of having conscious beings inside them. That's just a hunch though, sorry for the insubstantial response.

>> No.11941141

what about circles man

>> No.11941152

False vacuum collapse

>> No.11941160

im gonna go on a whim and say taxes and death, or texas and deaf
i like this post

>> No.11941161

What about them? They don't exist either. Like a lot of our continuous stuff, they work as a simpler model for certain things that exist than any discrete alternative, but they don't themselves exist anywhere.

>> No.11941164

Even if you only believe in finitely descriptible objects equipped with a decidable equality, this is a retarded statement. Algebraic numbers enjoy those properties and are a strict superset of rational numbers.

>> No.11941175

Everyone who has replied so far is wrong. The most unlikely but still possible event in existence is entropy decreasing on a non-local scale

>> No.11941192

I didn't realize that, this is quite enlightening. Thanks anon. This is definitely going to help me push my schizo metaphysics to the next level.

>> No.11941214

What is the chance of .999... ticking over eventually and equalling one?