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11936271 No.11936271 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11936278


The Moon landing literally and objectively trumps all of those put together, so, yes.

>> No.11936285

Nice try but Mars 3 last less than 2 mins on the surface of Mars puking out only one grainy picture of Mars before dying. Arguably it was a huge failure.

>> No.11936298

Also the launch of Sputnik was basically an ICBM launch aimed upward rather than on a ballistic trajectory. Only poissible for the soviet union to be first at because they were simultaneously working on a nuclear tipped ICBM program. If Space launch methodologies involved the same tech as making TV sets or refrigerators the USSR would have been 51st instead of first. Also the USA missed being first because Eisenhauer wanted americas first launch to be a civillian one through NASA. The Nvy probaby would have been able to put a satellite up in 1956 if he had let them.

>> No.11936306

>land on the moon with humans
>majority of own people don’t believe you
The eternal mutt

>> No.11936314

At the time, it wasn't.

>> No.11936316

Also is putting a woman in space a separate scientific accomplishment from putting a man in space? I don't think so.

>> No.11936461

it is because you have to account for space periods and galactic queefs

>> No.11936609
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>> No.11936639

Imagine thinking the space race had anything to do with NASA. It was fought and won by the US media, a far more powerful force than any rocket.

Imagine genuinely thinking that sending men to wander around on the moon for a few hours is somehow important or interesting. It's literally pointless. They found some rocks. That's literally it. It pales in comparison to satellites, which are actually do something useful. It's not like they actually made a moonbase.

The US's greatest achievement isn't actually achieving meaningful feats of science or engineering but convincing brainlets that their PR stunts are incredibly meaningful.

>> No.11937068
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>The US's greatest achievement isn't actually achieving meaningful feats of science or engineering but convincing brainlets that their PR stunts are incredibly meaningful.

You have to recognize their amazing efficiency though. After half a century of Hollywood propaganda, they managed to convince people that they were the ones that won WWII.


>> No.11937094

>The US's greatest achievement isn't actually achieving meaningful feats of science or engineering
Are you high?


>> No.11937099

My Butt-hurt-ameritard-o-meter is off the charts!

>> No.11937102

>Posts an article from a Hong Kong-based paper
>Talks about how Russia isn't acknowledged across the West
>Hollywood apparently controls Europe as well.

>> No.11937109

>>Hollywood apparently controls Europe as well.
European here, why do you think it doesnt ?

>> No.11937114

Then that's Europe's fault, yet somehow the posters in this thread only care about the U.S. Pretty typical, honestly.

>> No.11937116

are you high, because of those rock samples we learned so much about the moon. 1. we learned how the moon formed (a mars sized object hit earth) because of the similarity between the rocks on the moon and the earth. we also found out you can reoxginate samples from the moon without worry, (a real concern). we also learned about the fact that moon dust is an issue for living on the moon and countless other discovery's

>> No.11937165

>100m dash
>cross the 25m mark first
>cross the 50m mark first
>cross the 75m mark first
>other guys passes you and gets to 100m first

>> No.11937193

>that's Europe's fault, yet somehow the posters in this thread only care about the U.S
Do you know what the word "imperialism" means?

>> No.11937213

So you're blaming the US for being better then you now?

Didn't the Americans send the first animal to space?

>> No.11937225

t. retard that doesn’t know anything about the difficulty of landing people on the moon.
There is a reason no one else has done it.

>> No.11937319

>other guy was sitting on your face for the entire fucking dash
>guy jumps off causing you tumble into the concrete ground as he calmly walks like a cock on three wheels
>"difficulty of landing people on the moon"
>difficulty of sending something alive to somewhere where no one alive has yet went to
>difficulty of bringing them back safely to the ground from an altitude of at least 100 km
>difficulty of landing a craft in the vacuum of space on a rock orbiting earth 405,400,000 metres away , giving off a latency worse than the mcdonald's wifi has (higher than a theoretical 2600ms )
>difficulty of landing ANOTHER craft on a rock with an ass thin atmosphere and there's virtually no data about how the floor will behave , AND where the delay is of 14 minutes. if something goes wrong , you eat shit
>difficulty of sending a whole fucking robot to a planet with temperatures that'll make not only the water in your skin boil but also the fucking cells and literal aluminum melt to lava
nearly forgot about how sulfuric acid rains in the high atmosphere oops
>meanwhile the only place anon has apparently landed is the vageena of the mother of his school's bully xD
shut the fuck up niggerican

>> No.11937324


OP is a retard, US won the space race

>> No.11937339

Put a man on the moon then your country can be touted

>> No.11937366

They didn't just blame Hollywood, even our media is apparently manipulating you now. Seriously, if you're going to blame our media for your problems, then you're admitting how pathetic you are.

>> No.11937376

So why hasn't Russia landed anyone on the moon? The USA accomplished everything Russia achieved and surpassed it.

>> No.11937395

I appreciate Eisenhauer not wanting to use the military for space exploration. That's a strong statement. Space Force will make things happen faster, but it's not a good idea to weaponize space. It will be more advancement for the wrong reasons. Innovation should not be driven by war. It's a sad reflection of human nature.

>> No.11937400

Guess who's flag will be sitting up there 250,000 miles away looking down on you tonight...

>> No.11937416

Russia created the N-1 rocket to take men to the moon. It failed, probably because they were rushing to compete with the USA's Saturn V. Eventually the N-1 Program was abandoned. Still wanting to beat the USA in retrieving a moon sample, Russia attempted to use Luna 15. That, of course, was yet another failure. The USSR had a nice head start, but they came up short in the end.

>> No.11937428
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we are all brothers in space.

>> No.11937435

how computing power did the Soviet Union have?

>> No.11937489
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slavs stink like shit

>> No.11937500

America basically has done things that the Soviet Union has atleast the “difficult“ things. Landing shit on Mars is easy. Landing shot on Venus is easy. All these things are easy. Really easy. Manned shit is waaaaay harder and your communist cope won’t change that

>> No.11937530

>"difficulty of landing people on the moon"
Heh, apparently it is. The USSR denied a moon race despite having an entire program devoted to it. The program remained operational into the early 70's, and they still never managed to pull it off.

“Secrecy was necessary so that no one would overtake us,” wrote journalist Yaroslav Golovanov in the Soviet newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda. “But later, when they did overtake us, we had to maintain secrecy so that no one knew that we had been overtaken.”

>> No.11937566
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>another retard who doesn't understand what "winning" actually means

Being the winner doesn't always mean being the "best". Sometimes accomplishing key objectives and/or just being the last man standing is enough.

>> No.11937581
File: 162 KB, 1138x714, Soviet_Union_USSR_GDP_per_capita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The 1932-1944 GDP per capita fluctuation of the US is literally bigger than the USSR's GDP per capita in 1990, not to mention the US had a larger population


that is all

>> No.11937692

That's nice, but we're talking about the space race.

>> No.11937788

US won the space race because it was an endurance race. The US was eventually able to do the same in space. The Soviets never made it to the moon.

>> No.11938272


>Nobody would ever have made smaller cameras or cleared landmines without manned missions to the moon.


We learnt background details of little significance. And what is the point of learning that moon dust is an issue for living there if we aren't living there? There is no moonbase now. We learnt useless facts.

The US going to the Moon is like if Columbus went to America a few times, played some golf and then left, no Europeans ever returning. No point. A PR stunt, not a meaningful achievement.

>> No.11938276

>not a meaningful achievement.
So not meaningful that the USSR had a program devoted to it, and continued to lie about it for decades because they were embarrassed the U.S. had surpassed them.

>> No.11938277

It's inevitable though.

>> No.11938328

the USSR couldn't even get get past 1st stage separation on their n1 moon rocket lmao, which exploded every single launch
>first country to land on the moon multiple times
>first probe to visit Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and pluto multiple times
>first atmospheric impacter on Saturn and Jupiter
>first mars rover, plus multiple others
>first interstellar probes
>first Mercury probes
>first docking in space
>first reusable spaceplane, and landing rocket
>first of etc etc etc exploring minor body, comet, or asteroid

>> No.11938354

>So you're blaming the US for being better then you now?
Life is easy when you've built the whole planetary financial system around a fiduciary money you can literally throw off helicopters without anybody blinking. Even with such a skewed system the US manage to have a good chunk of its population living as if they were from a third world country.

>> No.11938363

what is it about the USA that makes EUfags seethe so hard? I've been in multiple European countries, India, China, South Korea, and spent a couple years in Sudan. Only eurocucks get so angery when America comes up

>> No.11938373

tbf I think (you can disagree, idc) that were it not for the dispute between Korolev and Glushko the N1 might've put people on the Moon before the Apollo 11 landed, and if they didn't then maybe the project would at least not fail miserably lmao
Welp, ussr (and the entire world to be fair) learnt just hot crucial static firing tests are the hard way

>> No.11938376

>Only eurocucks get so angery when America comes up
Because we've known better than third wolrd countries. Also, when high-IQ Chinese flock back in mass to their country after studying in the dying American empire, and put all that silent resentment up the ass of the average retarded amerimutt, I swear you will feel it. Mark my words.

>> No.11938387

>a bunch of basic shit done tones of time all the time now vs something way more complicated and hasn’t been repeated by any other country because of the logistics.
Imagine the communist cope. To be honest for a backwards shitty nation doing those basic shit is pretty impressive.

>> No.11938464


So it's OK to pour money down the drain as long as you do it more skillfully than the other guy?

>> No.11938476

Is this bait or do people actually believe this? The USSR built their own moon rocket but couldn't even get it to fly past first stage separation, so they just denied they even tried.

Are the people who make these threads butthrut Ruskees, Chinese shills, or self-hating Chapo Americans?

>> No.11938489

how is space exploration a waste of money?

>> No.11938506

You're missing the point. The fact that the USSR had a program devoted to landing a man on the moon, and kept it a secret for decades out of embarrassment for losing the race, shows that it was a meaningful accomplishment and a significant failure for them. It was so meaningful that the program even continued into the 70's after the USA had already succeeded, and it was only discontinued after they realized they simply didn't have the capability.

Anyway, this anon has it right: >>11937428.

>> No.11938912


We gain nothing out of it. If space exploration was undertaken with a plan in mind: mine asteroids or develop orbital bases for extinction reasons that would be fine. But instead, we send a bunch of rovers all over the place for no reason. Can you name a single useful outcome of the Curiosity rovers? Whether Mars once had life or not is not useful information (even in the Fermi argument sense, we should still be vigilant for apocalypse even if there isn't life on Mars). We gain nothing.

Voyager clearly isn't necessary. We don't need to know about anything beyond the asteroid belt. Any information we get simply isn't useful. The lunar program was a waste of time. They golfed on the moon. QED.


So the Soviets were upset that they couldn't do something useless. I'm not saying that there isn't prestige associated with space travel, I'm saying that there shouldn't be because it isn't useful. Putting people on Everest is difficult, prestigious and a complete waste of time. Putting people on the Moon is exactly the same.

>> No.11940337

ITT: seething americans so deluded by years of mass media consumption they are unable to comprehend what OPs picture is showing them

>> No.11940345

You seem kinda jealous

>> No.11940351

im jealous of your ignorance

>> No.11940380

>So the Soviets were upset that they couldn't do something useless. I'm not saying that there isn't prestige associated with space travel
That's what it was about, prestige, not some tangible gain. They were competing super powers. Regardless, advances in technology came from the space race, and we benefit from it in our every day lives. There's no reason for any of us to brag about what our ancestors did 50-years ago, we should just appreciate a great accomplishment for humankind.

>> No.11940385

Who gives a fuck who "won", let's just get the fuck out there

>> No.11940728

Sorry I thought we were talking about soviets losing

>> No.11940799

Indeed, they did.

>> No.11941072

German scientists laid the foundations for all of them.

>> No.11941305

eternal burger seethe in the thread.

sure, the American media propped this up as a win for US, but with the exception of allied countries, the entirety of USSR and better half of Europe had perfectly clear knowledge of the Soviet supremacy in the space race

>> No.11941362

>the entirety of USSR
The Russians admitted in the 80's that they lost, so who do you think you're kidding?

>> No.11941384

Supremacy the entire time? We were the only ones with a working super heavy lift vehicle. If the US had to put 100 tons into orbit they could have. The soviets and their retarded N1 couldn’t because it wouldn’t stop exploding.

Are you European? Euros always seethe at Americans.

>> No.11941410

Americans still believe they went to the moon?

Wow they really are stupid, no wonder why jews do anything they want with them.

>> No.11941416

What is with /pol/ spilling into /sci/?

>> No.11941602

US had first orbital rendezvous, and a number of successive achievements related to that.

>> No.11941616

>Any information we get simply isn't useful.
Knowing asteroidal composition helps us understand the evolution of the solar system.
It will be helpful should space mining and colonization take off.
Lunar samples recovered from Apollo proved invaluable in understanding the formation of the Moon and the geologic history of Earth.
More generally, "useful" is in the eye of the beholder. Increasing the library of knowledge ultimately increases the understanding and control we can exercise over nature.

>> No.11941620

They never sent anything to the outer planets.
Their Mars mission failure rate was far higher than the US' was.
There was never any missile gap.
Even Sputnik 1/Vostok 1 were only ahead of their American counterparts by a few months.
The US generally had more sophisticated satellites.
Soviet scientists griped about the complexity of the Apollo Command Module during the Apollo-Soyuz project.
One would be hard-pressed to say that they had greater space capability than the US, let alone supremacy.