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File: 103 KB, 2666x1875, _113287543_us_cases_deaths8jul-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11935892 No.11935892 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't more people getting covid cause herd immunity which would lead to the disease dieing out eventually? Assuming that once you get it you become immune ofc.

>> No.11935935

>that once you get it you become immune ofc.
That’s a big assumption and likely wrong at this point

>> No.11935945

You mean like the herd immunity we have for the flu and other cold viruses?
All current indications are that herd immunity isn't possible for SARS-CoV-2.

The benefit of vaccines is that you can tweak them such that they give a stronger and longer lasting immune response than a real infection.

>> No.11935968

If that assumption is wrong than the lockdowns were pointless. the whole point of vaccines is to acquire herd immunity.
nice (((pharma))) wet dream, faggot

>> No.11935972

The absolute state of /sci/. This board is /x/-lite. Ironic that /lit/ has the best scientific discussions.

>> No.11935979

get your unproven, experimental state mandated vaccine every 3 months then. god you people are such a bunch of fucking clowns.

>> No.11935982
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>I'm going to make up something that doesn't exist, that'll show them why they're wrong

>> No.11935987

>make up something that doesn't exist
like a covid vaccine?

you're so fucking stupid i don't even know what you stand for. as far as I can tell, it's "whatever the state says".

>> No.11936018

>If that assumption is wrong than the lockdowns were pointless
The point of lockdowns was from the very beginning stated to be to meme the curve. And even in the worst hit areas, our hospitals have not been terribly overwhelmed.
> the whole point of vaccines is to acquire herd immunity.
What the fuck? No it’s you you troglodyte. Why do you think we bother making a new flu vaccine every year, knowing it’ll be useless next year, for a disease where we know herd immunity will never come Without novel developments?

>> No.11936023

>Why do you think we bother making a new flu vaccine every year
I suspect it's to make money
Anyway, its nice how your narrative is steadily morphing into mandatory quarterly vaccines for 8 billion people.

>> No.11936053

>I suspect it's to make money
You’re welcome to believe all the batshit stories you want, but suspicions without evidence aren’t scientific. Either way, your assertion that the whole point of vaccines is to acquire herd immunity is equally retarded no matter what you believe. It’s a nice bonus, but even if hers immunity was impossible it’d still be developed.
>nice how your narrative is steadily morphing
Actually current research and comparisons to other coronaviruses suggest slow mutations and no evidence that those mutations would even evade the immune system. It’s an odd conclusion for someone trying to make money, but I guess they just threw that one in to throw people off right?

>> No.11936074

>>I suspect it's to make money
>You’re welcome to believe all the batshit stories you want
So there's no money in then? That's a somewhat ridiculous notion that only a fucking retard would believe
So which is it
>slow mutations and no evidence that those mutations would even evade the immune system
>[you don't become immune once you get it]

baka you're just another status quo fucking herd animal clown. I guess its hard coming up with ideas of your own... so you better just regurgitate whatever nonsense the absolute clowns running this shit show vomit into your empty cranium.

>> No.11936084

You're seriously trying to get people to believe that a vaccine is superior to actually getting the real thing and recovering from it?

What a fucking joke. But honestly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you manage to sell it to our brain dead political class.

>> No.11936100

>That's a somewhat ridiculous notion
Of course it is, otherwise the strawman wouldn’t have been made out of straw.
The companies make money, what you’re suggesting is that they’re lying about a supposedly completely useless product to make more money.
>So which is it
You have a severe misunderstanding of pretty basic concepts of immunology. You gain temporary immunity when you get over the infection, how long it lasts depends on how long the antibodies last. If they do t last, you lose immunity even if the virus is mostly unchanged I.e. COVID-19, most likely. You could also lose immunity regardless of how long the antibodies last if the virus changes sufficiently to avoid detection i.e. the flu.
For someone trying to claim a global conspiracy and general ignorance of most scientists, you really should be aware of concepts known to first year biology students.

>> No.11936102

>Wouldn't more people getting covid cause herd immunity which would lead to the disease dieing out eventually?
Yes... but only after killing a lot of people first. Just wash your hands, wear your mask in public, and be considerate of others. It's really not asking a lot. If you don't want to get the vaccine when it comes out then fine, don't. I'll get it because I don't feeling like being sick or dying but your life is yours and if you're willing to risk it then do whatever.

>> No.11936104

>recovering from it?
How do you know you’ll recover from it? And it’s objectively better. Early results from one vaccine show up to 10 times more antibody production than in those who recovered from mild cases.

>> No.11936131

>Wouldn't more people getting covid cause herd immunity which would lead to the disease dieing out eventually? Assuming that once you get it you become immune ofc.
Bold assumption. And iirc, for COVID-19, we need %60 of the population to contract it first, which even in Stockholm, only got up to 25%.

We are seeing a flattening of the death curve because we're testing more and more young people, and more and more young people are just out now in the summer partying.

>> No.11937150
File: 556 KB, 1080x1071, hydrating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Fauci is doing his part to get us to herd immunity.

>> No.11937268

As an added bonus, offloading the boomer population via covid will relieve pressure on the social security system and create a better future for younger generations

>> No.11937970

Do you mean the China virus?

>> No.11937974

>injecting a cocktail of chemicals and metals and aborted fetal tissue into your bloodstream is a scientific thing to do

>> No.11938567

You dont, but theres a 99.9x percent chance you do, good enough for me

>> No.11938636

Protip: You don't die the first day you get it. Hospitalizations lag behind new cases, deaths lag behind hospitalizations.

>> No.11938659

"China virus" is extremely problematic, we must refer to it by its proper name "Chinese death flu fuck the chinks glass asia virus"

>> No.11938679

I think you both mean the Trump virus

>> No.11938731

>You’re welcome to believe all the batshit stories you want, but suspicions without evidence aren’t scientific.
companies wanting to make money is batshit? You can't even sue vaccine manufactures for damages, which is one of the biggest costs in medicine. Vaccines make billions.

>> No.11938748

>deaths go down on the weekends
wow it sure is considerate of covid patients to die during office hours

>> No.11938752

No, see... well, basically every infectious disease before a vaccine for it was developed. Even chicken-pox, which usually a person gets at least once in their life and is often mild, has been significantly reduced in its mortality to humans because of vaccines.

>> No.11938755

that's only due to reporting which is why there is a 5 day average line

>> No.11938765
File: 51 KB, 884x587, US-Measles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even chicken-pox, which usually a person gets at least once in their life and is often mild, has been significantly reduced in its mortality to humans because of vaccines.
this is simply incorrect. Death rates for various diseases were on a decline before vaccines were made for them. What vaccines did was prevent people from getting the disease. Pic related is just measles, but the same is true for a lot of diseases besides small pox and polio

>> No.11938785

This is the worst fallacy you tinfoil faggots love to bring up and probably props up most conspiracies in your minds. Someone benefiting from a situation in no way implies they were the cause. Was purel involved in the conspiracy as well? What about Uber eats and Postmates? I didn’t lose any work and got a free stimulus and will probably get another, does that mean the Illuminati called me up as well? You’re such fucking morons.

>> No.11938793
File: 25 KB, 709x252, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you on OP cases are up just takes a while for deaths to react to increase in cases

>> No.11938804

which part of businesses wanting to sell a medical product that is protected from liability, and doesn't even have to work, part of some grand tinfoil conspiracy?

>> No.11938809

Feel safer?

>> No.11938830

That...may not be so crazy. The virus proliferates in the sinuses more effectively than in the throat. Plus the food and liquid may wash down any stray virus particles into the stomach. Those people are fucking geniuses.

>> No.11938831

>and doesn't even have to work,
That part and the implication that they are purposely,somehow, creating the need for them.

>> No.11938835
File: 218 KB, 740x724, wojak-soy-boy-idiot-reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Interesting, can you post the graphs for other diseases? Or a link at least? I agree that herd immunity is the best way to deal with a virus.

>> No.11938843

>That part and the implication that they are purposely,somehow, creating the need for them.
the flu shot gets a special exemption from the fda to not be required to undergo testing every year they make a new one, they call it a variance of a drug or something. So the flu shot makers don't even have to test their new flu shot.
But the part you're more concerned about, creating the need (demand) is absolutely possible with no grand tinfoil conspiracy! Just advertise your damn product. Pharmaceutical companies already pay a lot of advertising and lobbying, why can't it extend to flu shots?

just look it up on google. The fatality rate for pretty much every disease was on a sharp decline before the vaccines were made. The only ones that were not were smallpox and polio.

>> No.11938845

Anon, 2 more weeks happened weeks ago. Deaths have been on the rise for the last three weeks.

>> No.11938846

>I agree that herd immunity is the best way to deal with a virus.
It’s too bad the virus doesn’t work based on what you agree on how it should behave then. No country has shown that herd immunity is even close to possible and long term studies of antibody levels aren’t very promising. It’s idiotic to assume we’d only have one go round with a novel virus.

>> No.11938862

>deaths on the rise
what are you on polack deaths are already rising

>> No.11938866

>they call it a variance of a drug or something.
There are several different types of flu vaccines. Hard to say how it’s justify when you can’t even name the exemption. Your ignorance of it yet willingness to speak about it does show heavy confirmation bias though.
> creating the need (demand) is absolutely possible with no grand tinfoil conspiracy
Creating a need is not the same as creating demand. It doesn’t matter how much people want shungite rocks, there is no medical need for it. To suggest they’re creating a need for the vaccine is to suggest they created the virus or similar.

>> No.11938885
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, EUiO0JhXQAIRWUr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats murika. u italy nao

>> No.11938887

>There are several different types of flu vaccines. Hard to say how it’s justify when you can’t even name the exemption.
They make new flu vaccines every year, and they don't even have to test them because of the fda exemption
>Your ignorance of it yet willingness to speak about it does show heavy confirmation bias though.
nothing I have said is remotely inaccurate, all the information is available from a quick google search
>Creating a need is not the same as creating demand.
In my opinion it's the same thing, because even if there is a need for a product you have to convince people they need it, or even if there is no real need you can still convince people they need it. The difference is purely semantics but serves the same purpose. But I never said that they purposefully made a virus, or anything like that. That is your conjecture that you are imposing on me.

>> No.11938914
File: 1.51 MB, 8064x5081, Measles_US_1938-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to take away from your point (which is valid), but for folks' edification here's a close-up of the 20th century that better shows the effect of the vaccine (plus the effect of anti-vaxxers in the 21st).

>> No.11938915

fucking boomers. loll

>> No.11938921

>because of the fda exemption
Again please name it. “Google it” is not answer, specially when you by your own words admitted cursory knowledge of it.
> my opinion it's the same thing
Then your opinion is retarded. One is taking advantage of people’s ignorance, which is probably fairly evil. The other is causing the death of millions for your own profit, which is actually worse than hitler.
> But I never said that they purposefully made a virus, or anything like that
The idea that the vaccine is being made just to make money counts as “something like that”. It suggests some sort of intentional malice for profit. What happened in reality was that the government needed a new vaccine quickly and companies raced to fill that need. There was no need for any tricks to convince people that they need the vaccine or propaganda to make it seem worse, the real need for it is more than enough.

>> No.11938965

>Again please name it. “Google it” is not answer
google it. Doesn't matter what it's actually called.
>One is taking advantage of people’s ignorance, which is probably fairly evil. The other is causing the death of millions for your own profit, which is actually worse than hitler.
where did millions of deaths come from?
>The idea that the vaccine is being made just to make money counts as “something like that”
Is this really too hard to believe when vaccine makers are completely protected from liability? Liability is one of the biggest costs in medicine, they can almost pump out vaccines and they will always make a huge profit if it gets on the vaccine schedule for children. How much faith do you have in government protected corporations to do stuff out of the goodness of their heart? I have none.
>What happened in reality was that the government needed a new vaccine quickly and companies raced to fill that need
if by government you mean companies lobbying to the government, sure why not. Pop quiz, what industry has the most lobbyist in the US?
> There was no need for any tricks to convince people that they need the vaccine or propaganda to make it seem worse, the real need for it is more than enough.
Like I said you still need to convince people they need vaccines. Could the perceived need for flu vaccines be much greater than it actually is?

>> No.11939006

Should we walk around with tampons in our noses?

>> No.11939021

>google it. Doesn't matter what it's actually called
It matters cause I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. There could be a million possible things you consider sleights against accountability. The fact that you keep avoiding having to answer it when you could have just, supposedly, easily googled it and linked it is really telling.
>where did millions of deaths come from?
We’re not even close to done and at a death count of 650k. The highest estimated antibody presence is still around 20% I believe? And that’s in the worst hit. Either way, the validity of the point is unchanged wether it’s millions or hundreds of thousands.
> How much faith do you have in government protected corporations to do stuff out of the goodness of their heart?
It was you retards that cause that. Bringing exorbitant amounts of frivolous lawsuits on links that have never been established and somethings all but disproven. So the government assumed responsibility of all the inbred retards not accepting the real source of their kid’s autism. There’s nothing morally wrong with the compromise. The FDA creates the guidelines it thinks are sufficient to guarantee the safety of a vaccine. If those guidelines fail(instances of which I have zero knowledge of existing) or even if someone suffers from a known and stated side effect, the government assumes responsibility for paying that out.
>if by government you mean companies lobbying to the government, sure why not
What a moronic thing to say. So the search for a vaccine for a novel virus in the middle of a global pandemic would never have happened if lobbyists didn’t exists? I guess lobbyists are much more important than I thought. Idiot.
> Like I said you still need to convince people they need vaccines
That was specifically about COVID. There is zero need to manufacture demand for the vaccine. Distribution of those currently in phase 3 is already a known problem, and that’s just for the US.

>> No.11939025

"Herd Immunity"
I think the idea behind the usage of this term isn't actually immunity to the disease following exposure, but rather the weak and infirm genetics will quickly succumb to the disease and exit the gene pool. Those individuals that remain will have the superior genes that are resistant to -death- from the infection, not immune from the disease itself.

>> No.11939034

Why won’t people just do a fucking google search at least before even trying to speak on a scientific topic? This isn’t politics. It is specifically the portion of indirect immunity a population has as a result of the other part of the population being immune. If are around a lot less people with a cold, you’re much less likely to get the cold by simple statistics, regardless of any true resistance to the virus.

>> No.11939050

>The fact that you keep avoiding having to answer it when you could have just, supposedly, easily googled it and linked it is really telling.
lol can't even into basic research, keep staying mad.

Your problem is that you think "creating a problem" is 100% literal, and that you think the fda and pharmaceutical companies are trust worthy and uncorrupt, and not above killing people for a few bucks.

I thought we were talking about the flu vaccine not coronavirus. I see now that you change the subject out of fucking nowhere, please specify when you do so or refrain from it.

>> No.11939063

>Why won’t people just do a fucking google search
I'm not sure what you're reacting against. I put "herd immunity" in quotes because I'm seeing people use this term for a lot of different variations. Maybe the term we should use is just "evolution".
>If you are around a lot less people with a cold
I'm not sure what this is in response to, either. The more a population a is exposed to the virus, the quicker the weak members of the herd can be eliminated out of the gene pool. Those that are left will be stronger and more resistant. This quickly puts an end to the need for masks, social distancing, etc. We should NOT flatten the curve. Fast in, fast out. Maybe "herd evolution" instead of "herd immunity"?

>> No.11939085

>We should NOT flatten the curve
Right. Let’s instead rely on an phenomenon we’re not even sure will work for this particular very and will make things 50x worse if we’re wrong. Sounds like a good plan.

>> No.11939110

>Let’s instead rely on an phenomenon we’re not even sure will work for this particular
It's literally what humanity has had to rely on for 1,000s of years. Tried and true method.

>> No.11939121

>gets called out for not having a source, not even specifics on a vague reference
>durrrr who asks for proof, why don’t you make my case for me
>is 100% literal
Your inability to communicate effectively doesn’t make it my responsibility to magically interpret your words in the way you meant them, but could not write. Specially when the literal interpretation isn’t at all rare. Or you could just be backpedaling.
> thought we were talking about the flu vaccine not coronavirus
Well terrible Reading comprehension would explain at least a good part of your idiocy, but not all
> What happened in reality was that the government needed a new vaccine quickly and companies raced to fill that need
It should be pretty clear with that sentence and the rest of the paragraph that I was not talking about the flu.

>> No.11939125

More covid is only good if the virus was more deadly. As it stands its not good enough

>> No.11939134


>> No.11939149

Worked really well for half of Europe. And the American Indians. And 80% of the Aztecs. Yep, destroying half your population every 30 years or so at random has always been great for technological and economic development.

>> No.11939176
File: 1012 KB, 1090x610, pop_team_epic_asymptomatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worked really well for half of Europe. And the American Indians. And 80% of the Aztecs.
The world has always been a dangerous place. It's always been a jungle. And now people who have believed in a bubble-wrap world are having to come face to face with this fact. If 50% of the people are truly this weak and susceptible to covid that they will perish if exposed, then they cannot hold the rest of the population hostage to their poor genetics. It is a harsh way forward, but the sooner these people pass away from covid, the sooner the asymptomatic superior population can move forward to the future. (Next Up: people with severe peanut allergies)

>> No.11939250


>> No.11939254

truth is though that the weaklings are out breeding and they can and will hold the rest hostage, so ask yourself are they really the weak ones?

>> No.11940133

yeah keep getting upset over not being able to use google, idiot as you say.
>Your inability to communicate effectively doesn’t make it my responsibility to magically interpret your words in the way you meant them
pot calling kettle black i guess
>It should be pretty clear with that sentence and the rest of the paragraph that I was not talking about the flu.
neither one of us was talking about corona, i thought you were talking about the fda exemption

>> No.11940897

How does less people getting coronavirus benefit me?

>> No.11940917

No. Antibodies only last a couple months. I am certain that this virus was engineered in a lab somewhere. Whether it was released intentionally or accidentally doesn't matter. The reality is that a 100% effective vaccine will never be possible. Maybe 75% if we're lucky.

>> No.11940926

You do know that vaccine effectiveness has nothing to do with antibody duration right? At least not in the way you’re implying

>> No.11940931

There's studies supporting that total immunity from COVID-19 is potentially impossible.

>> No.11940939

If this article is true, do you have any idea what this means for vaccine development?

>A perspective on potential antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2

I am tired of you people thinking "Oh we'll get back to normal soon! Vaccines are around the corner!" Newsflash, there will never be a return to normality here. This virus is here to stay.

>> No.11941224

people need to become immune permanently for herd immunity to solve the problem.

>> No.11941379

Which is impossible

>> No.11941391

we kinda fucked
the chinese and americunts designed a virus we can't get rid of

>> No.11941419

This is probably true. I’m going to finish school and move to quiet small town somewhere I think. Away from the chaos.

>> No.11941463

Early results being the rantings of a biomed company's marketing department during a huge biomed stock boom?

>> No.11941541

This. Moderna is not going to produce a vaccine. Top Moderna executives sold off their stock in the company following "promising" results which made their shares skyrocket. At best it will be maybe 50-70% effective if that. And then you have the issues of unknown long term effects and the logistics of delivering a vaccine to hundreds of millions of people, perhaps even billions. And then of course there will be the anti vaxxers who will refuse and keep spreading it around. We're fucked.

>> No.11942414

youre a grade a retard and have no business on sci. it makes me sick that i work in a field to help pieces of shit like you.

>> No.11942798

this just looks like not enough testing was done

>> No.11942990

More people getting covid means death and dumbasses learning not to fuck with science

>> No.11943101

obviously you work in a field to help yourself. the virtue signalling, condescension, and retarded bleeting of industry dogma to boost stock prices is just a bonus.

>> No.11943413

That makes a lot of sense, mortality rates went down because of sanitation while cases went down because of the vaccine. That sounds causal to me.

>> No.11943500

How virtuous of you, helping us fools by state mandate.

>> No.11943882 [DELETED] 

Subhuman Chang shill, kill yourself

>> No.11943886 [DELETED] 

>our brain dead political class.
Go back to masturbating to tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro you subhuman

>> No.11945050

>>Do you mean the China virus?
Sort of, but more specifically the American strain of the the coronavirus.

>> No.11945318
File: 16 KB, 748x290, rol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is corona graph up and down roller coaster ?

>> No.11945363

imagine the case #s in the month before the election

>> No.11945578
File: 5 KB, 286x176, 1594327531428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More dead Amerilards is always a plus

>> No.11945627

Anything that kills more city folks is a bonus to us dumb hicks in flyover country.
Number of deaths in my county so far: Zero
Glad to know we have our betters in the city handling things. Well, for however long they last before COVID, commies, and blacks kill them all.

>> No.11946451

Less reporting in the weekends.

>> No.11946548

Aren't these the people that largely determine the politics and economics of your state and country? Most places are going broke with no tax money, companies are operating at reduced functionality, shortages are occurring, and travel from the US banned from most places, all of this with your ruralkin supposedly none the wiser.

>> No.11946554

>Vaccines won't eliminate it
>We have to stay socially distanced, masked, and following arrows until we eliminate it
So we're just gonna do this forever?

>> No.11946561


Not just that, the disease attenuates as it spreads. The only way to "beat" it, is to just let it spread while isolating at risk individuals, but this is a nation ran by hysterical women.

>> No.11946564


>> No.11946582

>So we're just gonna do this forever?
Probably, until we can somehow wish it away.

>The only way to "beat" it, is to just let it spread while isolating at risk individuals, but this is a nation ran by hysterical women.
The world is pretty much run by hysterical women. Zizek (communo-Hegelian-Lacano-Freudian Marxist philosopher) praises the handling of the virus by female leaders e.g Ardern, Tsai, Merkel. Very telling. I dishonestly believe that the Abe has gotten sick of dealing with Trump and purposefully sabotaged the Olympics just so the Nintendo fanbase would get mad and vote Biden.

>> No.11946626

>Probably, until we can somehow wish it away
But the government lies and says it will end. What's the point of living like this? Life isn't worth living like this. May as well just hit the planetary reset button.

>> No.11946628


Might as well just tell them to fuck off and move on with life and stop pretending this is a super mortal virus

>> No.11946636

My entire nation has been duped. People police themselves and each other to mask up anywhere indoors. Any evidence it's mostly harmless is just more evidence you can become an asymptomatic spreader.