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11935351 No.11935351 [Reply] [Original]

*is immune to evolution*
psh.... nothin personell racist incels

>> No.11935359
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Each of these is a different species, but you mean to tell me that I'm the same species as some jungle ape in jordans?

>> No.11935362

It's just proof that the community of scientists are prone to both bias and political convenience and are not to be implicitly trusted.

>> No.11935370

What is an outcel?

>> No.11935374

An outvoluntary celibate.

>> No.11935408

so fish are just as smart as us?

>> No.11935438

fish arent as smart because their schools are underfunded

>> No.11935459
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It is no coincidence that the group with the highest VO2 max is also the group with the most dominant chess players and most revolutionary scientists and computer programmers.

>> No.11935538

I mean technically 6 of those are the same species, just different subspecies

>> No.11935552
File: 229 KB, 500x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one race, the trout race

>> No.11935569

classifying things into subspecies is racist. I'm genuinely surprised the entire field of biology hasn't run the fuck away from the idea of subspecies in the past decade

>> No.11935589

Objective science will be completely discarded in the coming years. How dare you say that one thing is different from another thing? My subjective experience says that 2 + 2 = kill whitey

>> No.11935604

considering the marxists in critical theory departments are raping the soft sciences with approval from administration, I'd say that academia will be completely dead in the West within 5 years if more influential people from all the hard sciences and math don't speak up. If you plan on becoming a professor, start learning South American Spanish, Hindi, or an east Asian language, because if you dont bow down to these marxists, you won't be able to get a job here

>> No.11935639

Are they really are marxists? I understand there are influential and heavily biased and ideologically motivated factions that control the academic atmosphere but I have never understood them as being marxists in a sense of reading Marx and explicitly promoting his views and advocating for marxist policies. Books to learn more about this?

>> No.11935664

sharks to blame?
great white shark always putting the school fish down?
>2 + 2 = kill whitey
ummmm based much?

>> No.11935669

These people would technically be considered "cultural marxists." As the average person has no ability to form an opinion or thought that has any nuance, its easier to call them marxists, rather than have a normie ask what a cultural marxist is and them tuning out 3 words into whatever your answer is

>> No.11935719

Okay... any chance you could answer the questions I asked except replace "marxist" with "cultural marxist"? You didn't really explain anything substantial in your post there.

>> No.11935731

>Mexican wolf
>not cannis lupus José
Shit infograph bro

>> No.11935783

>in less than 200,000 years,
>in a long-lived organism with a long gestation period
>in the face of low selection pressure
Members of different species cannot breed to produce offspring. Members of different subspecies technically can interbreed but don't because of non-biological hurtles. At least that's how the terms are commonly used. I know none of you care about actual science, but the definition of a species has actually been hotly debated for over a century, since the above definition is meaningless for asexual organisms and attempts to create more rigorous definitions have created even more problems. "Subspecies" is even less well defined.

>> No.11935795

Members of different species can breed and produce offspring, though they are typically sterile. Thanks for trying though mr science man.

Ex: Horse x Donkey = Mule

>> No.11935806

>not Canis Phaseolus vulgaris

>> No.11935810

>in less than 200,000 years,
Tell that to Darwin's finches

>> No.11935850

>Are they really are [cultural] marxists?
I'm not entirely sure what this question is asking, but I'll try to answer in the ways I interpreted it.
>Yes, cultural marxists exist.
>Yes, the people who practice critical theory (and its derivatives) are cultural marxists.
>Yes, they have infiltrated education.

>Books to learn more about this?
>books written by cultural marxists:
Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944)
Minima Moralia (1951)
The Philosophy of Modern Music (1949) (if you have an interest in the mathematical basis of music)
>books critiquing the Frankfurt School (where cultural marxism became organized):
The Theory of the Novel (1971)
Addendum 1974: The Frankfurt School (1994)
https://web.archive.org/web/20100926222855/http://radoff.com/blog/2010/05/27/attack-imagination/ (this isn't a book but still a valid crituqe)
"New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness'" (1992)
"The Alt-right's Favorite Meme is 100 Years Old" (2018) (this was written as a response to people who criticize the Frankfurt School and cultural marxism, but imo demonstrates how they have no regard for actual academia)

Its also worth doing research on the Frankfurt School. The Wikipedia is pretty bad (anyone who criticizes the Frankfurt School is automatically an alt-right antisemite), but the references and further reading sections are worth exploring

>> No.11935860

cold winters seem like a substantial selection pressure. in the tropics there's food year round and you don't need to build structures. low selection pressure only categorizes the last 100-200 or so years, as we've been accumulating mutational load from lower infant mortality

>> No.11935865

This quote is copy and pasted straight from the wikipedia article I posted, but its still a good quote on what differentiates cultural marxists from the works of Karl Marx. Its from one of the works I posted, Addendum 1974: The Frankfurt School (1994) by Karl Popper:
>Marx's own condemnation of our society makes sense. For Marx's theory contains the promise of a better future. But the theory becomes vacuous and irresponsible if this promise is withdrawn, as it is by [Theodor] Adorno and [Max] Horkheimer

>> No.11935948

Yes, typically the definition specifies *fertile* offspring, but it doesn't matter. Maybe you should have read the rest of the paragraph. Like it or not, that vague and inconsistent taxonomy is the widely accepted scientific definition of a species. Science is a lot messier than you seem to understand, and you're not going to find a cut and dry justification for your racism here.
It's funny how you people think you accomplish anything by blatantly ignoring key parts of other people's arguments.
>cold winters seem like a substantial selection pressure.
Clothing and control of fire both predate the evolution of modern humans, so not really.
>in the tropics there's food year round and you don't need to build structures.
The fact that the earliest man-made structures and farms were created in the tropics sort of undermines your point
>low selection pressure only categorizes the last 100-200 or so years, as we've been accumulating mutational load from lower infant mortality
Not really. For most other populations, things like the ice ages, sudden droughts, and plagues are extinction or near extinction events. For us, they've been comparatively minor road bumps. Our survival adaptations---complex problem solving and the ability to manipulate our environment---have proven extremely robust and versatile against everything nature has thrown at us despite the fact that our bodies are otherwise maladapted to just about every environment on Earth.

>> No.11936114

>you're not going to find a cut and dry justification for your racism here
I don't need a scientific justification for my racism. You won't find a cut and dry refutation of my racism, that's what matters here.

>> No.11936297

>evolution leaves lasting changes in the brain just after decades
>it’s not a million year long process
>those phds retards got it all wrong

>> No.11936307

phd stands for pretty huge dicks lol, thats what happens when you box yourself in a single area of a single subject for a decade, you peripherals are so damaged that you cant see things in any other view.

>> No.11936345

>typically the definition specifies *fertile* offspring,
Even then its wrong. That's one proposed definition that was never rigorously applied. Plenty of species can hybridize and have fertile offspring. The red wolf in that picture is actually an hybrid population of grey wolf and coyote.

>> No.11936361

>these people are not marxists
>let's call them cultural marxists
Your criticism might be taken more seriously if you stop burning strawmen.

>> No.11936400
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>>in less than 200,000 years,
Yes. are you retarded?

>> No.11936589

None of that means that intelligence of a population is not a genetic trait subject to change.

>> No.11936592

MDs used to promote smoking cigarettes and selling morphine and heroin over the counter too

>> No.11936598
File: 303 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbut races are a social construct..


>> No.11936601

>>in less than 200,000 years,

It was at least 100k years since modern humans left Africa, probably more. This is long enough for evolution to do it's magic, especially since conditions outside Africa during an Ice Age were so different, leading to new selection pressures.

>> No.11936625

>in less than 200,000 years,
>in a long-lived organism with a long gestation period
>in the face of low selection pressure
How else do you explain differences in intelligence between people raised in the same environment? It must be genetic. If two people can be different from each other in certain ways due to their different genetics, why couldn't two populations? Certainly dogs and humans are regarded as different due to their DNA expressing itself as different creatures. No one would dispute that humans are smarter than dogs because we have different brains, which is caused by genetics. Where does the genetic influence end? Can you show where?

>> No.11936646

who are you quoting? I said nothing of the sort in any of my posts ITT, including the posts you replied to. If anything, you're the one burning strawmen

>> No.11936804

>Even then its wrong. That's one proposed definition that was never rigorously applied. Plenty of species can hybridize and have fertile offspring. The red wolf in that picture is actually an hybrid population of grey wolf and coyote.
Yeah, no shit. That's my point. There is no rigorous definition of a species. Are you just reading the first sentence I type or do you lack basic reading comprehension?
Oh, I see. You're trolling. Well, carry on.
Humans aren't fruit flies. Even if human populations were isolated from one another long enough for significant changes to occur, we've been vigorously interbreeding for thousands of years.
>How else do you explain differences in intelligence between people raised in the same environment? It must be genetic.
That's a pretty big leap in logic, even if "the same environment" meant a controlled laboratory setting (it doesn't). If you have two twins in one household and one of them falls head first out of a tree onto the sidewalk as a child, there's a decent chance there will be a difference in intelligence.
>Where does the genetic influence end? Can you show where?
You're the one making a claim---a broad, politically-motivated claim about human beings no less---so the onus is on you to prove your claim. The claims
>human intelligence is genetic
>races are genetically distinct groups
>racial intelligence differences are caused by genetic differences
You can easily prove these claims, or at least strongly support them, by identifying
>the gene(s) responsible for human intelligence
>the gene(s) responsible for race
>the degree to which these groups overlap

>> No.11936809

What are PC1, 2, and 3?

>> No.11936813

nigga, in the last 10000 years most humans have gone from nomadic hunter-gathering to sedentary agriculture. this is a massive ecological change. low selective pressure my ass.

>> No.11936830

>leftoid apologetic

>> No.11936835

> There is no rigorous definition of a species. That's my point.
Okay then why mention these invalid definitions and how is it relevant in response to the anons calling out the idea that humans are one (sub)species ?

>we've been vigorously interbreeding for thousands of years.
As demonstrated by the fact that we all have light brown skin ? Interbreeding has always been marginal and local. Even in America where people of different origins were living at the time of the colonisation in relatively similar numbers and in the same societies, populations of different ancestors didn't unify into one over 500 years. We have been inbreeding much more.

>> No.11936839

>>human intelligence is genetic

>> No.11936842

>>the gene(s) responsible for human intelligence
>>the gene(s) responsible for race
>>the degree to which these groups overlap
Oh you're one of those guys, should have known. No point arguing with you you're intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11936850

It's not "trolling" to point out that there is no scientific refutation of the existence/significance of race. If anything, you're the one trolling. Everyone in the world except liberal whites explicitly believes in race. Liberal whites believe in race implicitly, though they have been trained to publicly deny it. You're the one claiming that our eyes deceive us, so the burden of proof lies with you. Talmudic gotcha arguments are not sufficient for this purpose.

>> No.11936852

I'm paraphrasing you. In one post you mentionned the major difference between marx' works and the ideas if the frankfurt school, which makes them not marxists, and in the other you called people alledgedly inspired by those ideas, and thus further removed from Marx's influence, cultural marxists.
That's blaming them for something they are not.
Why don't you call them critical theorists, frankfurters, or liberals, or whatever ? Because you find it convenient to judge them by association to the traditional bogeyman of the American right, the Marxist.

>> No.11936857

If we really want to get specific with our classification we could just call them "jews"

>> No.11936864

Thats already better because then we can check their [early life] and see if your accusation holds, whereas there's no way to verify someone's cultural marxism.

>> No.11936878

Where are Europeans?

>> No.11936882

Principal Component Analysis is a dimensionality reduction method that takes a matrix of many variables, in this case most likely tens of thousands of genes, and reduces it to a lower number of variables, in this case 3. Wikipedia has more info. There's a lot of linear algebra involved.

>> No.11936887

The left cluster of the blue dots.

>> No.11936962

There are several cryptic species of people. Growing up among the wrong one results in autism.

>> No.11936968

>Okay then why mention these invalid definitions and how is it relevant in response to the anons calling out the idea that humans are one (sub)species ?
Well if the word "species" is vague/meaningless then I'd say that's extremely relevant
>Even in America where people of different origins were living at the time of the colonisation in relatively similar numbers and in the same societies, populations of different ancestors didn't unify into one over 500 years
> in relatively similar numbers and in the same societies
lmao. Racial groups were literally segregated by law for most of American history.
>Oh you're one of those guys, should have known.
One of those guys who needs proof before dismissing an entire population of human beings? Yes. You are making a scientific claim, the burden of proof is on you.
See above. Your eyes can't see genes, so don't blame them for the deception here. Intuition and "common sense" are not scientific evidence, and even "race realists" fail to agree on a consistent and rigorous definition of race. You can claim the truth is self evident to anyone who honestly observes their immediate environment, but a schizophrenic would say the same about the machine gods controlling people's minds with fluoride, just as an uneducated person would say the same about the world being flat, the Sun revolving around the Earth, or the existence of folk magic.
Now THIS is actually really interesting. I'm going to have to look closely at their sources and data, since in my experience 9 times out of 10 these analyses grievously distort their citations, but I'll be interested to see if I can replicate their curve.
You, sir, are the reason I engage the idiots in these threads.

>> No.11936975

I came across the channel by accident they actually have another video explaining why Taleb is a retard

>> No.11936990

>See above. Your eyes can't see genes, so don't blame them for the deception here. Intuition and "common sense" are not scientific evidence, and even "race realists" fail to agree on a consistent and rigorous definition of race. You can claim the truth is self evident to anyone who honestly observes their immediate environment, but a schizophrenic would say the same about the machine gods controlling people's minds with fluoride, just as an uneducated person would say the same about the world being flat, the Sun revolving around the Earth, or the existence of folk magic.

Once again, this is not a scientific refutation of race. You are making an equivocal accusation that race realism is on the same level as flat earth, pre-Copernican astronomy, and folk magic. Like I said above, this is just a Talmudic gotcha and insufficient to compel me to update my prior beliefs - which are based on observation.

>> No.11936991

>One of those guys who needs proof before dismissing an entire population of human beings? Yes. You are making a scientific claim, the burden of proof is on you.
my point was that there are those that are unwilling to accept the conclusions the data presents and perpetually shift the goalposts to the point that they demand the exact genes that cause differences in intelligence after which they start arguing that these same snps are only a west european sample, I can understand some of the arguments but their dogged refusal to accept a largely genetic cause of IQ differences is mostly ideologically driven and you can not logically argue someone out of a position they weren't logically argued into.

>> No.11937009

How does that graphic contradict the thesis that human genetic populations are clinal? Because if that's PCA and the groups where highly distinct, they'd be highly separated, aligning perfectly along the PC axises

>> No.11937027

>I'd say that's extremely relevant
How is it relevant ? Do you think it contradicts the anons you were replying to, or that it backs their claim ?
>Racial groups were literally segregated by law for most of American history.
So what ? laws are man-made and man-enforced. If groups wanted vigorously to mingle there wouldn't have been laws against it. Even now that it's legal and despite constant encouragement from the media interbreeding is marginal, so arguing that it was enough to cancel differenciation over different continents at a time when people were infinitely less mobile is ridiculous.

>> No.11937035

>the thesis that human genetic populations are clinal?
Is largely accepted among race realists.

>> No.11937039

>10000 years
>100000 years
>200000 years
whoa there, earth is only 6000 years old

>> No.11937065

>Even if human populations were isolated from one another long enough for significant changes to occur, we've been vigorously interbreeding for thousands of years.

Nope, most people never interbred with anyone outside of their own valley.

>> No.11937077

Not even most racists think that human populations are highly separated to the point when you always have neat distinct racial categories. Just somewhat separated, with overlap. But even that may be enough for significant genetic differences to arise.

>> No.11937082

>thinks significant evolution can't happen in the space of 200k
>thinks humans weren't under massive selection pressure

You're like a creationist but worse.

>> No.11937158

identify the genes responsible for differences in human height

>> No.11937230

Most people didn't breed outside of half a day's travel from home.

>> No.11937231

Well thanks for posting it. Things that actually challenge you to do original research should be what this board is about. Someone more well-versed in the topic might be able to refute it easily, but I greatly appreciate the opportunity to expand my knowledge base and form my own conclusions.
Do you have any scientific PROOF of race? Do you have a consistent definition of what race even is? No? Then we have nothing to discuss.
I get where you are coming from regarding perceived moving goalposts, and while I'm certain that's a fair characterization of many of these discussions, you have to realize your conclusions require extensive and complex proof. I was impressed by the video upthread that showed the correlation between intelligence genes and racial groups, but even if we take that video for granted, its' still a long way from proving that different races are genetically determined to be smarter/dumber. If these gene groups are indeed correlated with IQ, we still have to show they are causally related. And if these genes do cause IQ, we have to then show that this actually means they cause intelligence, since it may mean that IQ tests have been testing for a genotype and not performance this whole time. What aspect of intelligence do these genes determine? Problem solving? Information retention? Spatial reasoning? Does a floor or ceiling or starting point or what? Can we optimize genetic potential? And how do we deal with these issues in a way that is consistent with American/Western values? We're talking about statistical averages, so even if the overwhelming majority of African Americans are retarded, there will still be individuals on the far end of the normal distribution who perform on par with or above the average white person. If we give up on all blacks because of statistics, we will be punishing the best individuals based on the needs of the majority, which is collectivism, a philosophy mostly rejected in the West.

>> No.11937236

The "nutrition during adolescence" gene

>> No.11937242

>You're like a creationist but worse.
Yeah, because I'm right.

>> No.11937251

>How is it relevant ? Do you think it contradicts the anons you were replying to, or that it backs their claim ?
It makes their claim meaningless. A species is what a biologist says it is in the introduction of their paper.
>So what ? laws are man-made and man-enforced. If groups wanted vigorously to mingle there wouldn't have been laws against it.
That doesn't logically follow.
> Even now that it's legal and despite constant encouragement from the media interbreeding is marginal, so arguing that it was enough to cancel differenciation over different continents at a time when people were infinitely less mobile is ridiculous.
Okay, so show me a genetically pure Englishman.

>> No.11937267

>Do you have any scientific PROOF of race? Do you have a consistent definition of what race even is? No? Then we have nothing to discuss.

I don't need a precise definition or scientific proof. Race as a concept is a generally accepted reality and different races are easily identifiable. Any person could tell the difference between a German, a Nigerian, and a Chinese. Scientists could distinguish them by their skeletons alone. Since this is what everyone already believes, you have the burden of proof if you wish for others to update their beliefs.

As far as race and intelligence, I did my undergraduate degree in mathematics. This is generally accepted as one of (if not the absolute) the most difficult undergraduate majors. My entire graduating cohort was either White or Asian. There were more black students than Chinese students as a portion of the overall student body, yet I never encountered a single black student in any math class past Calculus 2.

Simple conclusion: blacks are less intelligent - backed by data
Conspiracy theory: systemic racism is the root of all inequality - not backed by data

>> No.11937291

>even if the overwhelming majority of African Americans are retarded, there will still be individuals on the far end of the normal distribution who perform on par with or above the average white person

However, their children will likely regress to the average again.

>> No.11937297
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we will be punishing the best individuals based on the needs of the majority, which is collectivism, a philosophy mostly rejected in the West.

Oh Jesus it's a libertardian, not a libtard. It's even worse than I thought.

>> No.11937299

irrelevant with modern diets

>> No.11937311

Best Koreans are shorter (5'5") than South Koreans (5'7") on average, though they share the same (or extremely similar) genetics. This is due to nutrition. South Koreans are shorter than White Americans (5'10") and this is due to genetics, not nutrition.

>> No.11937694

>It makes their claim meaningless.
Not at all. On the contrary the fact that biologists are not rigorous with species and subspecies classification reinforces their claim, which is that humans are classified as one species without subspecies because of political convenience.
>That doesn't logically follow.
Yes it does. Do you think laws appear without cause nor context ? But even if we assume people wanted to interbreed and were prevented by some magical law, fact remain that they did not interbreed vigorously as you claimed (like a retard, let's admit it).
>Okay, so show me a genetically pure Englishman.
Right after you show an englishman with ancestry from all the population groups of the planet.

>> No.11937723

>in less than 200,000 years,

Is this supposed to be impossible?

>> No.11937858
File: 50 KB, 728x568, Om_yun_chol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidentally Om Yun Chol North Korean olympic and world record breaking weightlifter 5'0"(152cm) 121lb(55Kg) clean and jerked 166Kg that's just over 3 times his bodyweight only a handful have ever achieved this
And I wonder how much is genetic vs nutrition limiting his bone growth?

>> No.11937868

the largest pcs show what is called race, but they are small variances overall.

>> No.11937875

Nobody here is under any obligation to meet your dishonest and autistic standards, faggot. Nobody except midwit NPR listeners and Destiny agree with you. Kill yourself. And before you ask, no, this is not an argument. This is me insulting you.

>> No.11937877

Well as a top athlete I'm sure he eats well, but that doesn't mean he ate well as a child. Single cases aren't really representative at all though, so it is beyond pointless to speculate. He will likely have average-height children assuming his parents/grandparents were close to average height. The term "regression to the mean" was actually coined in the early days of statistics specifically regarding genetic height studies.

>> No.11937892

Further though, I would expect that he is the child of the wealthier classes. Top Olympic weightlifters typically start learning the movement from a young age. Height is not a disadvantage either. There is less range of motion, so less total force exerted to move the weight and complete the lift. Much is dependent on body type/leverages as well. Short legs and long arms are ideal for deadlift, for example.

>> No.11937937

> most likely
Translation: you have no clue what it means. You're just copying pretty colored circles off of Wikipedia.

Principal Component Analysis can just as easily measure intronic sequences of human DNA. Introns have zero contribution of phenotype or trait. They measure a population's migration, or isolation from other populations.

Lrn2genetics before you embarrass yourself.

>> No.11937946

>introns have zero contibution to phenotype or trait
>phenotype or trait
Just lol at pseuds

People be reading off of powerpoints from freshman classes and think they understand genetics

>> No.11937958

> BTFO at high school level genetics
> No, no, no, you!
Seethe more

>> No.11937965

>and Destiny agree with you

>> No.11937977

I have no idea what you were replying to I just saw your low iq post and thought it was funny. Thinking introns don’t contribute to the gross phenotype of an organism, whatever you meant by that, is retarded. You are stupid, that’s all I wanted to convey. I don’t care about the race stuff at all.

>> No.11937991

> Seethes
> Tries to turn burn around
> Doesn't work
> Comes back LARP'ing as a poster who just wandered in
So sad.

>> No.11938131

>pic unrelated

>> No.11938137

>who needs proof before dismissing an entire population
Read: Needs data approved by Daddy Shekelwitz

>> No.11938188

>I'm paraphrasing you
>AKA I'm purposely misinterpreting your argument
You're literally making strawmen to accuse me of burning strawmen. Read these links, they'll help you understand what a strawman fallacy is, how I was not using them, and how you are using them now.
No other point of your argument is worth addressing, because your foundation is incredibly weak

>> No.11938205

Imagine doubling down on a statement that is as ignorant and pernicious as yours. Introns absolutely do affect gene expression, alternative splicing, and gene regulatory pathways. The RNA machinery involved in regulating gene expression directly changes protein synthesis rates and downstream the phenotype(s) of the organism. It can even affect the global transcription rate of many unrelated proteins and even cell division itself. You are fucking stupid. I do not have any hand in this thread, I don't give a shit if niggers are dumb, its not important to me or my life. What is important is biological research and preventing others from misrepresenting the life sciences, you are wrong and have a facile grasp on basic molecular genetics. Read a book before talking about science.

>> No.11938228

>>AKA I'm purposely misinterpreting your argument
I'm not misinterpretating anything. You said they don't share a core concern of marxism. If you wanted us to overlook that, then it's your argument that is misconstructed.
And yes, calling people marxists when they are not is making a strawman. But if you disagree on the use of that particular expression I'm willing to change it to simply being dishonest or stupid.

>> No.11938240

Just browsing this thread; Marx and the Frankfurt School are all good good good and everyone should read them. Also the Frankfurt School is Marxist they are just not the boogiemen that the alt right (who haven't read them) paint them out to be.

>> No.11938250

>let me keep attacking the strawmen i keep building so i can call you dishonest or stupid
this is the biggest cope I have seen on 4channel in months

>> No.11939641

>And if these genes do cause IQ, we have to then show that this actually means they cause intelligence, since it may mean that IQ tests have been testing for a genotype and not performance this whole time.
Bro call Charles Murray right now, you are the first person in 100 years of intelligence research to ever think this. No scientist doing this research has ever considered this before.

>> No.11939682

>low selection pressure

How could you possibly call going from a half ape with a jawbone as his best tool to nuclear weapons 'low selection pressure'? Every single advancement in human society has coincided with untold human suffering and death. That alone could be driving human evolution to say nothing of our extreme, riding levels of socialization.

Get your head out of your ass anon. Humans are 5heir own selection pressure

>> No.11939741
File: 263 KB, 785x992, 8CB41D66-561A-43D2-B984-F4641FA5CB3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And if you disagree you are racist and a bigot

>> No.11940463

It's intersectional Marxism.
The Ideas of splitting society into proletariat and bourgeoisie as purely economic classes also apply to social / cultural classes under Intersectionalism.

>> No.11940485

The marxists realized that the proletariat were far too conservative to be a revolutionary force, so they changed tactics to radicalizing degenerates, sodomites, and criminals instead. This is what people refer to as "cultural marxism" - the shift in academic circles from class war to the dildo revolution. The nexus of this shift was the Frankfurt school, though the French '68 revolutionary milieu are probably more influential today. Ex: Foucault is one of the most-cited academics among the dildo warriors.

>> No.11940503

Some different species can produce viable offspring together, such as polar bears and grizzly bears. So your entire point is based upon a false premise and moot.

>> No.11940577

>Foucault is one of the most-cited academics among the dildo warriors.
yet His entire thesis has been dubunked multiple times...

>> No.11940611

I wouldn't be so smug, considering you are being replaced. Do you want some realism? Within a few hundred years the only ethnic Europeans left will be a tiny minority within the most wealthy. You are being bred out of existence. All other races will retain a large core of ethnic homogeneity. But not the Europeans. Everyone else will be a mix. With an ever dwindling degree of not just European DNA, but also European languages, values, ethics and cultures.

So tell me, how is all the smartness treating you? All those cultural and scientific achievement you claim, all those IQ scores, all those technical and engineering wonders? Really doesn't mean jack shit when your distant descendants, if any at all, will most likely be just a tiny smear of DNA within the body of someone who looks and acts very much like an African, or Asian, or Indian, or Latino.

Now please do tell me how clever and superior you are. Be quick, maybe only a few dozen more generations to hear your wonderful story, for it wont be your people writing the history books in the far future.

>> No.11940623

They are interested in power, not truth. With enough power you can decide what the truth is.

>> No.11940636

This. This is exactly what conservatives and the right wing fail to grasp. This is why the left will win and the world will descend into a new dark age.

>> No.11940651

Race isn't real because there is no commonly accepted division of that space into 'white', 'black', etc.

>> No.11940656

you tell me, you will also be in that cursed mix.

>> No.11940671
File: 490 KB, 800x400, white_or_black_question_mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth can be used to undermine their authority when we mock them or expose them for what they really are - just not in the way that conservatives do it. Calling them "racists" doesn't cut it. The term racism only ever applies to white people. Calling them anti-white works, naming the jew works, saying "shut up nerd" works. "Antifa are the real fascists" is stupid and ineffective and they just laugh at the dumb boomers that jerk off to that kind of retarded shit.

Yet everyone in the world can easily distinguish if someone is white or black. Let's play a game, is Samuel L. Jackson white or black?

>> No.11940683

What part of
>long gestation period
>low selection pressure
does your flaccid smoothbrain not comprehend

>> No.11940704

so tell me why the gender ratio is so out of whack for some interracial births? significantly fewer boys.

>> No.11940708


>> No.11940710

Compared to what?

>long gestation period
Compared to what?

>low selection pressure
Compared to what?

>> No.11940726

most organisms? most land mammals? just because you don't understand what evolution is (and you have made it very clear that you don't), doesn't mean its fake

>> No.11940786

So 10,000 generations is insufficient for evolution to have any effect on the brain?

>> No.11940984

Yep. It has to be exactly 10,047. Tyrone DeTyson said so.

>> No.11941006

>technology advancing is because of gradual genetic changes
>not due to the compounding effect on human knowledge from recording information for use by later generations

>> No.11941010

>so they changed tactics to radicalizing degenerates, sodomites, and criminals instead
So the proletariat?

>> No.11941017

>Yet everyone in the world can easily distinguish if someone is white or black.
Everyone can distinguish the hand of God in crafting life on Earth, yet creationism isn't a scientific theory.

>> No.11941024

Yes but not the best basketball players

>> No.11941029

You would be surprised.

>> No.11941043

Literally just does matrix computations so that component 1 has the greatest variance and PC2 has the 2nd greatest and on and on. There's obviously more to it but that's the interpretation.

>> No.11941049
File: 131 KB, 768x994, 1576076711217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being white in that future. Imagine all the brown girl pussy you'd get solely from being white and coming from some exclusive wealthy elite. Imagine your harem of brown girls literally begging you to impregnate them because they want taller, lighter, smarter children. Yea, I'm thinkin I was born at the wrong point in history.

>> No.11941050

there is consistent evidence for increased educatability polygenic scores rising through time.

>> No.11941075

Select for bigger asses and wider hips, that's how you get bigger brains.

>> No.11941078

>Select for bigger asses
so why do blacks have the narrowest birth canals and the biggest asses?

>> No.11941090

I was promised a race war, god damn it, hurry it up already, my trigger finger is itchy.

>> No.11941102

No, they are not the traditional working class employed in a productive industry. They are mostly drawn from the bored spawn of the bougie professional-managerial class and from racial minorities who don't generally work (niggers).

Does Samuel L. Jackson come from the Orange/Purple cluster or the Red?Blue cluster? Your answer please.>>11936598

>> No.11941159
File: 698 KB, 674x660, subspecies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11941163

why are native americans so far shifted to the left?

>> No.11941382

>Clothing and control of fire both predate the evolution of modern humans, so not really.
This is so stupid it hurts. We had clothing and fire when we moved into the northern hemisphere. That didn't stop us from dying constantly. Winter has only been "not a big deal, just sorta annoying" for a few hundred years.
The northern climate provided humans with a pretty strong selection pressure for thousands of years. Some divergence did occur, as is evident with genetic analysis. Whether the differences are substantial enough to perceptibly change intelligence is irrelevant. Denying an obvious truth just gives the racists ammo to discredit you with.

>> No.11941474

no racism outside of /b/

>> No.11941555
File: 46 KB, 983x677, EdVKI0IXsAAyGah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up nerd

>> No.11941575

trolling outside of /b/
extremely low quality post

>> No.11941586

Reality is racist, I guess you can only find that in /b/ as well.

>> No.11941599
File: 63 KB, 948x669, janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least check my trips before you report me you pathetic faggot

>> No.11941603
File: 30 KB, 306x415, 1444138606613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Samuel L. Jackson come from the Orange/Purple cluster or the Red?Blue cluster?
Looks like he's in the same group as this lady.

>> No.11941605
File: 64 KB, 630x1200, fredi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're saying he's more closely related to this person?

>> No.11941609

Imagine being this mentally ill

>> No.11941618
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>> No.11941630
File: 43 KB, 720x540, 1595217934373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you could do this with any random group of people, sorted on basis of geographical isolation. It's a representation of the fact that all humans are genetically varient, but where you draw the line is purely political, just like how the boundary between colors is entirely [math]arbitrary[/math]

>Get confronted with perfectly valid arguments
>Noooo you can't just ask me to validate my sloppy thinking!!!
You are beyond intellectual honesty--you are a political fictionalist.

Yes and the results are just as strong as its input which also means biases. PCA can be used to spread data into more readable axis but how you interpret those axis, draw boundaries and so on is what matters and where all the trash can be packed in.

>> No.11941635

>Humans aren't fruit flies. Even if human populations were isolated from one another long enough for significant changes to occur,
They clearly were and we can observe it in their general physical appearances.
>we've been vigorously interbreeding for thousands of years.
Sort of true but sort of not. I'm not gonna argue in favor of sub-species classification for geographically disparate populations of humans, but if you're actually arguing that significant evolution can't happen in relatively short periods of time then you're just way behind the times. It's not surprising at all that groups of people in vastly different climates would evolve different physical and cognitive characteristics over the last 100k years or so.

>> No.11941644

can we just IP ban /pol/ crossposters? fuck.

>> No.11941646

Perhaps you didn't understand my post. I was pointing to the absurdity of limiting race threads to /b/.

>> No.11941648
File: 31 KB, 128x126, 1590658059736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectual honesty
>believes in conspiracy theories like "white privilege" and "systemic racism" instead of accepting the simple and empirical reality that niggers are stupid, lazy, and prone to criminality

>> No.11941654
File: 270 KB, 500x600, 1515485624875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11941669
File: 27 KB, 340x388, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying that you want to enforce your borders in order to keep out a hostile, alien tribe that is invading your homeland?

>> No.11941690
File: 298 KB, 379x329, cool skeleton colors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11941695

>but where you draw the line is purely political
Like with gender right? You do respect Christine Weston Chandler's pronouns, don't you?

>> No.11941866

What do you see when you look at a rainbow? Grey?

>> No.11942308

>IQ is 70-80% hereditary
>Low IQ makes one more likely to commit violent acts of crime
>Low IQ makes one more likely to be unemployed
Pick all