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11933401 No.11933401 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a child, I felt incredible emotions but after growing up they are gone.
I want to feel like a child again, maybe I even want to be naive as much as I was before.
Is there a way to accomplish this?

>> No.11933411 [DELETED] 

They're not gone, you've just been forced by society to regulate your responses to them in accordance with social norms.

>> No.11933417

how do I fix myself?

>> No.11933432 [DELETED] 

You're not broken, either be yourself and learn to live with nonconformity or pretend like everyone else how to be normal. The choice depends on what you want, which is a difficult thing to find out without lying to yourself. Most people spend a lifetime never knowing what they want.

>> No.11933436

Same OP, I know that feel very well. The world was just so much more intense. I often feel like a large part of me was lost upon growing up.

>> No.11933442

I'm not sure if this happened because of testosterone or simply because we got used to those things.
Or maybe it is the media that made us that way.

>> No.11933458

Experience new things. This isnt a permanent solution but it creates a lot of intense feelings.

>> No.11933461

You are still naive. You will always be. Feel it.

>> No.11933462

This is true, but 4chan made me a racist pseudonazi scum...

>> No.11933465

Holy... is that creation what I think it is?

>> No.11933466

Remember letting yourself dream without care in the world?

>> No.11933484


>> No.11933486

what else could it be

>> No.11933490


>> No.11933511

Fuck you, sadness is for faggots.
Smoke some weed bro, also homosexuality is not a disease.

>> No.11933526

Zen Buddhism is what you are looking for if you want to explore obtaining a child like mind.

>> No.11933532

How to obtain a child like girlfriend?

>> No.11933536

Be child like

>> No.11933537

Existentialism and buddhism (if you're particularly spiritual). Find your center

>> No.11933539

Become a priest.

>> No.11933543

they are into boys though

>> No.11933545

That's why nobody will suspect you.

>> No.11933563

A guided psychedelic experience. However, if you have no medical need, mental issues you need to resolve, no endless curiosity to try them, if you're functioning well and you're happy, I recommend against taking them.

LSD for me personally brings out the most of my childlike self. Hell, when I took too much and thought I was dying, and hallucinated that I had died, I realised that the last thought I had before I "died" (Was all of existence real, or was it a dream/illusion/fantasy?) is the EXACT thing that shaped my entire childhood, and my entire personality. I was, and am, autistic and I used lie awake at nights wondering about the nature of existence, consciousness, biological life. The most frightening question I had, was that maybe it was possible that the universe was my own fantasy, not in a megalomanic way, but more like I could have been some alien having a very elaborate dream. Understanding that mindfuck and how it affected my perception of reality, my social interactions (nobody around me understanding my questions, leading to isolation and realisation) changed my life and it's now the keystone around which I organise my mind and life.

But, it needs to happen in a good setting, a good environment, with few disturbances and a good guide. In my case I was experienced enough that I could guide myself and didn't freak out and call a fucking ambulance or some shit, but if you do it by yourself and you don't know what's going on, if you do it in the company of others who don't know what's going on, it can get incredibly fucked up.

Cannabis will promote similar mindstates, while psychedelics can broadly bring back your "childlike building blocks" of your mind, cannabis does the same but very selectively for specific elements of your childhood, depending on your high, but it may seem very "druggy" to you if you've never taken psychedelics. If you have used psychedelics, you will be able to recognise the psychedelic components.

>> No.11933566

>leading to isolation and realisation

isolation and DErealisation of course.

>> No.11933590

>just take some acid bruh

>> No.11933649

Losing whatever sense of shame you have is a start. Shame prevents me from indulging childish wants a lot of the time, certainly from doing so openly.

>> No.11933660

>Therapeutic Use of LSD in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review of Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trials

>Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Paradigm Shift in Psychiatric Research and Development

>Modern Clinical Research on LSD

>Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging

>Increased visual cortex cerebral blood flow (CBF), decreased visual cortex alpha power, and a greatly expanded primary visual cortex (V1) functional connectivity profile correlated strongly with ratings of visual hallucinations, implying that intrinsic brain activity exerts greater influence on visual processing in the psychedelic state, thereby defining its hallucinatory quality.

If you can't into neuroscience, it means what you "hallucinate", is underlying brain activity being fed to the visual area (and other sensory areas), which turns it into a perception.

In other words, it LITERALLY brings out the child within, among other things that float around in one's brain.

>> No.11933682
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racist pseudonazi you need to smoke a 12 gauge for being a spastic bastard

>> No.11933685

No, Grow up dude.

>> No.11933892

Ferment raw milk until they separate into cheese and whey water in a big glass jar, the longer the better, strain the fat on top and water and eat that cheese/yogurt substance. Guarantee good gut good brain.

>> No.11934177


The state is holding you in adolescence. There is supposed to be a different set of adult feeling you are supposed to feel,but you don't have true freedom, so you are limited in what you can do and feel and your childhood feelings are no longer applicable.

>> No.11934224

I remember those feelings too. Used to have a ton of passion. Now I couldn't care less about most things. Dating? Nah, too much hassle. Sex? Only if it's right in front of me. Trip to a new place? Damn, that plane ride is gonna suck, it will only be a few days then back to the wage cage!

>> No.11934350

The answer is drugs, but only if you never have done them before
Since the experience will be so novel you will feel like a kid for a couple hours, since that was the last time life was "new" to you

>> No.11934535
File: 355 KB, 891x605, Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much might have been a sense of wonder, experiencing things for the very first time with no expectation of what they might be. That is hard t recreate, though you can go a long way with reading and learning entirely new things, dig deep into new knowledge, and importantly imagine how amazing it all is.

And remember to stay comfy, anon.

>> No.11934621

I'm 32 now, and the only thing I'm missing from adolescence is falling so fucking deeply in love that nothing lese matters anymore. Everything else is still there. Excitement for new things, curiosity, if somethings interests me I stay awake all night to understand it, I use my fantasy a lot, etc etc.
But the love thing is really bothering. I'm in a relationship, but feel next to nothing. She's cool and all, we have fun together but... You know, that thing where your heart explodes is just missing.