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File: 705 KB, 1744x1476, 1576282944878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11930705 No.11930705 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't people just wear a mask and stay inside as much as possible?
Is it natural selection?

>> No.11930713
File: 72 KB, 773x434, Chickenpox-Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you get herd immunity.

>> No.11930715

Maybe Americans have nothing to live for and don't really care if they get it because their life already sucks so bad.
That's the case for me at least.

>> No.11930721

why the fuck would people listen to you of all people? We're meant to be free aren't we?

>> No.11930726

Because we're free unlike Europeans.

>> No.11930745

can you listen to doctors at least?

>> No.11930755

no, they can fuck themselves and so can you

>> No.11930760

NYC was hammered and they're still only at 25% herd immunity. Spain is at 5%. Sweden's not even close. The antibodies don't remain elevated for long enough to ever get close.

>> No.11930766

Even with recycled air?

>> No.11930795

Total number of cases is a terrible measure to compare between nations, because every nation has different testing methods and rates of testing.
Total deaths would be more useful, but still not perfect due to inconsistencies in what constitutes dying OF COVID rather than WITH COVID.

>> No.11930836

We're just tired of "experts" and elites thinking they know more than us.

>> No.11930905
File: 75 KB, 550x448, wZjWF0l_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to achieve herd immunity
>with a NOVEL virus that we know very little about

we don't even know if immunity is possible yet, but by all means, don't let that stop you from shooting yourself in the leg

>> No.11930924

I know you’re trolling, but seriously this type of LARP belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.11930930

So the narrative went from "people are dying" to "people are infected"

>> No.11930932

stay inside? yes please.
Dumb beachgoers and restless kids protesting.
masks? false sense of security, particularly homemade ones
makes people take unnecessary risks

>> No.11930938
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it natural selection?


>> No.11930943

good thing the penis and not the balls are used for sex

>> No.11930958

because thats not even what yuropoors are doing and makes no sense if you dont have symptoms so shut the fuck up

>> No.11930959

It's a mix of low intellect and unsolved psychological issues.

>> No.11930960

It’s funny because the highest infection rates are in places with the highest compliance rates like California

>> No.11930963

>The antibodies don't remain elevated for long enough to ever get close.
If that's the case then we're stuck with this virus no matter what we do, and therefore the lockdowns were completely pointless.

>> No.11930968

this. in my country they did a 4 month qurantine when we had very few cases per day to "avoid the colapse" wich made no fucking sense at all and now that we are starting to have more cases (120 deaths per day-ish) they decided to remove the restrictions. I was right all along, quarantine was a retarded pontless idea nd now eeverybody is poor, wich was the plan all along, and retrds keep supporting the covid nonsense

>> No.11930976
File: 24 KB, 632x756, 986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop questioning the media, chuds. wear the mask and eat the bugs

>> No.11930996

why is wearing a mask bad?

>> No.11930999

who said it was? it isnt good, it is pointles and retarded just like all the quarantine for non-symptomatics

>> No.11931003

because they don't fucking care about your irrational fears

>> No.11931011

Our mortality rate is dropping significantly. The main reason our cases are going up is we are doing a LOT of testing. A huge amount of the supposed positives are being improperly reported as well. I'm too lazy to look for the source, but florida cases were overstated by something like 10 times...

>> No.11931043

My whole family took a vacation last month and had a blast. Stop living in fear, sheeple.

>> No.11931048

>if you dont want to lick the boot youre trolling

>> No.11931089

>A huge amount of the supposed positives are being improperly reported as well. I'm too lazy to look for the source, but florida cases were overstated by something like 10 times...
Florida's had a large spike in deaths despite the country as a whole only experiencing a recent, small rise.

>> No.11931093

>Spain is at 5%.
Yup, and we're about to close the country again.

>> No.11931095

Florida also is one of the oldest on average states in the US

>> No.11931097

>Highest infection rates in the states that have the highest population

Imagine my shock. California shut down first and was doing the best the longest, but when everything else opened up, guess where people went on vacation?

>> No.11931103

>Vaccines don't exist

Might as well kill yourself since you will die if you stop breathing for a couple minute anyways.

>> No.11931120

This is the country that thinks earth is flat. USA is fucked.

>> No.11931136

You really think enough of the US will actually take a vaccine to get rid of this? Half of you don't even trust the non-rushed vaccines.

>> No.11931160

ok I'll drop the word elite but you get my point. Over the years, it turns out the "experts" are just like the rest of us. They don't know any better or worse than any of us.

>> No.11931188
File: 112 KB, 800x420, airflow_1-800x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is pointles
Have you ever wondered where the inane logic of why masks don't work came from?

Here's a bit of trivia:
WAY BACK IN JANUARY, the CDC was trying to warn the president that he needed to enact the defense production act and start mass producing as many masks as possible cause we're going to run out. The white house said said, "No, we are aware of the situation and already have already have a plan to deal with the mask shortage. We'll just tell people not not to wear masks." Then this guy at CDC insisted that was a terrible idea and they NEEDED to make more masks. Then they fired him.

The idea that masks don't work is propaganda invented by president Trump. Every country that's beaten the virus has done it with masks, social distancing, and testing/contact tracing. Those are our ONLY weapons. Who ever put the idea in Trumps head to lie to the American people about masks instead of enact the defense production act is a traitor that cost thousands upon thousands of American lives. You're helping spread this lie!

>> No.11931190

I wasn't arguing about whether the vaccine would be accepted, just that saying "we're stuck with it" is retarded.

The argument over the vaccines is going to be ugly. Vaccine cards are going to be seen as fascism by conservative groups all over.

>> No.11931192

>it is pointles and retarded
It is the most obvious thing to do.

>> No.11931197

It's pointless because corona is just a flue.

>> No.11931199
File: 231 KB, 2048x1172, EUwrOkzWkAAURfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like all the quarantine for non-symptomatics

see pic

>> No.11931200

How do you think vaccines work? Do you think vaccines work fundamentally differently than the natural process of obtaining herd immunity (i.e. transmission across a populace)?

>> No.11931223

Anecdote from PA here but I wonder how widespread this is. About a dozen coworkers went to a locale testing site, had their information taken but were then turned away due to a lack of testing kits at the site. A couple weeks later ALL of them received positive test results despite not being tested. Incompetence on the part of the site staff, I'm sure, but still pretty alarming.

>> No.11931244


Just infecting everyone relies on natural non-tuned immune reactions and the selection procedure for new antibodies while the body is attempting to survive. Not to mention it gives an entire playground for the virus to mutate on until it becomes something entirely new that all those other people have 0 immunity against and may or may not be more dangerous. Kinda like that massively more virulent strain that came out of Europe.

A vaccine can have things to enhance immune response, without the pressure of the actual disease, while also allowing booster shots that will maintain immunity in the long run. Not mentioning the fact that it also reduces the ability for the virus to spread helping stamp out the disease instead of giving it a host to propagate in.

>> No.11931251

The flu doesn't shut down hospitals state wide due to overcrowding.

When they're full they can't help people. If you live in one of those states and you get appendicitis, then chances are you may die from appendicitis. If you get a broken bone, you'll just need to walk it off.
If you get in a car accident, chances are you may not get an ambulance in time and bleed out.

>> No.11931261

Neither does corona.

>> No.11931266


Is this why emergency COVID hospitals worldwide were closed due to low demand?

>> No.11931270

>Is it natural selection?
No, its artificial selection.
The hypocrisy of people is absolute insanity. They won't exercise, they won't eat healthy, the won't stop watching the news and television, filling their mind with FUD, but for this one, trivial virus they'll put on their masks and bring out their pitchforks.
The healthy have nothing to worry about. Those "healthy" individuals which have died are not healthy in reality. Appearance is deceiving, and is not a good indicator of full-body health. I highly doubt any of these "healthy" people dying are fully conscious about what they are eating and doing in their lives.

>> No.11931275

Essential workers can't just stay home for two weeks.

They handed us papers saying we were required to go to work basically, acting like they were giving us the privelege to do so.

>> No.11931278

>Don't wear masks
>Virus kills off fat, diabetic, weak people
>REALLY HIGH deaths in the beginning (Right now)
>Over time deaths will fall (Proportion of healthy people to unhealthy will rise)
>Soon the only ones left will be the healthy
>No more virus deaths because everyone beats it easily
>Problem solves
Fuck masks. People just need more patience.

>> No.11931282

>The healthy have nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't go that far, but relatively speaking you're right. Thing is no group was ever immune to this and the news made no effort to emphasize that. You'd have to have been functionally retarded to believe there was going to be any group that was completely immune to this, statistically speaking there were going to be SOME cases in all demographics, including infants, kids and healthy young adults. OF COURSE some of those groups were going to die to this, but I'm getting really sick of seeing the news take ONE fucking case of a healthy adult dying and saying "See? This can be you, no in fact it WILL be you you fucking sheep,"

>> No.11931284

>Only sick people
Like all those people suffering permanent lung scaring and vascular damage (on top of brain damage) despite being asymptomatic?

Also fuck you, I'm trying to keep my immunompromised friend alive right now. He can't even go into lab to finish his PhD because tards still refuse to wear their masks.

>> No.11931288

Keyword here is *fundamentally*. It uses the same mechanisms and known biological systems to crowd out a disease. Obviously having "antibodies" isn't like an off/on switch, some antibodies are short lived (e.g. Rhinovirus) and cannot contribute to herd immunity. Vaccines are nice because you don't die, you can control/fine-tune the immune response, the risk of mutation is dramatically lower, et cetera... but it's still the same idea. If I water my crops "naturally" (i.e. with rain water) or if I go to each plant and pour some water on its soil, the process is different but key idea is still the same.

What I'm trying to say is that many of the pitfalls of natural herd immunity are also the pitfalls of vaccines. Ever wonder why you have to get a new flu vaccine each year and half the time they don't work? It's because the antibodies are often not long-lasting and the viruses mutate too quickly to be able to capture the scope of the flu in that given year.

>> No.11931290

You fucking idiot have been living under rock it seems.
>>Virus kills off fat, diabetic, weak people
No. It renders a huge portion of its victims unable to work. If not permanently, then at least for a very long time.

>> No.11931313

The reason the flu vaccine doesn't work isnt because the one strain of flu mutates. It's because the flu season encapsulates a shit load of possible flu viruses and the flu vaccine is the best guess of researchers on which ones are going to be the most prevalent. There is an issue with long lasting nature of antibodies too but boosters can help that immensely.

I'd say it's more akin to letting rain water your crops vs. Irrigating them. We can control and tune our irrigation system based on the water needs of our plants.

I'm not saying there aren't a lot of technical hurdles but it's not in the "it's here forever stage" by a long shot yet. Although if we get a bunch of nihilistic assholes running around being super carriers we might just end up with enough covid mutations we get a covid and a flu season each year.

>> No.11931315

Once again, likely not healthy. Truly healthy individuals are one in a thousand.
The first world is oppressive of the body in so many ways, its absolutely insane how disgusting our environments are. Microplastics from polyester clothing, plastic cups and dishes. Non-stick pots and pans with PTFE and PFOA that result in flu-like symptoms and are bio-accumulative. Poor sleep from blue light sources present in electronics and conventional house lighting. Pesticides present on the surfaces of food which has a cumulative effect over time, as well as GMOs from that one extremely untrustworthy company that are STILL not fully documented in terms of the effects they instigate. Not exercising at least once a day which FACILITATES THE HEALTH OF YOUR ENTIRE BODY, and increases BDNF expression within the brain up to three times as high. High as fuck stress from the FUD media, internet-centric communications, and dopamine-surging social media.
"Healthy" people are not healthy. I'm sorry about your immunocompromised friend, but to be honest they should've never been alive in the first place. Humanity has become complacent with how much it has supported peoples unhealthy lifestyles, and the entire human species has suffered as a result. You can't be angry at nature.

>> No.11931332

Last statistics I saw was 95% of cases are completely mild and no worse than a cold. The worst cases either the person dies in 14 days or they recover. Remember when Tom Hanks was diagnosed and now he’s completely fine? I’ve read talks of long term lung effects, but have yet to see statistics on how many people are actually affected

>> No.11931338

You are making a wide sweeping generalization about a phenomena that no one understands fully yet on the premise of "perfect health". Oh, you are a GMO guy. Ah. This makes sense now.

Fuck Stephen Hawking then right? He should never have been alive and his contributions to physics aren't worth it. You ain't sorry for shit, it's an insult that you pretend to be. My friend has contributed more to materials science and musical culture in his short life so far then >95% will with their entire healthy lives. Just because someone got screwed over doesn't mean they deserve to fucking die. But yeah, maybe you not wanting to cover your face up is on the same level of suffering as someone actively dying.

>> No.11931339

>Guys my aids friend can’t go to work because he has aids
>This is society’s fault, not the aids

>> No.11931341

Wear a mask and stay inside as much as possible are two independent variables. Why have you conflated them?
I assume by "stay inside" you mean at home and not Wal-Mart.

>> No.11931347

You sound pretty excited about getting your government issue needle every 3 months for the rest of your life.

Drool more, retard.

>> No.11931355

The real measurement should be Mean Reduction of Expected Lifespan. If a bunch of 95 year old people whose life expectancy was only one more year die, that's very different than the same number of five year old children dying. But simply counting deaths, even if restricted just to death BY COVID, doesn't reflect this difference.
Calculate how many years of life COVID is cutting short and give the mean of that number over the entire population. Then we can not only do a better comparison between countries with different strategies, we can also get a better understanding of the true impact of the virus.

>> No.11931365

>Is it natural selection?
Burgers are stupid, and deserve to die.

>> No.11931372

Blaming someone for having CF is a shitty thing to do.

>> No.11931373

If Imperial College hadn't shit the bed so hard, not just in this pandemic but also in previous ones, while WHO told us there was no human to human transmission and the US Surgeon General claimed masks were ineffective until the suddenly were effective, I might have some faith in the experts. But they've destroyed their credibility so I have no idea what is their current agenda and have no reason to believe it has my best health interests in mind.
Credibility is important. The technocrats and career ladder climbers destroyed their credibility. If you want to follow them blindly, that's your choice but don't complain or make laws forcing others to follow a pack of known liars.

>> No.11931375

I wear masks. If I can help it I don't wear them but if I'm going into a store or other crowded area I'll wear them, even though their effectiveness is questionable.
It's a sad reality that people exist who are vulnerable from the very beginning, but it is natural, just as death is natural. Its sad that they've died, but I can't be angry. People will get replaced. You can't care about someone who never got the chance to exist in the first place.
From what we've observed about the virus, it seems as though sufficiently healthy individuals aren't experiencing any severe effects. Some inflammation and respiratory damage, but this varies greatly. We should be cautious of the virus (Every virus, in fact).

>GMO guy
The personal insult? I don't trust them, they aren't open source and I don't have faith in the testing these corporations are performing. Imagine genetically modifying a banana to grow to a larger size, and it ultimately ends up successful, but as a side effect the banana has begun to produce cyanide compounds for some unknown reason, or some other currently undocumented chemical for which there exists no detection method. It is not unlikely that side effects such as these have slipped through the (limited) testing and these fruits and vegetables have ended up on the shelves of your local store.
Until we can fully model the growth and proliferation of these plants within a computer simulation, as well as the effects of selective genetic modification, we will be operating in the dark.

>> No.11931395

Are you still getting smallpox vaccines?

A bunch of people lied about some stuff. Those people that lied also said that people shouldn't dump garbage into potable water sources. A lot of other people say to not dump garbage like thst. But because those liars said that we shouldn't dump garbage like that we shouldn't make laws prohibiting the dumping of garbage into potable water sources.

>> No.11931407

shut up retard. it is point less if you dont have symptoms, becasueyou cant transmit the illness. stop being retarded
neighter does covid
next time try posting images ontopic
You saying something is obvious isnt an argument.

>> No.11931415

Why can't you just stop rioting and looting?

>> No.11931419

I’m not blaming them. You’re blaming everyone else because your friend has a disability.

>> No.11931422

You are right, but only the U.S. and Chile (and maybe brazil) have had that shape of curve. That change in tendency signals something happened. There is no single thing one could possibly blame but certainly there has been changes in overall mobilization. The funny thing is the facemask probably has little to do with it and it is what everyone freaks about. Most important thing is staying quarantined if you can. At any social gathering any little fuck up can transmit the virus and people even cautious ones fuck up a lot even if they don't admit it. I.e. it is absolutely retarded to say any of the massive social gatherings that have ocurres in different states was done with "proper preacaution".

>> No.11931433

Texas is one of the youngest in terms of median age, and it's also experiencing a significant spike in deaths.

>> No.11931434

Everyone should have some degree of an obligation to maintain someone else's health, as everyone resides in a society that is the result of effort from everyone, but ultimately everyone is responsible for their own health.
Immuno-compromised people should be aware of their condition and implement the necessary measures to maintain their life. Most people will act to accommodate them, but don't count on everyone's effort, its voluntary.

>> No.11931438
File: 29 KB, 332x346, 42920105108-COVID19vsSpanishFlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is just a flue

the last flu killed 50 million people

>> No.11931445

>If that's the case then we're stuck with this virus no matter what we do, and therefore the lockdowns were completely pointless.
It seems pretty clear they're banking on a vaccine at this point, and there's several vaccines that do appear to work, at least in the short term. If they're not long lasting, then I'm guessing booster shots will be the answer. It's not a solution I'm thrilled with. I'm not anti-vaccination, but vaccinating the majority of the world with something that's received a very short trial period just seems like an invitation for trouble.

>> No.11931452

I never got a response. :(

>> No.11931455

Again, by your metric Stephen Hawking should have been co-signed to death the moment he grew weak. We are seeing long term damage in patients exposed to it. That is worrying, what is more worrying is that if it creates a second wave of infections and all those damaged people from the first wave are suddenly "at risk" categories.

If you are that worried you shouldn't eat potatoes or cucumbers. Or quite a few cultivated veggies. We used selective breeding to make a shit load of veggies that, of we breed wrong or just don't select the right cultivars, become literal poison in the field and kill people.

You are comparing that to a hypothetical about a made up banana without knowledge of how genetic modification mechanisms work. Then saying this made up banana is the real danger. When I add in a pathway that inhibits a certain gene, upregulates another, or undergoes a specific enzymatic reaction there are very few substrates that work. Then you can mass spec the crap out of the cell lysates and compare it to the wild type to ensure that you aren't spiking in a bunch of weird unintended small molecules.

When I said GMO guy this is what I meant. I appreciate the caution because it is always needed, but that caution isn't in reasonable areas. Monsanto literally used GMO activists to make it almost impossible for any other company or entity to get GMO plants approved by the FDA by making it so expensive only Monsanto can afford it and and run the nessicery redundant tests. We don't need a full computer simulation of a plants growth to test what a modification will do. That is like the most basic technique in biology, introduce a mutation/modification, quantify effect. Why does everyone seem to think we are still irradiating fields of corn to see if it makes them bigger? A genetic modification is infinitely more precise then even the most rigorous breeding regamine and yet I can breed poison potatoes and it's perfectly fine. Thats my autism about gmos

>> No.11931465

>I wear masks. If I can help it I don't wear them but if I'm going into a store or other crowded area I'll wear them, even though their effectiveness is questionable.
Smart. I get that people don't want to wear masks for 8 hours a day, I've had to start doing that for work and it sucks, but wearing one for 30-60 minutes in a crowded store is a very minor inconvenience, and I can't understand why some people get so angry about doing it.

>> No.11931472

Oh yeah I should have aknowledged that. I appreciate you being willing to wear your mask in public places.
You are right. I'm allowed to be annoyed about people being so callous. It takes a lot of effort to keep people safe and they do it because if they don't they die. But every asshole at a store yelling about their right to not wear a mask in public just makes it that much harder and stressful.

>> No.11931490

The age of amerimutts is over. The time of Euros has begun.

>> No.11931587

last flu was this spring and it didn't kill 50 million people

>> No.11932253
File: 422 KB, 3438x1800, deaths_lag_sweden_2020-07-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweden is not even close
this is after no lock downs

>> No.11932264

You're a really stupid fuck, apparently. That's not really surprising from a screeching hysterical #stayathome faggot.
The whole point of vaccines is to obtain herd immunity.

>> No.11932274

no the whole point of vaccines in the modern world is to make money.

>> No.11932276
File: 96 KB, 720x303, brainlet shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are sperm

>> No.11932285

That's not herd immunity. You need around a 75% community antibody rate, and their antibody tests are averaging 14.5% positive. A large chunk of their vulnerable population is already dead.

>> No.11932296

Vaccines are perfectly fine. They work and are effective at what they do.
Current government administration is what I have a problem with. No way I'm trusting these fuckers with the overwhelming amount of shady shit its pulled in the past and present.

>> No.11932300

Sweden never really had a lockdown and just let the virus spread in hopes of obtaining herd immunity. Now the new cases are dropping and deaths are near zero. The people who died from the disease were almost dead anyway. Most of this is just bullshit.

>> No.11932309

>Now the new cases are dropping
But that can't be due to herd immunity unless the antibody tests are underestimating the number of previously infected by a factor of five. It's likely still spreading, but among younger people who aren't bothering to get tested (Sweden's 10% positive test rate suggests they're under testing). Those infected early on are going to be vulnerable to re-infection soon, if not already. They're never going to reach herd immunity.

>> No.11932517
File: 28 KB, 142x253, covid-19_3koronar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden is a pariah state these days, all its neighbors forbid them from entering

>> No.11932529

Nothing would be lost to humanity in the long run had Hawking never existed or died young. Just because you are susceptible to personality cults doesn't make him into a god.

>> No.11932688

Despite representing only 8% of the population the US has 25% of the Coronavirus cases.

>> No.11932696

bs, Hawking was an excellent scientist

>> No.11932706

The moment medical professionals chose to tell the public bald-faced lies about the effectiveness of masks in an effort to discourage a run on high-end PPE gear they lost any expectation of public trust.

>> No.11932708

>The time of Euros has begun.
Not even in your wildest dreams.

>> No.11932711


>> No.11932738

If you want to know the single biggest thing driving the spike in the US, it's Blacks and Hispanics.

>Age-adjusted Covid cases per 100K
>White - 230
>Black - 620
>Hispanic - 730

>Age-adjusted Covid hospitalization per 100K
>White - 40.1
>Black - 178.1
>Hispanic - 160.7

>Age-adjusted Covid deaths per 100K
>White - 20
>Black - 72
>Hispanic - 50

>> No.11932746

that's just because they do more of the jobs you can't fake by sitting at home fiddling with a laptop

>> No.11932755

Blacks? No, hispanics and whites do most of the blue collar labor in America. A huge number of blacks are unemployed and/or work in the service industry anon. They aren't filling the factories, steel mills, coal mines, and fields of America by any means. Hispanics definitely do but not african americans. The reason for the disparity in infections is due to the abysmal health of the average black american.

>> No.11932787
File: 5 KB, 251x240, 1326504610415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11932873

America is a uniquely dumb country. Every developed nation has enclaves of retards but America elevates them to positions of power.

>> No.11932941

>Last statistics I saw was 95% of cases are completely mild
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that no permanent organ damage occurs. Even in mild cases it happens. Look it up.
>I’ve read talks of long term lung effects
That's only one effect. Common ones are
>blood clots
>heart inflammation
>heart attacks
>lung embolism
>brain inflammation
>epithelial cell damage
>nerve damage
I don't get how people haven't heard of it still. I indirectly know 3 cases with long-term damage. One 29yo teacher (regular marathon runner) who can barely walk 300m, one 40yo athlete sports teacher, wo has trouble with stairs still after 3 months, one dentist 45yo who developed dementia.

>> No.11932970

I wish I was joking but it is literally because of MUH FREEDOM! People in America have no interest in doing what is best for the common good, especially when it means they might have to sacrifice extremely minimal freedoms. If you wear a mask it either protects people or it does nothing but slightly inconvenience you. If you do not wear a mask you might be harming yourself or others but that possibility is not important as your "constitutional" right to be a fucking selfish asshole.

>> No.11932976

Apart from us knowing fuck all about how COVID works, including how it spreads and what its long terms effects are? Apart from us not having a vaccine for COVID? Apart from COVID being more contagious? Apart from COVID killing young people with no commodities?

Yeah, no, fuck off.

>> No.11933023

US is not a leader in testing rates, nor is there any reason to believe that it is using more precise testing methods than anyone else.
Death trends follow this graph as well.

>> No.11933026

Back to /pol/ you worthless existence.

>> No.11933031

>A huge number of blacks are unemployed
It was 6 percent before the pandemic hit the US.
>and/or work in the service industry anon.
So jobs that can't be done at home and often require interacting with customers. Not to mention services being the majority of jobs (and the majority of GDP).

>> No.11933131

I dont think it's their fault, it is a Chinese bio weapon and so was probably made to target Americans more than anyone else

>> No.11933147

Yeah right. As if you took this seriously in feb, march, april and may.

>> No.11933160


>> No.11933260

You really dont think it's a bio weapon and just a huge coincidence?

>> No.11933297

I thought I was on /sci/ and not /x/, my mistake

>> No.11933351

At this point, what's even the difference?

>> No.11933476

>wear masks
Is this a political thread? I’m a republican so I don’t support it, like abortion!

>> No.11933483 [DELETED] 

No one mentioned eat the bugs in this thread except you

>> No.11933505

well im convinced, I'm off now to lick some lepers, may be some time.

>> No.11933524

I'm fairly sure experts know more than us, that's why they are experts. For example the CDC is an agency that gets $4b+ in funding with staff who spend their entire careers dedicated to understanding disease and virus transmission and methods to handle outbreaks. I'd be slightly more inclined to trust them than some random angry Florida guy.

>> No.11933554

because wearing a mask restricts their freedumbs

>> No.11933985

>that post-BLM spike
>mainstream media tells you that it won't cause a spike
>totally ''unrelated'' spike happens anyways
Now if I've ever seen a coincidence before...

>> No.11933989

No goy it wasn’t the protests. It was the conservatives in areas with low covid patient counts not wearing masks. That’s why California and New York spiked

>> No.11933992

We're not wearing masks in Denmark and Norway, how do Americans manage to spread the China flu so much?

>> No.11934072
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>yeah fuck my parents and grandparents and everyone else's too I can't be bothered to wear a mask

>> No.11934118

This. It's incredibly disturbing that we've reached the point where people whose literal job descriptions are to help people and inform them about important information they need to know will now justify giving the public bad information for what they perceive as "their own good".

They should have trusted the public to react responsibly to the facts.

>> No.11934130

Jesus, almost triple the infection rate.

>> No.11934157

>wear a mask
do you mean the surgical masks that have to be replaced every 20-30 minutes or the cloth masks that do nothing at all?

>> No.11934161

The incubation period magically changes as required to blame the source of spikes on anything other than BLM riots. Look at any thread about the subject of masks. They constantly change the incubation period to get the results they want. Masks have become another part of the leftist secular religion, based on faith and dogma, no actual science required.

>> No.11934430

It literally wasn't because of the protests even though they didn't help

>> No.11935830

Is there any evidence that covid19 is man made? I remember seeing some geneticist saying the symptoms of it are so abnormal that it's likely but not really finding anything about it

>> No.11935835

Because some people have politicized the virus and want to pretend it's not real.
Man that is biting them in the ass.

>> No.11935844
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>Do as I say, not as I do.
Ooops! Looks like social distancing and wearing a mask over ones mouth and nose isn't all that important after all.

>> No.11935879

It’s funny how willing Americans are to use a another country as an example despite clearly knowing nothing about it, just cause they think it supports their points. Sweden didn’t have a government mandated lockdown cause it didn’t need to. People actually follow reasonable requests made for their safety unlike the hicks that think if they wear a mask someone will step on their snake or whatever. Businesses did operate on very limited personnel, you’d have 1 waiter for a whole restaurant, they limited capacity and everyone wore masks.

>> No.11935887

pffft we 80k now. euros just can’t compete

>> No.11935894

There’s no one around him though except people he’s likely been in close contact enough that a mask wouldn’t have made a difference. People are fucking dumb, it’s not do as I said because I said it, it’s do as I say because reasons. I remember some dumb bitch at zaxby’s giving my group shit cause we weren’t 6 feet apart from each other with no one else in the building. We just spent a hour in the car together, what the fuck do you think is gonna happen that either can’t happen or already did.

>> No.11935901


>> No.11935905

The problem isn't "freedom" you can argue about freedom that's fine but when people are outright denying that masks work, how do you argue that? I've been on /pol/ for days trying to explain that masks are not Jewish agenda to socially control people's emotion, it's just statistically lowers the chance of spread. They never listen.

>> No.11935918

I see, so you have sex for the explicit purposes of recreation? Makes sense

>> No.11935923

>unironically believing this
you're a moron, please leave /sci/

>> No.11935939

Went to St. George with my wife's family in May. Visited our family in California in June. Saw my dad in Vegas last week. This week my mom is visiting us in Idaho. Literally no problems. The best part is we drove up to Yellowstone today and the place was fucking packed with Californians, who felt it was okay to travel from their disease ridden hellhole for a vacation, but insisted on wearing masks while walking on sparsely populated outdoor trails.

>> No.11935956

>Visited our family in California in June
>we drove up to Yellowstone today
>Californians, who felt it was okay to travel from their disease ridden hellhole for a vacation
Could you be more contrarian?

>> No.11935958


>> No.11935959

That's funny. It must have been my wife's imagination that the hospital she works as a nurse for laid her off because it was literally empty for three months.

>> No.11935991

Academia is totally irrelevant.

>> No.11935994

You're not counted as unemployed unless you're seeking work.

>> No.11936009

Are you retarded?
1. That's not what contrarian means.
2. I'm from Idaho. I have family in California. I was there over a month ago.
3. I don't care. My point is that they traveled despite the pandemic, but they clearly care and shame people because they were wearing masks outdoors in non crowded areas. It goes to show mask promoters are brainless idiots incapable of reason.

>> No.11936019

>t. incel basementfapper

>> No.11936121


>> No.11936776



>> No.11936783

>Why can't people just wear a mask and stay inside as much as possible?

I don’t want to, because that’s super boring.

> Is it natural selection?

Coronavirus is not a serious threat to the average non-old person, and old people have already reproduced or won’t reproduce anyway, so their vulnerability to Covid is 100% irrelevant in Darwinian terms.

>> No.11936785

If immunity is impossible, it will go on to kill billions of people no matter what we do.

>> No.11936786

Why shouldn't I trust vaccine /x/?

>> No.11936787

Vaccines wouldn’t work either if the antibodies don’t last long, unless you develop and dose new vaccines every few months which would be a logistical nightmare

>> No.11936794 [DELETED] 

Yes, it means Mutts are subhumans and need to become extinct.

>> No.11936827

>believing those numbers

>> No.11936983

>do you mean the surgical masks that have to be replaced every 20-30 minutes or the cloth masks that do nothing at all?
Can you find evidence of that being necessary?

>> No.11936992

>Coronavirus is not a serious threat to the average non-old person
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>even mold cases develop organ damage
>strokes in young people
>heart attacks
>brain and heart inflammation
Epithelial cell damage
Etc etc
Regardless of how severe it was btw.

>> No.11936999

Everybody stays at home for three weeks. Everybody who can't do that gets the vaccine. Done.

>> No.11937059

I really dont understand why people are throwing fits about wearing a mask to go to fucking Target. Like what's you're argument? Do you disagree that the virus has the potential to kill thousands? Do you disagree that wearing a mask and keeping some distance will hinder the spread? So you wont wear a mask for a few minutes to potentially save a lives? Get over yourselves you sad little punk bitches.

>> No.11937071

It is natural selection. A house divided cannot stand because when free people are divided they must clash and in the US this was ignited by George Floyd's state-sponsored execution. On the other hand, Europeans are not free and may not even have free-will. If Brussels told them all to castrate themselves they would.

>> No.11937104



>> No.11937113
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>Why can't people just wear a mask and stay inside as much as possible?
Ask Dr. Fauci.
/sci/ will pretend this photo and post don't exist.

>> No.11937117

So do you wear a mask in your home when you're around your family?

>> No.11937485
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because too many americans are selfish, cruel, and stupid?

>> No.11937495
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It's a mystery why Japan has fewer infections and deaths per capita.

>> No.11937634

>corona is just a flu
>masks don't work against the flu

This is why Russia and China are going to be ruling over us all within the next few years

>> No.11937643

>worried about overcrowding
>shut down all the overflow hospitals

This should have been one of the biggest criteria for reopening. You know cases are going to go up and yet you choose to decrease hospital capacity?

>> No.11937659

Why isn't wearing mask mandatory 100% of the time, flu is active all the time and even if it wasn't the masks would help with all other diseases? Why not mandate helmet use for pedestrians, it would save lives?
To demand mask usage for this particular thing you should be able to answer these questions

>> No.11937668

>flu is active all the time
There's a reason "cold and flu season" isn't year round. I'd have no issue with masks being mandatory in late-autumn and winter. For a respiratory virus to be such an issue during the summer is highly unusual.

>> No.11937688

Dying off corona as healthy sub 80 year old is also highly unusual. Any other arguments?

>> No.11937699

There's a difference in not trusting vaccines in general, and not trusting a vaccines that is rushed out as quickly as possible because the first who fakes enough trials to imply a working vaccine will make a shitload of money

>> No.11937703

You're shifting the argument. This is unlike the flu because the flu is primarily seasonal, so wearing masks year round wouldn't make much sense. If you think helmets would save millions of lives of pedestrians, then produce the statistics.

>> No.11937713

If you think wearing masks saves millions of lives against corona then produce the statistics

>> No.11937728

The rate of death from pneumonia is 10x higher than pedestrian deaths. Pneumonia deaths are in the millions every year (prior to COVID-19). Masks have the potential to make a much larger impact than helmets, which is why I'd be on board with masks becoming a thing during cold and flu season even if SARS-CoV-2 is put behind us. Also, COVID-19 deaths in the USA are now 15x higher than annual pedestrian deaths. If masks reduce deaths by only 10%, you've already exceeded the total number of pedestrian deaths for an entire year. Last, but not least, respiratory infections are a huge burden on the health care system. A simple measure to ease that burden would save a lot of money.

>> No.11937742

How about 200% sugar tax instead and mandatory jogging for the population, that would generate revenue and save about gorillion times more lives.

>> No.11937748

Well, in countries where mask wearing is common--and the average IQ is higher--people do wear masks during flu season. Guess how many annual flu deaths Japan has compared to the US?

Americans were dumb before this and they're dumb now.

>> No.11937765

Shifting the argument again I see. Americans overeat, and those 400 extra daily calories haven't come primarily from sugar. You'd be taxing the wrong thing. How are you going to enforce exercise, by buying everyone a Fitbit?

You brought up the comparison of helmets, have you abandoned that comparison at this point?

>> No.11937769

>Well, in countries where mask wearing is common--and the average IQ is higher--people do wear masks during flu season. Guess how many annual flu deaths Japan has compared to the US?
That's a good point, and there's no requirement to do so, it's simply considered a courtesy.

>> No.11937771

The helmets is a counter to
>but muh lives
Fat is counter to
>but muh many lives

Put people in camps to force them to exercise, that's a solution

>> No.11937778

>The helmets is a counter to
But it's a poor counter, because as I pointed out, the loss of lives isn't comparable.

>Put people in camps to force them to exercise, that's a solution
If you're looking for a debate, you could try to be serious. People are threatening mutiny over masks, they threaten rebellion if someone comes for their guns, but you think forcefully putting them in exercise camps would be accepted?

>> No.11937781

And as I pointed out if the quantity of lives lost matters then start by getting rid of fatties.

>but you think forcefully putting them in exercise camps would be accepted?
I think you think that. The point is that if you accept that forcing masks on people is logical then you must accept putting people to camps is also logical. This is why people resist kikes.

>> No.11937786

>And as I pointed out if the quantity of lives lost matters then start by getting rid of fatties.
Okay, I'm not arguing otherwise, but how do you do that, and in a way that will be accepted and not considered cruel? Based on history, taxation doesn't work.

>The point is that if you accept that forcing masks on people is logical then you must accept putting people to camps is also logical.
I must not accept that because they're not similar. Your comparisons are terrible. One is about essentially an additional piece of clothing, and the other is forced imprisonment. Are you insane?

>> No.11937796

>and in a way that will be accepted and not considered cruel? Based on history, taxation doesn't work.
I don't think you care if it's cruel, I believe you would prefer it if it was cruel

>I must not accept that because they're not similar.
They are logically the same argument. Sacrificing individual freedom for some ambiguous common gain.

>> No.11937802

Newcomer here, I just need to say that me putting on a mask to go buy bread is not the same as being put into a calisthenics concentration camp.

>> No.11937809

>I don't think you care if it's cruel, I believe you would prefer it if it was cruel
Good grief.

>They are logically the same argument. Sacrificing individual freedom for some ambiguous common gain.
The degrees of freedom are not similar. You're basically saying that having to wear clothing in public is logically the same as being locked up in prison, because both involve a loss of personal freedom. That's insane. And the common gain isn't ambiguous at all.

I'm not against slimming people down. Find the most logical way to do that, and it doesn't involve taxation or forced participation in exercise camps.

>> No.11937811

It is if you are forced to do so.

First it's masks, then it's vaccines, then it's castration, then it's work camps. It's the kike cycle

>The degrees of freedom are not similar
Just because you say they aren't doesn't mean they aren't

>I'm not against slimming people down.
This is precisely the problem.

>> No.11937814

>It is if you are forced to do so.
But you're already forced to wear clothing in public, so you feel you're being punished equivalently to someone who's in prison? Why aren't you protesting clothing?

>> No.11937821

Because i'm fighting against removal of further rights instead.

>> No.11937825

Do you feel, by being forced to wear clothing, that you're being punished equally to someone who's forced to live their life out in prison?

>> No.11937834 [DELETED] 

It's completely pointless unless we get full China and stop everything for half a year. Yes, we can keep the rates low, but they would basically mean we won't see the end of restrictions in our lives.

>> No.11937835

The jews putting on yellow stars wasn't the same as getting onto trains

>> No.11937838

It's completely pointless unless we go full China and stop everything for half a year. Yes, we can keep the rates low, but they would basically mean we won't see the end of restrictions in our lives.

>> No.11937843

I don't know why you are trying to pilpul out of this, freedom won't be compromised for security and the day of the nose is near.

>> No.11937848

The answer is obvious, the loss of freedom in the two examples is not the same (no one would honestly say that having to wear pants is worse than languishing in prison), which proves that not all personal freedoms are equal. Your entire argument is built on a faulty foundation.

>> No.11937861

What's obvious is that masks won't become mandatory no matter how much the jews want it to happen

>> No.11937869

>What's obvious is that masks won't become mandatory no matter how much the jews want it to happen
They already are mandatory in many places, which is why there's idiots protesting over them. It's too bad it even had to be made mandatory instead of the majority being selfless enough to wear one without being forced to (as in Japan).

>> No.11937910

>not getting yourself and your family members infected
I hope you're just trolling. Badly.

>> No.11937915

Why are you even arguing with 14 year old Christian boys who think hating people is personality?

>> No.11937930

You're FREE™®© to infect yourselves and your loved ones and somehow live with yourself after the fact?
It's just a piece of cloth for fuck sake, not an RFID implant.

>> No.11937940

>Newcomer here, I just need to say that me putting on a mask to go buy bread is not the same as being put into a calisthenics concentration camp.
You're being sarcastic here, right?

>> No.11938005

>It is if you are forced to do so.
lol what a a whiny snowflake

>> No.11938044

>nooooo you can't just defend your freedom

>> No.11938128

There's no such thing as total freedom when living in a society. If you want to do whatever you want, go live off the grid somewhere. Otherwise, sacrificing some things for the greater good is a part of life.

>> No.11938141

>no such thing as total freedom which justifies taking away more freedoms

>> No.11938153

Unless you believe you have the right to take whatever you want and murder whomever you choose, then you agree that there's no such thing as total freedom. If you don't agree, then you deserve to be in a mental institution. I'm leaning toward the latter anyway, no rational person would equate wearing a mask to castration and internment camps.

>> No.11938157

post nose

>> No.11938204

Different parts of society have different needs. The problem is when urban society tries to force its needs onto rural society. This virus only exists because of high population density areas incubating it and then spreading it around. Without these urban incubators, the infection rate never would have been large enough for it to spread very far. New York and other dense cities didn't even bother shutting down their subways because they didn't want to be inconvenienced. But they're fine with inconveniencing everyone else and then acting haughty in their lectures on wearing masks.
Want the virus to go away? Adopt a rural lifestyle. Want it to keep going? Keep imposing urbanite lifestyles on everyone.
Shut down the subways or shut up your tissue covered mouth. You're really fond of taking away everyone else's freedom so you can continue to act irresponsibly with your freedom to not social distance and not use proper hygiene. The only thing more satisfying than seeing urbanites die from their disease of population density is watching them get beat up by their antifa and BLM allies.

>> No.11938211

>Want the virus to go away? Adopt a rural lifestyle.
Not enough land for that to happen, lad.

>> No.11938265

false equivalence

>> No.11939447

my current understanding is that immunity gained from getting and beating the virus fades away over a relativly short amount of time, also as far as i know there are now two variants and immunity from one doesnt necesseraly giv you immunity from the other

>> No.11939456

>and stay inside as much as possible?
Will you pay my rent?
Sure i will stay inside

>> No.11939459
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>> No.11939473

post snowflake

>> No.11939510

Id just like to say that I love the USA for what theyve done with coronavirus, ive got a few big bets against the stock market and it is through the amazing hubristic stupidity of that country that Im about to make a lot of money, its just perfect.

In crisis, opportunity.

>> No.11940404

I don't know why people think Americans aren't wearing masks I feel like I haven't seen another person's face in 2 months.

>> No.11940429

Those fuckers thought it would be funny to not contain the CCP virus

>> No.11940470

If we just marketed “China is asshoe” face masks better, we could get everyone on board with it.

>> No.11940486

Why can't people stay home instead of protesting? The mask thing wouldn't be as big an issue if the nogs would just stay home.

>> No.11940501

Japan is also full of considerate, well-meaning Japanese who didn't go into massive month-long riots over sensationalized nonsense

>> No.11941417

Specially when the world last developed a vaccine for a similar disease (SARs) the second infections caused ADE in trials. And also when ADE from the corona-virus-common-cold-variants is being blamed for some covid deaths.

A second mutated Covid wave could really, really fuck us with a rushed vaccine. There's already some very preliminary research saying Covid even uses personalized ADE to survive(!), meaning it's evolved to take advantage of this(!!!).
