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11930591 No.11930591 [Reply] [Original]

>No Moon Base
>No Mars Base
>The only significant thing after the Moon landing was the ISS but that was built with the help of several countries
>Delayed Webb telescope for more than 13 years

Tell me, why is NASA useful again? Why are the americans useful to space again?

If people here knew how long NASA has been promising and delaying a Mars Colony.

Ps: They've been delaying it since Nixon.

Yet they keep wasting money on Mars things like this:


NASA is corrupt and useless.

No one can prove me wrong.

>> No.11930595
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shut up and take the cost-plus

>> No.11930596

All public space agencies are useless, even more so than NASA. Private companies such as SpaceX is where actual progress is made.

>> No.11930604

>definitely not GOP
hurr durr

>> No.11930608
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>Tell me, why is NASA useful again?
They saved SpaceX from bankruptcy, and helped prop up the company to be the market dominator that it is today.

>Why are the americans useful to space again?
NASA is the most well funded space agency in the world. Everyone else just want a free ride (ESA) or are moving due to declining momentum (Roscosmos) or are newbies (ISRO).

NASA is far from perfect, and it has plenty of rot in the inside, but they still contribute the most to space flight out of all the world's space agencies and they also helped jump-start the commercial space revolution.

>> No.11930624

It’s almost like building a mars/moon base is incredibly difficult and expensive and a lot of their funding was lost. Usually for bleeding edge things like a moon base which is theoretically possible and other shit private companies can’t really do it no money in it. You need to put a bunch of money into a public thing like NASA if you want to do it or have pseudo private companies like Lockheed. We don’t put in enough money for them to actually do anything big like a moon base.

>> No.11930629


You take the government funding fron SpaceX, how can they even survive?

>They saved SpaceX from bankruptcy, and helped prop up the company to be the market dominator that it is today

You don't need NASA for that, as it's the US government who pays SpaceX.
It's only shitty american bureaucracy that demands anything space related has to go throught NASA

>> No.11931440

Governments only stop ass dragging when a fire is lit under it
we're in a time of peace with no rivals, and thus the name of the game will be embezzlement until a new rival shows up

>> No.11931482
File: 704 KB, 1844x1177, womeninscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that matters as much as GIRL POWER, which is NASA's main mission these days.

>> No.11931495

At this point I think they'd be fine. Short of politics there's no real reason to launch with anyone else

>> No.11931534

NASA has been shit since the 70s anon.

>> No.11931669
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I think institutions like NASA with great success in the past tends to attract narcissistic people who feed their egos through the association.

I bet these people just LOVE going around telling everyone they can that they work at NASA as if that makes them comparable to the great scientists of the past. I imagine these people spend years planning out what they need to do to make their resumes look perfect just so they look like the perfect candidates when in reality they are nothing compared to people like Wernher Von Braun etc.

Then after they get in they perpetuate the DUDE SCIENCE stereotypes because they are too incompetent to do real science despite it making up their entire identity.

Anyone wearing a NASA shirt in these pictures is one of the narcissistic types for sure