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1192969 No.1192969 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Random facts that made you shit bricks when you heard them for the first time.

>> No.1192975

Girls have more than two holes.

I was a deluded young boy.

>> No.1192976

Milk has hair, blood, and puss in it.
I dismiss it now because of the pasteurization process.

>> No.1192977

Until i was 10 i was told i was immortal.

>> No.1192980

there's no free will. a man is the product of his genes and his environment

>> No.1192984

That's a lie. You can do/say whatever the fuck you want to on the internet.

>> No.1192990
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>> No.1192994

We are made of atoms that were originally formed in stars.

>> No.1192995

you can say anything, but that doesn't mean you will. your behavior works trough logical processes. you don't choose who you are in life either, you play the cards you're dealt with

>> No.1192996

oh you poor bastard.
What a mind fuck!

>> No.1192999

The matter which composes your body is constantly changing, i.e. next year you won't be made of the same atoms.

>> No.1193000

I thought sex was when a guy put his dick inside a girls ass and pissed in it... until 8th grade...

>> No.1193004

Good thing you learnt...

>> No.1193013

your heart stops when you sneeze

>> No.1193015

currently shitting bricks

>> No.1193016


And now that we have the internet, your definition somehow maintains validity.

>> No.1193028

My real name is not Truman Burbank.

It changed my life.

>> No.1193035
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Oh god you're right, what the hell!

(Not the person you were replying to, by the way)

>> No.1193041

That Africa wasn't behind that fence near my house where there was lots of tall grass

>> No.1193057

jesus loves me

>> No.1193068

lol that pig got dead
anyway, you are now aware that all of the matter in the universe is due to a very slight accidental imbalance between matter and antimatter. If there was no accidental imbalance, the universe would just be radiation.

>> No.1193069


>> No.1193071

Clouds are not produced in factories and placed in the sky by planes.

>> No.1193080

I will bet you anything that you are not a physicist. You fucking liberal arts faggots love to talk about all this shit with such a clear misunderstanding of the what we actually know.

>> No.1193081

when i realized that over 90% of world population believes in supernatural

i always thought adults just used it for scaring kids like me

>> No.1193084

your parents hated you

>> No.1193106

but they sure had their lulz

>> No.1193114

fuck liberal arts people

>> No.1193117

As you go faster, time dilates.

>> No.1193141

so does space. You also get heavier. You are now aware light exists in only two dimensions because space collapses in front of it.

>> No.1193144


As does your sphincter.

>> No.1193187

I thought of this the other day...

There is so much movement in the universe (us orbiting the sun, the earth rotating, our solar system orbiting our galaxy, all expanding in the universe) that we are very likely going at the speed of light, or near it at the moment. I also thought of the immense strength we would have if none of this movement was happening, and if we had no atmosphere above us. In reality we are probably breaking the sound barrier at the moment... Wow.

>> No.1193206
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Nope, I had a car city carpet.

>> No.1193212

Holy shit those things were awesome!

>> No.1193285


My first introduction to graph theory. Circa 6 years old.

>> No.1193287

when i was told santa wasnt real but jesus was. i asked the priest why santa couldnt die for our sins

>> No.1193297


That is a fucking awesome thing to believe in.

"It's not pollution, honey. They're making clouds so it can rain!"

>> No.1193300

I loved those things.

>> No.1193305

Someone in here's retarrrdedddd...

>> No.1193436

Both of my parents are artists, and refused to buy me one because "the perspective was atrocious"

>> No.1193464


my parents were/are wannabe hippies and didn't buy me ANY toys, insisting that i'd have a richer childhood if i made my own fun. cunts.

>> No.1193475

You should have told them it's not about perspective, it's about fun. Besides if they were familiar with Escher or Picasso then perspective is subjective, NYUK NYUK.

>> No.1193485


>> No.1193506

Your brain decompresses fractals into objects as a signal. Think about it.

>> No.1193519

Any infinite sequence bounded by a finite closed set has an accumulation point.

>> No.1193597

Someone explain this to me please I don't get it and have tried to think about it....

>> No.1193621

Because of the nature of the lense within your eye, you see everything upside down but your brain flips it the right way up based on the input from other senses. Fucking crazy shit.
Also that your brain only uses 10% capacity. Annoys me that we're capable of things yet unable to access that capability.

>> No.1193635


>> No.1193638

ya the last part pisses me off. like theres things that i simply cant wrap my head around sometimes, and i just wish i could use everything that was given to me you know? frustrating.

>> No.1193684

It's a miss-quote we use more of our brain than that at anyone time and we use pretty much all of our brain at different times for different things

>> No.1193706
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thats a myth.

>> No.1193724

You're a fucking liar!

>> No.1193747


are right.
Your unconsciousness works way harder than your consciousness.

>> No.1193788

Helping your parents on the farm, because it's possible that it's starting to rain soon and the hay could get wet
is more important than
learning for an exam that decides, if you have to repeat a year in school.

One year of my life is less important than a load of hay.

>> No.1193791

99.9% of the gold in the world is in the earths outer core and mantle and there is enough down there to cover the entire earths surface 2 feet thick.

>> No.1193836

we use all of our brains, but only 10% at any given time.
When i first learned about how electrons actually go backwards in electrical circuits

>> No.1193860

>Implying probabilistic is definite.

>> No.1193872


>Also that your brain only uses 10% capacity. Annoys me that we're capable of things yet unable to access that capability.

myth spawned from a translation error, faggot

we use our entire brain

I can't believe retards actually believe this shit

>> No.1193881

but you say exactly this because you are YOU and that was predefined the things you think you choose are predefined just like when you know somebody really well you know what choices he will make

like it is predefined that you can only fall in love with women
(exept for those who are predifined to love other things..)
do you think that someone becomes gay by his own choise just to be interesting?
do you think paedophiles want to be like this?

now to OP's question
1. probably when i understood the general and special relativity
2. when i learnd alot about quantum mechanics this thing is just nuts and yeah it is our universe but it is on second place because i kind of still think that it may be wrong
3. when i saw the girl i loved with a friend of mine(somthing just broke inside of me that thay, from then now i think all females are whores)
4. when my cat was poisoned and died in my hands, it wanted to live it never gave up till the end it was a struggle (i cryied all night that night and i really felt the pain it was inside i really didn't think that i can feel pain if i'm not injured but yet i felt it)

>> No.1193896

Our tongue isn't divided into five taste region. This is a myth originating from a mistranslation.

>> No.1193912

lol, I thought there were two, but babies came from the anus
Never surprised me. I don't know why, but unlike most it just seems right to me for this to be true
>implying probablistic implies consciously decided

>> No.1193913

Human beings can't actually stand up structurally because the head is too heavy. The muscles compensate the mass.

>> No.1193930


>> No.1193974

you dont get heavier
enough with this bullshit people come on every single day someone says this and everytime i have to repeat myself relativistic mass should not be taken into acount, never ever

>> No.1193980

stop coming up with ridiculous theories when you dont know anything about physics

if youre curious, just read stuff from the web, wiki etc.

>> No.1193987

Humans use their whole brain. However, you can still function with as little as 10% of the brain.

>> No.1194014

>2. when i learnd alot about quantum mechanics this thing is just nuts and yeah it is our universe but it is on second place because i kind of still think that it may be wrong
>second place because i kind of still think that it may be wrong
>it may be wrong
god damn you, you didn't learn SHIT about quantum physics

>> No.1194046

you stupid bugger. the solar system is travelling at 220km/s around the galactic centre. Learn physics, learn facts, then post.

>> No.1194050

Spicy stuff isn't recognized as a taste to the brain. It's recognized as pain.

>> No.1194066

The human brain is like a piano. Hitting 100% of the keys won't make it sound better than hitting 10% that go together.

>> No.1194067
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>> No.1194069

If you took all of the atoms of the matter that makes up the 6 billion people on the planet, and then removed the 'empty space' in those atoms, all the matter would be condensed to the size of a sugar cube.

>> No.1194070

Hahaha epic get.

>> No.1194078

Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan are the only landlocked country that border to other landlocked countries, therefore you have to cross two border to reach the ocean

>> No.1194079


>> No.1194091

quantum theory cannot hurt you= epic read.

>> No.1194107

That book is not where I heard that fact, but it'll go on my list to read. cheers.

>> No.1194120


>> No.1194142

ya and then your mind reasembles the signals into a "images" we consider sight. Also Crazy fact. People born blind who have later gained their vision have problems initially with space shadows and idenifying shapes.

>> No.1194188

no source? I need to show that to a friend!

>> No.1194197

Haha, when I was a kid I thought they pissed out of their ass

>> No.1194203
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>> No.1194259

Well, at least Homefront won't happen.

>> No.1194311


Haha dude same here.

>> No.1194533

>This particular sensation is not considered a taste in the technical sense, because it is carried to the brain by a different set of nerves. Although taste nerves are also activated when consuming foods like chili peppers, the sensation commonly interpreted as "hot" results from the stimulation of somatosensory (pain/temperature) fibers on the tongue. Many parts of the body with exposed membranes but without taste sensors (such as the nasal cavity, under the fingernails, or a wound) produce a similar sensation of heat when exposed to hotness agents.


>> No.1194610

You now realize that the universe could actually be shrinking instead of expanding

>> No.1194630

Life derived from dust.

>> No.1194642

That's a stupid way to slaughter a pig. The meat ends up all tough.

>> No.1194647

yeah, you gotta kill an animal quick or else the adrenaline makes the meat all gamy and sour.

>> No.1194652

a mouth and a cloaca

how could you have missed that?

>> No.1194657


furry detected

>> No.1194671

In my country some super-expensive restaurant was cooking game animals alive in order to "taste better".

Maybe some people like adrenaline in their meat... (or try to show-off their wealth by being eccentric-sadistfags)

>> No.1194683
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>implying fury animals have a cloaca

if I was a fury would not that mean that I would also have extremely exclusive tastes...

>> No.1194684

wtf? That's a fucking dick move. In japan they eat live frogs and stuff, but a game animal? Like a deer? That's fucked up.

>> No.1194689

bro, furries replace the cloaca with human stuff.

>> No.1194692

A number divided by zero isn't infinity.

>> No.1194696

Indeed. I cannot even imagine how the fuck you cook a razorback boar alive!

>> No.1194714

probably they just dump it in a big fucking vat of boiling oil or something.

>> No.1194722
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I must admit... kinda fury...

>> No.1194727


>> No.1194734

who isn't?

>> No.1194735

they must have some serious equipment about their sickfaggotry... 8 \

>> No.1194741
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do you like maids?

>> No.1194749

probably. A while ago, I saw an episode of the simpsons where the bartender gets a military buffalo fryer... lol.

>> No.1194751


Very carefully.

>> No.1194752

maybe when they're naked.

>> No.1194754

You see this?
This is a hay bale.

They are everywhere outside of town around here if you go in the right direction

And I totally believed it when I was a kid.

>> No.1194758
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>> No.1194763


>> No.1194786

Buzz Aldrin's mothers' maiden name is "Moon"

>> No.1194789
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>> No.1194800

ehh, I'm not super into this. OH well.

>> No.1194811


I was always told they were giant marshmallows :(

>> No.1194814
File: 116 KB, 800x600, sample-a982af9cdd2bc9b3fd0f2f1d5ab26e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I totally believed it when I was a kid.

wait... tou mean that's NOT how tractors are born?!

damn you science! I was lied to!

also: more chimaeric humans (not furies) to fuck

>> No.1194820


>that your brain only uses 10% capacity


>> No.1194834

There's not a ton of extra unused brain in people's heads waiting to be unlocked. Evolution doesn't work that way. If you've got a super ability to memorize every day of the week or count toothpicks, it's because your shitty brain decided that was important enough to devote resources to...say, instead of learning how to dress your fucking self, tie your own shoelaces or reading body language. Every evolutionary advantage comes with a cost, and the brain is no exception.

>> No.1194835

you swallow 9 spiders on average per yr sleeping IRL.

>> No.1194837

well... his does

>> No.1194855


>> No.1194858
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>Evolution doesn't work that way
>implying evolution is real and not just liberal angsty atheist propaganda
hey athseists! if evolution is real how do you explain the snake-girls?

>> No.1194866
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explain that, checkmate!

>> No.1194876

Not true.

>> No.1194878


Urban legend

>> No.1194887

The Earth is moving around the sun

>> No.1194896

Dogs are not able to fart in the same way humans barf

>> No.1194899

They made a living selling paintings?

>> No.1194917

Evolution didn't stop with apes. The rat->ape->human progression is a lie. It's really Mammal -> Primate -> Human and Mammal -> Primate -> Ape. I shat braks, but it makes sense.

>> No.1194919
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There is if your brain is really big.

>> No.1194938

rats can't throw up. If they eat something bad they simply get sick and then never eat anything like that again. So they nibble rat poison and if they live, then it won't work on them again.

>> No.1194939

Free will does not necessarily exist. There is brain activity up to one and a half seconds before you consciously decide to do something, such as get out of a chair or move your hand. We're all but puppets on electrochemical strings.

>> No.1194946

Could explain in more detail? Humans are apes.

>> No.1194955

This is bullshit. A complete wives' tale. There is no evidence to support the idea that we only use 10% of our brains.

>> No.1194961
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our ancestral mammal looked more like a shrew than a rat either way

>> No.1194972

This, sort of.
The idea that evolution always replaces one species with another is a perennial fallacy in biology.

>> No.1194975

he means that apes did not magically sprouted from nowhere just to evolve into humans

and yes humans are apes under almost every valid defintion of "ape" as a zoologic term

>> No.1194983

if that could happen then there would be only one species in the entire planet

plausible? xD

>> No.1194988

i motherfucking had one!

>> No.1195006

But doesn't that indicate your brain telling you what it wants you to do...?

>> No.1195015






>> No.1195027

No, it suggests that due to electromagnetic stimuli and the odd quantum event (neither of which you can control) the brain is being forced to instruct the body to do xyz. You are a biological machine, one input equals one possible output.

>> No.1195029


>> No.1195033


>> No.1195041

I think you forgot the part about you being your brain, and you are the one that tells which electrochemical signals to send

>> No.1195042

If free will doesn't exist, why do we think the free market will work?


>> No.1195060

so a liking towards spicy foods is masochistic?

>> No.1195088

The vagina isn't just a big hole.
Seriously, until around 6th grade, I thought it was just a circular hole.

>> No.1195108

That lyrics of many songs werern't just random gibberish to make them sound good, but were actually sung in a foreign language.

>> No.1195123

>The vagina isn't just a big hole.

>> No.1195139

The red spot on Jupiter is the size of 3 earths.

>> No.1195147

How a fucking TV works. I have no idea how anyone ever thought of that.

>> No.1195175


We are actually over-using our brains.

>> No.1195202
File: 52 KB, 425x475, vagina-anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just a circular hole.

>> No.1195217

.999.... does NOT equal 1

>> No.1195235

1/3 = 0.33333333....
2/3 = 0.66666666....
3/3 = 0.99999999....
3/3 = 1

>> No.1195242

>god damn you, you didn't learn SHIT about quantum physics
yeah man you maybe right but this thing is just not logical
if nature is truly probabilistic then how can entangled particles have exactly opposite spins or polarisations
and do you really believe that electromagnetism is caused by virtual photons traveling forth and back through time...
i think it's just wild theories because we can't see what is really happening down there
but quantum tunneling man this sounds like magic.. yes i know it happens it's a fact but how it happens is the unknown it's not just because the probability wave allows it....

and what would you say about this:
delta t * delta E > lambda
you know what this means you can have nearly infinite energy for a very small time.. that's just nutts

>> No.1195255
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>> No.1195297

It still bothers me that colors aren't "actually" there.

>> No.1195298

Ya'know those snake-human hybrid/chimera's are actually called naga

>> No.1195309


naga--naga--naganna work here anymore thats for sure

>> No.1195315


x = 99999...
10x = 9.99999...
10x - x = 9.99999... - 0.99999... = 9
9x = 9
x = 1

>> No.1195325

Yeah, no.

>> No.1195332

Al Gore invented the internet by linking together Macs thus the reason why we have a mac address

>> No.1195347

>nearly infinite

>> No.1195362

> Al Gore
>MAC addresses

you fucktard, everyone knows MAC stands for machine access code. it's only for hackers to know, fucking noob

>> No.1195364


yeah it is..

>> No.1195372

this means larger number than you can imagine
somthing like the energy of a bazilion universes *535234526^(graham's number)
do you get it now? what near infinite means? it's fucking more!

>> No.1195406



>> No.1195426

look at that pic again and you'll see the vagina is just a hole

>> No.1195453

when you speak aloud a sentence, you are uttering a unbroken stream of sound. Only if you understand a language does it seem like separate "words".

>> No.1195461

grahams number raised to the power of grahams number isn't even .00000000000000001 of infinity.

>> No.1195469

>>implying that that number is a fraction of infinity, making infinity finite

>> No.1195485

> If you've got a super ability to memorize every day of the week or count toothpicks, it's because your shitty brain decided that was important enough to devote resources to
> If you've got a super ability to memorize every day of the week
>memorize every day of the week
>super ability

>> No.1195526


implying there aren't two infinities

>> No.1195528

Well I remember when I was a bit younger I learned that there are different sized infinities. I shat some bricks.

>> No.1195530

but there is only one earth...

>> No.1195550

>implying that I implied that the number was actually a fraction of infinity and that the post wasn't simply intended to illustrate the incomprehensibility of infinity

>> No.1195673

for the 9001st time THIS IS NOT A VIABLE PROOF

>> No.1195682

ImMEdiatELY reMoVe YOur ILLegaL CLOnE of AT FROm yoUR SeRVeR, moO-COw, and rEDirECT It (AnD thE stolEn dOMAIN) to wWW.ANoNTALk.se. ALso pUt a teXt aD ON 4ChaN TO at fOR 12 monTHs To coMPEnSatE FoR tHe LOst TRaffIC tHaT YOU AnD yOUr useRS hAvE cAUsEd With yoUr iLleGAl praCtICeS. THIS is yOur ChanCE To sET tHiNgs RigHt. TaKe It. if the PERsON ReAdING tHis is nOt "mOot", E-Mail hIM aT MOot@4cHAn.orG anD puT somE pReSSUre on HiM IF yoU Hate tHese mESSaGes. THanK YoU fOr liStEnINg. qqwe r f ehc yj j