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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11927405 No.11927405 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking what are the most common reasons for living through intense prolonged suffering?

>> No.11927412

To enact my deepest desire of watching my white wife get blacked

>> No.11927423


>> No.11927440

getting used to it

>> No.11927473

The most common cause is getting caught attempting to undermine the integrity of the dominate culture in the society in which you live.

>> No.11927477

The life of an attractive 18-25 year old girls is really strange. You basically go to social settings and sit there casually fielding offers from random men until you finally settle on one should you feel like doing something romantic.

>> No.11927480

>most common
For future prospects. Asian immigrants for example work extremely hard for a generation or two, by the third generation, they're in high leagues.

>> No.11927491

To cause more suffering to others simply by existing. I'm a burden, a parasite, a disgusting object. Everyone shall be annoyed by me. They shall feel nausea in my presence when I haven't showered in half a year, reeking of cum and piss, blasting a loud stinky fart in the subway at rush hour while they all know their taxes are going to be my welfare money.

>> No.11927563

Imagine actually getting out a red solo cup and posing for these pictures alone in your own apartment

>> No.11927573

just chang things

>> No.11927702


That biological clock is ticking and she wants to be a baby mama with a rich daddy

>> No.11927763

but /pol/ says it didn't happen...

>> No.11927843

No one makes out anymore.

>> No.11928277


>> No.11928301

Survival instincts, try to commit suicide. You will chicken out, only extremely sick people commit suicide. They are in the worst pain imaginable.

>> No.11928312

I'd like to live a day in the shoes of a really hot person just to see what it's like.

>> No.11928316

Fake blond. Should probably compare her sloping forehead and protruding jaw bone to a white female in an infographic for propoganda purposes.

>> No.11928344

Stockholm syndrome. You end up in a shitty situation, but can't bring yourself to exit it because you feel some kinship with your shitty feelings and decide to let them drag you along, rather than moving on and trying something new.
The other is that you need experience with feeling good. Exercise, yoga, meditation, other healthy stuff like eating good food. You need to nurture your body and give yourself attentive care. People don't seem to know how to feel good by themselves, so they drown themselves in tv, causing body tension and muscle aches, or drugs, causing mental issues and depression. If you knew how to sit still and feel the bliss within yourself, you wouldn't experience prolonged suffering.
As for myself, I suffer, but I also know how to go within myself and feel good, so my suffering is only ever temporary.

>> No.11928971
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Fear of death

The inane hope that it will one day get better

>> No.11928982


>> No.11928986

I'm black, post your wife.

>> No.11929044

Scientifically speaking what are the most common reasons for shitposting on /sci/ ?

>> No.11929081

bet you dont have to make an effort to do anything, everyone does for you.

>> No.11929082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11929087

the trick is you keep your wedding ring on, bitches love that

>> No.11929100

>bet you
there is no wagering at 4chan, Anon

>> No.11929102

im gonna wear a fake ring.

>> No.11929114

not a bad plan t b h
they need to see proof that women like you

>> No.11929121

what are other fakeable proof?

>> No.11929164

lesbian wingman, acting like she's all over you
you gotta help her hook up too tho, fair's fair

>> No.11929208

>and sit there casually fielding offers from random men until you finally settle on one should you feel like doing something romantic.
Or to be more specific: You reject all betas and simps who interact with you while waiting to ride on Chad's cock

>> No.11929212

do you want to win or do you want to feel sorry for yourself

>> No.11929999


>> No.11930362


>> No.11930644


>> No.11930653

Revenge feels better the longer you're willing to suffer.

>> No.11931105

Attracting a partner as a male has less to do with physical beauty.
At least less than for a female

>> No.11931487


>> No.11931560

Wishful thinking, we don't have a choice, free will and all, we are all social robots each on our way to realizing how fucked up life is.

>> No.11931594 [DELETED] 

Fear, duty, and anger.
-Fear (lack of certainty) about killing yourself
-Duty to family, friends, causes, community, values, all those who put effort into mamking you assuming you would continue on.
-Anger at the cause of your suffering, Self, environment, universe, society, others, God, whatever it may be. There is rage, desire to punish and dominate, and there is despair and desire for the relief of it to finally be over.

Beauty from misery. Strength from suffering. Bliss from hell. Imagine being so thoroughly tortured and not even having turned it to any kind of use. That brings shame. Shame is powerful.

>> No.11931617

>-Duty to family, friends, causes, community, values, all those who put effort into mamking you assuming you would continue on.
What if you get zero mental benefit from any of these things? some people get incredible amounts of mental strength from helping others
what do you do if you're stuck in despair? is despair inherently feminine? the only real thing which stops you is the fact that you're still young and have a chance to fix your tendons and body and make them strong

>> No.11931643 [DELETED] 

>What if you get zero mental benefit from any of these things?
Strength and meaning can be derived from your burdens and entrapment (such as the mere fact that you exist tying you to others).

Despair can come in a number of forms. Sometimes it is knowing that causes despair, sometimes it is the mental conflict of not knowing which covertly brings despair. Sometimes it's being trapped between a fear of succeeding (they can't take away my good mood if I never bother to have one), sometimes it's a fear of failure (which is a form of knowing). Basically in these cases you're clinging to a false self, your self is an idea, and you're protecting the idea from threat.

You just have to realize what you want and do it. Maybe revisit your childhood, though honestly that alone probably does more harm than good even if it is a necessary step.

Too much to be said.l I've had difficulty with my own despair. That's about all I can tell you.

>> No.11932693


>> No.11932792

You can always become dead, but you can't become alive after killing yourself.

>> No.11932807

>Imagine actually getting out a red solo cup and posing for these pictures alone in your own apartment
this is what women do all day. not hard to imagine at all. ( the red solo cup is just a minor detail )

>> No.11932814

It's literally life on easy mode.
Ugly people are the actual oppressed

>> No.11933298
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>Scientifically speaking
Do you really think you can answer such questions with the definition of modern science???

Read a book, seriously, might as well just start off with "In the Buddha's Words" for this one regarding suffering. I'd advise with Plato and Aristotle as well.

>> No.11933315
File: 16 KB, 331x499, Better Never To Have Been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11934512


>> No.11934914


>> No.11934915

scientifically speaking what exactly is making out haha?

>> No.11936163
