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File: 543 KB, 640x1136, fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11923464 No.11923464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the science behind "water only" fasting? Is it possible to do it for 40 days straight?

>> No.11923471

>Is it possible to do it for 40 days straight?
Of course. People have done it and survived. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

>> No.11923473


>>>/fit/ is the place for that mate, not here.

Don't put "what's the science" thinking it won't be off topic.

>> No.11923502

Is he that same crazy schizo? Damn he's gonna die

>> No.11923506

What about the obese guy that didn't eat anything for a whole year to lose weight? He just drank tea and whatnot.

>> No.11923526

I mean in terms of being a "healthy" person fasting. Yeah, 1000+ pound people can fast for a full year and lose all that weight no problem, provided they take multivitamin pills and such.

>> No.11923535
File: 31 KB, 554x554, fastguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is him pre-fast.

>> No.11923581

He had a drug induced psychosis episode from taking psilocybin mushrooms I believe. Since then he hasn’t been the same as evident. This is why you should do research before taking drugs, kids, especially so if a family member has mental issues.

>> No.11923589


>> No.11923639

>provided they take multivitamin pills and such.
I got fairly sick one time as that’s how I use to cut weight, about a 3 week fast. Would you be at no risk of refeeding syndrome if you fasted with multivitamins?

>> No.11923752

How common is fucking up your life with psychedelics? I thought they were the safest type of drugs anyone could take

>> No.11923756

If you have a predisposition towards psychosis (family history almost always) then its in the cards. Reacting badly to weaker psychotropics like marijuana is usually a good sign of latent psychosis, paranoia, a tendency towards extreme anxiety, sleep and mood disorders as well.

>> No.11923765

>eat nothing and drink nothing but water
>lose weight
Did you really need to ask this question? Are you so fat and retarded that you can't put the pieces together?

>what? Healthy muscles are body weight too? I'll lose those too?
Did this fag do it for the youtube bucks or?

>> No.11923775

What % of people would you say end up like this though? 1%? 10%? The pro psychedelics lobby on the internet is pretty strong so it’s hard to get an objective view of this

>> No.11923786

>i'll fuck my body up for no particular reason or benefits whatsoever, should be fun

>> No.11923814

If you have a lot of fat to get rid of, it's the fastest way to lose weight quickly and it's safe, although you should probably have electrolytes + vitamins, not just water. I guess it also works if you have a bunch of gains that you want to get rid of too.

The Snake diet guy says that people will often yoyo if they just stop eating, though, so I would think that gradually cutting down to one meal a day, then one every two days, then one every three would be more psychologically manageable then just fasting.

>> No.11923818

>Did you really need to ask this question? Are you so fat and retarded that you can't put the pieces together?

You're assuming that's what the OP is asking. And they're not.

>> No.11923823

>what percentage
I don't know I'm not up to date on the research, if you google scholar it i'm sure you can find studies on psychosis risk, family history, psychedelic use. I just know that its significantly more common among people who have some genetic predisposition towards schizophrenia and mood disorders.

>> No.11923860

>I mean in terms of being a "healthy" person fasting.
It just doesn't seem like a good idea to me, especially if you're relatively lean at the start. I'm aware of the supposed cancer and immune benefits, but your body can start breaking down its own organs for energy. That just doesn't seem worth the risk. One or four day fasts are probably pretty safe, but forty days seems totally unnecessary.

>> No.11923893

The dude cycled anyway

>> No.11923898

I did it for 7 days (to the hour) and afterwards went to buy a big burger thinking I would be so hungry, my stomach had contracted and I couldnt even eat half of it. went back home sat down, tried to let out a fart and shit myself with yellow-orange ooze. had to throw out those pants.

Wouldn't recommend

>> No.11923922

pic related looks extremely healthy and also has not at all the weird asymmetric smile of someone about to snap mentally. one can nearly hear the nervous hysteric laugh. the strange cultish symbol on the shirt is also reassuring.
yes, it all looks like a very healthy and totally sensible and advisable thing to do

>> No.11923924

Drug-induced psychosis usually only lasts for as long as the drug's effects. If he's still crazy, that means he always had mental problems

>> No.11923931

*latent mental problems

>> No.11923937

If I don't eat anything for an extended period of time (anything more than 16 hours) my throat literally seize up. I can't even swallow. One time I choked so bad I tried to chug water to wash it down but it wouldn't budge and I just ended up spilling water everywhere. I thought I was going to die choking, so I shoved my entire hand down my throat and I threw it back up.

>> No.11924227

why woud you do this? are you this poor or just fatties tryin to lose weight?

>> No.11924234

>Is it possible to do it for 40 days straight?
obviously, jesus did it as well as connor mcgregor

>> No.11924273

>youre going to die if you don't eat twinkies every 2 hours
you're the crazy one here retard

>> No.11924288
File: 35 KB, 640x446, oxidation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has actually talked about the science yet. The action of fasting produces a unique pattern in our physiology that makes good teleological sense. To understand it you need to understand the roles of the hormone insulin. To just sum it up, insulin is an anabolic hormone released by the pancreas in response to glucose and (to a lesser extent) amino acids in the blood, that functions to promotes energy storage. Energy storage can be by forming glycogen, or by forming fat.

When you start eating, your insulin goes high in response to the new glucose in your blood, and insulin acts to store the energy you just ate. When you stop eating, your insulin eventually declines, which promotes energy utilization. Glycogen is the easiest store to access and so for the first 12-24 hours of your fast, you will primarily be breaking down glycogen stored in the liver to supply a steady source of glucose to your blood, which you need some level of because the brain is an obligate user of glucose. After you have exhausted your glycogen stores, your brain still needs glucose to function so the liver makes glucose out of amino acids and glycerol. This will continue throughout the fast. After your glycogen stores are used and insulin is still low, you will start to produce ketone bodies. These are an alternative fuel that most of your tissues can use, including your brain (though its important to note that the brain still needs some glucose to function, as much as 2/3 of its energy requirement must be through glucose). Your liver synthesizes these ketones from fats mostly and exports them to the blood. This is what is known as the state of "ketosis". This will continue until you break your fast. Throughout this process, your adipose tissue releases fat (due to lack of insulin, increase in glucagon, epinephrine etc.) and most of your tissues can utilise this fat directly without needing them to be turned to ketones.

>> No.11924317

Because drug risk assessment studies are retarded and tend to only consider physical health damage and societal damage. Doing psychedelics at a low to moderate dose is usually OK for most people if just done a few times, and might even have a positive psychological effect. But doing them 100's of times, or in "heroic" doses and at too young of an age can cause brain damage. An example is I met some totally crazy lady who had done LSD every day for 3 months when she was 18, and she is 40 now, and she is still a physically attractive lady, but it is obvious she fried her brain from doing that. She never got married or settled down and just drifts around aimlessly with weird crazy lady vibes. Her physical health is fine, but she is kind of a casualty of psychedelic abuse. However maybe some people can do that and come out relatively unscathed, but she didn't, everyone has different tolerance to how their mental health will handle it.

>> No.11924327

My theory is that if your prone to anxiety, depression and hallucinations already, then your prone to having a bad trip that sends your life in a bad direction.

>> No.11924339

That dude looks skinny and hungry and like he has brain fog and so can't reason properly. Probably the longest you would want to go on water fasting is 10 days. Why not just do a 10 day fast 4 times separated a few months apart, rather than a 40 day fast and have muscle tissue breaking down. I don't think it's truly fasting if your drinking fruit juice.

>> No.11924343

Ketones might be a bad idea... They accelerate the aging process because they produce a precursor to advanced glycation endproducts, which ultimately ends up clogging your cells and arteries due to protein misfolding.

>> No.11924401

he literally streams himself just sitting there all day lmao

>> No.11924469

because jesus and buddha did 40 days, that's why he's doing it too

>> No.11924554

>from beefcake to holocaust victim in just 40 days
whatever gets your rocks off I guess

>> No.11925558

>She never got married or settled down and just drifts around aimlessly with weird crazy lady vibes.
Because psychedelics reveal that nothing in life truly matters unless you really want it to.

>> No.11925595

Hate to be that guy but in her subjective sense, she could think that YOU are the crazy loser. It's difficult to say, especially since such drug users claim to achieve a higher state of consciousness blah blah... that makes them realise the artificial nature of life. She may think you are the mad person for not going through what she has.

>> No.11925605

What does it mean if weed has no effect on you

>> No.11925664

>What's the science behind "water only" fasting?
Autophagy, neuroplasticity, ketosis

>> No.11925772

>drugs are safe, bro, just relax and make damage reduction

>> No.11925811

*this is him while roiding

>> No.11925832

Northern European ancestry if I had to guess

>> No.11925875

Obviously crying out for help and reaffirmation.

>> No.11925916

Psychedelics don't cause long lasting psychosis, the effects disappear with the drugs. Methamphetamine and cocaine can cause long lasting psychosis at high, repeat doses however even that wears off in days/weeks. He's just bipolar or newly schiz.

>> No.11925945

It’s possible to shoot your self in the face and survive too. There isn’t any science behind this. Your body burns fuel food is fuel you stop eating fuel your body burns muscle and fat. Easy as that. If you try this diet you will find you will become lethargic, tired all the time, and all the other symptoms. Your brain needs glucose you won’t be giving it glucose. This would only be possible if you have no jobs and no duties and you can get up at any time.

>> No.11925946

>Is it possible to do it for 40 days straight?

Every year I do a 15 water fast.
I am an obese old man and this is the ONLY fasting I do all year.
The benefits are HUGE!
I have zero medical problems, take no medication, have no aches or pains. I have not had a headache in years.
A long fast acts like a reboot to the body.
It totally resets the body to maximum efficiency setting.
You stop feeling hungry after 4 days.

P.S. yeah I know I need to lose some weight, so I am going to start eating better and try to lower my body weight down to a BMI below 23.

>> No.11926036

99% of it is dosage. People told me in high school that you have to do a whole eighth of mushrooms on your first trip. I can tell you an eighth of ANYTHING your first time is going to be far too much, not to mention psilocybin mushrooms for a 15 year old. That said, there's always a chance to trigger psychosis. Do some research first and start with a tiny bit. The most important thing to remember is that any effects are because you took fucking drugs, not because you suddenly became jesus 15 minutes into a mushroom trip. Most of the time it's not full blown psychosis but just mild occasional delusions for me. Wasn't even mushrooms that did that but weed and salvia. I'm also acutely aware of how ridiculous the notions are while it's happening. Don't smoke brick weed haha. Actually, I've noticed that delusions of grandeur and paranoia are super common among marijuana smokers. Like your imagination runs wild so you think you're this amazing fuck while in reality you spend most of your time smoking and watching YouTube videos.

>> No.11926043

Take a fatter pull

>> No.11926050
File: 42 KB, 640x511, Holy-Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasting is used to cast out recalcitrant devils.

>> No.11926060

he should go to the gym and lift in his current state

>> No.11926061

Turns out, DRUGS ARE BAD! Even the ones you like! Sorry, idiots.

>> No.11926107

I mean Elon Musk is known to use psychedelics a lot. Steve Jobs did loads too. Maybe there’s something in them. Never tried them though.

>> No.11926132

Water only is dangerous because it depletes your electrolytes. Much safer to do the snake fast (sodium, potassium, and magnesium salts mixed with water).

>> No.11926145

Who let DARE in?

>> No.11926457

A water fast for 1 day is fine tho

>> No.11926472
File: 2.99 MB, 1926x1208, gainu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from day 30

>> No.11926505

He's finished tomorrow I believe.

>> No.11926628

Why is he doing this, just to get attention from his increasingly bored online followers?

>> No.11926646

What a retarded and asinine thing to say
Go to your room and think about what you've done.

>> No.11926674

>Water only is dangerous because it depletes your electrolytes.

Humanity would have died out ages ago if this was true. You can easily handle several weeks with only water. In fact is almost unheard of in human evolution for people NOT to go extended periods without food or to eat almost the same nutritionally poor food for extended periods.
Eskimos do NOT eat citrus fruits or any fruits and very few vegetables. The human body is extremely adept at conserving and storing the nutrition it needs.

>> No.11926676

he's an extremely needy narcissist.

he'll run cycles of performance enhancing drugs, and/or suppress his appetite and cause extreme wasting , on social media, and he thinks it makes him very special.
Hey look at me (take a steroids and hgh) I'm handsome!
Hey look at me (take vyvanse and not eat or drink much) I'm on a water only fast!

Social media, and most in this thread, and most on this planet, validate and incentivize his foolishness.

>> No.11926683

Possible, but very unwise.

>> No.11927172

>Did this fag do it for the youtube bucks or?
he did dmt, had a psychotic break and got sectioned, he now believes he's enlightened and intuitively understands the universe and he's a god

>> No.11927201

He's a schizo and he believes it will give him "spiritual enlightenment" or something like that

>> No.11929662

Is he done?