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11920379 No.11920379 [Reply] [Original]

The retarded government decided now that we have 4000 cases per day (prob. not even true, they barely do any tests) to end the "quarantine" we already had for FOUR FUCKING MONTHS, even though we never had as many cases.
So if it isn't necessary now, it means it never was, and the whole thing has been a waste of time and goy money. Why should I believe they are not doing this only to fuck up the economy?
The virus was already in almost every country and they decided not to close international tourism (same happened everywhere). They purposely let it in.
Now they are saying it's no big deal to go out now because the virus isn't even transmitted if you don't have symptoms (which was always obviously true and known), but the first 3 months, when we had a really small fraction of that (it started when we had like 10 cases only) they were saying you were Hitler if you went out of you house.
They never had the goal to stop the virus from getting in, or to eradicate it, only supposedly to avoid the hospitals to collapse. So why did they not operate the hospitals at maximum capacity in order to shorten the length of the ban on freedom? It was a retarded thing to do the closed everything when we had 50 cases per day.
However, that latest part is because the clown government here NEVER thinks in long term, they furthest away they can think of is 2 weeks ahead. They were too retarded to think they couldn't keep everything shut forever, or to think in any long term consequences. Fuck this world, and specially this shit-skin country. ARGENTINA. Fuck all the retards that believe superstitiously this virus is any dangerous and fuck all the retard that support or have supported quarantine.

>> No.11920414

It wasn't even complicated to close the fucking borders in february since we don't need anybody to enter the country, here we are, 4 months and 320k infected
After the quarantine
>social disaster
>economical disaster
>political disaster (only good thing)
What is the biggest meme country in latam, Argentina or Chile?

>> No.11920422


>> No.11920444

>Now they are saying it's no big deal to go out now because the virus isn't even transmitted if you don't have symptoms (which was always obviously true and known)
Nobody is saying this. The quarantine worked very well during the first two months. What was retarded were the "exceptions" made for "runners", "sports" and other bullshit which meant people took it as a license to go out after June, which meant the curve of cases kept growing instead of trending down.


We could have beaten the virus by June.
Basically we fucked up the economy for no reason, after June, because of all the bullshit exceptions.

>> No.11920445

yeah i hate retards. all govs in teh world are either retarded and/or conspirational. There is no other expalantion on why they didnt think that the virus would get here. I thought it was a big deal when it was in chinkland but then whent the first world started testing massively, it was just a gay flu (so they started counting people thay were already going to die as coronavirus deaths)
what does meme country mean?? both are shitholes but chile is far better economically (long term)

>> No.11920468

No it didnt work well you fucking idiot. read my op again you cant keep everything shut forever. you cant. understand isiot? that is not an option or a viable plan. savings are extinguished.
They were also doing NOTHING to extinguish the virus. So it didnt extinguish. Why would it? We have so far only have more and more cases/day every day. You are a retard and probably a niggger.

>> No.11920477

health strategies belong on politics and science, not in shitskin /b/

>> No.11920491

Why don't you read the stats here?


Exceptions to the quarantine were allowed in May and June, you can see the explosion in cases started there.

>> No.11920504

A meme country is a fragile one, some ppl think that Chile/ Argentina are good countries, in our case, covid outbreak fuck us worse because the state deliberately ignored the massive poverty and overcrowding in Santiago.

>> No.11920537

argentina is much much worse of a lie. it has been becoming poorer and poorer in relation to others since 1920. We dont have an economic plan at all, or they are retarded. Chile has a decent one (not great, decent)
That proves what i say. Look at "weekly confirmed cases" they only kept rising and rising since the begining. They real bomb started when they started doing more than 200 test per days.... Besides you stats are shit. look at the line of cases/day or cases/week NOT cases only (in any scale).

>> No.11920557

>Look at "weekly confirmed cases"
That's what I'm doing.

>they only kept rising and rising since the begining.
Nope, it was trending down in May, hence why I said we could have ended the virus right there if people had stayed at home just one more month. Look at New Zealand, no more COVID there, the entire country is open and virus free.

>b-b-but the economy
If everything is fucked up due to the virus then the economy is going to get fucked when people panic and stop going out altogether, but it will be too late by then. That's why the early months were important.

There was also not enough contact tracing as the Koreans did.

>> No.11920591

>Nope, it was trending down in May
False. it is a non decresing fucntion. it never was a decrease, only not growing. This is why i said nothing was done to extinguish the virus (not tracings, as you said). quarantine is obvs NOT enough. The reason for thet minimal """"decrease"""" (5% or so) is doing less tests on weekends. and statistic error.
>If everything is fucked up due to the virus
never gonna happend cause its just a flu. Even if it was as worse as possible in what some exagerated dumb scientist say, still would only kill odl people, aka no repecusion on the economy. In reality it doesnt kill for shit, 95% die with comorbidities.

>> No.11920606
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here so everyone can see

>> No.11920635

>it never was a decrease, only not growing.
It was quite literally a decrease in the weekly number of cases. You had one in early May and another in late May, before the exceptions for runners and sports.

>This is why i said nothing was done to extinguish the virus (not tracings, as you said).
Not enough, I agree with that. It did help prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed, hence very low deaths per capita as well so far.

>quarantine is obvs NOT enough.
No, not alone, it helped to prevent an explosion in cases (look at Brazil or other SA countries) but we are going to get that now it seems because people didn't really stay at home after may.

>never gonna happend cause its just a flu.
It's not a flu, it kills at 100 times the rate.
Which gets higher if hospitals get overwhelmed.

>In reality it doesnt kill for shit, 95% die with comorbidities.
Millions of people have comorbidities.

The quarantine wasn't a bad idea, lack of other measures and follow up through was.

June-July quarantine was completely stupid though because of all the exceptions. Might as well have opened up then.

>> No.11920644

Look at it this way - at least you aren't the United States.
They are in full-blown hysteria mode and as soon as some shadowy organization invents the "vaccine" it's going to become mandatory to inject yourself with their mystery juice if you even want to buy food.
And which will probably end up causing some superautism disorder that is 50 times worse than covid.

>> No.11920648

What does it even mean "beat the virus by June."
What it means, beat it?
Where would it go?

>> No.11920659

The idea was:
1. You quarantine everyone for a month or two to stop asymptomatic people spreading it to others.
2. You test and isolate the people with the virus and everyone they came into contact with. You test people at random in the streets. In China, I hear, they even used apps which traced who you came into contact with.
3. You force everyone to use masks.

We failed at two, imho, the most important part. Not enough tests and contact tracing. You can't keep the quarantine forever, so now they are opening up.

>> No.11920665

>You can't keep the quarantine forever, so now they are opening up.
Yes so it spreading was inevitable

>> No.11920672

>Yes so it spreading was inevitable
No, if they had done proper contact tracing you could isolate everyone that is sick or came into contact with a sick person. And the quarantine makes sure those without symptoms aren't walking around spreading it.

If you have the virus but you are isolated, either locked at home for a month or two so that eventually your body beats it, or you get bad symptoms so you go to a hospital and your entire contacts are isolated, then eventually it goes away. New Zealand did it. Uruguay did it. It wasn't impossible.

Worst case scenario your hospitals at least don't get overwhelmed.

>> No.11920683

They were probably hoping the virus would die.

>> No.11921174

where is the decrease, big retard? point it in the fucking graph here>>11920606 with a mark
and yes it is not like the flu, but its like common pneumonia. 96% of deaths had comorbilities in italy, 25% of deaths had diabetes in UK.
I agree qurantine isnt bad on itself. it was pointless and a bad politic to make it while making nothing else at all while nobody was dying and then having to open it when it is more necessary. If you dont see this you are retarded. see>>11920379
>why did they not operate the hospitals at maximum capacity in order to shorten the length of the ban on freedom?
here the histeria is the same in the media (not the poeple, that only care about not having any money), here we have the biggest number of mandatory vaccines wordlwide.
yeah. my point is why would it die? it only got bigger everyday and still is