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11917838 No.11917838 [Reply] [Original]

How far would you be able to see looking out from the top of a building, near the beach, with a telescope?
Would you be able to see continents thousands of miles away?

>> No.11917839

assume the moon is made of cheese. how much money could Elon make by importing moon cheese?

>> No.11917845

He would make no profit. The trips to the moon that would collect the cheese would cost more than the cheese would sell for

>> No.11918145

Advertise it as moon cheese and the price skyrockets.

>> No.11918194

You’d be able to see as far as the hazy atmosphere would allow you to see. Flat earth people tend not to give specific arguments as they like more broad explanations.
Try asking one of them how the perpetual day of the Antarctic summer works. If they’re honest, they’ll say they don’t know. If they’re not, they’ll lie. If you bring up towns in extreme southern Argentina to corroborate the data, they’ll either say no one actually lives there to prove it true or false, which is outright dishonesty, or they’ll admit defeat and try to figure out how that would work.

Many of these people are merely misguided. Their distrustful instinct is healthy, but the result of said instinct is bad.

>> No.11918209

If you look through a telescope you can see planets that are hundreds of millions, sometimes over a billion of kilometers away. So if the earth was flat you'd be able to see all the way to whatever is supposed to be at the sides.

>> No.11918333

They'll just say no one actually lives in Antarctica, it's all government's lies, and if you try to find out yourself, you'll get shot down by a patrol ship.

>> No.11918360
File: 323 KB, 816x1296, Flat Earth December debunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. If you press them enough, they will claim the entire southern hemisphere is in on the conspiracy.

>> No.11918373

depends on what kind of cheese are we talking about
but lets say it's aged Parmigiano-Reggiano, which is like 60 euro/kg and assuming Starship has capacity of 100 tons
that's roughly 6 million euro in cheesy cargo and given it should cost 2 million dollars for launching Starship, Elon would turning roughly 4 million profit in each trip
and that is assuming it would carry massive industrial cheese grater and won't get extra money from delivering something to LEO or Moon

>> No.11918627


>> No.11919070

If you get into an actual argument they will just claim it’s all perception and the atmosphere bends the light to fit their model. I tried asking why the sun sets on the horizon instead of the middle of the sky and that’s what I was told

>> No.11919074

On clear nights you would be able to see everything. During the day the sun’s glare in the atmosphere would limit your vision to maybe a couple hundred miles

>> No.11919646


>> No.11919773

if this board had any humour (other than you, bravo) this thread would be full of variations of what you just said. And we would all have a nice chuckle and go about our lives.

>> No.11919778

assume the rocket fuel is free...