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11916372 No.11916372 [Reply] [Original]

Can autistic people give real, heartfelt compassion in a relationship rather than a cheap parrotmockery of compassion devised by some semi-human?

>> No.11916817


That’s a lovely couple

>> No.11916833

autistic men are more capable of genuine love than any roast.

>> No.11917159


>> No.11917165

Autistics aren't psychopaths, they feel normal emotions they just don't understand how to communicate them or read the emotions of others accurately.

>> No.11917206

Yes, autistic checking in. I only feel disgust and contempt for other people.

>> No.11917216

That’s sociopathy.

>> No.11917779

I'm autistic and I like to think so, yes.

>> No.11917791

By the way, why do you care, OP? Are you autistic yourself or interested in someone who is?

>> No.11917802


This pic is so strange. They were both pleasant people under that gross emo paint job.

>> No.11917973

>pleasant people

>> No.11918063

Sort of but not really, especially if they have face blindness.
>t. she kind of cared between mental breakdowns

>> No.11918222

Also most of autists aren't aspergers or high-functionning with superpowers

>> No.11918245

we can truly love our partners but our empathy for them is very limited. i think there's gonna be a reply by someone who thinks their autistic and claims their empathy isn't impaired but a core feature of all ASDs is reduced empathy and theory of mind. it makes us into selfish assholes most of the time and at other times it might just make you gullible, not see sarcasm or lead to paranoia.

>> No.11918251


they're autistic*


sounds like you're unhappy and damaged.


sums it up.


all autist have uneven cognitive abilities to some degree. in its most extreme forms it manifest as savant syndrome or an intellectual impairment/low IQ.

>> No.11918662


>> No.11918703

Thank you!!! Yes I agree! Love you all!

>> No.11918750

I guess I'm abnormal even for an autist then because I am at least a mild to moderate psychopath. my grandpa died recently and I had to struggle to make myself care

>> No.11919030
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Love isn't something everyone can do

>> No.11919676


>> No.11919751

soul/less soul

>> No.11919775

I did that at 10 years old. I knew I should be sad but I could just barely make myself cry. Maybe were just very desensitized.

>> No.11919855

Sperg here, maybe.

>> No.11920108

Normies cannot feel emotions, they only learn to mimic the expressions they see on others.

>> No.11921593


>> No.11921693

Were you close to him? If not, it's just you were told you should feel bad but didn't.

Or, for myself, my dad died and I just could not and cannot cry even though it bothers me tremendously.
I'll see stuff that reminds me of him or how I feel and I just instantly shut it down or if it's a tv program or something with an elderly dad saying goodbye to his children or something like that, I just instantly clamp down on my feelings switch to another TV show.

>> No.11921696

Just having autism makes you 8 times more likely to commit murder than a normal person. People keep ignoring this but Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, James Holmes and Dylan Roof all had/have severe autism. If an autistic person can kill you, because they lack the ability to feel pain empathy then it is likely they also cannot feel real love.

We need to kill these incels now.

>> No.11921834

That's complete nonsense, autistic people basically never commit any violent crimes.

>> No.11921838

The vast majority of incels are autists...

>> No.11921856 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, Autism killers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autist here and i approve of this message.
we're straight human garbage and should be lined up and shot before we cause more innocent lives to be lost to our sperg outs.

>> No.11921883

I don't see why not.. I have some friends on the spectrum who are very kind, compassionate and patient

>> No.11921939

No, they are not.

>> No.11921982
File: 115 KB, 367x530, Autism vs. NT sex data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One large incel forum conducts periodic polls of its members. In a poll this past March, 88 per cent said they were unhappy; 74 per cent had long-lasting anxiety or emotional distress; 77 per cent were not optimistic about the future and 71.5 per cent said they were on the autism spectrum. Its poll last year found 67.5 per cent of members had seriously considered suicide.

>> No.11921987


The autist > incel > mass shooter/tranny pipe line is very real and has been proven by science. Incels either become mass shooters or trannys.

>> No.11922056

this online test is a great way to diagnose autism

>> No.11922088
File: 207 KB, 1252x2042, a3ylx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm autistic but I would do anything for my boyfriend.

>> No.11922096

Woah, it's almost as though autistic people are more likely to be trans and that trans people are less likely to find romantic partners because it feels unnatural for them to play their assigned at birth role in the relationship

>> No.11922101

Wow it's almost like autistic people get rejected become incels the shoot up schools.

>> No.11922102

Incels saying they are autistic doesn't make them so.

>> No.11922104

cute! Have you told him that you love him yet today?

>> No.11922105

Wrong. They are autists calling themselves incels.

>> No.11922113

Yeah. He's working, so I sent him a message telling him to have a nice day and so.

>> No.11922121

*so on

>> No.11922145 [DELETED] 

It says so in the picture.

>> No.11922146

The greentext says so.

>> No.11922154


>> No.11922155

Also, how is anyone an incel having sex four to six times a week?

>> No.11922157

Are you retarded?

>> No.11922159

Dunno. Why do so many people with autism commit mass murder?

>> No.11922165

I'm not the one arguing that autism isn't linked to incels and mass shootings. That's you, retard.

>> No.11922181

28% of serial killers are autistic

People with autism are more violent;

People with autism don't understand consent, more likely to commit rape;

Children who commit sexual assault more likely to be autistic

Children who commit repeated sexual assault more likely to be autistic

Autistic children more likely to rape other children

>> No.11922274

They don't. Their unwillingness to hafm other people is a part of their social problems.
I'm talking about the quote in the reply I was replying to.>>11921982
Impossible. See above.

>> No.11922278

>unwillingless to harm
Almost half of the worst mass shootings in the US over the last 5 years were carried out by autists. The worst terrorist attack in Australian history was carried out by an autist.

You sound like a single mother with an autistic child, ever hopeful the freak doesn't become a monster.

>> No.11922286

It's true, as most social 'cooperation' means helping your friends gain an advantage over another person (hence "a friend of all is a friend of none"), which is something autists have a too strong aversion against, and makes them seem 'uncooperative'.

>> No.11922292

And yet that did nothing to stop Adam Lanza from gunning down innocent children remorselessly.

>> No.11922297

how did you miss the part that matters? it's even outlined in red. 80% of autists had sex less than once a month and over half of those were virgins (the avg age for autists surveyed was 39 btw which puts things into perspective), compared to 3.5% of NTs while none of them were virgins. nobody said literally all autists are categorically incel, just that there is a strong trend in that direction

>> No.11922305

>Almost half of the worst mass shootings in the US over the last 5 years were carried out by autists
way more than that. the others are just undiagnosed or it wasn't made public.
>You sound like a single mother with an autistic child
nope. i was half joking with the anti-autist rhetoric. i relate to the alienation and frustration they experienced as social failures and rejects and i'm not putting the full blame on them.

>> No.11922307

80% on an incel forum who identify as such. Autists tend to be unusually physically attractive, so that is hardly a problem and if so, the celibate is self imposed.

>> No.11922310

Most of those are misdiagnozed schizos of brain damaged people. (Admittedly often from the prescription drugs)

>> No.11922319

the image i linked was from a study and the source is at the bottom, it was separate to the greentext.
>Autists tend to be unusually physically attractive, so that is hardly a problem
even if that's the case, how does that follow at all? you're implying that what defines an incel is simply their looks which is retarded. being good looking doesn't do you any good when you're socially crippled, generally unemployed and living a life of isolation, and are unable to connect to people. i can speak from experience on that. social skills are far more relevant than looks.

>> No.11922322

>the celibate is self imposed
how is being socially impaired self-imposed? do you know what autism even is? fuck off

>> No.11922332

>Most of those are misdiagnozed schizos
i think i'll take a professional diagnosis over random speculation from a 4channer thanks. after reading about them i am confident in saying most of them were definitely spergs.

>> No.11922362

You've perfectly described what I hate about performative love

>> No.11922367

>real, heartfelt compassion
this can only exist between mother and a child
anything else is imitation

>> No.11922368

What about between childhood friends or between a guy and a girl who've known each other since early teens?

>> No.11922369 [DELETED] 

For a long term relationship maybe. Not for having sex.
I mean the celibate is. Like women find you attractive, but you are not interested.
There is no objective diagnostic test. Lanza was the son of a gun nut, who might have been brain damaged. Many autists are, so the evidence is invalid if the person ever took psychiatric drugs.

>> No.11922370

For a long term relationship maybe. Not for having sex.
I mean the celibate is. Like women find you attractive, but you are not interested.
There is no objective diagnostic test. Lanza was the son of a gun nut, and might have been brain damaged. Many autists are, so the example is invalid if the person ever took psychiatric drugs.

>> No.11922375

Have you seen Lanza's hand eye coordination? Doesn't look brain damaged to me. Looks autistic.

>> No.11922378


>> No.11922381 [DELETED] 

No I didn't, but that basically disqualifies him as autistic. Autistic people tend to have abnormally good motion coordination.

>> No.11922383

Abnormally good or bad? He was diagnosed as a child.

You see his face in this one

>> No.11922390

Good. I admit I wrote it before he started dancing and assumed you meant it was bad.

>> No.11922395

All good.

>> No.11922451

That's some great hand eye coordination right there, must've come in handy when he was gunning down small fast moving dodging targets

>> No.11922572

do i really need to explain how women don't just rape you if they find you attractive and how there still social dynamics involved which autism makes extremely difficult to navigate? when women are interested the indicators can be harder to pick up on when you're autistic too. even when it is clear though either you're still expected to initiate as a man which is obviously a lot harder for an autist or they approach you and you spill your spaghetti and scare them off with your abnormal behaviour or bore them with your mumbled one word responses.

>> No.11922629
File: 388 KB, 1185x966, 8ItEp9cb72oSXmOoE2s_45N_emJhNm-pJFKUnOUyhQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women don't just rape you if they find you attractive

>> No.11922654

How do you know if you have autism? I’m probably the most socially retarded person I know. I do have a strong sense of empathy, but I just can’t talk to people or express myself well

>> No.11922690

No, just kill the aspies who think that having an odd brain automatically makes them like einstein.
The aspie is the embodiment of the midwit.
Many people with self-proclaimed Asperger's Syndrome claim that their intelligence is much higher than the normies', but none actually prove they are significantly more intelligent than the normies. They use big fancy-shmancy thesaurus words to appear intelligent -one example referring to normies as "neurotypicals" instead of something that rolls off the tongue better- when their poor academic scores and lack of creativity says otherwise.
They also attribute themselves to the many fascinating named minds of history, like Einstein and Newton, but strangely never show the creativity and intuition their idols had.
Their vain attempts to come off as intelligent only alienate them from the rest of society and kill any humanity in them, leaving them to be NPCs not unlike the "neurotypical" they claim to be so different from.
They also claim to have "special interests", but few actually manifest into something useful for modern society (take for instance, their addiction with steam locomotives, specifically because of shit like thomas the fucking train, which actually has embraced its reputation for autism).

>> No.11922710

Autists process things more deeply. This makes them better at dealing large amounts of data and less likely to stick to false positives. This is the only real problem - dealing with normies who see meaning where there is none and expect it to be understood. Any time normues are actually tested on their extra abilities, such as the mystical ability to read when somebody lies to them, they turn out to be bullshit and normies perform no better than chance.

>> No.11922777

Basically the higher cortical thickness of autistic brains seem to result in more strongly filtered data, with more extraneous information removed. Autists are reported to filter less, but that isn't really so, they can afford to process more datastreams at once, because the stronger filtering means less cognitive effort per datastream. The stronger filtering mean that autists can see and hear more at once without exceeding the capacity.

>> No.11924158

Nothing in the DSM 5 says this. There is only reduced social-communication skills, which can be seen as a lack of empathy by others although it can just be a lack of normative understanding.

>> No.11924163

>Elliot Rodger
More ASPD then autism.

>> No.11924289

>Just having autism makes you 8 times more likely to commit murder than a normal person
Citation needed. Actually not needed, because it's not true.
What you mean is the overpresentation of people with autistic traits among school shooters. As far as I know, the percentage is around 8 %. OCD, ASPD etc. are far more represented among school shooters than Autism.
>The autist > incel > mass shooter/tranny pipe line.
Autism correlates heavily with female-to-male transitions but negatively with male-to-female transition, so transsexuality is not overrepresented among male autists.
Diagnoses based on descriptions.
This article did not distinguish between auto-aggression and violence to other people. Many autists are primarily auto-aggressive and if enraged or overwhelmed, harm others without actual intention.
No mention of autism.
Autism is only linked in one study which puts the prevalence of autism at 6 %.
>Almost half of the worst mass shootings in the US over the last 5 years were carried out by autists.
Again, that's wrong. It's 8 % who show autistic traits and even less that would actually qualify for an autism diagnosis.

This user is deliberately spreading misinformation so as to equate autism with sociopathy.

>> No.11924296

define compassion

>> No.11924354

a quality that you lack it seems.

>> No.11924532

Hard to tell if trans or not...

>> No.11924978
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, Autism killers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, that's wrong. It's 8 % who show autistic traits and even less that would actually qualify for an autism diagnosis.
the study you're referring to was dealing with 'mass shooters', not school shooters specifically:
>here are 73 mass shooting events but there are two events where there is a pair of shooters which meant that 75 mass shooter cases were investigated.
moreover many more were suspected of being on the spectrum but weren't confirmed:
>In addition to the six cases which provide the 8% figure, there were 16 other cases with some indication of ASD.
which would put the figure at up to 30%.
also elliot rodger and dylann roof weren't included which is weird as it was conducted in 2016. at the very least rodger should be as he was diagnosed professionally.

>> No.11925306


>> No.11925657

>which would put the figure at up to 30%.
30% who show autistic traits without actually qualifying for the clinical definition of autism.
Even more so, it's known that symptomes of ASPD and Schizophrenia can be both mistaken for ASD and vice versa.

Second point.
Considering the chart, I was aware of David Bruck and Elliot Rodger having been diagnosed with ASD. In those cases, it's nearly always ASD + something else so the proof that aggression is caused by ASD and not by something else, either the comorbidity here or external factors aggravating their psychological situation, still rests on you. You should have also been aware of the correlation between violence and ADHD, ASPD, NPD etc, all of which show superficial similarities with ASD.

>> No.11925798

sure, they may have had co-morbid disorders like NPD and ASPD, i never disputed that.
the fact remains though that autism is heavily over-represented in mass shootings and especially school shootings and incel terrorism where social rejection and the inability to form relationships is the primary motivation, and this can't just be a coincidence. it's at least a relevant factor if not the whole story necessarily.
i'm not saying autism makes you violent per se - that was somebody else. i do think certain kinds of violence could be more common among autists as i think you already pointed out. the kind where you lash out because you're overwhelmed from sensory overload or failure to regulate emotions or whatever. but premeditated violence may not be more common, only in rare but extreme scenarios like the ones we're discussing.

>> No.11925878

Maybe you shouldn't isolate people for no reason.

>> No.11925902

The perception of autists swings about as violently as US politics. When I was young it was just assumed that autists were retarded. Now everyone treats them like they have auperpowers.

>> No.11925905

>the fact remains though that autism is heavily over-represented in mass shootings
Let's suppose that 2 % of the population would fulfill the clinical definition of autism. In fact I believe 1 in 60 or 70 is now diagnosed with ASD.
We know, that men are primarily diagnosed. Also, pretty much all mass killers are male, so we can put the prevalence here as high as 4 %. Now, many of your mass killers have learning disabilities/low IQ. We know that those with learning disabilities/low IQ are more likely to be autistic. Now, we can increase this percentage again. You see where I'm going? Pointing out that 8% of all mass killers are autistic is not a huge overrepresentation of autism. It's precisely what you would expect from statistics. Including other psychiatric disorders like ADHD, ASPD, NPD, OCD, depression, PTSD etc., many of them either comorbid with autism or mistaken as such, I can't really support your claim that Autism per se is overrepresented among school shooters.
> the kind where you lash out because you're overwhelmed from sensory overload or failure to regulate emotions or whatever.
Yes, that is true for autism but we're speaking here of premeditated violence.
>incel terrorism where social rejection and the inability to form relationships is the primary motivation
Please show me how "incel" terrorism or being an "incel" relates to school shootings? This idea that all school shooters were bullied loners is not consistent with what we actually find.

>> No.11925978 [DELETED] 

you're conflating mass shootings with school shootings again and ignoring the people who were suspected of being on the spectrum which was double the amount.
when it comes to school shooters, 4 of the 10 with the highest death tolls were committed by diagnosed autists (lanza, cho, cruz, and harper-mercer) and the others generally show indicators of autism (columbine duo and Dimitrios Pagourtzis). i don't know how you can not notice a pattern there. the autistic school shooter is literally a stereotype and stereotypes usually are based on at least some degree of truth, and it's not hard to see why autists would be more inclined to commit such an act. is there a reason why you're getting so defensive? i don't see why it's so hard to admit an obvious correlation.
>Please show me how "incel" terrorism or being an "incel" relates to school shootings? This idea that all school shooters were bullied loners is not consistent with what we actually find.
nobody said 'all', but to deny that that's an extremely common trend would simply be disingenuous. are you going to make me start going through their personal histories to prove another obvious fact?
i was the one on the receiving end. i'm speaking from experience as i know how it can lead you down a dark path.

>> No.11925984

you're conflating mass shootings with school shootings again and ignoring the people who were suspected of being on the spectrum which was double the amount.
when it comes to school shooters, 4 of the 10 with the highest death tolls in the US were committed by diagnosed autists (lanza, cho, cruz, and harper-mercer) and the others generally show strong indicators of autism (columbine duo and dimitrios pagourtzis for example). i don't know how you can not notice a pattern there. the autistic school shooter is literally a stereotype and stereotypes usually are based on at least some degree of truth, and it's not hard to see why autists would be more inclined to commit such an act. is there a reason why you're getting so defensive? i don't see why it's so hard to admit an obvious correlation.
>Please show me how "incel" terrorism or being an "incel" relates to school shootings? This idea that all school shooters were bullied loners is not consistent with what we actually find.
nobody said 'all', but to deny that that's an extremely common trend would simply be disingenuous. are you going to make me start going through their personal histories to prove another obvious fact?
i was the one on the receiving end. i'm speaking from experience as i know how it can lead you down a dark path.

>> No.11926183

>you're conflating mass shootings with school shootings again
1. Someone else here is talking about mass killers. 2. It's easier to come across data that deals with mass killers.
>4 of the 10 with the highest death tolls in the US were committed by diagnosed autists
Are we now going along death toll or the percentage of those who committed school shooting without necessarily having killed someone? Because the latter puts the percentage of those with autism diagnosis at around 8 %.
>and the others generally show strong indicators of autism
I have actually dealt with the literature and yes, there are additional cases where people show autistic traits without qualifying for a diagnosis. Now why would I disregard these cases?
Because no one has ever accounted for the percentage of people who show autistic traits without having ever qualified for a diagnosis. And the total percentage of those having autistic traits without ever being qualified for a diagnosis is probably substantially higher than 4 % among males.
> the autistic school shooter is literally a stereotype and stereotypes usually are based on at least some degree of truth
Let's assume that it is true. Autistic people are more likely to commit school shootings by virtue of them being autistic. What's the implication of this?
>why you're getting so defensive?
I state facts and hypotheses with the intention of trying to disprove the school shooting - autism link.
Because one implication of autistic people being more prone to school shootings is that autistic people are not only the others, but they're the cold non-feeling others who want to kill you. This is not your intention, probably. There is definitely a correlation between autism and social rejection, frustration etc.

>> No.11926226

>but to deny that that's an extremely common trend would simply be disingenuous.
I'm not sure there's a trend at all. If you have substantiated proof, show me.
>are you going to make me start going through their personal histories to prove another obvious fact?
What kind of personal history are we talking of? The one told by the students and teachers or the one told by the school shooters. Because the latter can hardly be considered a valid description of their actual motivation. Self-victimization and blaming the others is the first thing most criminals do when confronted with their crimes.

Here some sources to read on what school shooters are actually like.
>the autistic school shooter is literally a stereotype and stereotypes usually are based on at least some degree of truth
No, most stereotypes are not based on truth. Most of them are based on huge simplifications, misconceptions and wrong associations. I have seen the exact same comment stated several times by those who argued for the idea that black people are inferior.

>> No.11926530


>> No.11926813

Blacks are often inferior, but mainly because of degenerate ghetto culture. Biology has little effects here.
>t. Sperg

>> No.11929296


>> No.11930001


>> No.11930359


>> No.11930414

>recognising the fibonacci sequence and not having a goldfish memory is a sign of autism
doing a big think

>> No.11930640


>> No.11931529


>> No.11932698


>> No.11933622


>> No.11933644

Can non-autistic people?

>> No.11933667

Do autistic women have empathy

>> No.11933686

No. Autism involves extremely high but imbalanced intelligence

>> No.11934507


>> No.11934706
File: 50 KB, 423x613, 1595399895271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know, I've never been in a relationship and I never will because the thought of someone finding me romantically or sexually attractive is fucking disgusting. But generally speaking the problem isn't emotion or lack thereof, it's confusion as to how to properly express it. I have a nephew who loves the hell out of me. I don't know how I warrant such devotion or why and am ambivalent to him but at the same time I understand that he's family so I put on a happy face when he's around. It feels fake but it's about the best I can do.

>> No.11936157


>> No.11936166

Wrong. People high and low on systemizing have trouble empathizing with each other, but there is no lack of empathy as such.

>> No.11937833


>> No.11937870

Yes they can. I would argue that autistic people are more genuine and kind than neurotypicals.

t.neurotypical that loves autists

>> No.11938021

>proven by science
No such thing outside mathematics.

>> No.11938356

idk about you then because I'm autistic but I already have a side that I can't express in public otherwise I would be in jail by now. Though I'm fully aware of it.

>> No.11938381

I don't think an actual normie would call himself a "neurotypical."

>> No.11938390

>I'm so special, nobody understands me
Unless you are some god, grow up already. LOL

>> No.11938410

Yes, unfortunately.

>> No.11939053


>> No.11939409


>> No.11939922


>> No.11939969

>my grandpa died recently and I had to struggle to make myself care
That's in the range of a pretty normal response though.
When both my grandmother and grandfather died (separately), I didn't really feel much.
I'm an emotional dude too, I cry in sad movies and when I read sad things, I'm super into the feeling you get in nature/seeing something, I feel really bad when I see small animals hurt, etc. But close-people deaths affect me weirdly. Much less impactful than I imagine most people.
I think we're all brainwashed into this idea of "how all humans normally react to things" based on hollywood tropes, and its super far from the truth.

>> No.11940360

>be high functioning autist
>men are friendly with me
>women cold and distant
>women will be friendly with more obvious retards though
Reminder that female empathy is always performative or self-serving.

>> No.11940386

Normies have it too. They just refuse to acknowledge it because it would devastate their egos. Look at all historical atrocities and remember it was well-adjusted "empathic" normalfags who carried them out.

>> No.11940400

Wrong. You have been brainwashed to respond to hollywood tropes rather than actual people.

>> No.11940407

Most autist don't even speak that much, people just love making things up to harass the weird kid.
>Their vain attempts to come off as intelligent
>sperg uses unusual word because sperg doesn't know what words are socially accepted
>You jump to call him a pseud now that your pride has been attacked

>They also attribute themselves to the many fascinating named minds of history, like Einstein and Newton, but strangely never show the creativity and intuition their idols had
No "they" don't do that. Autism speaks and other virtue signalling retards say these things to make them feel better. I have never heard anyone dare to claim they are a genius. Why do (trigger warning) neurotypicals make life even harder for autists

>> No.11940733

Many people on the spectrum tend to have rock bottom self esteem anyway.

>> No.11940772

As they should
They don't deserve to reproduce and propagate more suffering in their offspring

>> No.11940779

No need to tell me, that's what I'm doing right now.

>> No.11941389

The Schizo/Psychosis to girl(male) pipeline is real.
I've interacted with people that claimed they were autistic and identified as trans.
They were extremely mentally ill, yes, but they were for sure not autistic. They were way to huggy touchy feely for that, borderline sexual assault, really. I can't picture a legit autist being like this.

>> No.11941546

>ITT: Autists sperging out because someone pointed out how they are literally more likely to kill innocent people
Lmao, I though people here were generally incapable of being triggered as they just hide their anger behind layers and layers of "irony". Now it shows fags here have an actual weak spot.

>> No.11941658

>I though people here were generally incapable of being triggered
Imagine being this new.

>> No.11941675

Confusing Asperger's disorder (or if you want to be hip, ASD) with narcissistic personality disorder is very common, I think you've done this.

>> No.11943300


>> No.11943605

Stop bumping this thread. It's supposed to have died long ago.