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11911018 No.11911018 [Reply] [Original]

So it's 2 hours long. But the first 1/2 hour everyday, without fail goes like this:
> Prof comes in
> "I'd like to acknowledge the injustices faced by (the persecuted group of the day)"

Good god, just get on with the lecture. Other profs are able to acknowledge injustices without devoting a quarter of class to it. It's extremely strange to watch a white woman explain to a group made up almost entirely by minorities how "we" need to do more to fight racism. I'm no /pol/tard but this is ridiculous. Just add a paragraph to your syllabus like a normal person.

> "I acknowledge the material is extremely difficult"
The material is easy. It would be easier if you spent more time teaching.

> "I acknowledge you all are working very hard..."
A literally useless statement. Why does she feel the need to say this every single lecture?

>> No.11911123

>American (((education)))

>> No.11911135

Please be fake story

>> No.11911137

Because your professor is increasingly liable for his daycare duties to the detriment of teaching standards and scholarly rigor

>> No.11911145

My physics professor spent the first 15-20 minutes of our 60 minute zoom lectures last quarter discussing female and non-white physicists, totally unrelated to the topic of our lectures. This shit will only get worse with time anon.
Its a woman, read things more carefully.

>> No.11911150

I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there. In the last lecture, she went off on a spiel where she named practically every group, and said their lives matter:
> Black lives matter
> Indigenous lives matter
> Trans lives matter
> Immigrant lives matter
> Low income lives matter

It's like she wants to make sure no one is offended. She might as well say "all lives matter" and get over with it.

>> No.11911265

This is the reason i allways try to avoid women teachers as much as possible. They are all mentally ill. Women need to be raped and killed. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programmed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. Same for those supporting shitskin immigration and rights. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want. I say we give it to them

>> No.11911293

Only had a Japanese programming professor and a Spaniard-Cuban math professor for the spring 2020 semester (taking classes online right now), none of them gave a fuck about racism or world politics and spent the whole lecture... actually doing lectures.

I learned because every time I had a black or white teacher they spent class talking about current political issues when the topic at hand was fucking science, like why the fuck do I need to talk about how I feel about Trump if we are in a fucking biology class?

Never EVER again taking classes from black or white teachers, male or female, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.11911296

Leave the house

>> No.11911305

If you have ever dated an attractive woman you would know that nothing he said is incorrect whether this is for good or ill is for you to ponder.

>> No.11911321

physics is pozzed. its for people who like math and the idealism of modelling everything with math but who aren't logical enough to handle the rigor of a math degree and who aren't practical enough to be an engineer.

>> No.11911331
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>This is the reason i allways try to avoid women teachers as much as possible. They are all mentally ill. Women need to be raped and killed

>> No.11911333

Apparently we cant say all lives matter, that's somehow racist. Even though it's the exact opposite of racism. Saying only black lives matter is the definition of racism.

>> No.11911338

>physics is pozzed

>> No.11911340

Do you want to be raped? Because you're being pretty edgy.

>> No.11911341
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you need to calm right the fuck down with the hate anon

>> No.11911353

My physics lecturer is just unfunny as fuck, swears a lot and makes the students participate in cringe by making us all yell "DICKS". Doesn't give a shit about anything but teaching which is cool. Talks about himself a lot though..

>> No.11911398

Your professor is a white woman. What did you honestly expect? White women are dumber than other women, more whorish than other women, age worse than all other women, and are more left wing than all other women (support dynamiting mt rushmore for black lives matter). White women are unironically the worst. White women are also more anti Semitic, which is another bad trait they have. I’ve found if you ignore white women, within a few generations they’ll just go away and you’re problems will be solved. Fuck lefties. Keep the Bantu Bolshevism out of STEM.

>> No.11911402

Next question

>> No.11911415

>within a few generations they’ll just go away

>> No.11911429

Everything we know is going to fracture and break down soon. We’ll spend the next 200 years picking up the pieces.

>> No.11911441

White women are a problem that’s solving itself.

>> No.11911442

lmao women

>> No.11911473

Do you by any chance go to Simon Fraser University? lmao

>> No.11911474

This upsets me.
I grew up admiring and respecting Western Civilization, and I came to appreciate what it contributed to the world. It is undeniable that the Westerners of the past are responsible for many problems, but Western civilization is a wonderful and unique thing. I don't believe liberal (classically liberal) democracy could have evolved anywhere else. To see the Westerners of today throw away their heritage for the sake of "wokeness" is sad to see. I can only hope that the Western tradition survives in some purer form, and arises again someday.

>> No.11911479

>picking up the pieces
There won't be enough energy for that.

>> No.11911483

But there will be enough for a Middle Ages level of tech. Maybe that's good enough. Uncle Ted make some good points.

>> No.11911484
File: 111 KB, 586x551, 4E72DCFD00000578-5976643-image-a-78_1532135851178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point it's going to make sense to have all of your courses taught to you by private tutor. I could see the wealthy, for whom the knowledge rather than the credential is the important part of college, having private instruction for their children. If they're going to take over the family's affairs, it's more important for them to understand the material than to have all the proper checkmarks from SJWU.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.11911496

That is all well and good, but I do not have that luxury. How do I learn without dealing with this religion?

>> No.11911518

>there will be enough for a Middle Ages level of tech
Nope. In the middle ages they were mining rich veins of ore, close to the surface for the their metals. Those mines have all been tapped out. It's gonna be straight back to the stone age for humanity.

>> No.11911528

But say an apocalypse happens. The metal in skyscrapers, metal in homes/machinery isn't going anywhere. I'd imagine that we'd start melting those things done to make what we need.

>> No.11911537

>the knowledge rather than the credential is the important part of college
literally a brainlet
for the wealthy the credential is what matters

>> No.11911542

For sure.
I wonder if anyone knows what percentage of the metals humans have mined since the bronze age have been irretrievably lost.

>> No.11911545

Once it's oxidized and washed away it's gone.

>> No.11911661

>white woman
Every time

>> No.11911664

>Saying only black lives matter is the definition of racism
Except they're not saying "only black lives matter" Mr. Strawman

>> No.11911678

Which uni or in what area? I'm currently in the process of making the decision on which offer to pick, would like to avoid this place.

>> No.11911686

>The wealthy have to get past the HR filter and the hiring manager to get a job.
The wealthy create their own jobs. They don't need credentials, they need ability.

>> No.11911721

Well if you ask victims, it turns out blacks cause more than half of violent crimes. Robbery, rape, murder, that kind of thing.

So reasonably, if blacks are fewer than half of violent police encounters (and, eventually, because shit happens, killings), then they're being coddled.

Oh wow, would you look at the data...

>> No.11911735

they might not say only black lives matter
but they only say black lives matter

>> No.11912902

A lady-professor?

>> No.11912928

Yep. This is important.

>> No.11912980

women just want attention and validation. They will jump on any bandwagon to virtue signal. The only good female science professors are autistic ones that act like men and just do their job.

>> No.11912984
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>studying in the usa

>> No.11913019
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>> No.11913035

They’ll just say data is racist and shut you down on the spot. There’s no winning against a thoroughly propagandize NPC. The diamond of MK ultra mind control will shatter anything you throw at it yet remain intact even as Bantu Bolshevism implodes under the inevitable self inflicted wounds erupting as a consequence of its nihilistic apostasy from rationality.

>> No.11913038

Shit, and I thought I had it bad with all my physics professors just being a live audiobook.

>> No.11913060

give her a 1 star on ratemyprof and if you have a class survey at the end thats actually anonymous then give her a shit rating

>> No.11913247

facts are a social construct

>> No.11913332

Can some Russian/Chinese/Indian anon tell me if this is going on in their unis? Is it just the West that's self-destructing, or is it everyone?

>> No.11913501

Chinese are laughing about what's going on in the west.

>> No.11913503

Niggers ruined the world

>> No.11913540

If you keep leaving the milk out, I'd tell you that the milk needs to go back into the fridge. Does that mean that only milk goes back in the fridge or that other things being put back are unimportant?

>> No.11914065

Remember when smileys and emoji were yellow? Specifically chosen to be neutral and not reflect any skin color, so that everyone felt included?
Whew, how times have changed...

>> No.11914266


they say you're racist because you are assuming that every black person is a rapist mugger who steals everything in site

>> No.11914286

neither of them even hinted at that, youre just strawmanning

>> No.11914290

>blacks cause more than half of violent crimes

>> No.11914297

they don't say the how many blacks
they don't even say some
they just say "blacks"

>> No.11914316

youre being awfully quick to generalize with the word "they"
never even says the word black

but who the fuck cares, you have yet to even acknowledge the data anyway

>> No.11914331

I was generalizing because that guy talks as if he used the argument before
and I was explaining to him why they would call him racist for doing it

And I don't see any data in either of those posts
and what data? all I saw was some unsourced posts

>> No.11914334

ok, then just keep coping

>> No.11914336 [DELETED] 

sounds like you don't like being called racist

>> No.11914343

How is explaining my point coping?

>> No.11914721
File: 50 KB, 472x439, Holy shit black people ease up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? That's ridiculous to say! I think only like a third of black men end up with felony convictions within their lifetime - nowhere near 100%.

I'm just going off Table 1 here, from that 28 year study concluded during the Obama administration: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf

>> No.11914759

My bad, I do have to apologize. It looks like for 2018, black people are only doing a quarter of all violent crime: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv18st.pdf

Again, my apologies. In a fair world they'd therefore end up as about a quarter of all police killings.

>> No.11914764

Oh man, I still remember

>> No.11914768

emojis are still yellow tho?
even the people emojis still have a yellow skin one

>> No.11914771

in a fair world there wouldn't be a need for killing

>> No.11914775

They have demanded darker skinned emojis in the last few years. There used to just be beige and yellow anth emojis

>> No.11914780

You need to get out more. There's a lot of people'd need killing on the way to that fair world.

>> No.11914781

If anything it just sounds like you are making a mountain out of a molehill

>> No.11914787

Become an autodidact

>> No.11914788

Not him, but, generally speaking, promoting divisions among racial lines like that is a standard prelude step to your Rwandas and Yugoslavias.

>> No.11914801

Who exactly?
And I say no
there isn't

>> No.11914809

>promoting divisions
how is it doing that?
and that is one slippery slope that you went down?

>> No.11914868

Work at a gas station or a police station some time. The world isn't a university campus, not even close.

You should read books about the history of those places. Hell, Iraq's even more recent and captivating. Everyone goes from "Iraqis are Iraqis, what's the big deal?" under Saddam to "Oh, you're Shia/Sunni." to "Oh, you're Shia/Sunni. Maybe your cousin did deserve that car bomb.". The Spanish civil war and Hitler's rise to power are more cliche; you should know all the details about those already.

Emoji, statues, flags tied to individual identities are themselves just steps along the way. Usually next are things like pogroms (riots with officials looking the other way), blood libel (your group allegedly did this historically and incidents that pattern match are assumed true), grave robbing, paramilitary groups, that kind of stuff. The open warfare is after those when one side feels they're cornered politically.

>> No.11914877


nuff said, makes sense.

>> No.11914889

I have known about the kinds of people that have been there
I still say no there isn't

I think you are missing the context of everything that's happening with the statues and flags anon
those were confederate statues that were put up during the civil right's movement that didn't belong
and the confederate flags should not be celebrated
I don't think emojis getting more skin tones has anything to do with the problems of those

>> No.11914907

glad to see that someone can't stop bringing their transphobia wherever they go

>> No.11914922

And I know you're missing the context of what those events mean put together. Today.

You could tear down images of Mickey Mouse in the name of fighting anti-semitism, rename Disneyland to be more inclusive, and be 100% in the right. I'd still warn you about the bloodlust you're engendering within yourself and the very pissed off Mouseketeers you are angering.

>> No.11914959

actually we were talking about emojis here
I don't think that a civil war has or will breakout because of emojis anon
I think there would be a deeper underlying problem that would be the cause
like disagreement about slaves or something

>> No.11914965

>I think there would be a deeper underlying problem that would be the cause
>like disagreement about slaves or something
Nah, an ethnically and geographically contiguous bloc being locked out of a political monopoly is pretty much all you need. Spain, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, the list goes on. It's really quite predictable.

>> No.11914971

are you talking about the party that is currently running the united states?
because I don't think that counts as locked out of a political monopoly

>> No.11914988

You remember the acrimony of the 1850s? The Missouri Compromise? The Free Soilers? All that bullshit? Please tell me you remember that from your education.

Why did the South care? Because they saw with too many free states they were going to lose the Senate, yes? Then they'd permanently lose the legal foundation for their economic cornerstones - tariffs and "human capital".

Now let me list some ideas that will be on the table in the Biden presidency: amnesty, DC statehood, Puerto Rican statehood, legal challenges to judicial appointments ("court packing"), and racial justice bills ("reparations" might not poll well).

Does anything there seem like it would permanently lock any party out of the political process for the forseeable future, with major economic and legal impact?

>> No.11915062

>you see anon this is why civil war is an inevitability
This is why the two party system is stupid
it should be ranked choice

>> No.11915080

that's what you get for letting women run something

>> No.11915662
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It's for you

>> No.11915672
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>> No.11915684

Blyatman here. The first 30 minutes of my physishit lectures are always dedicated to questions about the assignments from last lecture. Nobody talks about anything but the subject matter here.
But we don't have any female lecturers and the lecturers we have are like black holes of autism, you literally can't hear them talking about anything but their field.

>> No.11915692

Just the west. On /g/ they complain about pajeet codemonkeys taking their jobs but the average pajeet stem student is far more qualified(harder no bullshit courses with high fail rate and no political nonsense) than their western counterpart. I’m certain it is the same in countries like China and maybe Russia. These are the countries that will inevitably replace the west.