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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11905168 No.11905168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does and doesn't the mirror test tell us?

>> No.11905172

Probably caused by 300 years of slavery

>> No.11905181

stop posting racist shit

>> No.11905182

Mirror test is a scientific topic

>> No.11905184

Link the test, paper or publication please

>> No.11905186

by recognize u mean like know its themselves? uh oh if 6 years then.....

>> No.11905188

mirrors are racist

>> No.11905200

blacks and whites hate each other so much. you both deserve each other desu.

>> No.11905216 [DELETED] 

Western children first show signs of mirror self-recognition (MSR) from 18 to 24 months of age, the benchmark index of emerging self-concept. Such signs include self-oriented behaviors while looking at the mirror to touch or remove a mark surreptitiously placed on the child’s face. The authors attempted to replicate this finding across cultures using a simplified version of the classic “mark test.” In Experiment 1, Kenyan children (N= 82, 18 to 72 months old) display a pronounced absence of spontaneous self-oriented behaviors toward the mark. In Experiment 2, the authors tested children in Fiji, Saint Lucia, Grenada, and Peru (N= 133, 36 to 55 months old), as well as children from urban United States and rural Canada. As expected from existing reports, a majority of the Canadian and American children demonstrate spontaneous self-oriented behaviors toward the mark. However, markedly fewer children from the non-Western rural sites demonstrate such behaviors. These results suggest that there are profound cross-cultural differences in the meaning of the MSR test, questioning the validity of the mark test as a universal index of self-concept in children’s development.


>> No.11905220

Would white children raised by non western parents pass the mirror test?

>> No.11905223 [DELETED] 


posting txt in a PNG and claiming it science is the basic internet propaganda 101

>> No.11905233

Link the damned paper or fuck off. this is /sci/ not /pol/.
what specific populations where were tested, what were the preconditions, what form did the test take?

>> No.11905235


>> No.11905236

you dont post sources when you argue, why would OP? hes a faggot anyway

>> No.11905259
File: 89 KB, 746x612, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The screenshot is from this /pol/-esque, now suspended blog:

It links to a video where it is mentioned (2m 33s):
This youtuber is certainly not a polack, but he doesn't source his claim.

Instead it can be found in this paper:
Where it's used as an argument against the mirror test.

>> No.11905273

>evidence against the mirror test
>wild animals can pass the mirror test
>non-whites can’t
>it must be cultural!
you love to see it

>> No.11905278

I mean, many of these non-western children grow up in homes without mirrors. It would be unreasonable to draw any conclusions from it.

However it would be interesting to perform the same test in the US, while ensuring that all groups have the same exposure to mirrors.

>> No.11905289

Animals in wild have no mirrors either but they pass it

>> No.11905307

I'm not saying there are no differences between races, I'm just saying that it's unreasonable to draw any conclusion when their are in fact significant cultural differences.

>> No.11905323

ants with dots painted on themselves have been observed trying to wipe it off when faced with a mirror

>> No.11905327

What sort of extreme cultural differences exist that 6 year old kenyans don't perform well in a mirror test?

>> No.11905347

None that they can point. Mirror test recognition is genetic not cultural

>> No.11905351

and yet, cats do not

>> No.11905355


What could possibly be more simple and culture-neutral than putting a spot on a baby's head and a mirror in front of it

>> No.11905377

This likely correlates with lower IQs observed in nonwhites.

the paper of course defaults to the politically correct "cultural differences" conclusion. demoralizing how even science is kind of compromised.

>> No.11905388

some interesting replies in that thread

>> No.11905392

Just because it is true doesn't mean it's not racist.

>> No.11905400

>stop posting facts i dont like
what a world

>> No.11905401

According to a smithsonian report, science is white supremacy.

>> No.11905406


I'm not a religious person, I believe in the truth, whatever that may be

>> No.11905407

Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. If something is true and it proves that one race is superior to another, then that fact is indeed racist.

>> No.11905416

That kind of science shouldn't be off limits, just because it offends

>> No.11905515

As long as science research is primarily performed at universities, avoiding scientific investigation that offends will be part of our lives.

>> No.11905518

link paper or leave
preferably leave

>> No.11905521

my retarded house cats can recognize themselves in my mom's bathroom mirror. i've seen videos of jaguars, octopuses, gorrilas, chimps, gibbons, and puppies passing mirror tests lol.
Yes, but asians can recognize themselves in the mirror even if they don't have souls

>> No.11905533
File: 76 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts can be racist

>> No.11905537

Because white babys are so much more beautiful that the get naturally drown to reflective surfaces.

>> No.11905541

>18 to 24 months old
>Not 6 years as mentioned in the racist BS screenshot from the OP
>Also a different form of test than the one used on animals
>Doesn't say all non-Western children failed, just that more of them did
Fake news as usual when you actually dissect the claims

>> No.11905546

Maybe you should as a minimum read the entire abstract before you comment on the paper.

>> No.11905548

I did, asswipe

>> No.11905551

Then you should read it again.
Protip: 72 months = 6 years

>> No.11905552

Facts can be racist. The point one should gain from that is something being racist isn't inherently wrong or bad, it just is.

>> No.11905555

And what percentage of those were actually 72 months old? Have you read the paper?

>> No.11905558

Are you sure they're recognising themselves and not just thinking they're seeing another cat/gorilla/jaguar... Etc. That's the entire point of the dot on the head.

>> No.11905562

Racism is discrimination based on race, not the belief one race is superior to another.

>> No.11905570

Usually the animal would attack the mirror if that were the case, but they dont. Its implied in the definition of "passing".

>> No.11905573

The paper doesn't go into more detail than that they tested a group of 82 Kenyan children in the age range 18-72 months. Only two of them identified themselves, both of them 48 months old.
You're really just nitpicking at this point.

>> No.11905574

Why science doesn't fear investigation? How does this physically hurt the races being studied? If it's used as justification later on that's a different question.

By denying different races the ability to be differnt you are denying nature and science for ideology. I hate you and people like you, modern day church.

>> No.11905579

For example. A bunch of black people could start a chess club but ban Asians, whites and Jews thinking they're better at chess and don't want to lose. That would be racist but not founded on any idea that blacks are superior to asians/whites/Jews at chess.

>> No.11905578

>modern day church.
The galileo thing was a bit of a myth

>> No.11905582

Perhaps they don't recognise it as themselves or as another animals. They're able to recognise its not real but otherwise just as something interesting.

>> No.11905587

Not applicable in this thread. OP pic related isn't factual

>> No.11905588

You clearly understood my point? Do you want to argue on semantics?

>> No.11905594

So instead of saying "it isn't factual because of x, y and z. How can you believe this shit" you post: Stop posting racist shit? Fuck off you disingenuous asshole.

>> No.11905596

Grasping at straws

>> No.11905604

No I understand but I'm too irreverant for my own good.

>> No.11905607

actually that would be racialism not racism

>> No.11905611

isn't this subject to whether kids even give a fuck about dots on their face or how noticable the dot is?

>> No.11905618

No, that would be blacks being racist against blacks. The motivation is that blacks are inferior, doesn't matter if it is a black person who is holding the belief.

>> No.11905621
File: 218 KB, 625x834, 1589218802118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na blacks hate everyone which is why they commit more hate crimes by large margins, White people are just waking up to the fact that everyone has been living off them while benefiting from White technology advancement and Whites are rightfully getting angry.

>> No.11905629

Instead it'll be answers looking for problems.

>> No.11905631

Whites are more narcissistic than blacks

>> No.11905636

Why didn't you respond to this >>11905573 person's post but instead skipped over it? It's almost as if you realized you lost that argument so you decided to move on to the next by repeating you original claim. You're not Jewish, are you?

>> No.11905637

The truth...

>> No.11905639

uhhh that must be entirely cultural and due to socioeconomic factors

>> No.11905645

Is that true?

>> No.11905650

Obvious....This thread is a example....

>> No.11905652

They have a high incidence of entitlement so I think he's wrong.

>> No.11905654

What possible benefit for humanity would there be if a certain race were scientifically proven to be superior/inferior? It would bring nothing but misery.

>> No.11905661
File: 23 KB, 460x460, aNYK2d6_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont think im better than you
>i enjoy your company and culture
>i want to be around you in a fair environment
>I also read this article scientifically showing with 99% certaintly that black people have on average 10% less brain white matter in controller settings
wow you fuckin racist

>> No.11905663

No, no benefits.
Only if you think a WAR like a benefit.

>> No.11905664

What mirrors do elephants grow up with?

>> No.11905666

Racists are fun...

>> No.11905667

They want you as slaves.

>> No.11905668
File: 46 KB, 639x472, reddit moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11905669

>dont worry, being racist isnt inherently wrong or bad
>"ok i guess my research is a little racist"
>gets cancelled and his house burned down

you cheeky cunt

>> No.11905671

insectoid image macro poster

>> No.11905673

>White is better !!
>White is beatiful
>God is white!
Loving white tears here.....mmmmmmm so delicious....

>> No.11905676

I would disagree

>> No.11905678

Whats narcisictic about acknowledging black children cant recognize themselves in the mirror?

>> No.11905683

Understanding reality better would bring more misery? No, misery is living in a web if leftist lies

>> No.11905687

Why do you hate white people but use their technology, speak their language and live in their countries?

>> No.11905688

Some truths are dangerous. Publishing such research would almost guarantee another Nazi type government coming into power somewhere in the world.

>> No.11905692

Do you have a scientific article about this?

>> No.11905694


>> No.11905696

If this is your response you hang around the wrong people. You get off to irrational, angry, "white people"

If you live in a good city and still ended up this way I feel sorry for you

>> No.11905697

The studies are in this thread. Stop being delusional

Some lies are dangerous. Publishing such research would almost guarantee another Soviet type government coming into power somewhere in the world

>> No.11905698

What the fuck does not publishing race research have to do with Soviet ideology?

>> No.11905700

No. Pure gentile...