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11905045 No.11905045 [Reply] [Original]

We're never going to be free from this curse known as the coronavirus, are we? We're never going to see amusement parks or restaurants again. We're going to end up embracing the neckbearded incel introverted lifestyle with the government forcing new regulations to control us.

I think given the grim outlook of the future world. I think it might be better to just die from this virus then to live in complete servitude to whatever dictator uses this to their advantage in order to siege total power.

Is anyone else out there with me?

>> No.11905090

Eh, US vaccine trials seem to be going well enough, and even if it proves incurable for whatever reason, people are eventually going to stop giving a shit and getting back to the real world.

>> No.11905096


>> No.11905100


>> No.11905117

scared faggot

>> No.11905119

he may unfortunately be right about the first part.

>> No.11905234

It has a high probability to become endemic. In the future, instead of worrying about colds and the flu during the winter, we'll just have to worry about colds, flu, and covid.
People will get used to it. Things will be back to normal in 1-5 years.

>> No.11905642

They're never going to let you take off the mask. It is with you until you die.

>> No.11905649

It'll end up being flu 2.0

More virulent, for sure, but "vaccines" can totally help prevent it or mitigate the symptoms. Eventually we'll be desensitized to the deaths like everything else and life will go on.

>> No.11907057

Flu antibodies tend to last for 6 months (most of the flu season if you time it right). SARS-CoV-2 is only yield antibodies that last 2-3 months, which is apparently not uncommon for coronaviruses.

>> No.11907081

You may not be immune for long, but with any luck once you've had covid you'll obtain some degree of resistance for the long term, and it will not be near as bad the second time.

>> No.11907085
File: 19 KB, 400x534, 1367320485754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone would just shut the fuck up for three weeks and stay at fucking home instead of completely chimping out, the virus would be dead already.

But no, people are fucking idiots everywhere around the world. I start to become misanthropic because of all these fucking assholes everywhere.

>> No.11907140

So yeah, that's one side of it, that T-Cells and B-Cells with have a memory of the past infection the second go round will be less severe. However, we're seeing instances of the second infection being much more severe. Dengue Fever is an example of a viral infection that tends to be worse the second time.

>> No.11907340

We already did a lock down. It didn't solve anything.

>> No.11907366

>We already did a lock down.
When? Only China, Italy and Spain did an actual lockdown and it solved the situation. You sound like you're from a country where there were people in the streets during the "lockdown".

>> No.11907431

Implying you ever put it on. You dont take off something you never had.

>> No.11907446

>we did a lockdown
No, we politely asked people to stay at home please and we made them close some of their businesses. People were still out in the streets getting hammered, having parties, visiting parents and friend, and demonstrating for muh freedom.

>> No.11907483

>People were still out in the streets getting hammered, having parties, visiting parents and friend, and demonstrating for muh freedom.
And it still worked to a degree. New cases only went back up as certain states reopened. Many of the states that have instituted mask mandates for months aren't experiencing a second rise in cases.

>> No.11907493

It wasn't organized at all and was patchwork at best. They also didn't bother waiting for cases to decrease before panicking and opening everything back up.
My only hope is that in november everyone remembers the absolute failure of leadership across the board.

>> No.11907766

I know. Just saying that this isn't/wasn't a lockdown.

>> No.11907817

>real world
The world hasn't been real since 1997.

>> No.11907843

What happened?

>> No.11907864

Your no better than op, back to /x/ both of you

>> No.11907916

Marketers realized complete control over populations was realizable using computerized communication and analysis. The entire planet is now geared towards who can tell the most convincing lies to the most rubes.

>> No.11907985

Ah, dotcom! Almost forgot about it over Echelon. I mean, this existed before those times obviously, the power was "just" shifted towards companies. But yeah, I agree.