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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11904686 No.11904686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys, how do we destroy whiteness?

>> No.11904689

Is this real?

>> No.11904692

Kill jews

>> No.11904711

>Twitter outrage thread
Imagine taking some obscure paper from 1990 nobody gives a shit about, posting it on twitter, then screencapping the twitter post, and posting it here on 4chan, all to generate false outrage and post >kill da Jews

Then of course the same type of posters will turn around and claim the 1990s were the peak of civilization because there were no SJWs.

>> No.11904715

Indeed science must fall.

>> No.11904722
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Non potato version.

>> No.11904725

Imagine going to a science and mathematics board to define anti-science ideologies.

>> No.11904730

But science is racist now?

>> No.11904746 [DELETED] 

Only to a minority of screeching twitter retards. 90% of the people on twitter will ever amount to anything, that is why they are there, venting their frustrations.

>> No.11904752

Only to a minority of screeching twitter retards. 90% of the people on twitter will never amount to anything, that is why they are there, venting their frustrations.

>> No.11904769

>Oh no, I’ve internalized hard work and delayed gratification as the keys to success. Am I implicitly racist?

>> No.11904779

holy shit

>> No.11904781

Sounds so stupid that it seems like trolling.

>> No.11904785

Are they trying to imply these are bad characteristics? Cause that's fucking retarded.

>> No.11904797

go back to the moral panic board

>> No.11904802
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>literal Marxism

>> No.11904804

Not sure about all of them but many of them were included in the list of demands BLM made just a couple of weeks ago. I definitely remember BLM's list being against the nuclear family.

>> No.11904812

>Don't worry, if we close our eyes and say "LALALALALA" over and over again, the university won't cut our budget and redirect it to the _____ Studies department.
You're a deluded if you think this isn't going to end up impacting you one way or another.

>> No.11904813

>if we don't have dads, no one can!

>> No.11904834

Not even Marxism. Commies (real ones) still value hard work, politeness and delayed gratification.>>11904802

>> No.11904888

>scientific method
>hard work to succeed
>future oriented
So civilisation is bad and rayciss or what are they implying? Fucking absurd.

>> No.11904955

I'm not sure what their intent is but they don't seem to be making any value judgements on their idea of "whiteness."
They are simply saying "here are identifiable traits of white (northern European) culture."
It is of course hugely over-simplified, but I don't see anything explicitly negative other than a couple veiled jabs
>Win at all costs
>Majority rules (when Whites have power)
I think the poster just seems bizarre because they talk about whites as though it's a wild animal they are studying, but white people have been doing the same exact thing to ethnics for decades

>> No.11905000

so basically they're saying white culture is better than most others?

>> No.11905008

The two last examples plus shit like "winner-loser dichotomy" is a clear sign it's supposed to be derogatory but just enough to still look "scientific".

>> No.11905011
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>> No.11905017

>hurr it's just twitter durr

>> No.11905080

They are never ever saying that.

>> No.11905097

I’m too lazy to ready what’s their attempt when posting this? Saying good and bad factors about whiteness? I don’t feel like reading the whole boring website?

>> No.11905104

this seems bad faith or fake
as much as i dislike some parts of rugged individualism and protestant ethic there's no way someone looked at this and genuinely pushed this for any reason besides inertia or pridefall

>> No.11905118
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three comments
1 endowment fund managers belong in gitmo
2 who gives a fuck about whiteness, most white people are retarded assholes
3 black lives don't matter, who gives a fuck about blackness

>> No.11905129
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>> No.11905132
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>> No.11905177

almost all they said about things typical to white culture is positive

>> No.11905207

based OWS poster
add https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_stack somewhere in there as well, it was literally the vector they used to take the protests down

>> No.11905210


>> No.11905239

Whiteness is bad and is to be abolished which means anything associated with whiteness must also be abolished.

>> No.11905245

Why destroy it? It actually sounds pretty based.

>> No.11905253

Whiteness is oppression. Other races can't succeed until whiteness and everything associated with it is eliminated.

>> No.11905258


>Success through the destruction of the successful

>> No.11905264

> the nuclear family with father and mother present is the ideal family unit

Those crazy white people. Clearly an obese welfare dependent single mother with five chilluns from fo diffent mans be da shizzle, yo.

>> No.11905268

Different cultures have different definitions of success. Having a hut with a tin roof instead of a thatched roof is success to some.

>> No.11905272

>Guys, how do we destroy whiteness?

1). First, go to >>>/pol/
2). There is no 2. We just want you to take that shit to /pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.11905276

At least the didn't go after STEM.

>> No.11905280

why dont you tell that to the NMAAHC?

>> No.11905285

Do you really believe this isn't going to turn into an attack on science and industry?

>> No.11905287

Some of these traits of "whiteness" like individualism would be traits that run contrary to a Marxist dictatorship. It's almost as if some tyannical fucks are conflating traits that would make people resist a dictator with racism in an attempt to trick people into submitting to totalitarianism.

>> No.11905290

turns out it's real
these people are fucking mentally deranged.


Oh look Bell Hooks
Why do these people love to redefine terms?

>> No.11905296
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>Different cultures have different definitions of success.
Not true for 90% of the planet.
When people see the lifestyles of Americans etc they change their definition of success and try to emulate what they see.
The Soviet Union and modern China censored all sorts of American media just so their people wouldn't be enticed by the American dream/ wealth and force a change in their own countries.

>> No.11905299

>Not true for 90% of the planet.
10% is close to black people being 13% of the US population.

>> No.11905304

>emphasis on scientific method
>objective, rational linear thinking
>cause and effect relationships
>quantitative emphasis
are you so sure on that?

>> No.11905308

The Boris Yeltsin supermarket trip likely did more to push the USSR into market reforms than any president ever did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpwOSxmMwQA

>> No.11905313

It's obvious where #cancelSTEM came from.

>> No.11905318

the rot starts at the head
>If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.

>> No.11905333


It's neofeudalism.

>> No.11905356

yeah, pretty close to it, I heard that's one reason they like islam too, just look at the house of Saud as an example.

>> No.11905378

>Indeed science must fall.

I do believe we are seeing a future president of South Africa


>> No.11905393

maybe he wasn't corrupt as fuck taking bribes and stealing from the national purse and was just really bad at maths so he didn't realise he'd made a mistake?

>> No.11905405

>Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin. We need to be honest about the ways white people have benefited from racism so we can work toward an equitable, fair and just society.

Man, I think I missed the boat on benefiting from racism because it seems like all I've inherited is the guilt. If anything, I have less opportunities because I'm a white male. I've never had an offer extended or a spot reserved for me because of the color of my skin.

>> No.11905410
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>Stereotyping is OK when you're stereotyping white culture

>> No.11905413

The benefits are systematic so you can't see them. You benefit from them invisibly. Since it is invisible, no proof is possible.

>> No.11905420

That makes no sense, if the benefits are systematic shouldn't they be objective and demonstrable, since they're planned? Where's the plan that's giving me advantages? If anything the systematic benefits are afforded to minorities, and they're certainly not invisible, they're in your face.

>> No.11905421

So we're supposed to believe in some invisible concept like a god?

>> No.11905424

is there a section on jewishness?

>> No.11905428

Out of sight, out of mind. Why do they care?

>> No.11905437

That would get them banned from twitter.
>That makes no sense
Does it need to? This comes from the same fountain the produced >>11904722. These are not rational people. They have an emotional hatred of you. They don't need to prove that systematic benefits exist because they feel that they exist which is proof enough to them.
That's the beauty of it. Because it is woven throughout the system, it can't be seen which means there is no need to prove it exists. Systematic is a magic word that means "I don't got to prove shit".

>> No.11905442
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>> No.11905444

If they hate it why don't they separate and build a civilisation of their own on these "non-white" principles they hold so dear?
Why do they keep coming to white countries?

>> No.11905448

this is infuriating
like it was designed to make me as mad as possible