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11904119 No.11904119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how long would it take for muslims to breed europe? and make it fully islamic in the future?

>> No.11904161

jesus fucking christ
oh wait

>> No.11904176

a very very long time

>> No.11904188

Empty europe?

>> No.11904196

Average muslim couple has 3 children, average white couple has 1 child, rounded to the nearest whole child. So that means the number of whites are halving every generation while muslims grow 50%.

>> No.11904297

EU as a whole, never.
shithole countries like france, germany, sweden already lost the battle, they just don't know it yet

>> No.11904347
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you called?

>> No.11904586

thats like asking how many christians will take over when referring to subsaharan rapist immigrants coming into europe. tell it like it really is, these migrants are pakistani and sub-saharan african. it take them as long as jews in the EU would like to get Europe to submit to them. I don't ever see Europe becoming a muslim country, not with how much lgbt nonsense is becoming popular.

>> No.11904600

Are you sure you really want to go up against the group of people with the history of the most controlled violence and genius for war to ever exist on the planet?

>> No.11905041

I am turkish and yes.
I am the bane of whites.

>> No.11905082
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this desu. it has to do everything with race and culture. it just happened to be that most of arabs and pakis are muslim but subsaharan niggers are christians and still uncivilized. christcucks btfo

>> No.11905113

Depends on the future of the living standards for Muslims in Europe. As these standards improve, you would see a decline in birth rates. So the question is if living standards would improve quickly enough to slow down growth. Also there is the factor of immigration, would current rates continue or draw off?

>> No.11905335

yeah, selling your shitty kebab and trying to look funny infront of your customers

>> No.11905352

And the return of ethnonationalism and racial consciounce.

>> No.11905364

this nigga stuck in 2015 fr

>> No.11906371


>> No.11906384

rekt kek

>> No.11906390

It depends on the females.
It could happen in a few years if muslim women continue to conceive children at high rates.
Muslims will dominate if muslim women open their legs to every native Tom dick or Harry who needs to get off bareback.
Just don't tell them this religious hack.

>> No.11906408

I would support immediate bombing of every migrant ship. Europe has been sacrificed for greed, all notions of "human rights" are off the table.

>> No.11906834

50 years
From that point onward the population pyramids are completely inverted with Muslims being the majority in the sub 20 age bracket. Europeans will stay the "majority" for some time longer but the majority will just be old and decrepit people that are at the mercy of the coming generations. I suggest moving somewhere else, which is what I'm doing.

>> No.11906983

or a race war?

>> No.11907000

that so called race war would be russia roflstomping the shit out of every nigger.

>> No.11907011


Not soon enough

>> No.11907014

2-3 generations for countries like France, Germany, Bongland. It will probably lead to balkanization of western Europe.
Liberal muslim also do not reproduce at high rates (see Turkey), so its likely the most primitive will define the ethnic composition of Europe.


>> No.11907020

Truly it is.
This is genocide we should not hide from calling it what it is. they breed like rodents off of the welfare system.

>> No.11907028


Not just Russia, none of the countries east of Germany and Sweden are falling for it. Ironically, those are also the countries still at odds with Russia, and the ones that will fight them with the Americans.

Russia itself doesn't look too good either, like 10-20% Muslim

>> No.11907138

Never? Or a very long time. At most mudslimes are expected to take up, around 20% of western europoors population by fucking 2500.

>> No.11907141
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They won't repopulate Europe unless there's a White genocide. Whites are due for a fertility rebound.


>> No.11907143

And this is the most likely scenario. Western europoors will probably end up lookibg like their meds neighbours.

>> No.11907150
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This is the first time I've ever seen a based person use that image.

>> No.11907179

Aren't most in the cities? surely all we need is smallpox or something to come back?

>> No.11907269
File: 213 KB, 879x739, CAFB853B-9BBB-4D72-909D-ECCFC62E8869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ - Science & Math
also pic related itt

>> No.11907288 [DELETED] 

Why do most look sort of jewish?

>> No.11908239

Muslims aren’t a race you fucking retard. Whites can become Muslim and middle easterners can leave Islam if they wish.

>> No.11909779

You have mosques in even small towns and villages so no this is not just a few concentrated minorities but cuck bois like >>11907269 will never open their eyes to the issue. The only solace is that liberals that enabled this demographic change will suffer most under an Islamic government. Just to put things into perspective, in Germany 36% of all children under 18 have a migration background. Some cities like Essen and the surrounding areas are composed of a foreign population of about 15-20% i.e.without even German citizenship. If you can then leave the sinking boat before you're too old to save yourself.


>> No.11909781

I'm aware how fucked up this whole thing is, this was a planned strategy to destroy europeans concocted by a dedicated enemy

>> No.11909783

>Germany 36% of all children under 18 have a migration background
england is actually worse, 33% of first year primary schoolers are not english.

>> No.11909810

A lot of them are Polish, Romanian etc. tho

>> No.11909820

gypsies are no improvement.

>> No.11909824


romania is shitskin on its own, no need for migration there.

most polaks are mini hitlers, migration will never set foot there

hungary puts them goatfuckers in concentration camps,as soon as they arrive at the borders

countries controlled by jews (libtards), are getting heavily rekt in the name of "equality", i honestly doubt there is anything those countries can do to save themselves. they already lost the battle, its a matter of time until allah takes over the government and that will be the time the rest of eu and possibly russia will fry them and rearrange the borders.

it's really funny to see how the richest countries in eu let themselves get rekt this easily

>> No.11909828

islamic births in russia aren't pretty either.

>> No.11909830

>Whites are due for a fertility rebound.
That's not how this works.

>> No.11909835

correct this for race.

>> No.11909836

you are saying this like russia would have any problem getting rid of them once they deem them to be a threat

unlike germany, france and swedistan, russia wont bat an eye committing mass genocide against an alien race.

>> No.11909837

Do you think it might be the Jews? I think it's the Jews.

>> No.11909839

No, anon that's proposterous, they have lived amongst us for hundreds of years there's no way they could be behind anything like this surely...........................

>> No.11909877

Christian countries will never accept islam they have 0 chance.

>> No.11909881

Demographics is destiny and the tide must be turned.
perhaps we should learn from the history of Russia with its centuries of warfare that "and then it got worse" is the reality we face.

>> No.11909882

Yes but difference between Russia and cuck western Europoid is that Russia have leader like Putin that will send FSB to nadethem out if needed. They will never do anything because if they try they will drop dead in next day.

>> No.11909890

germany, a christian country has more pajet temples than christian ones

you may cope as much as you want, its not about countries being christian, its about nationalism, the concept of propagating your sovereignty.

>> No.11909902

Honestly Putin does some pretty good things and I suspect one of the reasons the west is so fucked up is that the people he kicked out for ruining russia fled here..

>> No.11909906

Germany is not christian country and don't call them like that. They are islamist new country, they betrayed everything and give them their own country to different hands,they take different god as their own. They are degenerates.

>> No.11909907

>russian gov guy trying to ruin russia
>putin kicks him outta country
>bad gov guy goes to germany and ruins it instead
Take your meds.

The west is so fucked up because germany is guilttripped into libtardism, the french are faggots, and the sweds thought they figured out the world and just to prove it they rekt themselves.

>> No.11909911

Why exactly do you think the Ukraine war happened?

>> No.11909912

I'm not saying that Putin is bad or good but what is needed. If you want to have multicultural country you also need strong leader and strong goverment that is trying to keep everything at one place. In liberal countries it's not working because they let them do whatever they want... in Russia LGBTI degenerates are instantly pursued and fled away from streets just how it should be. We can let degenerates to rule normal peoples, they are sick and if sick peoples will start demanding and ruling over the normals it will be fucked just as Germany or Sweden.

>> No.11909916

so ukraine is suddenly a western country?

in any case, im pretty sure it will be consumed by russia, its just a matter of time

>> No.11909923

the ukraine color revolution was literally a cia op

>> No.11909924

Ukraine is weak county full of nazis... of course it will be eaten.

>> No.11909926

we basically need a strong King.

>> No.11909941

I personally don't need anybody to rule over me, i know how to decide and know what to do with my life be responsible,study and work. I'm sure you can do same because otherwise you will not be here.

Problem is peoples who are mess, they don't read,they have no idea what's going on in politics, they think that liberalism is something good for society even it turns woman against man,peoples against peoples,call everybody racist who don't agrees with them and everything degenerative with it... they don't study they have no idea and worst is they don't really care their main native is "After me there can be flood i don't care" these type of peoples are actual problem because they have rights to vote, they can do what ever they want and that's how it ends... goverment usually don't care as much as they can steal from people they allow everything, and there are just few percent of normal peoples who are thinking critial and keep saying "Wait a second this will not end up well and i defenitly don't want somebody teaching my kid some LGBTI bullshit about how they can choose their gender and everything else... yeah I would take rights from peoples specially to peoples who don't give a shit, if they don't give a shit then they can suffer who cares but why should i if i do right ?

>> No.11909944

>Since im not the biggest brainlet alive, i know how to live safely together with people, and since im still a brainlet, i assoom everyone else does too.

>> No.11909947
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I'm aware of whats happening bro, I just don't like discussing it with a bunch of hysterical larping burgers who probably arent even white to begin with, there's a time and a place for those kinds and it belongs in their containment board

>> No.11909965

Fuck off. All you do is ignore the issue or let it simmer until you can't just sideline it anymore and then what you do is present the world with a fait accompli which is irreversible and then we just have to somehow live with it now. Your obssession with mutts is just as pathetic as the pictures you are posting. Demographic changes of monumental consequences are certainly a topic for sci and everyone living in Europe, ignoring the issue makes you more than complicit. But I guess all you can do is screech pol and post some garbage.

>> No.11909971

its already irreversible
if germany tried to try to fix the problem theyd be labelled as nazis, not only their hands are tied, they are brainwashed into accepting and living together with the situation.

>> No.11909975

Guys did you ever ask your self why the dude is white? I guess he is not even muslime, but i fear they get are race mixed baby.

>> No.11909980
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>All you do is ignore the issue or let it simmer
>unlike me, who posts off topic statistics on a science board on an anime image forum
>this is me doing something about it

>> No.11910067

just look at the former yugoslavia, muslims were a minority in the country and just out bred everyone else to be the majority in enclaves, or parts of the country.

interesting case as they didnt want to categorize people whose religion is muslim as turkish or arab so they just put them in a muslim category.

Anyways, Yugoslavia version 1 started 1922 i think?, version 2 started in 1945, first civil war with muslims at around 45% population of a region started around 1991? 2nd civil war with muslims and a part of the country at around 68% population started in 1996.

Both resulted in new micro nations being formed.

So using this simple use case, 2068 will be the first civil war in some part of europe demanding to be independent because they are muslim once that country or region hits close to 50% muslim population. Followed on by other parts of europe once parts of it hit over 50% a few years later and snowball from there.

>> No.11910091
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>great replacement

>> No.11910111

Holy fuck muslims are roaches.

>> No.11910120

Low IQ thread

>> No.11910123

>t. Mudslime in Europe
I hope another Hitler comes to power before you're ever allowed to breed here.

>> No.11910125

In a few decades we'll have cybernetic augmentation, genetic engineering, and probably AGI. Shit is going to be wacky and dystopian, with extreme inequality between the techno-ubermensch and impoverished proles. Muslims may become a larger contingency, yet the elites' panopticon and army of kill drones will keep the populace in check.

>> No.11910128
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>That's not how this works.
Why not? Do you deny the existence of natural selection?

West Germany has a similar Muslim/non-white population compared to France. You wouldn't see as sharp of a France/Germany divide if it weren't partially due to White French having higher fertility. France also had an earlier demographic transition, meaning they had more time for natural selection to take effect.

>> No.11910188

its not very likely to happen, just look at spain <-> catalonia or romania<->transylvania

>> No.11910200

>France also had an earlier demographic transition
Could you elaborate on this?

>> No.11910213

assuming most of them will hold onto their religion is dishonest, in fact I bet most of them dont and pay lip service at best. Influence goes both ways.

So even if they do replace woites I dont really think there would be an islamic caliphate.

>> No.11910459

What are peoples thoughts on ex muslims? Are they good?

>> No.11910467

Whats quite funny is the way that the hijab has been commercialised. It used to properly mean covering up/modesty. Now it's a weird mix of being a fashion statement. Plus, girls go out with makeup and heels etc. so where is the modesty? It's such a bizzare thing. It's a relic of a past era where it used to mean something. Now, nobody gives a shit. Religiousness in the west is dying. In Turkey, Islamism is dying in the youth. Nobody gives a shit about some stone age arab religion.

>> No.11910540
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>> No.11910581

their numbers are rapidly growing as they realise how muich bullshit is in islam.

>> No.11910700

I did the math: native Europeans will be reduced to 7 millons by the year 2215

>> No.11910745

>white couple has 1 child
when the woman is 31 years old (on average); the others starts breeding earlier, which is really important: they can have 4 generations per century; whites only 3

>> No.11911534

i agree with this point was just using a European country that has been 'balkanized' (term invented following the breakup of yugoslavia) where hybrid micro nations have been created because a part of the population have their nationality identified as 'muslim' by accident really and the flow on affects from that. Catalonia/Transylvania etc makes matters worse as its like 'if they can have a micronation, why cant we, etc, etc'.

the use case is plain for all to see, its not based on racism or anti muslim bias, just facts.

no doubt the collapse of communism in eastern europe and posturing between Russia vs EU vs USA and very clever marketing with early internet and early social media helped a lot with the 'plight' of people in these now micronations once the majority of the population had 'enough' of them wanting more rights/recognition/independence and started to clamp down on them.

its fascinating really.

>> No.11912088

>another Hitler
impossible with the current owners of the media and social networks

>> No.11912622

Its a worrying problem and the solution is not obvious.
One solution would be what romania did to transylvania - but that would require nationalism to rise, alongsidr with a law similar to chinesse birth control.

The problem i,s its considered inhumane in europe, meanwhile the niggers are prohibited by shaira to wear protection.

Unless the sissified parts of europe wake up, they are as good as dead meat, and islam revolutions ought to happen which will led for another europe wide war, that will eradicate the islams, and redraw the borders.

>> No.11912624

Samefag here, its funny to watch how the germans will be guilty again for troubles in the eu.

>> No.11912625

It doesn't matter where this world is going anyways.

>> No.11912649

The muslims who abandon Islam don't reproduce much. The ones who stay muslim raise 4 children on average. Even if 90% of muslim youth abandons their religion, it won't matter.