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11903463 No.11903463 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these countries ignored?

>> No.11903468
File: 767 KB, 1076x5406, Plandemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are only these states lambasted?

>> No.11903536

Assuming you're not trolling, Spain and Italy where rightfully mocked. So was the UK for their herd immunity shit and Sweden was mocked for not shutting down or doing anything about the virus at all. I'm American so I can't say more than that.

All three states had time to prepare for the coronavirus but failed to heed the warnings.
Florida got caught telling coroners to hide data of covid-19 deaths. Florida currently has most of their major hospitals at full capacity. So people without the coronavirus could die simply because they weren't able to access medical help. The whole system could potentially collapse at the rate its going This is another consequence of opening too soon.
Arizona is reaching full capacity in many of their hospitals, last report I read is they're deploying ice trucks to store dead bodies since morgues are at capacity. This is the same thing that happened in Italy before everything went to shit.
Texas has similar issues to both, but they're handling the virus better than both. Granted they still failed to heed the warnings and did not properly stock up in PPE despite all the time they had.

All three states rank among the worst when it comes to testing people for the coronavirus, as far as we know more people could have died from the virus who where not tested because the states in question have a shortage of test. Florida blocking death data has only come to make people suspect their numbers of actual dead. As far as we know they're still lying.
All 3 states are barely entering coronavirus crises, many of the people that have it in their state got it in the last two weeks. The death toll could quickly rise.
so they all have the potential (especially Florida) to be an even bigger disaster than New York. Any more questions?

>> No.11903549
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Current governor party affiliation

>> No.11903550
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>> No.11903551

Sweden had done some things, like moving all higher education to distance based teaching, forbidding visits to elderly homes, and banning gatherings of over 50 people. It's not a lot though

>> No.11903554

Oh, I noticed that you stopped just before the USA. Why are you conveniently ignoring the country with the worst response to the pandemic? Why are you ignoring the country where they decided to pretend that the virus didn't exist during the whole month of February? Why are you ignoring the country where they tell you to inject bleach to cure the virus? Why are you ignoring the country where people are proud of not wearing masks? You seem to imply that the USA is not a country of clowns.

>> No.11903555
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By 2016 election results

>> No.11903569

Okay, and?
Ah, I didn't know that.
Yeah I didn't write much about Europe since like I said I don't know enough to talk about what's going on over there

>> No.11903573

>Florida currently has most of their major hospitals at full capacity.
Totally wrong

> All three states rank among the worst when it comes to testing people for the coronavirus, as far as we know more people could have died from the virus who where not tested

Also wrong

Hospitals and labs across the state have also been found to have testing data that doesn’t match the statewide reports at all, by as much as a factor of 10

It’s a nothingburger all right but have fun wearing your cuck muzzle until the vaccine with biometric tracking id becomes available in 2025

>> No.11903574

"Blood is on Trump's hands"
Across the board, the TRUE metric of failure to deal with Covid-19, the per capita death rate, is significantly worse under Democratic leadership. Yet the media ignores these and focuses only on the worst of the Republican states? The hypocrisy is disgusting.

>> No.11903578

Dumb white people dying off, good riddance.

>> No.11903583

I just went to the hospital today, I live in Florida.
Nearly completely empty. This hoax was fun a few months ago, now it's just annoying.

>> No.11903592

Love how /pol/tards get overly aggressive when you slap them in the face with truths they don’t like.

>> No.11903593

Bro, science needs to gtfo politics. So called scientists should give the raw data and let wise leaders (republicans as it stands today) decide political action. These recommendations from our scientific clergymen are a fatal conceit.

>> No.11903596


>> No.11903601

These countries did very poorly in the early stages of the epidemic, and were shit-talked with abandon, but have now cleaned up their act and have the problem mostly resolved. The country immediately below the ones you highlighted, on the other hand, has the ongoing explosion of deaths right now, which means they are the right target for shit talking right now.

In addition, the later in the pandemic's progress you fuck it up, the more deserving of shit you are, because you had more warning to prepare. Early response is harder than late response.

>> No.11903603
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Uh oh black bros we got too cocky

>> No.11903604

Pasty white cracker.

>> No.11903611
File: 289 KB, 1440x986, Be afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people getting infected right now. This is what they want you to be afraid for.

>> No.11903612

That's just in America, in Africa there's been less dead than the entire New York State.

>> No.11903624

>People in their native land are more resistant to disease
>Africans live an active lifestyle and get plenty of sun and fresh air
I like Africans, I really do. They are nice. Niggers OTOH suck.

>> No.11903639
File: 496 KB, 1862x1297, Blank_29066f5f7b4b2db9a546d7c7187a55e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call white person "past white cracker"
>Call black person nigger
>Pic related

>> No.11903640

Because it doesn't fit the yuro narrarive. Brits still havent taken their loss over America becoming indepenent so they have launched an onslaught of garbage to yuropeanize America. We are a free country that believes the government must serve us, but yuros think people must obey the govt, and they should have unlimited power to ban everything.

>> No.11903641

are they?

>> No.11903644

Compared to USA, yes

>> No.11903646

Deaths by (or with?) covid are recorded differently everywhere, so it's not a particularly reliable measurement.

>> No.11903658 [DELETED] 

Why don't people post with emojis here , this is funny

>> No.11903700

So you think the US should be even lower? Since they report deaths with Covid as by Covid

>> No.11903708

>Totally wrong
Somewhat wrong, I was only thinking about the big counties
>Statewide, nearly 23 percent of hospital beds were available Monday morning. But bed capacity differs by county.
23% for the entire state is a complete disaster irregardless. Given the trajectory of the virus, it ain't looking good
>Also wrong
You realize all three states are below the nationwide average?
Florida has improved from two weeks ago but they're still at the bottom.

You realize that has nothing to do with the positive tests results, right? Or are you gonna claim its some grand conspiracy concocted by Soros? Also
>Faux News
Meanwhile it's the state of Florida caught hiding information

What are you even trying to prove? Why so aggressive? Are you a /pol/tard that came here looking for approval from more intelligent people? This isn't your hivemind faggot. If you can't argue using facts and logic you'll be called out for the retard that you are. Now fuck off to one of your cuck rallies for your free covid dose.

Do you even know what the difference is between a hospital and a clinic?

>> No.11903714
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>Why so aggressive?
>Are you a /pol/tard that came here looking for approval from more intelligent people? This isn't your hivemind faggot. If you can't argue using facts and logic you'll be called out for the retard that you are. Now fuck off to one of your cuck rallies for your free covid dose.
Pot kettle something

>> No.11903719

His point is that people like yourself are saying the US is the worst when it clearly isn't per capita.

>> No.11903725

Do you honestly believe they have the capacity to test effectly, or even bother to test in Africa? They have more serious shit going on over there

>> No.11903744

It doesn't matter if you think there's no data, the hospitals aren't as overwhelmed as they are in other countries and African countries also have western media like CNN and BBC who jump at the slightest opportunity to defame the people, so that excuse of no data is bullshit

>> No.11903751

make a big fat fucking guess


>> No.11903759
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>> No.11903768

>In addition, the later in the pandemic's progress you fuck it up, the more deserving of shit you are, because you had more warning to prepare. Early response is harder than late response.

Unless you've been living under a rock, the explosion of deaths in Italy and Spain was a huge deal two months ago.

>> No.11903771

Why bring politics into this? The important factor is pockets of population density. Republican led states like Wyoming would never have this problem.

>> No.11903782


>why bring politics into this

Stop pretending that libs aren't viciously trying to make this about politics at every turn. They were foaming at the mouth when data came out that Texas and Florida were having a surge in infections

>> No.11903785


Michigan and Illinois do not have Republican governors.

>> No.11903794

>They were foaming at the mouth
Who is they? Some retards on Twitter? I don't think anyone relevant is happy that Texans and Floridians are suffering. And just because you think one side is shitty doesn't mean you should be shitty.

>> No.11903799


People on all of my social media and particularly reddit. Yeah, when they're trying to make this all about the mean orange man and his epic out of context quotes, as well as "Trump states" I think I'll go ahead and shut their stupid fag asses up with the real facts. Don't preach apathy to me, this country is getting taken over by zealous, delusional morons.

>> No.11903810

Can confirm
Even of we did in Illinois, he'd be a Madigan puppet in disguise

>> No.11903818

>real facts
Trying to pin corona deaths on Dem governors is not "real facts." It's retarded. So yeah, you're being exactly as shitty, and not shutting anyone up. You're making things worse. Fight back against false claims specifically, and also be critical of your own team's failings.

>> No.11903824

The top 12 states are blue, regardless of what their governers say they are. They're also more heavily populated. The states at the bottom have populations of single cities in the top 12

But agreed, why bring politics into it. Oh yeah, cause the media keeps forcing us too... BLM fucking blows as a revolution. New revolution when, this time we hang everyone at cnn fox and everything else

>> No.11903825


How is it not relevant that 9/10 of the most deadly states for COVID are ran by Democrats? Anon, if those were Republicans instead it would get constant scrutiny on news media. They absolutely could be handling this worse due to the lack of heat they receive for their party status. They're still sucking Cuomo's cock even though he did objectively terrible things like having nursing homes open up as temporary hospitals. Negligence causes deaths, friendo.

>> No.11903829

The discussion finally starts if you can admit you should do the same

>> No.11903846

>Sweden was mocked for not shutting down or doing anything about the virus at all
Now they won't have to be "locking down during 60% of the time".

>> No.11903856

C is mostly over and in control in Europe, whereas in America it’s still growing. Wait a few months and see what happens.

>> No.11903864

The BLM riots as a way to overthrow the government is lame but they've shaken down corporate America and the wealthy for about $2 billion so far. To put that into context, the Democrats currently have about $35 million and the Republicans $75 million. Who is going to get that BLM money and what are they going to do with it? The Democrats think it's going to be their money but there's no reason for BLM to hand it over to a bunch of old guard insiders instead of pushing their agenda directly. BLM's impact on society has just begun. Two billion is a lot of money and they haven't stopped their shakedowns yet.

>> No.11903866
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>C is mostly over and in control in Europe
Until the second waaaave starts. This is now the new normal. This will have to be repeated forever until the mandatory vaccine is out, and since the antibodies fade away after a few months you'll have to get a shot every 2 months.

>> No.11903873
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Aren't most blue states high-population density urban states? Isn't it logical that the virus hit there first?

>> No.11903876
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France seems to be second-waving. They'll have to lockdown again soon.

>> No.11903905

>cities have the worst cases because people are in close proximity
>biggest cities are governed by democrats because the poor and minorities generally favor those who help them most
>Trump refuses to create a national Covid-19 response plan
>Trump followers believe it's a hoax and refuse to take precautions
>Republican governors have been caught lying about the numbers to get the economy back
>instead blame Democrat governors who oversee the largest population centers in the US
What are you, 9?

>> No.11903922


Wouldn't a governor or mayor of a high density area have the foresight and wherewithal to take more proactive measures given that danger? Or do they need their hands held for them. We can hold them up to criticism for utterly dropping the ball on it, right? NYC was having parades and parties in February and criticizing Trump for blocking travel to China.

>> No.11903929
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Third world are the real champions in fighting the COVID

>> No.11903935
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Shhhh, no one is suppose to remember any of that.

>> No.11903936
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>> No.11903937
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>Trump refuses to create a national Covid-19 response plan

>> No.11903938

>muh China travel ban!
Trump blocked travel from China only for Chinese nationals. That's not how you prevent a virus from spreading, it's just racist bigotry which was rightfully criticized because duh. Furthermore the infection that spread through New York was traced to the outbreak in Europe not directly from China. Donald Trump ordered flights cancelled from Europe but allowed tens of thousands of people through first, had no plans for how to test those coming into the country for Covid and packed people into Airports like cords of wood.

This is all Trump's fault and you can't accept that because 'orange clown good'. You Republitards are truly hopeless.

>> No.11903943

it is not a suprise that if you live in the usa people talk about the usa

>> No.11903953

Which did what exactly? The task force refused to listen to health experts, lied repeatedly about the spread of Covid in the US, told people opening the economy was more important, downplayed the numbers of the dead and dying to force states to reopen too early, Trump and Pence refused to even wear masks in public, and was finally disbanded because Fauci was becoming more popular than the President and he couldn't have that.

>> No.11903959

>Wouldn't a governor or mayor of a high density area have the foresight and wherewithal to take more proactive measures given that danger?
They arguably did. We don't know how bad it could have been. Those regions shut down much harder and faster than Florida or Arizona are.

>> No.11903960
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Do you really miss a couple of ultra-obese new yorkers?

>> No.11903974

what do you mean ignored? ignored by who or what? they are included in the list, so none them are ignored

>> No.11903992


>> No.11904004

You suggest that social distancing is a dumb practice. Sweden didn't do it and they are just fine. Did better than many countries that did try social distancing. Herd immunity has always worked, Sweden proved it. Only our economy is now fucked and theirs isn't. Fuck the lying media in USA

>> No.11904007
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>They arguably did

This is exactly what I mean. You're calling other people overly political and then refusing to hold "your side" to task. What a fucking cope.

>> No.11904021
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>Sweden is doing fine

>> No.11904025


Give us the data from that and not some journalist's deliberately slanted take. The title gives it away.

>> No.11904029

they die of other causes before getting old enough to die of covid

>> No.11904054

Wow, are white people this dumb, covid has been here for barely 6 months and how many people have died of other causes before growing up? Come back when you can properly argue dimwit.

>> No.11904061

Alright back to the retard pen alongside all the other rejects.

>> No.11904063

you are not making any sense

>> No.11904185

They took proactive measures. They could have taken more, and done things more cleanly. It wasn't perfect, but it seems to have been somewhat effective.

See, nuance!

>> No.11904198

Death per million is below UK, Spain, Italy and their new death per day is close ro zero now, which means all that clapping for nhs did fuck all

>> No.11904244

You know i used to think you guys were smart, covid 19 has exposed your stupidity like never before. It turns out that you hide it very well while you broadcast and literally hunt for stories that show how miserable Africans are and while you are at it you also broadcast your own achievements because you have the means of transmitting media globally. But you are all just as stupid if not more than the Africans are.

>> No.11904422
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Baaaa baaaaaa baaaaaa

>> No.11904427

we have autism so we social distance all the time, pandemic or not

>> No.11904444

>keep the economy closed
Oh yeah that will definitely work long-term, retard. Thanks for confirming you're actually 9.

>> No.11904873

God americans are fucking stupid. Per capita stats means jack shit. You're too stupid to realize that a virus growth during the early stages is exponential, and how fast the cases double doesn't depend on total country population at all. The only thing that matters is population density. This is why democrat cities are doing worse. Density. This is why europe did first at the start. They have a higher population density. But to claim that their per capita deaths are higher, therefore they were doing worse is the most moronic thing you could say. It shows just how fucking stupid your lot is. You think the virus goes on google and searches for the population size of your country and then tells himself, well Sweden has 10 million people, so i'll double every day, while the US has 328 million so i'll double hour and half? No shithead, that's not how any of this works. You start with 1 case, and if the growth rate is 2 per day, the next day you get 2 new cases, then 4 new cases, then 8 and so on. And that's regardless of whether your population size is 10 million or 300 million. The only thing that affects the growth of a virus are the measures in place to stop the spread such as contact tracing, distancing, lockdowns, quarantines, as well as population density. If more people live close to each other, the growth rate is higher. But guess what, europe has an average population density twice that of the US. You want to bring per capita stats? Then here it is:
US pop: 328M
Europe pop: 748M
US cases: 3.5M, 140k deaths
EU cases: 1.6M, 180k deaths
US per capita:1067/100k case, 42/100k death
EU per capita:213/100k case, 24/100k death
Cherry picking small densely populated countries is like me cherry picking NYC and claiming their per capita cases is higher than anywhere else (1.7k per million). Another thing you seem to forget is that your cases are sky rocketing, europe is not.

>> No.11904895
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Retard. You can't bring in all of Europe when we're just talking about a few countries

>> No.11904907

This is such an idiotic argument. If your country is fucked due to corona the economy takes a huge hit regardless, because people panic and stay at home, just in a more haphazard and disorganized fashion, and when it's too late to stop the spread.

Early lockdown = Little spread, economic hit, less deaths, everybody sick or not stays at home, easier to do contact tracing, hospitals don't get overwhelmed

No lockdown = Economy still takes a huge hit because people panic, some sick people still go out, more difficult to do contact tracing, hospitals get overwhelmed.

>> No.11904912
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Why so many americans so bad on reading and understanding data, especially graphs? Not to say people from other countries don't make mistakes but so fucking often I see unironic post with graph presenting cherry picked data or straight up misinterpretation of presented data it is posted by an american. Sure most of the time it's some type of conspiracy shit but that's not surprising. Don't you fucking understand population density or wonder why Europe was hit so hard when covid went worldwide? Don't you see current dynamics of infection rate in EU and USA? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.11904914

Spain is entering the second wave now tho

>> No.11904979

>Retard. You can't bring in all of Europe when we're just talking about a few countries
Notice how the mutt hasn't addressed any of my points and just claims that you cannot bring all of Europe without any argument as to why. The mutt also conviniently ignored the fact that the virus follows an exponential curve, for which the growth is not linked to population size. You should go back to high school and learn about exponential growth. You seem to think that exponential growth depends on population size, but it doesn't you fucking moron. It only depends on the growth rate. And the growth rate is determined by a lot of factors, which population size is not (although population density is). Have you heard the 5 stages of grief? Seems like you've been stuck on the first stage for quite a while now, don't you think it's past the time to move on from denial?

>> No.11905059

Seething yuros dirate

>> No.11905076

Per capita didn't matter when you blame China for polluting even though they pollute a lot less per capita.
Why should per capita matter now? Well there we go checkmate.

>> No.11905487


>> No.11905527

Every single case of COVID is the fault of China.

>> No.11906418

>this time we hang everyone at cnn fox and everything else

Watch out there friendo, don't be antisemitic!

>> No.11906424
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>> No.11907005

They were mocked, and all are on a continuing decline of deaths and cases.

Because in a country that showed a steady decline of cases, they've managed to fuck it up for the rest of the country.

>> No.11907078

This. This.

Also, the deaths per millions today:
>US: 1.16
>Italy: 0.33
Do you see the problem?

>> No.11907198
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>> No.11907213

Italy already killed off all of its weakest people. The US is going through the process of doing the same.

>> No.11907304

Someone post this fucking website please. Until then this is information with NO SOURCE and therefore invalid.