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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 73 KB, 800x359, Immortals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11902715 No.11902715 [Reply] [Original]

Immortality lies just ahead.

So this youtuber decided to grow human neurons and connect them into a computer, it was a fail, but given the fact that he isn't a big lab with massive funding and the right equipment, the resulted awed me. He said that he will be attempting this again in the near future, with new equipment and different methods.

The fact that he, basically a "human on his backyard", managed to come up with all of this means that the path to immortality and brain uploading is near its destination.


Your thoughts on this video /sci/?

And also, brain uploading and immortality is the only way for the human future and should be the main scientifical goal of this century.

I do not care for your religious ideals and personal thoughts, what an individual decides for his own, personal life is not something that religious zealots, pseudo-intellectuals or any sort of anti-science person should put their filthy paws on and attempt to halt it.

>U-uh buh my scieantifical impossibilities made up in my brain!!111

It's not up to you, an outcast on an anime imageboard to decide what's scientifically impossible or not.

>> No.11902991
File: 1.11 MB, 844x1080, Fuck Aubrey de Gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""Researchers""" have been lying for decades about the progress they've made in life extension medicine. There has been ZERO fucking progress in 30 fucking years. This image is from 1992.

>> No.11902994

calorie restriction has proven to extend lifetime in 2 out of 2 primates its been tested in. rhesus macaques and grey mouse lemurs. aubrey de gray quite licherally based his argument against calorie restriction on some pedantic mouse biology argument and was dead wrong the mong

>> No.11902995

Why do you keep posting this

>> No.11902996

>calorie restriction has proven to extend lifetime
It absolutely has not. Caloric restriction does not add ONE FUCKING DAY to maximum lifespan. Period. Stop lying, you evil little shill.

>> No.11902997

>Caloric restriction does
thanks for agreeing with me

>> No.11902998

Pretty sure you don't know what the term "life extension" means.

>> No.11903047

Only for some.

>> No.11903062

>And also, brain uploading and immortality is the only way for the human future and should be the main scientifical goal of this century.

>> No.11903138

Absolutely based post, mind uploading is the ultimate future for the human race.

>> No.11903588

>copper electrodes
why not just throw a vat of cyanide onto the neurons?

>> No.11903597

>mentally ill incels uploading their useless consciousnesses so that they can be autistic mistakes forever
the future sounds great

>> No.11903703

>The fact that he, basically a "human on his backyard", managed to come up with all of this means that the path to immortality and brain uploading is near its destination.
Non-Sequitur, no it doesn't.
It means some clueless faggot did some stupid shit in his backyard that he didn't know how to do and that didn't even work.

>> No.11903712

how does uploading your brain make you immortal? even if there is an exact copy of your brain out there, the real you is still gonna die

>> No.11903723

Blood transfusion from a young, healthy individual and growth hormones higher life expectancy.

>> No.11903741

>It's not up to you, an outcast on an anime imageboard to decide what's scientifically impossible or not.
The majority of people on this board have master's degrees or Ph.Ds in a scientific field.

>> No.11903908
File: 48 KB, 480x309, Screenshot_20200425-220051~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post was awesome until you got super plebbit about it.

St george I'll letchu your video and start a new thread about it

>> No.11904079

It doesn't. But NPCs can't understand that because they never had minds to being with. If you're stupid enough, any two apples are identical.

>> No.11904170

>If you're stupid enough, any two apples are identical.
This is actually a great way to put it.

>> No.11905916


>> No.11905939

It literally does though.

>> No.11906180

Prove it. Show ANY evidence that caloric restriction actually increases maximum human lifespan.

>> No.11906184

Jesus Christ is the only way to immortality. If not him then future humans will just use scrying technology to resurrect the most important humans.

>> No.11906199

>The majority of people on this board have master's degrees or Ph.Ds in a scientific field.
I don't think that's true. I'm undergoing a PhD and most of the people posting here seem to be LARPers and 'thinkers' who probably use recreational drugs.

>> No.11906205

Funny, I've never encountered an immortal christian. Either your jesus is ineffective or christians are good at hiding their immortality.

>> No.11907729

Evolution has proven that it's easier, simpler, more reliable, faster and cheaper to just let the human shells rott after producing offspring.
The point of humanity is to transfer knowledge to the following generations.
That's the only "immortality" needed.