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11902313 No.11902313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mathematical proof that pedophilia is evolutionarily advantageous. I'm being flamed at the school I teach as a graduate assistant for because I wrote this in my spare time and sent it to a girl for quirky edgy points.

>> No.11902314
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>> No.11902317
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>> No.11902325

good, now fuck off

>> No.11902492

I think all you've done is prove why (((evolution theory))) is fake

>> No.11902536

That is such a shitty proof that you should be kicked out just for the low quality of your work. That's okay, though, the Flat Earth Society always need people who think they understand shit but don't.

>> No.11902542 [DELETED] 


>> No.11902562

Isn't reality a natural contradiction to your "proof"? You say that if pedophilia were net evolutionarily beneficial, almost all men would be naturally pedophilic. But they're not. Most men are not pedophilic. So, what the fuck are you talking about?


>Have I personally ever done anything pedophilic
>>Not that I know of

It all sounds like you trying to rationalize your own unadmitted pedophilia. "I feel this way, therefore it must be natural and evolutionarily advantageous and almost everyone else must feel this way, too." No, you're just broken.

>> No.11902604


>> No.11902642 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 992x661, crossing-the-swamp-ht-jef-180802_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

/sci/ simps won't like hearing this, but (((evolution))) is a kike lie. We are not related to niggers or monkeys. (Same thing actually lol)

>> No.11902822

- A 12 year old giving birth puts her at a very high risk of death, something which your pseudoscientific equations do not factor.
- "Having the most children" is not an evolutionary good, in general. You can see this as there is an extremely high amount of variation in the number of offspring between species.
- Evolutionarily beneficial does NOT equal morally correct.
- You CAN NOT prove something outside of mathematical axioms. Even if you made no logical errors this would be *evidence*, not proof.

>I'm being flamed at the school I teach as a graduate assistant
As you should be. The only reason to write this is because you really want to fuck little boys/girls.
That said, I think that there is an abysmal state of discourse around pedophilia, but it is not a subject to be discussed in a school classroom.

Exactly. And, morality aside, there are *very* good reasons not to procreate with 12 year old girls even if you try to maximize the number off children your society produces.

>> No.11902830 [DELETED] 

I am a jewish twittersphere persona/podcaster who deserves to be hung

>> No.11902969

>literally doxxes himself
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11902977

you blew it with the trump picture

>> No.11902979

Obvious bait is OBVIOUS

>> No.11902980

Why did women evolve to be able to bear children prior to their bodies being ready?

>> No.11902982

the age of starting puberty in modern humans has vastly decreased in recent times

>> No.11902985

>A 12 year old giving birth puts her at a very high risk of death, something which your pseudoscientific equations do not factor.
Evidence or shut the fuck up moralfag

>> No.11903042

Thank medical science and age of consent laws for that. Before those, girls that were too young died naturally at childbirth or couldn't raise strong offspring to propagate their genes. Now that the natural selection pressure all but disappeared this is just one of the less harmful genetic deficiencies that came to be through excessive moralfagging and we'll only see more of in the very near future.

>> No.11903045

It is not. What the fuck. Get out of here, sperg.

>> No.11903068

In awe of this Absolute social suicide

>> No.11903100

>Why did women evolve to be able to bear children prior to their bodies being ready?
Because there was no active selection against it, since people did realize that it was a bad idea to get 12 year olds pregnant.

Literally just Google it. Or apply common sense.

>> No.11903101

high historical childbirth motality

>> No.11903104


>> No.11903108

This was also largely due to deficiencies in medicine. But you can literally just Google it.
Also a bit of common sense tells you that you would want a women giving birth after she is fully grown. At least if you know a tiny bit about how children are born...

>> No.11903109
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But why young boys?

>> No.11903113

Because if you think that the pedophiles are arguing from a rational good faith position and not from "I want to fuck children", you would be wrong.

>> No.11903114

Technically some can be impregnated at very early ages but they will die if they don't grow large enough to birth them easily, usually they use a mating season to get around this problem so they just aren't old enough at that point.

>> No.11903116

To be fair, how much of the majority of men not being "pedophiles" is due to social conditioning? The legal age of marriage and thus sex was much lower in the past even in the west for a long time.

Simple put, if the age of concent was 12, would more men be sleeping with 12 year old girls? Do they not simply because it's illegal and they've been conditioned to think its wrong?

I realise this opens a large can of worms about sexuality in general and just how much of it is innate vs environmental conditioning.

>> No.11903119

*some species

>> No.11903122

Youngest recorded grandmother was some african slave harem girl at 17.
different races enter puberty earlier than others

>> No.11903123

Yes. And theft would be more prevalent if it was legal.
What exactly is your point?

>> No.11903128

That his entire argument that pedophilia isn't evolutionarily beneficial because most men aren't pedophiles is faulty.

>> No.11903134

No, it is not.
Is theft evolutionary advantageous?
Most likely not, since in basically every society it is highly frowned upon.
Would there be more thieves if theft was legal, yes.

The laws are a result of evolution, they do not exist in a vacuum.
And for that it is pretty much irrelevant if some proportion of people acts just because of the existence of those laws.

>> No.11903143

Technically most men are indeed not pedophiles if you keep in mind that pedo refers to children before puberty. It's relatively modern and entirely artificial invention to brand pedo anyone who looks wrong at a 17.9 y.o "child" while freely switching between the two definitions as it fits your agenda.

>> No.11903144

Early childbirth is still dangerous for women, and they are far less prepared to be successful mothers which reduces their long term genetic fitness.

>> No.11903157

>Is theft evolutionary advantageous
I know you think you're making a clever point here but it's a poor analogy so please just stop.
Also "X the law now therefore X is right" is an absolutely terrible argument and you should fuck off from this board entirely in shame.

I agree, but OPs definition of a pedo was men who were attracted to women as young as 12, not younger than that.

If we go by the definition of pedo=>prepubesant then my knowledge of history of this shit isn't that great. I know men could and did marry girls with a single digit age, but I don't know what the deal was with consummation of marriage. My question would be how often did that occur and how did people view it back then?

>> No.11903167

I 100% agree.

>I know you think you're making a clever point here but it's a poor analogy so please just stop.
You don't understand what I am saying at all.
>Also "X the law now therefore X is right" is an absolutely terrible argument and you should fuck off from this board entirely in shame.
This is IN NO WAY my argument. Are you legitimately retarded? Can you not read?

>> No.11903175

>The laws are a result of evolution, they do not exist in a vacuum.
That is exactly what you are arguing. Learn to explain your points better.
>You don't understand what I am saying at all.
No I don't, like I said using theft as an analogy is fucking dumb so why don't you try again. As you said it was highly frowned upon throughout history but relations with women lower than the current age of consent wasn't frowned upon in the past, and we haven't radically evolved biologically in the last 300 years, it just isn't comparable.

>> No.11903181

>brand pedo anyone who looks wrong at a 17.9 y.o "child"
Yes. There is a really toxic culture around this subject, which ironically, gives actual pedis some really easy arguments.
It is totally obvious that there can be no hard limitation based on facts which separates "can consent" from "can not consent". And this leads to a situation where both pedophiles and those who love to throw accusations of pedophilia around like to pretend that a 19 year old having a relationship with a 17 year old is the worst crime in the world.

>> No.11903187

>That is exactly what you are arguing.
I quite literally say the exact opposite. I say the laws are the result of evolutionary factors which shaped our view of morality.

I never even CLOSE to implied that "theft is immoral because it is illegal" I argued that the negative effects of stealing lead to an environmental bias against societies where stealing was acceptable which lead to punishment for stealing becoming ultimately codified into law.

>using theft as an analogy is fucking dumb

>but relations with women lower than the current age of consent wasn't frowned upon in the past
You can't pretend like it was normal to fuck a 12 year old girl so she would die in childbirth, which is what this is about.

The age of consent, just like laws against child labor (which was very prominent 100 years ago) were the result of changes in our social environment.

>> No.11903191

>Is theft evolutionary advantageous?
It actually is because it lets you obtain resources with less effort. It only can't be widespread because society can support only so much parasites before it collapses. But they always exist and prosper and are not even always frowned upon, like stock traders for example.

>> No.11903218

>were the result of changes in our social environment
Exactly, it isn't purely evolutionary and as ive said, laws have change even though we haven't meaningfully evolved during that time, so saying "laws are the result of evolutionary factors which shaped our view of morality" isn't accurate.
I literally just explained why. Unlike theft, "pedophilia" (using any definition) wasn't highly frowned upon through all of history in every culture, its fluctuated with time and location.

>You can't pretend like it was normal to fuck a 12 year old girl so she would die in childbirth, which is what this is about.
No I'm saying I don't know what age of females is normal for a male to be attracted to and by the lack of substance in your argument you don't know either. Whether a 12 year old has a low or high chance of surviving child birth has no bearing on what is "normal" or "natural" for male attraction. Right from the beginning I've freely admitted I don't know, and my only point has been using current male attitudes isn't a good gauge for what is innately "normal" due to very strong social pressure not to be interested in young females.

It to make it clear, I'm not advocating pedophilia in any way and couldn't imagine being interested in girls of 12 years of age or whatever.

>> No.11903228

>like stock traders for example
In all seriousness you bring up a good point. A lot of things accepted in the modern day like high taxes funding welfare or usury would indeed be seen as theft in the past. Its interesting how morality and what is just/unjust changes with time.

>> No.11903243

Holy shit if you want to ruin your career for the greater good then at least put some effort into ruining it

>> No.11903245
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Based and redpilled

>> No.11903478
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>"I expressed a socially acceptable opinion on the internet I am such a good person!"

>> No.11903485
File: 114 KB, 1024x818, 1592548712247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the normalfags in this thread. You are a true intellectual.

>> No.11903531 [DELETED] 

paul you are a dumbass.

>> No.11903532

>Have I personally ever done anything pedophilic?
>Not that I know of

Why would you answer like that

>> No.11903635

>And I have done the opposite I'm so quirky and edgy

>> No.11903638

based op

>> No.11904098

>screenshot without source link

>> No.11904122
File: 77 KB, 750x1334, FB_IMG_1594834912885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The source

>> No.11904137


>> No.11904269

Kys normalfag

>> No.11904279

has that chart been debunked?
did they show the men child porn to have the study made?

>> No.11904304

Fucking Christ dude do you have any social awareness at all?

>> No.11904342

no and the only debunkings will be from studies in which men lie because it's socially unacceptable to admit, like with other socially unpalatable topics such as blacks being dumber or women having a strong hypergamy instinct or how they fuck up workplaces

everyone know's that women's attractiveness is tied to their youthful appearance, which is why it's usually women who push the hardest for higher age of consent laws - deep down it's not about some 14 year old's brain development as much the older women's competition becoming stronger if men are permitted to act on their evolutionarily programmed desire for young and fertile women, whose beauty peaks in their teen years

>> No.11904370

It's almost admirable that this person believes so heavily that people will see this research and go "Oh yeah. Nothing wrong here." that he has doxxed his full name and Facebook profile away.

>> No.11904409

The absolute beast of integrity and honesty saying what he thinks is right to say