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File: 760 KB, 1080x1073, 1558951918963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11895291 No.11895291 [Reply] [Original]

How do I convince my parents the Moon Landings weren't faked?

>> No.11895297

Tell them the moon doesn't exist

>> No.11895433

The dust kicked up in the lunar landing footage doesn't fall at the same rate as the dust kicked up on Earth.

>> No.11895444

Suck your dad's dick
Eat your mom's pussy

>> No.11895461

if they don't believe the science, put it into political terms: if moon landings were faked, the ussr would have made damn sure that we were being frauds to the world.

>> No.11895492

Tell them that NASA left mirrors on the Moon that anyone with a laser powerful enough can ping from Earth and use to calculate the Moon's current distance to us.

Astronomers do this regularly. Every single astronomer in the world would have to be in on the conspiracy.

>> No.11895518

your full of shit. the angle has to be just perfect to allow for it to bounce back and even come close to your current position that you used the laser

that means that any mirrors left would only work for a specific observatory at a specific time each day and even being a minute to early or late would mean you cant ping shit with a laser and it would come back miles away

>> No.11895570

They've been there for decades.
Astronomers all over the world have used them.

>> No.11895575

If you schedule a visit to an observatory you can literally see this shit happen.

Tell them that the Russians have sent probes to the moon too and ask why the Russians would cover for the Americans it’s the height of the Cold War?

>> No.11895584

You've got to be kidding.

They're so cheap and easy to make we put them on bicycles. Here's the ones on the moon

>> No.11895587


>> No.11895617
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I tried telling my mom that. She said that the Russians didn't call our bluff because they too have also lied about their space exploits and that we would have exposed their fake space shit if they tried to expose ours.

>> No.11895682

imagine thinking people who watched it happen on live television in 1969 would believe Communists telling them it was fake. it's about as likely as you believing someone on /x/ today

>> No.11895683

Take them to the moon?

>> No.11895756

/x/ is legit, but it's on 4chan so it's wrong and retarded for the buy-in

>> No.11895764

But moon hasn't landed anywhere.... :X

>> No.11895770

One thing that can't be denied is that the rocket did actually launch in front of people. These rockets have physical blueprints that can be accessed too. At that point, why the fuck would the US just launch a whole ass rocket into space in front of a crowd just to circle around and fake the landing? Designing and building a rocket that can send people to the moon is a lot of work and expensive. This wasn't like building a lego death star or some shit, there was actual effort that when into this proven by these blueprints. After all that work, it's -more- worth it to go to the moon then fake it.

>> No.11895793

I think that launch wasn't faked at all maybe even that they where close to moon but that footage from landing look suspicious as fuck. Anyways it doesn't matter they got there beat the Russians in space flight and its over.

>> No.11895864

Lasers diverge anon.

>> No.11895885

311 Townsend St
San Francisco, CA 94107
United States

>> No.11895896

retroreflectors, son

>> No.11896006

Why does it matter to you that they think it was faked? Do they bring it up around other people and embarrass you? If not, let them have their goofy fantasy. Even if you debunk all of their reasons for thinking it is fake, a few weeks later they will forget everything you've told them.
Every hoaxer I've met goes on and on about the Van Allen Belt but can't explain any of the math. If you show them the math, they'll say the math is fake ("I know it's more radiation than that!") or something equally stupid. Even if they agree the math is correct, next time the subject comes up, they'll revert back to their old arguments.
Most hoaxers I've met have something in their past that makes them feel intellectually inferior and this is a way for them to feel smarter than everyone else. A large percentage of the ones I've met are of above average intelligence but have a GED because they were lazy and unmotivated in school. This expands out to the rest of their lives.
Then there are the mouth breathers who believe all kinds of crap. If they annoy you too much, you can always join a MLM scheme and get them as part of your downstream. They're the type that loves MLM scams because they truly believe it will make them rich.
The best you can expect from your parents is for them to agree to not bring up the subject when you're around. You should do the same for them.

>> No.11896045

>beat the Russians in space flight

>> No.11896049

moon landing conspiracies have existed since the 70s
there are now adults alive who weren't born on 9/11
i wonder how long it will be before someone claims that never actually happened either

>> No.11896189

>I believe the lunar landings were fake
>yet I believe that an internet network of computers communicate all the billions in the planet instantaneously is real
>also I believe everyone cares about my disfunctional family and retarded beliefs

>> No.11896200

>but that footage from landing look suspicious as fuck.
Only because you've been conditioned to think that from hearing thousands of idiotic and/or insane conspiracy theorists try to point out "inconsistencies" or whatever. It looks completely normal, because it is normal and real.

I could take a real event and pose dozens of "questions" about it and make you think it looks "suspicious" just because I primed you to think it. It's all psychological.

>> No.11896209

Get a job, loser. Caring about such irrelevant nonsense is a sign of immaturity and low intelligence. I don't give a fuck what the shape of earth is, whether or not we landed on the moon, how old the earth is, all that shit is completely irrelevant to my life. Focus on what matters.

>> No.11896213

>but that footage from landing look suspicious as fuck

>> No.11896214
File: 62 KB, 542x810, qxiu6fv312i11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the landings were real
but the moon was faked

>> No.11896220

>that footage looks suspicious as fuck

>> No.11896222


>> No.11896229

>it looks so fake, anon!

>> No.11896230

you mom is no dummy
that's a 5D chess move right there

>> No.11896240
File: 9 KB, 255x198, 1543160584121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deluded man that he
fuck people who use "man" to mean human and then proceed to refer to it in singular.

>> No.11896247
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>n-no it's fake!

>> No.11896256
File: 3.88 MB, 3840x3826, AS17-145-22157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well at least most of it is fake!

>> No.11896259
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>> No.11896263
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>> No.11896272
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>> No.11896295

Of course is fake, stop deluding yourself with Nazi/Freemasonic/Walt Disney crap, are you past 18 or do you still live in Fantasyland?

Are you seriously so cucked by fake science? Your parents are right, get a life.


>> No.11896303

Document yourself on Jack Parsons and the Agape Lodge kid, are you also a transgender?


>> No.11896307

Kill them. In heaven they will know the truth.

>> No.11896322
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>they will know the truth

>> No.11896325
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>> No.11896479

god that footage is gorgeous. humans can do amazing things when we aren't busy fucking everything up.

>> No.11896499

You people have to be really deluded to believe this.

It's a mannequin over a matte painting background you dummies


>> No.11896504
File: 79 KB, 357x536, 954889_195039113986011_1569958138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of tards

>> No.11896505
File: 123 KB, 463x701, 944870_195044453985477_1592074694_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously deluded

>> No.11896866

Moon landing It's a hoax bro, your parents are right.

Grow up.

>> No.11897096

i prefer the version that has the original audio

>> No.11897100

>How do I convince my parents the Moon Landings weren't faked?
For that, for the first moon landing certainly, the key thing you'll need to do is get them to believe a lie.

>> No.11897101

So many cucks ITT

Anyone with a functioning brain can see that they are lying.


>> No.11897108
File: 13 KB, 236x295, 44fd499e5171d29257787323e284ac22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the implications of it being fake?
oh nothing? interesting

>> No.11897138

Why are you trying to convince your smart parents of masonic crap?

>> No.11897174

calculate the volume of liquid fuel , (which is what they had in those days) and the amount of fuel needed to escape the magnetic attraction (gravity) of the moon , then factor the size of the fuel tank and overall weight of fuel and tank, then compare it with the size of the lander,
best bit about it the masons actually believe it landed

>> No.11897197

go to the moon and send them pictures

>> No.11897302

True, low level masons all believe the moon landing narrative!

Buzzed Aldrin is their hero

>> No.11897311

This is your brain on /x/.

>> No.11897331

You're a cuck, believing in the moon landing is like believing in Thor or something

>> No.11897449

Stunning pics anon.
At least there was something worthwhile on this otherwise shit thread.

>> No.11897598

yes, every mason I have ever questioned believe it because buzz was one, different for the rosecrusion members, they are more free thinkers

>> No.11897711

that got a chuckle out of me

>> No.11897723

Why does it matter to you? Its okay for them to be wrong about something dumb like that if they are still self sufficient and arent being taken advantage of

>> No.11897742

Are there any pictures of the night(?) sky of moon? Would it look like a perfectly clear night sky from earth without the light pollution we experience?

>> No.11897755

This desu. Anon's mom presents a very solid argument, I'm starting to doubt myself.

>> No.11898501

Why wouldn't they say it to their own people though?

>> No.11899096

with how much human civilization has stagnated, believing it was fake is safer for a lot of people's mental health.

>> No.11899118

>think the landing was faked
>but slow-mo footage of dust is impossible
I don't think there's any amount of "see, this thing is realistic" that would convince someone, since it just means the fake must just be more realistic. The burden of proof is really on them to show evidence it's actually fake, but you won't win any arguments pointing that out, even if they decide to give proof, they'll have more and more of it even if you keep debunking it.

Maybe they're smart enough to realize it'll just make them look like sore losers when they give up on their own project (legitimate or not) because everyone else "knows" they lost the race.

>> No.11899261

If we "knew" before going to the moon, why not just expose the fake shit? That would have massively embarrassed the russians and there would be no need to fake anything.
What are you talking about, it lands just outside of my town once a day. I guess you must just be too far away from me to see it..

>> No.11899270

Don't bother, just cut them out of your life. If the obvious implications of your question are true (taking it all at face value), then they aren't worth having a relationship with. Yes, this one implied opinion suffices to cut two of a person's most important relatives out of his life.

>> No.11899281

>If we "knew" before going to the moon, why not just expose the fake shit?
It could have been a mutual bluff and neither side knew how truthful the other was being. We all know the rockets were real, so there had to be a lot of genuine R&D being done, but it would be a classic Cold War move to make half a space program and fake the hardest parts to trick the other side into spending way too much on theirs while not letting them win.

Although IMO in that scenario you might as well go all the way and actually do the landing for real (Saturn Vs aren't exactly cheap, even with significantly smaller payloads), there's still "realistic" situations where they wouldn't be able to accurately call each other out.

>> No.11899310
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fucking checked

>> No.11899323
File: 113 KB, 838x436, Screen Shot 2020-07-14 at 01.47.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11899363

Good lord you are fucking retarded. Are you even old enough to post here?

>> No.11899388

>any mirrors left would only work for a specific observatory at a specific time each day and even being a minute to early or late would mean you cant ping shit with a laser and it would come back miles away
Even ignoring that they're retroreflectors, we'd still be able to use that to demonstrate there's some reflective surface there.

>> No.11900120


make them see this


if they believe it's fake after this, they're hopeless

>> No.11900265

I have tried reasoning with conspiritards enough to know it never works, now I just claim a bigger conspiricy makes their impossible
>the moon landings were fake
You believe in the moon?
>the earth is flat
You believe in planets?

>> No.11900269

become a billionaire
shoot them into space

>> No.11900274

>implying it takes billions to get ~80kg to ~12kms
A large shaped charge would get the job done for a few thousand in materials.

>> No.11900370


Why you don't stop being a deluded onions boy and start listening to your parents?

Masonic scientism fucked up so many people...

>> No.11900518

OP, you can't do it. Those who think it is a hoax develop their entire personality around that belief. Even if you worked for a company that started sending tourists to the Moon and got them a seat on that rocket, when they came back they'd say they'd been on similar rides at Disney World. You can't convince them. At best you can try to make sure they don't mess up the brains of your children and other children in your extended family. Very few are ever able to kick their belief in it being a hoax once they go that way. Having built so much of their ego around it, proving them wrong could be psychologically damaging to them.

>> No.11900593

I've said this before. If Russia knew NASA faked anything, RT news would tell the world about it every single solitary day. Russia can't shut up about the fact that the US purchases RD180 engines for the Atlas V.
Also you can see the landing sites through a telescope.

>> No.11900638


We reproduce and have healthy families. You do not.

Because you are a bunch of cucks that believe in abortion, trannies and other degeneracy.

The pedo elite on TV brainwashed you to submission, making you perfect slaves living in big cities.

>> No.11900642

>Also you can see the landing sites through a telescope
No you can't, there's no telescope on Earth big enough for that kind of resolution. Even the Very Large Telescope wasn't enough, and it's very large.

>> No.11900926

iirc they left retrorelectors at the site which you can detect with a laser telescope

>> No.11901026


have you ever used one of these laser telescopes? or you just believe what jesuit / freemason ran universities are telling you?

>> No.11901054

They did, but it's not exactly the same as "you can see the landing sites through a telescope". The Lunokhod probes show that a retroreflector is not evidence of a manned landing. Being able to see the lander bases, flags, experiments set up, moon buggies, footprints, etc, would be a case where it'd be much harder for anyone to deny there were people on the moon.

>> No.11901134

>idiocracy but it's a good thing

>> No.11901197

Yeah, that's why. The USSR figured nobody would believe them so they gave up on it.

>> No.11901212

You can't prove this with facts. You have to persuade them that sometimes the government is trustworthy. It's a hard fucking sell for someone that against official statements. I suppose you should start with asking them if there's any conspiracy theories that they don't believe. It would determine if you can try or not even bother.

>> No.11901213

>the angle has to be just perfect
You're talking out of your ass

>> No.11901286


RT is mainstream media, are you stupid?

>> No.11901297

Convince me the moon landing was fake.

>> No.11901304

>You have to persuade them that sometimes the government is trustworthy.
Even then, all any of us know is "sometimes they aren't lying". Proving that doesn't prove any individual thing to be factual.

>> No.11901309

The moon is made of cheese, the rocket engine would melt it, and we'd smell that from Earth.

>> No.11901337

I meant it seriously though, I want to test my opinion because of how many contemporaries simply didn't believe it. Is there anything genuinely suspicious? Other than perhaps the timetables

>> No.11901405

obviously you have no clue about freemasonry, Walt Disney and operation paperclip

Obviously you are a baseless tardi that never watched the actual moon videos

>> No.11901434

It's hard to tell what arguments are legitimate. The most common I see are things like "NASA said we don't have the technology anymore" and "Buzz Aldrin said something that sounds like he denied it happened", although occasionally there's "it's impossible to go through the radiation belts".

>> No.11901449

lol watch the actual footage, deluded tard

>> No.11901515

take advantage of their gullibility, keep feeding them more and more outlandish lies until they realize they're idiots

>> No.11902242
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They were faked. Otherwise, why wasn't Our Lady standing on it?

>> No.11902337
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I never understood the Moon conspiracy illiterates...

Do they ACTUALLY believe that only the Apollo 11 landing was faked, or do they believe that the other FIVE manned Moon landings were also somehow faked?

I'm betting most of them are not even aware of the remaining Moon landings beyond Apollo 11....

>> No.11902344
File: 57 KB, 570x407, kot_sceptical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat the Russians in space flight

>> No.11902384

The answer is yes to both. They'll believe anything their Facebook pages show them, regardless of truth or context.

>> No.11902549

Why wouldn't we land on the moon? It's really not that hard in the grand scheme of things.
If anything, they probably have gone to the moon a lot more that they let on to create the ultimate nuclear deterrent that can't be countered. The Commies will think they got Uncle Sam before 15 Megatons of freedom wipe every stinking bugman city off the face of the earth.

>> No.11902673
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Your parents are smarter than you who fell for a Masonic kike lie. Kubrick filmed the whole thing in a studio. Educate yourself with alternative sources other than the MSM lugenpresse

>> No.11902756

These could've been left there by an unmanned mission years later. How many were the telemetry tapes that went missing? 30000? 300000? Hard to believe that a complete warehouse of important data was just misplaced and nobody knows what's up. It's very likely that nobody has been to the moon.

>> No.11902766

> rockets have physical blueprints that can be accessed too
Actually, the official narrative is that the Saturn V was designed in such a hurry that no blueprints were ever made for it. That's why they were trying to reverse engineer it last decade from museum parts. Let that sink in and realize how suspicious it sounds.

>> No.11902816

seriously could've mistaken this as reddit with this shitty first comment trying to be funny

>> No.11902819

You are probably having trouble making this distinction because youre mentally retarded

>> No.11902931

"Tell a lie 1.000 times and it will become truth" J.Goebbels

It's insane how many kiddos here are deceived by masonic/jesuit lies.

>> No.11902935


Space is fake, but you've been brainwashed by freemason Walt Disney and it's a hard pill to swallow.

And now go suck a trannies dick on the Von Braun Station


>> No.11902944

"You guys know that the US was in a cold war with the USSR, right?"
"Yes, and?"
"You also know that the USSR recorded every funk message they could catch up with dozens of spies sitting in the US. Don't you think the USSR would make sure that every single person knows about it being fake if it was a fake?"

I never once heard a counter argument to that. It's literally impossible to refute without doing some serious brain gymnastics.

>> No.11903001


unless you realise that the USSR is a freemason plot, and even the tzars were masons.

But it's too difficult to understand for brainwashed minds

>> No.11903148

Look up all the popular "proofs" and memorize the reasons they're wrong. Deliver them instantly with a bored or mildly contemptuous tone.

>> No.11903161

Tell them that the government admitted that we never landed on the moon and there are DEFINITELY not secret military bases under the moons surface. Hell, the moon might not even exists, scientists say.

>> No.11903168

the only questions I really see is that some of the initial filming might be sceptical, there are much bigger issues at play than the distraction role of moon hoaxers.
What really motivated them to go to the moon and why did the regolith samples they brought back cause such panic.

>> No.11903216

Most of those tapes didn't so much go missing as they were allowed to rot in poorly maintained warehouses. After the Moon landings, everyone asked "What's next?" and NASA had lots of sci-fi shit that Congress didn't want to fund. So they went in the direction of the Space Shuttle and everything was left to rot. Not much of it was all that valuable anyway. A cheap Moon probe would tell us more than was discovered from the Apollo missions. Telemetry data from the rockets would be nice for historical reasons but the scientific value is rather limited. Funny thing is that those warehouses of tape could now easily fit on a thumbdrive if they had been preserved properly.
The video from the Moon is probably the most overrated artifact of Apollo. It's such potato quality. Once again, a cheap Moon probe built today will return back much high quality images. The big thing is simply that the Moon is boring as hell. Find a way to drop off a Hilton on the Moon and maybe people will care. Until then, it's just not something worth spending much effort on.

>> No.11903231

>"NASA said we don't have the technology anymore"
That one is true but a bit irrelevant. A year or two ago humanity lost the ability to make CRTs. The last winding machine used for them was sold to a company in China who scrapped it after they couldn't figure out how to make it work. The labor force that made CRTs have retired or moved on to other things. The existing stock of CRTs is all we have. Once they're gone, CRTs are gone, probably forever. None of that means CRTs were a hoax but by Moon landing hoaxer logic it does.

>> No.11903234

Don't, just like flat earthers there's really no harm in them believing what they want. It's not a hill worth dying on anon.

>> No.11903238

As I understand it the light from the earth and Sun essentially drowns out most of the stars so it's just black, but I could be wrong.

>> No.11903242

surely the methods and training are preserved somewhere?

>> No.11903720

Actually conspiracy theories such as Moon Landing Denial or Flat Earth are psyops meant to undermine trust in Western institutions and the democratic system. They are pretty harmful because they lead to a low trust society.

It's also a symptom of widespread lack of critical thinking skills among the population, anti-intellectualism, mistrust of science and lack of basic elementary school knowledge.

Many of their advocates are trolls or profiteers, but if my parents were actually Moon Landing denialists I would be worried about them like the OP is.

>> No.11903889
File: 72 KB, 800x800, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing OP still probably has a good relationship with his parents whilst you're the schizo your folks don't talk about

>Nazi/Freemasonic/Walt Disney

>> No.11904132

>Actually conspiracy theories such as Moon Landing Denial or Flat Earth are psyops meant to undermine trust in Western institutions and the democratic system
No, they're psyops to do literally the opposite. There are almost no legitimate flat earthers, but plenty of people who dismiss everything by associating it with flat earth.

>> No.11906033

Probably not. In government, if there aren't funds specifically allocate to it, it doesn't get saved. Every agency has mandates on things it needs to do. Archiving old stuff isn't a priority.
In private industry it's more or less the same unless a case can be made for the future economic viability of a product.

>> No.11906040

Tell them that the Russians, who were also in the space race, were getting signals from the moon. If the Americans were lying about having been there, they would have known it. And they would have made sure the world knew about it.

>> No.11906088

Who cares it was so long ago it might as well never have happened. Talk to them about the moon landings coming this decade instead.

EVAs are very boring to watch in my opinion including the Apollo footage. I don’t blame normies for being skeptical when all they watch is the moon hopping. The launches on the otherhand you can’t not believe those.

>> No.11906100

there are no blueprints for the Saturn V lmao

>> No.11906144

Go back, cracker.

>> No.11906343

>Many of their advocates are trolls or profiteers
they were literally propagated by the cia anon, there are documents and reports outlining as much