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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11893182 No.11893182 [Reply] [Original]

New interesting and amazing video by Kurzgesagt! What does /sci/ think of the video?

>> No.11893262

cuckgerzagt is cringe

>> No.11893298

I actually liked this video. never knew raccoons were this fuckin smart

>> No.11893307

>wow they turned over the vase!! GENIOUS!!!!

>> No.11893308
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>watch this cuckzefagt video

>> No.11893322

You're no better than OP, cuckzefagt for that matter.
Reason: image, you actual literal cuck.

>> No.11893455

So you didn't watch the video? You could have just said that instead of being a smart ass.

>> No.11893464

5:30 idiot

>> No.11893475

do people learn anything from this? Wtf is this, he literally says nothing for the entirety of the video

>> No.11893478

first time watching a Kurtzgesagt video?

>> No.11893482

>posting pics of other people's girlfriend

>> No.11893498

Then I have to ask how you missed several minutes of the video prior to that discussing how raccoons learned to work several different types of locks, and remembered how they worked without any loss of skill when tested again a year later. Somehow you missed all of that, and jumped to "hurr durr, they turned over a vase!"?

>> No.11893527

>There are various types of intelligence
>Here's what they are, roughly
>The end
Ok I guess

>> No.11893550

Yeah that's what zoomer content is.
Empty content for empty heads.

>> No.11893589

I thought it was kind of interesting how it was made like a video game with skill levels. It's clearly meant to just give an overview of what intelligence is to a particular audience.

>> No.11893637


I would love to understand the contrarian faggot brain.

Our society is filled with low IQ ignorant fucks, at least this channel is trying to share some intelligent thoughts.

What do you fucks do for science, apart from being sneed fucks posting on a website made for social outcasts? What a disgusting existance, pathetic.

>> No.11893656

>at least this channel is trying to share some intelligent thoughts
lol, it's just another brain numbing propaganda machine

>> No.11893667

Yo have to understand that if it's not a video about racial IQ differences with clear bias, or a video talking about white superiority, you're not going to get good responses here. There is a reason why there's an IQ, race thread on every page. That said, I do like Kurzgesagt videos, but they should be taken with a grain of salt and most of the time you should look for more information if the topic interests you

>> No.11893709

Videos explaination of what intelligence is pretty unintelligent
The world doesn't revolve around you faggot.

>> No.11893743

Be careful with that posting, you're triggering the phrenologists

>> No.11894069
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>> No.11894077
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>> No.11894086


Is the brain Kawai?

>> No.11894094

>uses WSJ as a legit scientific source
You can see why their videos are shitty, anon.

>> No.11894114

weekly shonen jump?

>> No.11894126

>I think poor pop-sci videos contribute to science
They don't. Even if people learn anything from those Kurzgesagt videos, it just becomes something people discuss at the dinner table. Literally no value for humanity in that.

>> No.11894129


Meh, I'd rather have people discuss popsci stuff than the Kardashians.

>> No.11894132

I doubt In A Nutshell intends people to get their actual learning from their videos, of which are basically introductions on the subjects they discuss and going over various debates and arguments that have been going on. If you're using In A Nutshell as a primary source for learning shit you're a mong.

>> No.11894166

Unfortunately, people do use it as a primary source mostly. Its audience is the same people who speak about astrophysics without knowing a single thing about the subject.

>> No.11894175

Or the people who do scifi RPs and can't even be bothered to look up the properties of the planet they colonized on Wikipedia and than claim stupid shit like "lol we can terraform Pluto"

>> No.11894184

(And I mean like, they made it exactly like earth, not even something more creative)

>> No.11894185


That's what I thought too. What a strange video.

>> No.11894207

Optimistic nihilists make meaningless videos? Who would've guessed

>> No.11894222

atleast its obvious that people who watch the kardashians dont know what theyre talking about
but poopsci makes people think theyre smart

>> No.11894380

Well, they learn that they wasted their time for a popsci vid.

>> No.11894413


I find these videos curious from time to time, but in no way I would ever consider myself an expert just by watching them.

>> No.11894450

only on high iq individuals, the more your brain resembles a qt anime girl, the better

>> No.11894478
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i appreciate how much effort kurzgesagt puts into their videos and the mission they pursue, and some of the video soundtracks are real bangers, but i cant help but think that pop science doesnt need to exist. it has no inherent value, for anybody. maybe entertainment.
in an ideal world, people would educate themselves on a wide variety of topics so that they could pull from a broad pool of knowledge when confronted with something unfamiliar and draw conclusions for themselves instead of having pre-constructed opinions breastfed to them. However, people are preocuppied with such important things as keeping up with the 24 hour news cycle and consuming information-free media. Pop science (nobly) tries to bridge this gap by creating information free science media. This creates problems everybody on this board is familiar with: people thinking they are an expert after watching a TED talk, overhyping small discoveries to generate clicks thus diluting public conciousness on what is actually happening in the field, et cetera. The world has become way too big for a run of the mill mind to be able to stay reasonably literate while slaving away for the Machine, and this inertia can be exploited really easily by people who wish to influence public opinion. Democracy as we understand it is incompatible with the attention economy.

>> No.11894507
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>pop science doesnt need to exist. it has no inherent value, for anybody.
The idea is that scientists are paid for by public money and if we're not able to convey to the public what we're doing with their money, then we're nothing but prophets. That's why pop-sci exists and why it should exist.
I agree it needs to be better though.

>> No.11894542

Yeah youre right there - what pop science tries to be is a good thing. I was referring to how it plays out in the real world.
But i think a lot of modern science is so on the edge and beyond everyday life that you cant really distill it into a cutesy cartoon without simplifying to a point where the vast majority of information is lost.
Every normie (mentally, not socially) i know IRL thinks mathematics is a solved science because pop science fails to communicate whats actually happenening. On the other side of the coin, where Pop sci overrepresents, like in genetic engineering, they think we are way more advanced than we actually are.
pop science could be much more effecitve if people were all around more literate. that would solve a lot of problems...

>> No.11894571

The only point of fagzgetsuckt is to introduce a topic in the most broad sense as possible, but to make you feel like you are an expert about it when you're done. Gets the low iq's every time.

>> No.11895751


>> No.11896131

Pop sci is useful for exposing people to science so that they become interested in things. This is especially true for kids.
I used to watch space documentaries and read popular science as a kid and it left an impression on me.

>> No.11896146

Their consciousness video is gonna be trippy. I can't wait.

>> No.11896150

>b-but I learned more from watching this than I did all year in school

>> No.11896154

It's pop science, which means it has no intention to inform only to entertain.
If it actually tried to inform 99% of people would close the video within the first 5 minutes.

Of you want to learn you need to read books or watch lectures.

>> No.11896177

I think that pop science has reason to exist in a "scientific" society such as ours.

The issue is that it has an inherent tendency towards the atrocious. Good pop science would be a two hour lecture which forces the audience to engage with actual science, where they are forced to evaluate the uncertainty and limitations of the field and actually understand the issues which are being faced by scientists.
The issue is that this is very hard to do, as you need *actual scientists* AND NOT JOURNALISTS to do this and it also is far less appealing to zoomers with 5 minute attention spans.

Taking machine learning as an example, it is very easy to present "X cool thing you can do with it", but there is absolutely zero educational value in that. What is much harder, but *actually important* is to give people a basic sense for how machine learning works and where it's limitations currently are, but that is very hard...
Especially as it involves mathematics and I don't think society will be actually able to admit that serious mathematical education, like it is happening in Asian countries is *very* important if you care about scientific progress.

With this discussions I am always reminded of a boomer politician, for whom "digitalization" meant strapping VR headsets to school children so even if they were poor they could see Versailles. That is exactly the retarded boomer attitude to science that does not work.

>> No.11896205

Haven't watched the video but my prediction is is that he says IQ is a myth like a lot of liberals are now because black people don't score as good at them.

>> No.11896274

Who is this ugly broad?

>> No.11896278

This sounds more like stupid people problem, not popsci problem.

>> No.11896287

Get the fuck out of this board normalfag

>> No.11896315
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Kinda weird for a video about intelligence to not bring up g, but what do you expect from a kurzgesagt video.

>> No.11896331

It was pretty much just a worse version of their consciousness video.
The consciousness video was insightful, it explained how consciousness was an emergent property of natural selection since it's the result of many small, individually-beneficial changes.
This was just a directionless ramble.

>> No.11896480

They literally said they already made one

>> No.11896484

You're exactly right

>> No.11896582

Its for "i fucking love science" sôis with no actual understanding of the topic

>> No.11896989

Don't mind me, just adding another (You)

>> No.11896992

I like the video where he uses SCIENCE to explain how we need to except European immigration from brown countries

>> No.11896993

took 10 minutes to say intelligence is the ability to learn, fuck this glownigger

>> No.11896995


>> No.11896998

What did you expect? All big youtubers are leftist niggers and will gladly use SCIENCE to manipulate people for the jews

>> No.11898162

>Literally no value for humanity in that.
Where do you think people begin to find interest in scientific topics? Do you think that the first spark of scientific interest for people is opening random textbooks or something? These videos are meant to introduce science to people, and getting people at least slightly scientifically literate is important. The fact that you don't find these videos interesting isn't the final say. Do you forget that the world isn't entirely composed of cynical basementdwellers posting on an Algerian IQ-bait board?

>> No.11898180

In slight defense, they did say that they regret making that video, and they removed it from their channel. They still make videos on topics similar, but they just give the data rather than drawing a conclusion from it and feeding it to the viewer.

>> No.11898182

You died in a car crash....

>> No.11898184
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Are you a retard?
Kerzgesagt to me has like 6/10 credibility. A lot of the time his videos are a straight thanatophobia fueled mess. Eventually these videos devolve into what is a poorly disguised agenda where the writer of these videos tries to fear monger people into buying his specific brand of nihilist science.

On top of that, click fucking bait. Top kancer, dude.

>> No.11898242
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since those fucks start receiving money from good old Billy O and Melinda Gates to promote vaccines I dismissed them.
Like everything, when it reaches the masses, it starts going downhill.

>> No.11898273

What a waste of time.
>what is intelligence?
>well it's like a series of problem solving tools

wow thanks, very cool.

>> No.11898292

intelligence is the art of creating videos to retards feel smart and suck those sweet bucks

>> No.11898430


>> No.11898448

Can you really train bees? I find that deeply disturbing, also as disturbing as watching a pet centipede allow itself to be massaged by its owner (proving, one again, that literally all living things fall victim to being petted)

>> No.11898461

What a retarded hot take.

Let me explain to you what ignorance is: Ignorance is not knowing that you don't know something.
If you don't even know that you should be asking a question, let alone what question to ask, you will remain ignorant forever.
Most people do. Popsci's purpose is to introduce ideas to people that never even knew they existed let alone how much there might be to learn.

"Attention economy" is the most buzzword word I've ever heard, you're an absolute turd

>> No.11898488

cry more reddit

>> No.11898767

Stop making these threads outside of /b/.

>> No.11899167

Well they sure didn't put much intelligent thought into this one. Kurzgesagt used to be good a few years ago, but now they become so basic, literally zero originality to it.

This video was just their thoughts in a fancy animation, not much science behind it.

>> No.11899183

dur redditor

>> No.11899185

You mean Reddit?

>Can you really train bees?
They're smart enough that classical conditioning works on them. You can't train them to do backflips or anything AFAIK, but they're already trained to seek out specific smells.

>> No.11899186

This is the only intelligent post in this thread

>> No.11899197

Kurzgesagt source their videos (when applicable). I think a lot of people are against it just cause their videos supporting certain scientific positions which offend them.
The arguments Kurzgesagt makes are always sound (sans two removed videos which they made a video on why they removed them).
As such, people don't really attack the argument so much as flail about, like these two dullards.

Anon's should watch whatever vids seem neat and check out the sources to learn for themselves.

>> No.11899208

/b/fag here. this is a /sci/-specific shitpost. lurk more or kys, your choice fag

>> No.11899223

exist dozen of better channels out here and you choose the worst, why?

>> No.11899246

Wait a second.
>humans have smells
>train wasps on smell of person you hate
>now you have a private army that can't talk after they're captured

>> No.11899772

>mah musicality intelligence
lol fuck off - is that how they plan to close the black-white iq gap?

>> No.11899816

'They hated him because he spoke the truth'

>> No.11899819

>antivaxxer on /sci/
Sasuga Anon. You should go to a covid party too.

>> No.11899891
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>> No.11901825

>Inplying reddit faggotry is from /b/ and OP should post reddit faggotry there instead
no thanks, we already have had enough cancer in our board. kys scifag

>> No.11901942
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> Kurzgesagt

>> No.11902127

You're all new here.
"Trolling" is a behavior accepted only in /b/. Don't feel too bad.