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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11893033 No.11893033 [Reply] [Original]

Hello anons.

Been looking into psychology and studying the human mind to try and understand why humans are idiots in general.

Came to find out what Narcissism is and began to link it with black people. Turns out they are very narcissistic.

Here's the worst bit. Narcissism can be genetic. It means it may never be solved. They will always whine even if they swallow the red pill. Most people who are narcissists (genetic or not) will never stop being narcissists. These type of unchangeable narcissists survive by being the victim. They will NEVER change. They will look for the next thing to make themselves the victim again.

The red pill may not be the solution to the problemnfor these people. It helps some but it will not help many.

https://youtu.be/ivj3aM_LEJU [Open]

>> No.11893072

>Not science or math

>> No.11893076

Jews and Blacks have high rates of narcissism.

>> No.11893081

I'll take "statements OP pulled out of his ass" for 400, Alex.

Try harder, clickbait fag.

>> No.11893110

fuck off and go back to /pol/

>> No.11893130

>a person deserves something without earning or working for it
This is complicated by the fact that ALL humans with good lives were given them without earning or working for it. For example good looking people receive constant charity their entire lives. Now with that knowledge in mind, is it narcissism or justice to believe you are entitled to the same advantages the parasitic people have? “Life isn’t fair, get over it” is a mantra used to defend parasites from those who notice they haven’t earned their luxuries.

>> No.11893138


>> No.11893140

Go back

>> No.11893143

>”jooooz” says the loser incel /pol/ brainlet obsessed with Jews
imagine thinking anyone values what you have to say

>> No.11893151

Yeah I have fraternal twin and he's drop dead hot while I'm drop dead ugly. I maintain myself but I'll be honest I'm "fat ugly bastard" ugly. When he talks to people you can can feel the difference in tone and responses because looking at pretty people feels nice. That's why you put the pretty girls as waiters and the handsome boy as the bartender.

>> No.11893160

I was stating facts.

>> No.11893166

>I have autism and can't shift click a thread

>> No.11893175

If you’re going to post a “”fact”” which doesn’t pass the smell test (in this case because it looks suspiciously like neo-nazi brainlet propaganda) you’re going to want to post a reputable peer-reviewed source for your claim. Otherwise people are going to rightfully dismiss you as a shill with an agenda. Especially on this website where far right groups are active.

>> No.11893223

Psychology is a science you brainlet. Go back to watching Tik Tok zoomer.

>> No.11893231

psychology isn't a science, at best this thread belongs in

>> No.11893658

Psychology is a science because it follows the empirical method. The scientific status of any endeavor is determined by its method of investigation, not what it studies, or when the research was done, and certainly not by who did the investigation. All sciences use the empirical method. Empiricism emphasizes objective and precise measurement.

>> No.11893721
File: 191 KB, 492x342, retard alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychology isn't a science

>> No.11893731

people who believe they are victims are often narcissists

if you're the type to be offended by facts, maybe tumblr or reddit is for you

>> No.11893782

Narcissism correlates with schizophenia.

Or does it?

You implied narcissism does not correlate with schizophenia, you fucking retard. Where is your proof?

>> No.11893978

/pol/ is the most blatant example of pervasive narcissism I’ve ever seen, and it’s combined with very, very low intelligence.

>> No.11893984

I don't think you can paint the whole board as "very, very low intelligence".

>> No.11893994


>> No.11893997

Literally confirming what that poster said about jews being narcissistic.

>> No.11894007

exposing myself to /pol/ has certainly improved my ability to identify the flaws in arguments and diagnose symptoms of mental illness.
Though I think I've learnt more about how to argue your case from /sci/, /his/ and /lit/ none can rival the furious minds enquiring minds of /pol/ and /x/

>> No.11894008

No, that’s your biased interpretation based on your absurdly low IQ combined with political brainwashing. In no universe does that post confirms anyone is narcissistic, let alone millions of people. All /pol/ users have subhuman intelligence.

>> No.11894009
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#AbolishWhites #DecolonizeSTEM

>> No.11894013

/pol/ is borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and cognitive deficiency rolled into one.

>> No.11894029

it's hard to decide the more schizo board between it and /x/ but none the less there are some truly incredible minds posting on both.
For /pol/ this might be a product of the volume of posts.

>> No.11894033

>t. psychological projection

>> No.11894034

>insulting a neonazi astroturfer on 4chin proves [group] is narcissistic
how do you /pol/ things become anywhere near this stupid? you’re literally like animals

>> No.11894062

>who believe they are victims are often narcissists
meaning always

>> No.11894073

Sometimes people actually are victims.

>> No.11894076

unless you are actually a victim
how dumb are you

>> No.11894122

>uses the scientific method
>"it's n-not science"

>> No.11894128


Like a narcissist you also victim blame you jews never ever self reflect on your actions.
>you’re literally like animals
Narcissist lack empathy for others.

>> No.11894134

>Disgreeing with jews means you are mentally ill

Even more evidence that jews are psychotic narcissist they literally get triggered if you dont fellate them 24/7 like a narcissist.

>> No.11894135

>Like a narcissist you also victim blame you jews never ever self reflect on your actions.
lol. nazis are sjws.

>> No.11894138

the jew always tells you what happened to him. never why

>> No.11894142

where was any of that said? it’s ridiculous to listen to a /pol/ shill’s “opinion” about Jews. And I don’t lack empathy for others, i lack empathy for /pol/. You are one of the few demographics that doesn’t deserve an ounce of kindness or mercy. If there’s a hell you and your loser buddies will be burning in the hottest part of it.

>> No.11894146

/pol/ is even more SJW than SJWs are. they’re possibly the least masculine people out there. also their lack of self awareness can only mean scary low intelligence

>> No.11894157
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right-wingers are stupi-

>> No.11894159

>victim blaming
Oh jesus christ
Wonderful display of a lack of empathy you are surely convincing me jews are not psychotic narcissist. The entire reason /pol/ is haram is because it pisses off jews and thats the only real reason.

>> No.11894162

The obsession with Jews deflects from the real problems

>> No.11894164
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>Behavior and psychology is genetic!!!

>> No.11894171

Whatever it takes to not be held accountable am I right chosenite? You ever notice we dont behave like you right? We whites mess up to our wrongdoings meanwhile you the devil tribe censors your evil behavior and tries to make others who find it out look insane the only evil scum on this rock are you jews.

>> No.11894173


>> No.11894181

No, I mean Bill Gate isn't Jewish nor are quite a few depraved individuals.
I'm just recognising that focusing only on the jews is a flawed strategy because you miss the influence of the vatican or freemasons or a variety of others

>> No.11894186

non Jewish whites have done orders of magnitude more evil than Jewish whites... are you retarded?

>> No.11894189

Whites really dont care if you call them the causers of evil of this world yet jews lose their minds indicating jews are narcissistic psychopaths who hate when others dont kneel before them.
>jewish whites
Fill Irsrael with 2 million africans if you are white.

>> No.11894197

Israel is 30% non-jewish. It has much more diversity than nearly every white country, and it’s surrounded by the planet’s worst culture. you are such a pathetic weasel.

>> No.11894205

israel segregates its gentiles and totally forbids inter religious marriage

>> No.11894209

>moving the goalposts
there’s no segregation in Israel you coping virgin

>> No.11894221

>planets worst culture
That we europeans are supposed to take in right or its islamophobia correct? See this is one example of how you are slimy evil scum.

>Oh no we cant take in muslims they want to kill jews

>> No.11894223

If you are white accept 2 million africans into Israel then. Whats the problem isnt diversity(aka nothing but black people) strength?

>> No.11894232
File: 158 KB, 882x511, 6E6D0109-AFF3-40C4-9C39-D7F32FFD0C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize Jews aren’t a hive mind right. So some being pro immigration and some being anti-immigration isn’t a contradiction, it’s called different people have different opinions. Israel has a massive pro immigration movement. I mean look at this, you’re so stupid that one tweet by one person entirely proves you wrong. Fucking loser.

>> No.11894236

>objectively the least criminal people there is

>> No.11894243

Any rejection against diversity is racism. Black people do not have much influence in Israel therefore it has no diversity understand yet you desert piece of shit? Once its legal for blacks to kill jews in Israel and have those incidents never even reported in the media then Israel is diverse until then its a racist jew nation. Deal with it these are the very same stupid ideas you planted into the brains of my race.

>> No.11894245

I should mention that I am not jewish and nor have I ever been jewish, I am well aware of the issues regarding the jews but unless you open your eyes to the broader issue you will not see reality, don't get me wrong the Jews are dangerous and subvert much through their banking ponzi scheme but if you focus only on them you miss such delightful chaps as the Albanian mafia, the royals, or the sabataean-frankists. they are all connected factions but if you focus only on the jews you will be outplayed at every step.

>> No.11894253

>Any rejection against diversity is racism
any rejection against "diversity" is sanity and self preservation

>> No.11894259

Bankers are almost always white Christians and Chinese. Nearly never jews, globally.

>> No.11894264

lying jew

>> No.11894265

You cannot tell Im pointing out the sheer hypocracy of this jew piece of shit?
>Bankers are never us goy
This is getting ridiculous its no wonder Hitler had no choice but to kill you, you cannot be reasoned with.

>> No.11894282

should I pretend bankers are Jewish for the sake of agreeing with neonazis I honestly think should be executed for treason? you ugly pimply retarded virgin

>> No.11894293

We can self reflect you cannot that is the problem here, we are not the issue you are the issue jew you have always been the issue and your genetic psychopathy makes you incapable of realizing that.

>> No.11895024

Let me guess, you're a jew

>> No.11895062
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Well the discussion on this post went from barely discussing narcissism in black culture to straight up hating jews.

Probably exposed a lot of Narcissists. Has /sci/ ever reflected on the fact that maybe it also has narcissists?

>> No.11895135

this reeks of /pol/

>> No.11895906

you reek of /lgbt/