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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11891221 No.11891221 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so why should we keep wearing these face diapers?


>> No.11891234

>sign of the times
>le epstein and le puppet master articles on page 1
good, unbiased scientific literature! here's three articles that contradict you

>> No.11891304

The point of OP is that "science" is constantly used and abused to serve politics.
Check the dates.
Back then, everyone was in panic hoard mode.
Now, it's all about forcing compliance.
It's never about facts.

>> No.11891436


>> No.11891442

Refute the studies then

>> No.11891594

Austria saw a 90% drop in cases with mandatory masks. So it's not 100%, but still very good

>> No.11891616

but theres not a control group for that
it could have just ran through the infectable population at the time they implemented that

>> No.11891640

>Ok, so why should we keep wearing these face diapers?
Because the "science" is conclusive that they do work. Real world scenarios show us this. The very first freaking paragraph in your link is incorrect.

"The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked"

It's because of physics that they can block particles much finer than their pore size. You don't even have to look at the physics, just look at the studies challenging masks with particles of .1 microns. Even homemade cotton masks do a decent job.

"and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle"
We frankly don't know what that dose is for any virus, but there's clearly a threshold, and the body can prevent infection below a certain threshold, otherwise something like measles (which is extremely infectious) would have a 100% infection rate, which it doesn't. One particle may find a cell, and a thousand might not. Even if a cell or several cells are infected, there's no guarantee that it will set off a chain reaction. There's been studies in the past where attempts were made to infect people with respiratory viruses, inserted straight into the sinuses, and some subjects remained uninfected. We have antiviral factors in our mucus, and cilia that push viruses down to the stomach where they're denatured by stomach acid. The smaller the dose, the higher the likelihood those protective mechanisms will work.

His argument about humidity is somewhat correct, the only problem is it's clearly still spreading in countries with high levels of humidity whereas influenza is basically non-existent. Obviously there's some variation between viruses, with some more hardy than others.

>> No.11891790

What happened to hand washing? That was stressed hard for the first couple of months but now you never hear about it. It's all masks, masks, masks now. Why doesn't hand washing matter anymore?

>> No.11891815

>[thing] is constantly used and abused to serve politics.

>> No.11892156

it's a given, anon, wash your hands so you don't inoculate yourself with nasty shit

>> No.11892163
File: 64 KB, 750x504, trump_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11893250

Do Americans really need to be reminded to wash their hands?

>> No.11893276
File: 82 KB, 864x816, mask up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't, why was it is a big deal a few months ago? That was the top thing being preached until the masks went from "don't wear them, they don't stop to virus" to "WEAR MASKS!" to "masks don't matter, black lives matter" and then back to "WEAR MASKS!".
If handwashing isn't important, why the big push early on? If handwashing is important, why suddenly stop pushing for it?

>> No.11893362

This is deep...

>> No.11893565

because shit keeps coming from your mouths

>> No.11893574

When will this Russia Trump conspiracy retardation end?

>> No.11893579

The truth is we don't really know how SARS-CoV-2 is spread, along with other respiratory viruses for that matter. Fomites, direct contact with large droplets, aerosols? This whole thing has revealed how little we actually know. It seems like the fomite theory isn't as popular now, but it's pretty simple to frequently hand wash or use a sanitizer, so it's not an approach I will abandon (not to mention there's things besides viruses to worry about that hand washing helps with).

>> No.11893606

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