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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 211 KB, 1080x804, 1594492500778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11890825 No.11890825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I always thought that they just refused to get into politics and humanities but the second they start power tripping is the very second you see that their thinking process is the same of a child. The illusion of the intelligent problem solver scientist is completely gone and you just realize that they are not any different than a robot made to do a single task and still barely doing.

>> No.11890844

That's literally every civilization ever, it's just that whites succeeded at it the most.

>> No.11890848

They just stick to what they're doing well. The average STEM bugman can't THINK, he only SOLVES

>> No.11890868

They're weren't "utilizing" their resources effectively.

>> No.11890952

But in what way is NGT wrong?

>> No.11890968

By making it purely about europeans and fanning racial tensions, he's playing a dangerous game.

>> No.11890985
File: 231 KB, 962x625, 29337300-8397065-White_police_officers_and_community_members_gathered_to_wash_the-a-9_1591618965199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#AbolishWhites #DecolonizeSTEM

>> No.11890989

He's too light skinned to not be of partially european origin himself.

>> No.11891002


>> No.11891038

By not understanding that that is human history in general, we Euros were just better at it, causing niggers and shitskins to seethe for eternity

>> No.11891047
File: 9 KB, 420x420, 1497720916564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you will spend the rest of your existences seething at the sight of immigrants and Leftists as they take back whats theirs

>> No.11891051

How is it dangerous?
People of European descent have been utterly defanged.
They will never stand up for themselves.
Half of them believe they deserve to be genocided.

>> No.11891066

I have been loving living in Germany, all that free sweet money from the government, just accept it, whites are the new niggers. You pay for my new PC by paying taxes, I literally fuck your women. I even got hired as an engineer because of diversity! What a time to be a live as a shitskin.

>> No.11891082

>science man says whitey badbad
Based science man! Whitey badbad!

>> No.11891117

See guys, thats what I meant when I said they keep seething. 99,9% of them live in poverty in their shitholes and 0,1% that immigrated here is trying to cope in this way. I was literally born into wealth thanks to my family exploiting dirt cheap labor in third world countries. Are you winning Ahmed?

>> No.11891123

Bullshit statement. They definitely didn't bother asking if something belonged to the natives. Guess black science man needs a brush up on history.

>> No.11891126

Americans and their "culture wars" need to be nuked off the face of the Earth.

>> No.11891128

What research has Tyson actually done?

>> No.11891133

He studied the orbit of flaming chicken wings on the grape soda planet.

>> No.11891136

I actually did some looking, the first two results from a basic bitch search are just him doing his whole pop-/sci/ schtick. I think his career may unironically only be being black science man

>> No.11891137

He's experimented with the flavor of Carl Sagan's dick and jizz after the ingestion of various sativa and arabbatica strains

>> No.11891316

This is just the problem with twitter. It should be permanently erased for the good of mankind.

>> No.11891322

repeal sec230, twatter dies overnight.

>> No.11891324

Wait a minute....he's black....but he also does science?!?
Holy heckin based! Where can I pay to hear more?

>> No.11891350
File: 140 KB, 666x500, 45zuks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pressures to succeed in STEM force people to overspecialize in a single subject.
Our culture has made it infeasible for polymaths to exist in this world.
This creates narrow and linear thinking. It limits intuitive logic and makes leaps or connections between disciplines all but impossible.

This is a direct result of us being too intelligent. Usually when evolution starts overspecializes without environmental challenges they will continue to overspecialize until they become so specialized that a single environmental change is completely catastrophic and renders the species extinct. Take for example butterflies become so specialized on sustaining themselves from a single species of flower, that should that flower ever become extinct or even decreased availability it'll greatly and adversely affect said butterflies. Our greatest gift, our ability to think allows us to bypass much of the rigors of evolution, at much greater pace, but we are still vulnerable to the very same pitfalls of overspecialization. If we overspecialize our thinking abilities we may fail to evolve them, or worse, we may be set back catastrophically by a small change in our environment.

>> No.11891381

>one stem guy spouts bullshit
>therefore every stem guy does

>> No.11891402

More like, "I need/want this, I'm going to take it so fight me if you want. Good luck."

>> No.11891423

>one country

>> No.11891429

They don't, per se, but they're overconfident in thinking that their smartness in one subject = smartness in all subjects.

>> No.11891982

Okay so how is he wrong?
Do /pol/tards really lack basic thinking skills to the point where they sperg out when someone dares talk about their violent colonial past?

>> No.11892005

well, the niggers shouldve had a bigger stick if they didn't want whitey to take their stuff.

>> No.11892015
File: 106 KB, 682x436, ancestor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based nigger man teaching us how war and conquest works. Every other race dropped shit off when they won, shitskins such good boys

>> No.11892038

Just seems to me like you are just looking to one up them especially with that child bit. How about argue against what they say/said rather than name call?

>> No.11892061

Really? So when the Byzantines got hit with Jihad for 250 years straight, was that also 'big mean whitey stealing poor POC's shit'?

>> No.11892069

More like

>ooga booga dat mine u nooga
>*euros sail in on big gun ships*
>Dare I say it that is actually ours niggers

>> No.11892120

Education = Internalizing bullshit without understanding it and hoping you can make money from it later on

>> No.11892129

>Human history in six words: "Is that yours? It's mine now."
I haven't read the thread. We can judge how enlightened /sci/ is by seeing how many people also made replies like what I wrote above.

>> No.11892140

this, the 6 words should be 'let me borrow that a minute', then the next 6 words could be something like 'here's electricity, plumbing, cars and internet'

'sorry not sorry you whiny babies'

>> No.11892145

ya more like, if you're not gonna use that then I will

>> No.11892164

If acknowledging the fact that european humans are the most dangerous of all humans makes one a /pol/tard, then most people are /pol/tards. This planet that grew us, Earth, is kind of a nightmare world. Everything eats each other here, usually while they are still alive. Those who cannot or do not eat are themselves eaten. The most eatingest of eaters should be honored and held in high esteem, so that our planet's strongest are there to face any external threat such as aliums or killer asteroids. You gonna depend on the chinese to save us from a dinosaur killer? India? The fucking congo? Well if you get your way then I for one welcome our new clear winter overlords. Our species will deserve it for throwing away the best tool in the toolbox.

>> No.11892168

so do chans

>> No.11892179

cmon man, can you even count?
'why aren't you using this stuff?'
'you haven't even invented the wheel?'
'why won't you stop taking scalps?"
'you know what, fuck this shit'
'you look cold, have a blanket'

>> No.11892198

Hes just a charlatan nigger, i dont know what else did you expect

>> No.11892217


>> No.11892221

it is wrong because these same six words can be applied to any period of any civilization ever, since it's not specific to european colonial history it can't be the definition of it because it's not distinctive, clearly then there is more than those six words if we're able to talk about this specific thing and not another one

>> No.11892234
File: 251 KB, 1074x595, Thracian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even into science don't fuck up history too now fuck wit

>> No.11892237

Is this yours?
>You weren't using it because you don't know what to do with it?
It's mine now

>> No.11892240


>> No.11892290

No one tell this massive fgt about the Zulu.
Also why did the Europeans kill all the Ngāti Hotu? Oh wait that was the fucking Maori.
This mythologizing of brown people as peaceful stewards of the earth is so fucking dumb and dishonest

>> No.11892295

They blame that event on Europeans for giving the Maori better boats, or whatever the story was, close enough.

>> No.11892309

>The most
Topkek, you say that like there's a score board and even than the game ain't over yet. PRC could overtake Europe and the US than go colonize 10000 star systems using tech that is developed in the centuries to come, would that mean the PRC is the best at conquering or just that they got to benefit from the legacy of the civilizations of earlier time periods? Europe existed on top of the greater corpus of knowledge that of all of the societies of Eurasia have.

The West is "best" only in the past 6 centuries because of the very liberal thinking the conservatives who jack off to European empires loathe. Social orders breaking apart allowed for the rise of science that allowed for the 19th century dominion of the world. Northern Europe was back water shithole until like the high Middle Ages at earliest and that's because Europe had the Americas accessible by Galley. China and India meanwhile had the pacific as a barrier, endless fucking ocean and the whole Indian Ocean to trade around with instead. Europeans didn't get any of that shit until like the 1500's because the Ottomans were being bitches.

Romans weren't special by the standards of Eurasian civilziations and the Middle Ages was centuries of Europe eating shit while chinks and Arabs ran shit while Indians dominated their part of Eurasia when the horse warriors who kicked everyone's ass day in and out for thousands of years weren't raping them.

>> No.11892329

Good points. Maybe fucking brown people can stop larping like they’re the fucking Na’vi and embrace their history as active participants in the rape and murder of people who didn’t look like them every chance they got.

>> No.11892362

Lol past 6 centuries? ROFL the same people rule the world today as have been since biblical times. Old testament now new, Rome rules the world but you too dumb and u educated to realize it because you had a peasants education

>> No.11892373

So you leave your own home country because you can't do any of that shit except in a white country and you think that means your people are winning?

>> No.11892380

If the barnacle outlives the whale, who really won?

>> No.11892383

>Rome rules the world
Rome hasn't been relevant since the hunnic wars, it wasn't even the capital of the western Roman empire by the time it fell, never mind the world.

>> No.11892384

He's not wrong

>> No.11892388

The whale, because at least it is a higher order mammal and not a fucking barnacle

>> No.11892393

These are 7 words tho isn't it

>> No.11892395

>Our culture has made it infeasible for polymaths to exist in this world.
but the internet may reverse the trend... now we can access almost all information we want, as open source MOOCS for example etc.

>> No.11892410

well, one of them's a number

>> No.11892415

>Romans weren't special by the standards of Eurasian civilziations and the Middle Ages was centuries of Europe eating shit while chinks and Arabs ran shit while Indians dominated their part of Eurasia when the horse warriors who kicked everyone's ass day in and out for thousands of years weren't raping them.
t. knows literally nothing about history
Even barbarian cultures in Europe mogged arab "civilization" at its peak

>> No.11892418

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.11892421

>winnie the pooh

>> No.11892431

not mine, his words kek

>> No.11892445

Our educational and professional systems allow people to get away with being single-minded. It's not exclusively a STEM problem, as evidenced by many humanities intellectuals who, despite being brilliant at their own field, can be complete idiots outside of it.
In STEM, particularly, you could take the example of the engineering student who memorises the formulas, learns how to apply them, and repeats this until he graduates. Later on, as an engineer, he does his work by following the handbook rules step by step, and it works.

But again, it is not a problem exclusive to STEM. I've lost the count of how many historians and sociologists, despite how brilliant they can be in their own fields, are complete idiots in matters of economics or philosophy.

>> No.11892455 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1136x524, Chinese honesty is a unfunny joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PRC could overtake Europe and the US than go colonize 10000 star systems


Look at this funny Chinese shill!

Meanwhile China is basically modern hell on earth.

-overpopulated as fuck

-expensive to live in

-hyper-consumerist plastic culture

-ultra-competitive school environment

-hellish work hours

-slave work culture

-USA-tier (I mean one of THE WORST ON THIS PLANET) healthcare system

-ugly as shit concrete-on-concrete streets

-no public parks

-no public benches

-1-party politics

-incompetent police that rules blatant murders as "suicide"

-anti-social low-trust culture, you can literally collapse and die in the middle of big Chinese city and nobody would blink an eye or stop for a moment

- Cheating is considered as TYPICAL element of so called "Chinese culture"

>> No.11892460
File: 138 KB, 1136x524, Chinese honesty is a unfunny joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PRC could overtake Europe and the US than go colonize 10000 star systems


Look at this funny Chinese shill!

Meanwhile China is basically modern hell on earth.

-overpopulated as fuck

-expensive to live in

-hyper-consumerist plastic culture

-ultra-competitive school environment

-hellish work hours

-slave work culture

-USA-tier (I mean one of THE WORST ON THIS PLANET) healthcare system

-ugly as shit concrete-on-concrete streets

-no public parks

-no public benches

-1-party politics

-incompetent police that rules blatant murders as "suicide"

-anti-social low-trust culture, you can literally collapse and die in the middle of big Chinese city and nobody would blink an eye or stop for a moment

- Cheating is considered as TYPICAL element of so called "Chinese culture"


>> No.11892475

nobody talked about "white", you 52% amerifat.

>> No.11892482
File: 39 KB, 720x537, 1591777636915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck theese dopamine driven twitter pseuds. Subhuman trash. Fuck them hard

>> No.11892518

>listening to a nigger
cant argue with that actually, that's what (((education))) does to students now.
is this a bot triggered by the keyword "whitey"?

>> No.11893433

Do you actually think your post is well written? Go be a schizo somewhere else
So he's right but he's wrong because whataboutism? You need to find a better argument.

>> No.11893678

>Forgets the ottomans and Huns
The crusades also failed massively even with Constantinople as a base to launch from. Mongols also beat the shit out of Hungarians like everyone else. Or how about the part where Spain was ran for like 7-8 centuries by Moors.

>Thinks I'm shilling the PRC
Believe me, I'm not. A world where the PRC got an interstellar empire would be a hellish as future. However would you call a future where the PRC actually takes over and used western tech to make an interstellar empire one that shows the superiority of the East? Hell the fuck no, you'd point out they took western tech!

>> No.11893689

>However would you call a future where the PRC actually takes over and used western tech to make an interstellar empire one that shows the superiority of the East
Actually I would
but I doubt it will happen

>> No.11893713

And if their cyborg nigger mercenaries overthrow them?

>> No.11893744

You’re assuming this is not deliberate.
ndt doesn’t lack thinking skills. He’s promoting a self-serving narrative. This image is orthogonal to the point you’re trying to make.

>> No.11893745

>So he's right but he's wrong because whataboutism? You need to find a better argument.
No, either he is saying a platitude or he is wrong if he's saying that stealing stuff is the determining element of european colonial history.

>> No.11893753

also kill yourself

>> No.11893773

Europeans were fucking sea mongols

>> No.11893784

Mongols were harassed before all the gay yurt shit took root

>> No.11893788


>> No.11893793

precisely, brainletto.

>> No.11893915

You have no idea what you are talking about peasant. What trade laws does the world use? What is a corporation and where did the concept originate? What is corporation number one all other corporations are chartered under? Whose the REAL richest man in the world not that Forbes bullshit? Oh you don't know because you are a mouth breathing peasant, that's right.>>11892384

>> No.11893936

All I'm getting is that you're a limp wristed snowflake that hates it when people point out harsh truths to your inbred mentally impaired ass. If you can't come up with an argument as to why he's wrong then do the world a favor and put a bullet through that worthless skull of yours.

>> No.11894012

European colonial history in six words
All the money is worth it!

>> No.11894053

what's the alternative? would the world be a better place had European colonization not happened?

this. dude is a tool.

>> No.11894201

american colonial history in five: "it's for your own good"

>> No.11894206

Chinese are limited by what they can steal from other countries, it's not a coincidence they only develop things like stealth fighter technology because they were able to get a hold of an F-117 nighthawk corpse, their Research and development mostly consists of espionage

>> No.11894219

I bet there's romans who said that of Germanics and shit back than too