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11887704 No.11887704 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you failed cuz of coronavirus? Our teachers totally changed how they marked our grades, instead of normal marks it's subjective shit.
They also told us two subjects wouldn't count and yet in the end they changed their minds and it did count.
Nearly all students cheated and passed but I refused for my dignity and honour and I will fail out and definitely stop my studies.
All this because of a fucking chinese bat.
Feels bad man.

>> No.11887865

Just passed my mech eng master's with a 2:1 and an A- in thesis. Don't think the rona had too much of an effect because I neglected my studies last year so I was always gonna miss a first. My thesis would have been more polished if I had a little more lab time but in the end it didn't make much difference. Some of my exams were made more difficult because the professors felt they had to have problems we had never seen before to stop cheating.

>> No.11887876

What was your thesis on? I'm second year mech and already thinking about my final year project. Not thinking about masters just yet.

>> No.11887879

Coronachan lockdown kept any chinks and pooinloos from making scholarship or project applications for 3 whole intake rounds for me. Sorry it came at the cost of your misfortune, anon.

>> No.11887880

What shitty school do you go to

>> No.11887936

Microfluidic nanoparticle synthesis. I would start asking around to find out which professors are good supervisors/are doing promising research. I realistically lucked into a really interesting project with a great supervisor which has given me career opportunities I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Basically, my advice is do your homework before you pick a project.

>> No.11888492
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Got my master's in mathematics a month ago.

>> No.11888506

I only had one problem.
Instead of an exam, we got a "graded homework".
Professor said it'll be easy as fuck and we should be grateful about that. Okay, sounds great.
We do the homework and it really was easy. Only had to write one page and answer like 3 questions.
Then the results got announced and almost everyone has a D (when grading A to F).
I still don't know why I got a D. Should be between A or B.
Everyone is pissed because it looks like the professor just rolled dice and let everyone barely pass as a compromise, instead of giving us the chance to do well.
This is the worst grade I received in the last 6 years.

>> No.11888678

Random assignment of grades to prevent Grade inflation

You got culled my friend

Also OP youre a fucking idiot why didn't you cheat

>> No.11888682


>> No.11888689

Yeah that's exactly what it looks like. Now I'll have to explain to future employers why I have good grades in all lectures, but then suddenly a D in logistics.

>> No.11888703

Don't worry man, my university decided to be the only university to not implement a no detriment policy. Sure enough everybody from other institutions are graduating with first classes and my degree classification went from a first to a 2:1 within 1 MCQ online test

>> No.11888706

more than likely they won't give a shit

Also a non detriment policy basically say

>> No.11888709

you need to email the guy above your professor dude with evidence

>> No.11888733

I don’t know about your school but at mine we have notes on our transcripts from the last term stating that there was a global pandemic and lockdown so the circumstances of people’s grades, especially those who chose to opt into P/F grading, are more clear and won’t harm graduate admissions.

>> No.11888743

My uni in Australia made everything easier to pass. I only had one unit left to do and now I have my degree. Anyway, even if you fail your masters, you still have a bachelor right? Still jobs out there for a dude with a bachelors.

>> No.11888776

>explain to future employers
>implying you’ll have a chance to explain
>implying your resume won’t be purged from the application pool for failing to meet the grade requirements

>> No.11888783

Who puts their grades on their resume?

>> No.11888799

My professors don't know how the fuck to operate an online class. They're still trying to do it like a traditional classroom. The point of an online class is to work at your own pace

>> No.11888845

You’re right about the first part, it’s essential to organize an online class differently than how you’d do a lecture, smaller chunks, with more supplemental resources and alternative explanations of concepts if possible, and a clearly defined progression through work and lectures from the start.

But, most college students can’t work at their own pace, they are quite likely to procrastinate watching the lectures and doing the work until far too late for them to properly understand and retain things even if they manage to pass which many don’t, there needs to be a somewhat structured schedule with regular progress to effectively guide them. And if you are motivated enough to work ahead that should be an option, at least through the current unit.

>> No.11888963


>> No.11889100
File: 37 KB, 400x386, fucking kms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuck in algebra

>> No.11889106

Got mine in May. Good job on yours

>> No.11889108
File: 243 KB, 1956x1045, 3f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you two gonna be community college teachers or do you have real jobs lined up?