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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 460x304, raceisnotreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11882913 No.11882913 [Reply] [Original]

Race is a culturally constructed category of identity that divides humanity into groups based on a variety of superficial physical traits attributed to some hypothetical intrinsic, biological characteristics.

Mental disorders are legitimate medical pathologies validated concurrently by similarities in biomarkers, neural substrates, and symptom similarity.

Cultural, ethnic, and racial identities may lead to difficulties in adaptation that require diagnostic assessment by psychiatric clinicians.

>> No.11882918


>> No.11882927

>He didn't arrive at these conclusion through evidence
why has this board become so anti-intellectual

>> No.11882932

>superficial physical traits attributed to some hypothetical intrinsic, biological characteristics.
Nice bait, brainlet.

>> No.11882936

Race is real. Its just not important. Everyone is shit from all sides. Fuck the world. Christ is coming.

>> No.11882947

>Christ is coming.
That sentence makes OP look like a genius.

>> No.11882949

>culturally constructed
That's nice, dear. This is /sci/, not /liberalarts/

>> No.11882965

this. #AllLivesMatter

>> No.11882967


Unless we're talking about punishing White people and giving money to black people and land to indians and on and on and on. In those particular cases race is very real. But only then. Any other time race doesn't exist bigot.

>> No.11882970

yeah race is made up american bullshit. ethnicity is much better. makes more sense to refer to greeks as greeks instead of making up bullshit to call them white/nonwhite

>> No.11882990

>mental disorders are real
>racism is a mental disorder

>> No.11883204

If race isn't real how can I hate trannies, jannies, k*kes and n*ggers

>> No.11883219

This and trannies are mental disorders

>> No.11883260

ideological and behavioral traditions have far more effect than any biological diversity.
good luck trying to convince black teens not to act niggey. and good luck getting rednecks to shut the fuck up for an entire generation.
we'll probably never 'solve' racism. not while preaching that being a certain color is or isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.11883416

Please don't be white. If you're white you should fucking kill yourself for this retarded post.

>> No.11883563

OP is literally a direct quote from the DSM.

>> No.11883841
File: 87 KB, 550x563, skull comparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11883843

>Race is a culturally constructed category of identity that divides humanity into groups based on a variety of superficial physical traits attributed to some hypothetical intrinsic, biological characteristics.
>"Races may be genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species,[3] or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(biology)

Sure wikipedia, but that's pretty much as left-ish information as you can get... and they sure sound similar!

>> No.11883851

We'll never solve tribalism, but we have to focus that antagonism in better ways. I think we can one day leave race behind, and hate each other over dumb stuff, like sports rivalries or even nationality. Unfortunately there's too much racial history that affects the present, so we are stuck recognizing these things, for now.

>> No.11883952

>of superficial physical traits
why do libtards pretend that "racism" is only skin-deep?

>> No.11883966
File: 38 KB, 600x375, 4299941-1419641297037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not very scientific of you

>> No.11884309

it's not liberals, it's the field of psychiatry. they're seriously not even serious. everything they do is a satire and insult to humanity.

>> No.11884338

>based on a variety of superficial physical traits attributed to some hypothetical intrinsic, biological characteristics.
how are genetic clusters superficial or hypothetical?

>> No.11884391

The genes that cluster are superficial. Like the ones for dick size, they don't really matter. No need to separate people based on such an frivolous thing.

>> No.11884593

Ummm, no sweaty. Black lives matter. PERIOD.

>> No.11884639

Population groups are real and certain population groups with similar esthetic attributes are highly correlated with undesirable behaviors.

>> No.11884682

why not? What if I want to study humans better?
Genes and genetic clusters are probably the best way to do that.

>> No.11884714

>"blacks" "malaria" "amenia"
races exist, but at the end of the day we're all fucking humans. Politicians push race problems as a source for all societal problems in order to avoid the fact that they're writing the laws that put gains in their stock portfolios, cut social programs strictly based on income, and fuckover poor and working people.

>> No.11884761
File: 18 KB, 259x400, 706525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mental disorders
is a social construct my friend

>> No.11884778

That's not the DSM. The WHO and the CDC support the ideology of DSM5, and that's what OP posted.

>> No.11884786

The medical community disagrees. Every psychiatrist believes there's nosuch thing as races, only mental disorders. And that a person can be treated for being the wrong race or ethnicity. It's in their doctrine.

>> No.11884816
File: 231 KB, 962x625, 29337300-8397065-White_police_officers_and_community_members_gathered_to_wash_the-a-9_1591618965199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. #AbolishWhites #DecolonizeEverything

>> No.11884824

Actually the amount of genetic variation in different humans can be as high as 0.6%. That doesn't sound very high until you consider that the variation between humans and chimpanzees is around 2%.

>> No.11884834

>there is no such thing as race
>black lives matter

>> No.11884854 [DELETED] 

There are some rational, intelligent, and honest contributions in this thread. Unfortunately yours is not one of them.

>> No.11884874

What constitutes a distinct cluster is arbitrarily defined.

>> No.11885810

Funny way to spell #recolonizethesavages