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11880056 No.11880056 [Reply] [Original]

why did people suddenly start caring about space in the last 3 years???

>> No.11880059

because space things started happening again in the last 3 years

>> No.11880061

musk faggots

>> No.11880127

>Musk began flying cheap rockets
>Trump announced return to Moon after Obama crippled NASA
>ESA wants permanent base but refuses to do it alone
>Chinese started flying their own rockets
>KSP taught people how rocketry works
>the world is fucked and there is no place to run

>> No.11880133

SpaceX rockets started landing as they should.

>> No.11880187

Something about a rich guy making big rockets for cheap and promising to do big things with them.

>> No.11880264

Because Trump said Space Force.

>> No.11880272

>the world is fucked and there is no place to run
Quickly running out of retreat positions.

>> No.11880300

As someone who cared about space for last 4 years I feel so superior right now I'm positively euphoric - not because of any phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.11880361

Because of Overwatch.

>> No.11880393

>elon, spacex, and commercial rocketry in general
>Falcon Heavy and elon's car in space
>the trump administration uncucked nasa
>trump created the meme that is the space force
>rebellion against flat earth idiots
>the opportunity rover finally died after a decade and a half
>apollo 11's 50th anniversary
>the Artemis program
the last two were the biggest for me personally
I remember watching documentaries on the Spirit and Opportunity rovers when I was a little kid and Opportunity finally kicking the bucket felt like a kick to the nuts. The Apollo 11 anniversary only made it worse, because it felt like we were in a downward spiral.
As of right now, things are looking up, but we'll see what the next administration brings. For all we know, Biden could scrap the entire Artemis program and funnel all the funding to climate science. You never know.

>> No.11880395

they did not, information is just getting more fast and in a bigger volume to you

>> No.11880398

>the last two
i means the rover and apollo 11
i added artemis after

>> No.11880406

Talk to most people on the street and they'll tell you it's a waste of money, and that NASA should be shut down and replaced with more social welfare

>> No.11880422

keked and checked

>> No.11880432

>>rebellion against flat earth idiots
Jesus fucking christ this. Flat earth conspiracy theories have filled an entire generation of nerds with a seething rage the likes of which has never been seen before.

>> No.11880578

>why did people suddenly start caring about space in the last 3 years???
my dad started doing heroin again

>> No.11880596

We wanna hurry up and get off this fucking planet

>> No.11880790

Elon Musk

>> No.11880822
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Your thoughts and feelings are shaped by the outside world.

>> No.11880887

because spacex is trying to open up space to the general public with cheap, reusable and safe rockets?
>after obama crippled nasa
obama is the reason spacex is doing so well, retard
true, lots of idiots only got interested because trump

>> No.11881028
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Thankfully Ol'Musky will have the Starlink dollars rolling in soon, which will be plenty of money to self-fund his Mars ambitions.

>> No.11881029

Flat earthers are just irl shitposters. Ignore them and they'll tire themselves out. What does it matter if they think the earth is flat and why should I care what shape the earth is? The earth's shape doesn't really affect my everyday life one way or the other

>> No.11881035

I hope so, once a fully integrated in-space industrial complex is established I want to become a blue collar space technician and burn my passport back to earth.

>> No.11881127

you ever watch planetes?

>> No.11881146
File: 254 KB, 459x277, because_its_cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11881182

Happy meal toy regiment

>> No.11881257


Obama set up NASA and SpaceX to fail, he thought he was giving enough rope for Musk to hang himself with, and by going with a commercial partner it was a chance to secure brownie points by "focusing on private industry" while quietly kneecapping public rocket development. That Musk succeeded is more a testament to the engineers of SpaceX itself

Same thing with his vague plans about "going to Mars" -if you look at Democrats in general they tend to fund more Mars human exploration projects, simply because without a Moon base those efforts will never actually materialize. Democrats use Mars as a can to kick down the road while hijacking NASA to educate minorities and study "climate change."

>> No.11881522

Looks cool, never heard of it till today.

>> No.11881540

I also find it odd. AI was all the rage, everyone was talking about AI. Now, not so much. Its muh space. kek

>> No.11881544

> why did people suddenly start caring about space in the last 3 years???
It's much easier to convince a stupid President to shovel money into fairy tales (Say it with me: Space Force) than it is to convince a President that actually thinks.

>> No.11881624


>Neural Net Algorithms invented in the 70s but too intense to do multiple layers/sample enough data on computers of the time
>Microprocessors keep shrinking and offering more computing power per chip
>Computers can now run the calculations for more powerful neural nets with hidden layers (MUH DEEP LEARNING!) and have access to petabytes of training data
>AI becomes more advanced
>Limits of technology are once again reached as the models are becoming too complex for the available computing power
>Data becomes scarcer as more people learn to guard their privacy, regulations prevent access to certain data pools
>diminishing returns are inevitable


>literally infinite everything if you're not too much of a cheapskate to go and get it and now you can even start to be a cheapskate

Gee wow I wonder why public and market interests are shifting.

I don't think you think, otherwise you'd understand the value of a Space Force

I bet you think the Space Force means actually space soldiers like in your vidya LOL

>> No.11881629


Also everyone is still talking about AI dumbass, just because you've got your head in your rectum doesn't mean the world stands still between times you pull out for fresh air

>> No.11881682


>> No.11881687


>being incapable of googling NASA budget requests


>> No.11881772

this is cringier than a youtube music video comment

>> No.11881781

Imagine if you could take a group of people who are intelligent and with the capability for good moral thought and setup a new colony in space and leave all the human trash behind on earth to die out. Leaving earth behind is a utopian fantasy.

>> No.11881785

literally nothing would change