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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 1005x628, 5630bb9f16da9df582edd2920d422859fdf03cfaafba0291fe4e2fa660eaec44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11879266 No.11879266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whooooa, y u so hasty wyteboi?? You finna take care of us Africans first.

>> No.11879323

Really the nigger should be replaced with a Jew, it would be a much better representation of reality. Niggers are just an invonenience and an annoyance, they're not something holding us back. Jewish """science""" is though.

>> No.11880636

>Jewish """science""" is though.

>> No.11881353

Actually it's the other way round. Without colonization Africa would be more technologically advanced today

>> No.11881356
File: 65 KB, 1146x1148, 1582365993537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empires didn't benefit from their colonialism, a few rich individuals did.

>> No.11881361

lol retard

>> No.11881364


>> No.11881380

>You finna take care of us Africans firs

>> No.11881387

Lol dude Albert Einstein was the smartest man in the world, even children know that

>> No.11881391
File: 475 KB, 1800x1211, african_bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Electric Universe faggot is so desperate for attention he tries simping for Neo-Nazis after trying and failing to court the anti-Bush green liberals last decade

You guys are the real Jew


>Without colonization Africa would be more technologically advanced today


>Select all images with bridges

It's like captcha was mocking Africans too

>> No.11881422

based african defending the biosphere

>> No.11881436

I'm not sure I follow. Colonization not only showed Africans what resources they were sitting on and how to use them, but also left behind railroads, bridges and irrigation, but after the Europeans left the infrastructure mostly fell apart. Almost like Africa needs colonization again...
And wouldn't you know it, China is stepping in to bring them up to speed

>> No.11881443

omg just say when

>> No.11881480

>Without colonization Africa would be more technologically advanced today
Africa was populated by humans long before there were any Europeans. They had a head start of 100,000 years. That was plenty of time to get a technological culture going.
And did they?

The whole discussion about colonies fail to take time into account.

>> No.11881488

ted kaczynski was african

>> No.11881550
File: 35 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-GOP_Square.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure Tyrone! How much should the reparations be raised this year?
>Oh, well we were going to use that money for NASA but....
>BREAKING NEWS: White people to pay twice as much this year in reparations
>Gosh my wallet is thin... but I'm sure they'll forgive us one day and we might hit 10% of the black vote.

>> No.11881555

>this post
>these digits

>> No.11881561
File: 765 KB, 1503x1506, 1566820203913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis tried this whole "rejecting Jewish science" thing. They burned Bohr's books, Einstein's books, they banned Jews from academia, and even tried to cancel Heisenberg because he was a "White Jew", following "Jewish physics".

The end result, of course, was that the Allies got nukes while Axis was still stumbling about and Japan got nuked into the stone age.


>> No.11881562

Seriously, though. Think about how meaningless and empty most of our lives in the city are. Most of our time is spent trying to maintain our social and financial standing just to consume more and more goods. While it looks cool in concept art, imagine how alien, degenerate, sad, and repulsive life would be in this world-spanning hypertech favela?
Unless they built it on a planet with nothing really going for it other than being in the habitable zone, then that'd be chill.

>> No.11881578


>> No.11881605

sure thing nigger

>> No.11881668

Read a history book imbecile. Hitler was a few weeks behind a nuclear bomb.

>> No.11881676

never expect evidence from cucks like these

>> No.11881690

Only the primitive races have trouble living in cities.

>> No.11881698

Jews have pretty much solely resided in cities for the past 2000 years. I don't understand the "city bad" sentiment, would you rather live a shit life herding cattle or farming all your life?

>> No.11881701

>oh no, blacks are rioting. It's because they aren't meant to live in cities with whites. Has nothing to do with systemic oppression

go back to /pol/ retard

>> No.11881719

You are retarded if you think I meant blacks. Which race overwhelmingly prefers living outside cities, and which races prefers to live in them?

>> No.11881721

>systemic oppression

>> No.11881740

nobody mentioned niggers, but ok.

>> No.11881755

>steal most of resources for modern tech from africa
>muttoid white faggot crying about taking "care" of africa


>> No.11881760

>a few rich individuals did
living standards for average european wouldn"t have increased without looting from rest of the world, faglord

>> No.11881763

>this is the standard of discussion on a science board
kek, this place is fucked by t

>> No.11881764

Thats funny last I checked it was axis tech that got both the US and Russia into space

>> No.11881766

Nazis could have actually gotten nukes first if it wasn't for chad snow guerilla Norwegians.

>> No.11881782

Because gems and spices were critical for working class people

>> No.11881803

>>steal most of resources for modern tech from africa
>>africa still has more resources that europe or america
>>they still arent doing shit with any of it

>> No.11881806
File: 231 KB, 962x625, 29337300-8397065-White_police_officers_and_community_members_gathered_to_wash_the-a-9_1591618965199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#AbolishWhites #DecolonizeSTEM

>> No.11881822

No, Germany was not even close to making an atom bomb. The German atomic program lacked the funding, personell and scientist that the US had.

>> No.11881842


>> No.11881884

honestly despite that image being full of sad degenerates they are hilariously based and self aware. the world would have been a better place if hitler had won

>> No.11881892

I read through the link you posted and first of all, it doesn't mention any of the other factors that set the two weapons programs apart.
Secondly, operation gunnerside was carried through in 1943 (or at least the part where they knocked out the plant) which is a whole year after the nuclear weapon research program was transfered from the German army to a German research branch because they thought that a nuclear weapon would not be able to be produced in time to make a difference (a bit simplified). So the Germans realised that they did not have the means to create a decisive nuclear weapon a whole year before the allies managed to sabotage their heavy water production.

>> No.11881905

ok retard

>> No.11881917

How often do you see black people in some rural village?