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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 300x300, 12422521251984757845Math_i_square.svg.med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11875580 No.11875580 [Reply] [Original]

>there's no real solution to this equation so let's just make one up
>literally called an IMAGINARY number, in that it doesn't exist
>this invalidates any mathematics containing it because it's built on a lie
I hate the current state of mathematics. How can a field be so devoid of logic?

>> No.11875589
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>> No.11875597

>current state
you're about 500 years too late

do you think hyperbolic pairs of pants are more real, because pants exist in the real world?

>> No.11875663

>>literally called an IMAGINARY number, in that it doesn't exist
Wrong it's called a lateral number

>> No.11875673

I can't tell if you're trolling or serious. Either way you're an idiot.

>> No.11875675

Give me i apples.
I'm waiting.

>> No.11875682

give me 10^100 apples
I'm waiting

>> No.11875689
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>> No.11875762

False equivalency.

>> No.11875778

You do realise that one unit is not the same as the number 1? You can't give anyone a number, i or otherwise. Imaginary numbers are just as "real" as real numbers. They are just a set of axioms dictating some logical rules.

>> No.11875788

>You can't give anyone a number, i or otherwise. Imaginary numbers are just as "real" as real numbers.
These are contradicting statements. If imaginary numbers are just as "real" as real numbers...
1. why is it called IMAGINARY
2. why can't you give i apples? I can give 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. apples but cannot give i. it definitely doesn't seem as real as the other numbers to me.

>> No.11875809
File: 415 KB, 480x238, (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me [math] \begin{bmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0& 1\end{bmatrix} [/math] apples

>1. why is it called IMAGINARY
It's not, they are the lateral numbers
2. why can't you give i apples? I can give 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. apples but cannot give i. it definitely doesn't seem as real as the other numbers to me.
See above. The identity matrix is an element of a field, just like [math] i [/math] is. It's just a different field from [math] \mathbb{R} [/math]

>> No.11875816

1) It's just an arbitrary label. You could call them cocksucking numbers and nothing would change.

2) numbers are abstract concepts that can be used to represent real world quantities but the reverse is not true, how would you even take the sqrt of an apple?

>> No.11875829
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No, you've got it all wrong. Imaginary numbers can exist but it's numbers in the neighborhood of infinity which are crackpot nonsense pseudery.

>> No.11875840

fuck off schizo

>> No.11875903

fucking how?
give me -3 apples
give my e/pi apples
give me exactly 15/57 apples

you can only give someone a natural number of something, its totally unimportant what you can give someone

>> No.11875935

fuck off retard. it doesn't matter if it's imaginary or not because it was practical applications

>> No.11875959

>give me -3 apples
okay, I'll take 3 apples from you
>give my e/pi apples
okay, I'll you less than a full apple.
>give me exactly 15/57 apples
again I can cut the apple in to 57 parts and give you 15.

>> No.11875962

those are "infinite" numbers and therefore bulshit "numbers" too

>> No.11875968

holy shit take some fucking number theory classes before you start spouting off asinine bullshit.

>> No.11875976

if you need to take a "theory" class to understand it it's probably bullshit

>> No.11875977

>source: my ass

>> No.11875979

you don't think e and pi go on forever?

>> No.11875981

your 3.14" inch dick isn't infinity long
deal with it

>> No.11875988

fine, take complex analysis then come back and let us know if you have the same opinion about i.

>> No.11876004

How about you take a logic intro class and get back to me? Retard.

>> No.11876008

woah woah woah. You sound pretty angry there friend. Something happen? Did you fail your pre-algebra test again?It's okay buddy, one day you will learn all about the wonders of modern mathematics and how every piece is rigorously defined. Even if some structures seem a little spooky.

>> No.11876009

>i can't math

>> No.11876010

I'm not going to tell you an imaginary number is real just because you have autism, bud.

>> No.11876059

math phd here. I have anime girl's feet fetish and I hate myself. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk!

>> No.11876092

>>give me -3 apples
>okay, I'll take 3 apples from you
I dont have any for you to take retard
>>give my e/pi apples
>okay, I'll you less than a full apple.
less than a full apple isnt e/pi
>>give me exactly 15/57 apples
>again I can cut the apple in to 57 parts and give you 15.
no you literally cant, what if the number of atoms in the apple isnt a multiple of 57

>those are "infinite" numbers
every single real number is just as "infinite" as e or pi, theyre all formed from Cauchy sequences or Dedekind cuts
So unless you want to argue that 1 is a bullshit number too, you had better neck yourself

>> No.11876239

can't solve x^3-5x+1=0 without imaginary numbers
even though all three solutions are normal real numbers

>> No.11876246

e = pi = 3

Nothing infinite here.

>> No.11876353

I can give you i*apple

>> No.11876476
File: 299 KB, 1500x1500, 6000200094514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.11876487

>what if the number of atoms in the apple isnt a multiple of 57
divide each atom into 57 equal parts, take 15 parts of each atom

>> No.11876505


>> No.11876512

>I dont have any for you to take retard
And I don't have any to give you, mongoloid. It's hypothetical.

>> No.11876544

there are no imaginary numbers
complex numbers are just 2-pairs of real numbers
the operations defined on the pairs of them are different than what they would be if they were just real numbers
it's like operator overloading
very disappointing

>> No.11876548

there are no decimal numbers
decimal numbers are just 2-pairs of integers
>this is how stupid you sound

>> No.11876550

>there are no decimal numbers
>decimal numbers are just 2-pairs of integers
>>this is how stupid you sound

decimal numbers include irrationals, which can't be represented as pairs of integers. rational numbers can be represented as equivalence classes of pairs of integers, with the appropriate operations. why not?

>> No.11876558

>can't be represented as pairs of integers
sure they can

>> No.11876580

what about infinite decimals
>inb4 no such thing

>> No.11877087

I don't get it

>> No.11877092

that's because it's imaginary aka image

>> No.11877105

How will op ever recover?

>> No.11877171

Wow this board is abysmally bad.
Like not even in a funny way. Just flat out bad.

>> No.11877179


>> No.11877201
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this is 1 apple

>> No.11877218

>There's no integer solution to this integer division
>lol let's just invent "fractions" and call it good

>> No.11877224

this is not a pipe

>> No.11877229

Here is my view of these imaginary numbers as a physics student: they can be represented by 2 by 2 real matrices, but two of those numbers repeats twice.

Physical or any meaningful calculation has to start and end with real numbers. But the fun part is that you can use imaginary numbers as helpful tool in the middle of calculations. For examble you can break the sine function as two complex exponentials which have all the properties that exponentials have. For example differation and multiplication are easier with them than with sine function. But after you have done that you will have to put it all together and you will end up with a real solution. One might do all the mathematics without any of help from these imaginary numbers, but it would be time consuming.

>> No.11877247

Sup, Gauss

>> No.11877275


Imagine getting mad about an abstract extension of an already abstract concept.
I wonder if you understand that the simple operation of adding two elements is an abstraction in itself

>> No.11877393

>you always start and end with real numbers
>one may do all the mathematics without the help of imaginary numbers
physics is a mental illness

>> No.11877420

Baiting or not, ur retarded
Indeed, ur retardation is invariant under baiting status

>> No.11877459

Of course you can. You just have to use a subset of M(2) such as any element in that subset behaves similarly to a complex number.

>> No.11877471

Those are the complex numbers. They're field isomorphic, diffeomorphic as manifolds and in fact biholomorphic when you equip the subset of M(2) with the appropriate complex structure. They're the same fucking thing. Just because you didn't use i doesn't mean you're somehow not using complex numbers.

>> No.11877484

1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples
That's not abstract.

>> No.11877533


>> No.11877538


You are using numbers, there is no "2" in nature, you are using a notation to express a perceived variation in a propriety of the elements you see.

Numbers, languages and pretty much everything else are interpretative structures humans use because they can attach properties to elements in the natural world so they can use them as tools but real objects do not have intrinsic use so we pretty much see only their use but the process of giving an item a "function" or a "quality", like you did with the operation of counting apples, refers to an abstraction.

>> No.11877579

I bet you feel pretty stupid now, OP, don't you

>> No.11877658

i apple = apple rotated by 90 degrees
That's not abstract.

>> No.11877669

That would be extremely painful

>> No.11877670

>i dont understand it, so i dont like it, so its wrong and everyone else is wrong: The thread

>> No.11877827

The letter i is for current. The letter j is the superior symbol for an imaginary number.

>> No.11877842

*jmaginary number

>> No.11877870

hello papa flammy

>> No.11877899

t. CS nigger

>> No.11877901

Go back to your fucking facebook group.
Why the racism?

>> No.11877903

the point is you cant fucking do it
you cant demonstrate negative apples, so why does it matter that you cant demonstrate i apples
they arent fucking counting numbers of course you cant have them in the real world
that doesnt detract from their usefulness

>> No.11877906

>Why the racism?
Go back to your fucking facebook group

>> No.11877913

Board culture. Lurk more before posting, or go back to your fucking containment board.

>> No.11877917

>representation theory
>everything is a matrix, guys
yeah, that checks out

>> No.11877928
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>Board culture. Lurk more before posting, or go back to your fucking containment board.
HAHAHA bro I know it's summer but you can't post the "y racsim" AND "go back to facebook" in the same post. You gotta separate that shitif you want to be taken seriously. Lurk moar

>> No.11877961


>> No.11877986
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Here, anon.
One pear.

>> No.11878313

I said any meaningful calculation. You pure math autist have problems like finding roots of faggot functions like Z^2+C. Complex numbers are just a helpful tool. Problems starting and/or ending with complex numbers are absolutely meaningless.

>> No.11878320

Board culture. Lurk more before posting, please. The "Why the x?" meme is well known on /sci/.

>> No.11878322

CS detected.

>> No.11878326

They have meaning. "Meaning" does not imply a concrete realization in the physical world.

>> No.11878509
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Bro I know the meme, read my post again retard

>> No.11878724

Of course they don't exist, it's an abstract construction. Get into abstract algebra and then maybe you'll be able to comprehend why math is this way.

>> No.11878726

Well, I'd like to modify my point, they do kinda exist, but not as straightforward as natural numbers.

>> No.11878795

>there is no "2" in nature
Yes there is. You have 2 ears. You can't have i ears.

>> No.11878803

You're assuming my two ears are 100% identical which just isn't true (or possible)

>> No.11878804

No I'm not, I'm counting the number of ears you have. You have 2.

>> No.11878809
File: 162 KB, 667x1000, ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't have i ears.
here is i ears for you

>> No.11878825

you have to artificially define what an ear is

>> No.11878865

No I have 1 left ear and one right ear. Those are different objects

>> No.11878891


I can have "I" ears if I define it in a different way, you have ears, I can say you have 3 ears because in my, logically coherent system, everybody has 3 ears.

>> No.11878900

Complex Numbers literally have a huge application in physics and engineering. Imaginary numbers are just as real as negative numbers.

>> No.11878904

>imaginary numbers are real
lol I can't breathe

>> No.11878910

What about those “2” repeating digits lol

>> No.11879046

I mean math is purely imaginary in it self. But that doesn't mean it's not real. :D

>> No.11879056

>there's no real solution to this equation so let's just make one up
[math]0\cdot 0^{-1}=1[/math]

>> No.11879067

people have tried to divide by zero already and it leads no where and gets nothing out of it

>> No.11879101

>I mean math is purely imaginary in it self.
No it's not.

>> No.11879119
File: 20 KB, 548x297, electrical-engineering-rotation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who believes in imaginary numbers needs to turn j^4 degrees and leave.

>> No.11879203

everyone talks about imaginary numbers not being real, but what about negative numbers? i can't give you negative 3 apples
personally i am for getting rid of them both.

>> No.11879206

-1 apples =/= apple rotated by 2 quadrants

>> No.11879892

kmaginary numbers > jmaginary numbers

>> No.11880159

of course it is

>> No.11880178

give me -1 apples.

>> No.11880184
File: 302 KB, 1500x1500, 6000200094514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.11880204

Why did you give him i^2 apples? It's impossible t. op

>> No.11880352

>hey there isnt a number that satisfies [math]x^2=-1[/math]
>just made one up lol
>hey we cant explain phenomenon X with current theory
>just made one up lol

>> No.11880372
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These "bullshit" numbers that you keep rambling about describe real things and are integral in many of the things you use and take for granted. For example, electromagnetic waves are described using complex exponentials, but you'd hardly argue that light doesn't exist.

>> No.11880473

let's say you are selling land so you write a negative number. you're selling it in squares but you want to just use one length. but it just so happens if you square a negative you get a positive. so to keep the length and area both negative you throw some is in there. is that so hard? or is this still witchcraft lmao

>> No.11880477


>> No.11880510

>For example, electromagnetic waves are described using complex exponentials

Partly true only. Yes, for example sine function can be described by two complex exponentials but it's still non-complex per se.

>> No.11880524

But matrices are an array of numbers so everything is an array of numbers

>> No.11880635


>> No.11880667

give me 1 apples*oranges, i'm waiting

>> No.11880673

dividing most atoms would take more energy than you'd get out, so the only painful thing would be your power bill

>> No.11880675

You're a big guy.

>> No.11880778

Depends on the approach. In Diffractometry, it's common to use complex exponentials which immensely simplify the math (couldn't even begin to imagine how it would look like using sine/cosine functions) where the imaginary part corresponds to a phase difference between combined waves

>> No.11880784

But yes, i didn't explain what I meant correctly, of course you wouldn't need an imaginary part to describe a wave

>> No.11881401


>> No.11881484

>I'm too stupid to understand this math concept, therefore it's wrong.
Go back to high school.

>> No.11881503

The electric energy transmission system also uses imaginary numbers. Imagine shutting a huge important system like that down just because someone has theoretical skruples

Oh we just did that.

>> No.11881507

ITT we discover that math is fake and numbers dont exist

>> No.11881614

you are brain dead, grasping this concept is a real "separates the men from the boys" point

>> No.11881759

that's true though

show me a number in real life