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11875294 No.11875294 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save the environment forever?

>> No.11875307

What does "saving the environment" even mean? Stopping soil depletion? Stopping deforestation? Stopping the spread of plastics in oceans? You're being a bit vague.

>> No.11875311

The best way to do that is shock-freeze the globe, and catapult it into an super void.There it will be preserved for ever.

>> No.11875323

Do you mean saving as in how archive.is works? Taking a snapshot of the current state of the planet and keeping it in that state?

>> No.11875349


I suggest you to read the "optimist enviromentalist" or watch my link.

The enviroment is like has huge challenges, let's not kid ourselves, but It's literally less fucked by a lot than 50 years ago.
Like people didn't care about the enviroment 70 years ago, and today people are like that's their first priority today.

I would say, we're now in the maybe "unfuck" the enviroment history stage.

Would take a while, but a lot of people are putting a lot of effort into taking care.
We need now to unfuck like africa, china and india and help them to move to clean industry.

>> No.11875366
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Can't save it all. Have to adopt a mindset of preserving the functions we really need as best we can. Eventually I expect the environment as we know it will have to be replaced or at least supplemented by synthetic life.

>> No.11875368

> today people are like that's their first priority today.
Masses of NPC drones regurgitating memes about CO2 isn't people "caring about the environment". Environmentalism has been almost completely hijacked by politics and profit, while actual environmental problems are ignored and/or played down and given zero attention the the MSM.

...what's up with your post anyway? It's written as if you're 12 years old.

>The enviroment is like has
> but It's
>Like people
>and today people are like that's their first priority today
>I would say, (what's with that random comma?)
>We need now to (as opposed to "we now need to")

>> No.11875376

What do u want me to say?

like some /pol/ /x/ shitpost?

What I say is true, the enviroment was much more fucked 50 years ago.

>> No.11875427

The environment wasnt any less fucked only public opinion of environmental protection

>> No.11875559

shoot ugly people I guess

>> No.11876820


>> No.11876826

Drastically reduce the human population within the decade, end the use of fossil fuels and find something to do with the fuckton of plastic on the planet. No big deal, no biggy, no real bigerino, yeah... we're done.

>> No.11877073


>> No.11877818
File: 41 KB, 500x500, stoopid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brid at ani kost, no mater wat