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File: 148 KB, 516x260, Cultural-marxism-quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11874275 No.11874275 [Reply] [Original]

Why do races differ in IQ even with the same education level? I think there is something to this IQ thing, any data to refute it other than tweets by that fat retard Taleb?


>> No.11874291

Even with the same IQ they differ in composition. https://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/09/21/blacks-and-whites-with-the-same-iq-still-differ-a-lot/

>> No.11874298
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>> No.11874306
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>> No.11874309
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>> No.11874312
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>> No.11874344

They don't at least not when we're being rational. Most people here think American Negroes have low IQ, but how do you explain African immigrants outdoing some whites or Asians in academic performance, i.e nigerian immigrants in the US. I'd posit that people who say that haven't really looked at the data, for instance they may say that the chinks and Indians are smarter but when you compare that with their entire population then it normalizes pretty much with other notable countries.

>> No.11874349


"Nigerian immigrants" come from a tribe called the Igbo. Their ancestors were slave traders (lol) and merchants. They are the only black African tribe with an IQ of around 100 or so (or even more) along with the Tutsi. Most high achieving Africans are from these two tribes.

>> No.11874353

>ut how do you explain African immigrants outdoing some whites or Asians in academic performance
So an elite group with the resources and connections to cross the ocean and gain entry to prestigous universities are smarter than your average hoodrat?
I'm honestly shocked that such a thing is possible.

>> No.11874354

igbo aren't 100

>> No.11874357

Yeah because Nigerian has more immigrants than any other country, duh, they also have thousands of criminals all over the world, when you take that into account and with their massive everything evens out.

>> No.11874359

Massive population.

>> No.11874362

That would explain why the Hutu genocided the Tutsi...

>> No.11874367 [DELETED] 

The holidays are a function of American imperialism, they aren't well motivated. The nigerians are more comparable to Indians and chinks when it comes to grit and academic willpower, race has nothing to do with it

>> No.11874368

Blacks think in a more tribalistic nature. They group things based on the most minor details where as whites can look at more details/abstract ideas before grouping.

White groups
>Ideologies, political affiliation, moral/ethical affiliation, religion, speech, etc.

Black groups
>Shoes you wear, skin color (including shades), color of gang, fatness
Mostly simple physical things. They're unable to group things based on more mental abstractions due to lacking empathy, so they can't understand how anyone can possibly think different than they do

>> No.11874374

The hoodrats are a function of American imperialism, they aren't well motivated. The nigerians are more comparable to Indians and chinks when it comes to grit and academic willpower, race has nothing to do with it

>> No.11874386

No, hoorats are a function of being niggers.

>> No.11874387

Of course you are using a paltry population of 48 million negroes to base your terrible assumptions and even less when you consider how many you truly know individually. And thus is also assuming that whites are completely indistinguishable from said behavior.

>> No.11874396

>How many you truly know individually
If I knew more I wouldn't be here posting, because I'd be dead.

And you can look at nigger tribes in africa too. They never assimilate. Europeans assimilate with the conquered. Asians did the same. The nigger kept to himself and stuck to their very strict tribes.

>> No.11874401

And who designed and conducted these IQ studies?

>> No.11874407

American Negroes are what you made them to be, treat them like animals for 400 hundred years, you get animals, you shouldn't be blaming anybody but yourselves.

>> No.11874426
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100 percent fabrication with no basis in reality. kys retard

>> No.11874432

>Animals act like animals
>It's your fault they are animals!!
So dogs would be people if we didn't treat them like animals?

>> No.11874433
File: 105 KB, 579x431, retard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers are actually smart no matter what the tests show
>niggers are what you made them to be because they have no agency

>> No.11874450

No I retract my statement. You actually treated them worse than you did to your animals.

>> No.11874465

Oh so the niggers in Africa act like animals because of what happened in America 100 of years ago? Here I thought it was post judice not prejudice. How come no other race of people on the planet who was also ensalved, which is every race, acts like animals and it is only niggers? Ah because you are a nigger and full of shit

>> No.11874470

The topic of race and IQ is not allowed ok sci. Jannies, shut it down

>> No.11874476

How do they act like animals? Is there any behavioral study that suggest they do? And what specfic animal behavior do they exhibit that other races don't. And what does it mean for races to exhibit collective behavior versus say an individual. Answer me that trailer trash noob

>> No.11874518

>You can't have discussion around scientific data because that may be racist!

>> No.11874523

Nobody says that other races can't be as dumb or as animal as blacks. Blacks, on average (so more so than other races!) tend to be more violent, dumb, tribalistic, materialistic, etc.

>> No.11874531

Based on biased studies, and minimal data, blacks in America maybe and that can be explained by American cultural history. It's like the Chinese conducting a study saying they have democracy, it's obviously biased and hiding an agenda.

>> No.11874608
File: 190 KB, 500x731, cultural marxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11874666

well shit

>> No.11874669

Ok, now explain how the Igbo are genetically indistinguishable from the other major groups of the area, if differences in IQ are ostensibly caused by inherited factors.

>> No.11874670

you deceptivele little shit, you know very well that blacks are genetically lower in IQ in general but you want to continue to push this marxist oppression narrative to set two groups against each other.

>> No.11874690

Don't bother, you can't break people out of that shit this late in the game. He'll learn when he's lined up against the wall or in a labour camp.

>> No.11874710
File: 2.00 MB, 3800x3800, jewfunding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill white people darkie they are oppressing you
>why are you oppressing me I am just a lowly Jew trying to save your culture goy!

>> No.11875145
File: 507 KB, 447x434, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
