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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11872131 No.11872131 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /sci/ approved games?

>> No.11872134
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>> No.11872144
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Fight me then

>> No.11872155

Tetris DX

>> No.11872158

>memorizing things makes me smart

>> No.11872165

man i give up

>> No.11872223
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>> No.11872230

zachtronics games are amazing
I gotta wonder about how these games get made. Seriously, it's some good stuff.

Also, did you know they invented Minecraft? The original idea came from them, and it got stolen from them, This company deserves so much more. Especially considering how much money Minecraft is making compared to the quality of games zachtronics has put out.

>> No.11872282

Good game, whoever black was

>> No.11872292

man, it was me
I surly suck
thanks for going easy on me

>> No.11872327

Dude I have been wanting to purchase the Revelation 2 chess computer for 2600 Euro but not sure if that's a great investment or not.

>> No.11872332

only the openings and strategies in specific situations are memorized brainlet. The rest is not. You might defeat oppnonents below 1500 ELO with memory alone higher you will get fucked real bad.

>> No.11872335


>> No.11872406


>> No.11872448

If you really want to get into chess, look up some basic openings to go from and you can start to build up some strategy and forethought to your play. Most people who understand the basic rules of chess (how all the pieces move) end up losing easily because they kind of just play in the moment and make highly reactionary moves. You have to try to force your opponent to react to you instead of always reacting to what they do.

>> No.11872555

>Also, did you know they invented Minecraft?

>> No.11872565

I'm really enjoying shapez.io and 7 billion humans, but I'm too stupid for the latter. Still fun tho. And of course factorio.

>> No.11872580

>Infiniminer is the game that initially inspired Minecraft
>The visuals and mechanics of procedural generation and terrain deformation of Minecraft were drawn from Infiniminer.[18] According to Minecraft developer Markus Persson, after he discovered Infiniminer, he "decided it was the game he wanted to do"

>> No.11872582

"learn opening strategies", got it, thanks

>> No.11872692

He played well aside from a couple of blunders.
He obviously knows more than just how to move the pieces
t. white player

>> No.11873398

wow, never met another anon who even knew dedicated chess computers existed! The gem of my collection is a Mephisto Exclusive Genius, 30 years old and still kicking!

but no, not worth it except to dedicated computer collectors with too much money. It is instantly obsolete, even compared to a cell phone. (but thanks to the collectors, you will be able to sell it for about the same price eventually.)

>> No.11873552

I think he's published a book on his design process if you're interested. I think you can get it on steam

>> No.11873554

Are you talking about infiniminer?

>> No.11873564

>I feel intimidated by the chess players. Must attack them somehow.

>> No.11873612

The most dangerous game of course, which would be discussion ;^)

>> No.11873639

modded minecraft (automation type mods, not rpg)

>> No.11873684

I’ve been thinking about getting TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O. Are they any good?

>> No.11873690

not the poster you're replying to but I've played shenzhen and it's a great game. Whenever I got stuck, I went and got some coffee or something, came back, and the solution just appeared to me no problem. That is the mark of a very well polished puzzle game, where its challenging enough to keep you engaged, but if you get stuck you can get a fresh perspective and you have a good chance of figuring it out.

>> No.11873699

Every time I play puzzle games they just makes me want to study math, but then every time I study math it makes me want to play puzzle games. You ever experience this feeling?

>> No.11873706
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How has no one mentioned Go yet? The last game to be conquered by AI and it took much more than search tree look ups. It also has a much different feel to it than chess in my opinion, as you start with an empty board and try to build structures, which you can't move afterwards. Super fun. For newbies I would recommend starting on online-go.com

>> No.11873729

games in >>>/egg/

>> No.11873731

Nope. I guess for me, games tend to be easier than math. If I'm feelin' froggy and want to do a puzzle, it's easier and more rewarding (because you can win) to play Shenzhen or something than to read a textbook.

>> No.11873764

It's the same for me as well. But because puzzle games are easier than math, I end up feeling so good about being successful. When I'm doing well I feel such happiness, and the encouragement makes my mind active and fruitful, and I want to increase the difficulty and challenge myself. But when I'm unsuccessful I only want to give up and end up playing sloppy. I think puzzle games tap into that positive feedback loop that fuels my enjoyment of studying, because I only play out of my own free will. Unfortunately I tend to force it when I study textbooks, which ruins my enjoyment. But I can afford it since I'm just a hobbyist doing it from passion.

>> No.11873880


Mastering poker's probabilities and robbing people at casual tables every time

>> No.11875177

Baba is you

>> No.11875227
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Puzzle game with a philosophical backdrop

>> No.11875486

This. I love bluffing and playing like a retard and then making huge bets when I know I have a hand that can't be beat. People will try to call you and then get fucked.

>> No.11875501


>> No.11875519

Both are fantastic. I personally like shenzen more. My favorite class in college was intro to microcontrollers, so maybe that's why.

>> No.11875547

I loved that game at first and wanted to get to the ending because the revealed history and story was great but then I hit a particular problem and never solved it. I spent days on it and eventually gave up in furious anger. Fuck that game.

>> No.11875709

every time i get the urge to play zachtronic games i wonder if i should just learn how to use an fpga instead

>> No.11875730

Yeah. SHENZHEN I/O was brilliant but I have no idea how close it matches to reality.

>> No.11875749

neither do i, i'd assume not that similar since i'd figure you'd be using an HDL of some sort in real life instead

>> No.11875770

You should keep at it. When you finally get the narrative it's really good and almost becomes hard sci-fi at that point.

>> No.11875802

I feel like Baba is You has become a bit of a meme game, but even if it is a meme, it's still a good puzzle game.

>> No.11875807

Myst and Riven

>> No.11875812

definitely not chess because that's a game of strategy, therefore it's more similar to engineering than science, instead Myst-like games are about discovery

>> No.11875867

How does /sci/ feel about The Witness?
At first I was excited to hear that it was inspired by Mist, but then I found out it's a simple line puzzle game. Like EVERY puzzle in the game is a line puzzle. Is it any good?

>> No.11875869

It's pretty good.

There are no explicit explanation of the rules and mechanics added on top of line puzzles, which creates sort of abstractions in how they relate to each other in interesting ways.

>> No.11875879

I enjoyed it. The puzzle framework varies from locale to locale. They're not all the same and they begin to get more and more lateral/abstract. I didn't finish it (because life) but it's definitely good.

>> No.11875966

None. Games limit the time you should be spending bettering yourself so you can find breakthroughs in your field. You think Euler sat around playing chess or cricket all day?

>> No.11875995


>> No.11876022

You think any of us have the genetic potential of Euler?
And, even if we did, why prioritize making breakthroughs?
Scientific/mathematical advancement is not an inherent good

>> No.11876388

Dwarf fortress

>> No.11876392

there are no inherent goods, things that could be considered "good":

destruction of that which inhibits any of these

you can make of this what you will but I don't see how discovering the laws of nature and studying the most sublime abstractions we've ever conceived of isn't at least close to Good. Of course you could also just go fishing if that's more interesting to you anon :^)

>> No.11876435

How successful was this strategy?!

>> No.11876530

Turing Test and The Spectrum Retreat are fun too that are similar to Talos

>> No.11876582


>> No.11876586

Videogames are for manchildren and soiboys.

>> No.11876830

Holy hell this! That game may be missing lots of usability features (blueprints!) and all of the storyline but it's still addictive as crack.

>> No.11876976

I've seen someone play it, seems very factorio inspired. I'll definitely look into it once it gets full release

>> No.11877022

t. boomer

>> No.11877038

>seems very factorio inspired
Yeah, it's very "inspired" by factorio
But that's a good thing, and I hope for more games inspired by factorio actually

>> No.11877076

At first glance it may seem like 3D Factorio but it plays very differently. For example resources are infinite and there isn't so much reliance on creating a central resource bus.

It's probably the best early-access game I've played. Graphics are great and it's overall very polished along with being a *massive* timesink.

>> No.11877159


>> No.11877199

I think it takes a specific kind of person to enjoy the witness, but if you're that kind of person then it will be your favorite game. It's not really just line puzzles, many of the puzzles interact with the surroundings in interesting ways. The world is really beautifully crafted and holds some rather well-kept and fascinating secrets. I'd describe it as very very pure, there is a stark contrast between the natural, pastel world and the vibrant, mechanical puzzles which is blended both artistically and in terms of the puzzle solutions in really satisfying ways. The puzzles start off pretty easy in any given area but some of them get really interesting. I think you'd be surprised at just how much leverage they get with only line puzzles.
The one recommendation I will give if you do decide to play The Witness is that you just ignore the little audio log things unless you like pretty simple philosophy. Like The Witness is philosophically fascinating as a game but the audio logs really take away from that in my opinion. Some people don't mind them. They're all just fancy quotes about epistemology, and they don't do anything or lead you to anything, they have no purpose for the game itself. The video room, on the other hand, does have a (nonessential) purpose.

>> No.11877225

I agree with you that scientific breakthroughs are an inherent good, unlike that guy, but I am of the opinion that good productive work requires some amount of relaxation, especially if that relaxation casually exercises the mind. I think puzzles like Sudoku and puzzle games serve this purpose. Some people don't need the relaxation to be productive, i.e. Erdos, but some people find themselves most productive when they balance work time with relaxation, i.e. Hardy. Of course Erdos was far more productive than Hardy but this is because Erdos had the capacity to work continuously. For those of us who do not, if we try to work continuously we will get nothing done at all.

>> No.11877230

Turing test seemed very very easy to me, portal-esque. Did it get any more interesting later on?

>> No.11877231

Pandemic, flash game, create a bio weapon and end human life.

>> No.11877294

Never played but interested from discussion. How similar is factorio to starcraft type games?

>> No.11877642

Not very similar at all. Starcraft is about destroying the enemy by building units. Factorio is about building huge factories and managing resource pipelines. Most people play it with the bugs turned off after doing the tutorial.

>> No.11877707

Verilog is surprisingly fun once you nail down it’s idiosyncrasies.

>> No.11877735

So more like a better version of harvest moon?

>> No.11877746

Dota 2. Strategically complex and unironically interesting social dynamics where part of the game is (unofficially) finding a way to bribe 4 strangers to do what you want.

>> No.11877800

Not so much better as much more complex and technical. Honestly though I'd recommend Satisfactory over it. Not as detailed, especially because it's not finished, but it's much easier to get into and it looks amazing with some fantastic alien biomes.

>> No.11877864

this, dota is super fun

>> No.11877874

STFU satisfactory shill, factorio has way more soul.
If you really wanted you could call factorio a weird mix of starcraft and harvest moon, but you'd be an idiot for doing so. There's a free demo on the factorio website which is very good, just go spend some time with it and see what you think. It runs well on my not so great laptop.

>> No.11877886

The best games are social strategy / social deduction games. Secret Hitler is incredible to play online. I used to play with /v/ all the time, which is great because people who knew what they were doing could develop complicated webs of lies and strategic moves to run circles around your average /v/edditor. Then sometimes the smart people were on different teams and it would be a battle of deduction and deception. So much fun.
Games like Avalon, Mafia, and Town of Salem are similar and have online versions.

>> No.11877934
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, TIS-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're any good with assembly this can be fun

>> No.11878122

Hardly. I've got hundreds of hours played in both Factorio and Satisfactory and love them both but if someone is asking about Harvest Moon then of course I'd recommend Satisfactory to them as the first choice.

>> No.11878143

What is the point in making an enormous factory if you aren't using your millions of drones create equally enormous weapons systems to commit bug genocide?

>> No.11878198

Some people simply like creating stuff. There's some crazy builds people have done like full 8bit CPU emulators or video decoders - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgfwwqwxdxY

>> No.11878227
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Some of the early Maxis games were amazing in terms of scientific accuracy and learning, particularly Sim Earth and Sim Ant. Too bad the unwashed masses only became infatuated with the most plebian titles like the Sims and Sim City.

I would kill for a modern version of Sim Earth with 2020 graphics.

>> No.11879376

Ticket to Ride

>> No.11879386

Sim Farm > Sim Earth

>> No.11879489

How far did you go? I found that it wasn't progressively hard it was sort of mixed around. The last level was challenging but I was able to figure it out within the day of me playing the game so it's not too bad. It's fun either way I would recommend finishing it

>> No.11879690

TIS is really good. Watching the assembly go brr is very satisfying

>> No.11879699

I really like To but it makes me feel like a complete idiot when I play it. Something about how abstract it is.
It doesn't help that I have nobody to play with :(

>> No.11879706

I love Baba is you. Why do people think it's a meme game?

>> No.11879728

because it is

>> No.11880119

I'm a physics PhD student but I'd saying modding skyrim is easy enough to not feel like a "job", but involves a lot of technical know how to have a huge mod list of 300 things without crashing to desktop. Other then that maybe paradox games. I personally enjoy hoi4 and stellaris.

Hmm I have played about 60,000 minesweepe games too

>> No.11880120

Conways game of life is pretty fun.

>> No.11880466

Do you actually enjoy playing skyrim. Or you just like to mod it exclusively?

>> No.11880467

Kerbal space program
Space engine
Children of a dead earth

>> No.11880482

>Other then that maybe paradox games. I personally enjoy hoi4 and stellaris.

Paradox Games are babysteps.

Try Matrix Games/Slitherine and games like
Gary Grigsby's War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941–1945 ,Shadow Empire or Command Operations


>> No.11880637

Metal gear solid 3

>> No.11880703

Skyrim doesn't even have that many good mods tbf. It's all textures anyway

>> No.11880714

Thanks for the recommendation, just purchased them on Steam.

>> No.11880726


>> No.11881537

Last historically accurate HOI was HOI2 Darkest Hour with the Edge of Darkness mod

Slowly turning into garbage since 1.9.1 which was peak Stellaris

>> No.11881559

I like hoi4 for its nonhistorical routes
My only issue with stellaris is the braindead micro at the end of the game of managing pops/jobs. Mods can make it better ofcourse
I'll look into it
Yes I probably enjoy Skyrim too much
Probably 20% of my modlist is textures. What game would you consider having good mods anyways? At the end of the day they're amateur work.

>> No.11881584

Try 1.9.1, trust me, you will never go back.

Less micromanagement, less space fantasy stuff and more scifi (no Great Khan, no space elves and other bullshit), no "space terrain" bullshit, the three original FTL propulsion drives are still there allowing different strategies, the AI is actually challenging.

Paradox reworked (aka ruined) their entire game without updating the AI to go along, just to keep selling DLCs.

>> No.11881602

Hm, out of interest can you link your modlist? Or maybe some other modlist that you recommend? Because I've looked more into Skyrim modding and am starting to realize that I might've done it all wrong.
As for what games have good mods imo, I'd say stuff like dwarf fortress, minecraft and half-life/Garry's mod have great mods because many of them are capable of completely overhauling the game

>> No.11882573


>> No.11882723

This isn't my modlist but I usually use lists like this as a starting template. I don't follow it to heart but it filters out most of the crap. But you still got to check out other mods not listed.


>> No.11882751


>the three original FTL propulsion drives are still there allowing different strategies
I bought the game right before this, like, 1 month earlier, I liked the game but I just dropped it after a while (happens to me with a lot of games). The announcement that they were going to allow just 1 type of warp drive didn't help either, I just read it as "ok we removed this because we don't like fun". Should have kept that as a game session modifier (allow different warp drive types) but I guess they are laaaazy

>> No.11884259

There's a rather large collection of Sherlock Holmes games on steam sale right now. Anybody know if they're any good?

>> No.11884288

Antichamber if you like games with non-euclidean mind fuckery.

>> No.11884845
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, ss_99d71d1a12a39a6c65c7d8683cc2246230472a38.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ΔV: Rings of Saturn
It's still pretty much "Asteroid game for engineer" but you can't say it doesn't have a lot of potential.

Children of a dead Earth

Good game, the "philosophical backdrop" also make a very poignant story.

>> No.11885018

Play DROD (Deadly rooms of death). Actual puzzles, and hundreds of them. Not the best graphics, but the world has a charming quality to them.
Start with Gunthro's epic blunder, it's made for noobs (still gets hard).

Seriously, I can't overstate how good a puzzle game this is. If you enjoyed Baba is you, try this. If you enjoy Zacthronics, try this (although they are more open ended and DROD is solution oriented). If you enjoyed Stephen's Sausage Rolls, try this.

>> No.11885026

Go is amazing. I actually get a rush playing it since you can fuck up everything with a really bad move. Also had fun teaching it to my friends.

Only problem is I tend to not play online because getting into a game makes me stressed. Any tips for this?